Channel Strategy

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DigitalConsumer Behaviour

Channel Strategy
in Improving
Experience for B2C
Project Task: set the channel strategy in
Improving digital customer experience of the
Source: Dave Chaffey. “Digital Marketing”
project chosen and planning to execute and
measure it.

• Managing the digital customer experience for a brand used to be relatively

straightforward: businesses simply had a website and an email newsletter alongside
offline channels to sale.
• Today, the picture is far more complex, with the combination of digital touchpoints where
marketers seek to influence consumers stretching across paid, earned and owned media
on different devices.
• Company pages on social media today have a strong visual, interactive emphasis, such as
Facebook or Twitter (text updates, video and image posts plus lead generation cards),
LinkedIn (company pages and groups), YouTube (branded video channels) and Instagram
and Pinterest (image emphasis). Most companies seek to maintain a presence across all
seven of these networks, although LinkedIn may be limited to careers.



Marketplace yang

cocok untuk Jualan

Notes (cont’d)


Marketplace yang

cocok untuk Jualan

Notes (cont’d)

Marketplace yang
cocok untuk Jualan

Notes (cont’d)

Marketplace yang
cocok untuk Jualan

Notes (cont’d) Notes (cont’d)


Marketplace yang

cocok untuk Jualan


Short summary

Marketplace e-commerce mana yang terbaik untuk online shop?

1.Termurah 1. Optimasi Lingkungan Memfasilitasi Lebih mudah Lebih mudah

2.Terpopuler bagi persaingan tawar menawar mendapatkan membangun
pengguna HP yang sehat pelanggan kepercayaan
3.Gratis karena tidak karena adanya
2. Program inspeksi
promo dan ada program terhadap toko
diskon penjual dan produk baru

Creating effective digital experiences

• Given the popularity of digital devices for finding out about brands and services,
improving the capability to create and maintain these effective online brand presences is
a key part of digital marketing.
• ‘Effective’ means that the presence must deliver relevance and a satisfactory digital
customer experience for its audience.
• ‘Effective’ also means the presence must support and add value to the brand to deliver
results for the company.

“A good site should always begin with the user. Understand who the customer
is, how they use the channel to shop, and understand how the marketplace
works in that category. This includes understanding who your competitors are
and how they operate online. You need continuous research, feedback and
usability testing to continue to monitor and evolve the customer experience
online. Customers want convenience and ease of ordering. They want a site
that is quick to download, well-structured and easy to navigate.”
(Alison Lancaster, head of marketing and catalogues at John Lewis Direct and
marketing director at Charles Tyrwhitt)

The online customer experience pyramid – success factors

Things to consider when designing online presence:

• ease of locating the site through search engines;

• services provided by partners online on other websites;
• quality of outbound communications such as e-newsletters;
• quality of processing inbound email communications from customers;
• integration with offline communications and touchpoints such as store and phone as part
of multichannel marketing.

Summary of the process of website development

The main development tasks as part of the

planning process for any digital experience:
1. Pre-development tasks.
2. Discovery, analysis and design.
3. Content creation, coding or development
and testing.
4. Publishing or launching the site or
5. Pre-launch promotion or
6. Ongoing promotion.
7. Ongoing development.
Performance drivers when designing a marketing-led website:

• Customer acquisition. The online value proposition must be clear. Appropriate incentives
for customer acquisition and permission marketing must be devised.
• Customer conversion. The site must engage first-time visitors. Call to action for customer
acquisition and retention offers must be prominent, with benefits clearly explained. The
fulfilment of the offer or purchase must be as simple as possible to avoid attrition during
this process.
• Customer retention. Appropriate incentives, content and customer service information to
encourage repeat visits and business must be available.
• Service quality. Service quality is affected by site navigation, performance, availability and
responsiveness to enquiries.
• Branding. The brand offer must be clearly explained and interaction with the brand must
be possible.

Facebook’s framework of things to measure and improve (Schranz, 2012)

• Acquisition: get people in front of your product.

• Activation: provide a great initial experience.
• Engagement: keep people engaged, deliver value.
• Virality: get people to recommend your product.

Frameworks for assessing online service quality

Two of the most significant frameworks for assessing online service quality are:
1. WEBQUAL (Loiacono et al., 2000, 2007)
2. E-SERVQUAL (Zeithaml et al., 2002)”

WEBQUAL Dimensions
1. Information quality – the concern that 9. Innovativeness – the creativity and uniqueness of
information provided is accurate, updated and the website.
10.Emotional appeal – the emotional effect of using
2. Functional fit to task – the extent to which users the website and intensity of involvement.
believe that the website meets their needs.
11.Consistent image – the website does not create
3. Tailored communications – communications can dissonance for the user by an image incompatible
be tailored to meet the user’s needs. with that projected by the firm through other
4. Trust – secure communication and observance of
information privacy. 12.Online completeness – allowing all or most
necessary transactions to be completed online
5. Response time – time to get a response after a
request or an interaction with a website. (for example, purchasing on the website).
13.Relative advantage – equivalent to or better than
6. Ease of understanding – easy to read and
understand. other means of interacting with the company.
14.Customer service – the response to customer
7. Intuitive operations – easy to operate and
navigate. inquiries, comments and feedback when such
response requires more than one interaction.
8. Visual appeal – the aesthetics of the site. 20
Online elements of service quality


1. Efficiency refers to the ability of the customers to get to the website, search for information or
transact as required.
2. Fulfilment involves the accuracy of service promises, including products’ in-stock availability and
delivering the products in the promised time.
3. Reliability is associated with the technical functioning of the site, including availability and
4. Privacy is related to assurance that shopping behaviour data are not shared, and that credit card
information is secure.
5. Responsiveness refers to the ability of e-tailers to provide appropriate support information to
customers when requested.
6. Compensation involves returns facilities for refunds and return shipping and handling costs.
7. Contact is the ability of customers to talk to a live service agent online.”

Case Study

Please read the case: “Refining the online customer experience at” (15 mins)

What is the case about?

Then answer these questions:
1. Select one country that i-to-i operates in closest to the area where you live. Define a
persona based on their age and product needs and then identify the main customer
journeys and content requirements for this persona. Which routes through the site
would this user follow?
2. Review the range of engagement techniques on the i-to-i website to engage the
audience to generate leads.
3. Identify key areas for improvement for i-to-i based on your use of the site.

Any question?

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