LIT 515B, 1984 Title Importance

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LIT 515B

Camila Zurita Tapia

What is important about the title of 1984?

1984 is an example of dystopian fiction that envisions a future where society is in

decline, there is a totalitarian government and there exists weaknesses of human
nature that keep the characters of the novel in a state of conflict, loneliness and
A dystopia is a society where there is great suffering, rage, cruelty, and man's lust for

An investigation says that Orwell's father was a civil servant in the British Empire,
and Orwell himself served in the Indian Imperial Police. These experiences likely
shaped Orwell's views on imperialism and totalitarianism, which are central themes
in 1984. Also, Orwell wrote the book in the aftermath of World War II and the rise of
fascism in Germany and the Soviet Union. So this was a time where everything had
a pessimistic air.

In 1984, we know that characters live in fear of wars, government surveillance, and
political oppression of free speech. The London of the novel, named Oceania, is
dirty and crumbling, with food shortages, exploding bombs, and miserable citizens.
The government is an all-powerful force of oppression and control, and crushes the
characters’ identities and dreams.
"We are not interested in the good of otherd, we are interested solely in power" page

We know from the title that it is the year in which the novel is set. This year is
significant because it is a near-future date. Orwell published the novel in 1949, and
the year 1984 was only 35 years in the future. This means that the novel's depiction
of a totalitarian society could have been seen as a warning about a possible future
for humanity.
"The Old civilisations claimed that they were founded on love or justice. Ours is
founded upon hatred. In our world there will be no emotions except fear, rage,
triumph" page 279
"There will be no loyalty, except loyalty towards the Party. There will be no love,
except love of Big Brother. There will be no laughter, except the laugh of triumph
over a defeated enemy:" page 280

And for Orwell it was an imaginary world we could live but up to date it is our reality
or the reality of some nations such as North Korea, China, Cuba, Venezuela,
Russian which citizens live in oppresion, under surveillance and with food shortage
and fear.
The distortion is evident in many aspects of the novel, such as the Party's use of
doublethink, which requires people to accept two contradictory beliefs as true at the
same time. For example, the Party slogan "War is Peace" is a classic example of
doublethink. "Freedom is Slavery", "Ignorance is strenght"
"Doublethink means the power to hold two contradictory beliefs in one's mind
simultaneously, and to accept both of them." Page 223

And like that we can see the importance of 1984 as it says

"Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the
past." Page 260
Where totalitarian governments are in total control of people's lives. They have so
much power that are able to change their futures and to erase theie pasts.

Some interesting conspirations of the title 1984

Orwell originally envisioned the title to be "The Last Man in Europe."

I can see that in page 283 "you are the last man" "you are the guardian of the human

But his editor decided that "The Last Man in Europe" was not a good title so Orwell
changed it to 1984
Lne speculation is that Orwell wrote the book in 1948 so he just changed the last to
digits to make it 1984
Or that maybe he wanted to honor his late wife, poet Eileen Maud O'Shaughnessy,
and named the book after her poem, "End of the Century, 1984".

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