Unit 2
Unit 2
Unit 2
At the end of this unit, you should be able to:
Module in Natural Resource and Environmental Management 2
Water is also of major concern in the Philippines. Out of more than one
hundred million Filipinos, nine million rely on unsafe water supplies. In fact,
water pollution in the Philippines and a lack of proper sewage kills 55
people every day. Due to water pollution, the country is likely to face a
shortage of water for sanitation, drinking, agriculture and industrial purposes in
the next ten years. (Khalid, 2018).
Module in Natural Resource and Environmental Management 12
There is also rapid decline of natural resources and biodiversity in the country.
The Philippine forests are among the most diverse in the world but also
among the most endangered. As to biodiversity hotspots, Philippine is one the
world’s richest plant and animal species. It has a global biodiversity ranking of
2nd in terms of fishes, 5th as to plants, trees and mammals, and 8th as to
reptiles. While the rest of the whole world discovers one species per taxa
(family) per year, the Philippine discovers 5 to 6 species per taxa per year.
However, these are under threat due to massive loss of the country’s forest
cover. Over the course of the 20th century the forest cover of the Philippines
dropped from 70 percent down to 20 percent. In total, 46 species are
endangered, and 4 were already eradicated completely. Only 3.2 percent of the
total rainforest has been left. Based on an analysis of land use pattern maps
and a road map an estimated 9.8
million acres of forests were lost
in the Philippines from 1934 to
1988. There is already 93% loss
of forest cover for the past 500
years and still continue to shrink
at an average rate of 2 percent.
The figures below show the
trend, the spatial and temporal
decline of our forest through the
Module in Natural Resource and Environmental Management 13
Figures above show the temporal and spatial trend and changes of forest cover in the country
Another issue in the country is the alarming waste problems. Improper waste
disposal creates a hazardous problem to everyone. It may infect people not
only physically but through the air and water. Garbage thrown in the rivers
and canals may not only block our waterways but it invites rodents to infect
the water and soon be transferred to humans. Clogged waterways have a
tendency to spill causing flash floods, which is what is happening here in our
country. Likewise, the lack of enough dumpsites and landfills is also a
hindrance in helping to solve our garbage management crisis. The pollution of
Pasig River is a reflection of people’s improper waste disposal practices.
Considering all the above mentioned problems, there is apparent threats to the
welfare of ecosystems which also pose threats to the welfare of humans.
Damaged ecosystems and degraded environment affect peoples’ accesses to
food, clean air and water, and other environmental goods and services.
Unfortunately, there's now too much carbon in the air. Burning of fossil fuels,
deforestation for agriculture, and industrial activities has pushed up
atmospheric CO2 concentrations from 280 parts per million (ppm) 200 years
ago to about 400 ppm today. That's an unprecedented rise, in both size and
speed. The result: climate disruption.
Figure shows how land turn into dust for monoculture cropping
Hence, we can say that there are environmental problems when nature’s
carrying capacity or assimilative capacities are exceeded - and therefore, there
EM aims to ensure that ecosystem services and biodiversity are protected and
maintained for equitable use by future human generations, and also, maintain
ecosystem integrity as an end in itself by taking into consideration ethical,
economic, and scientific (ecological) variables.
It is a purposeful activity with the goal to maintain and improve the state of an
environmental resource affected by human activities. It tries to identify the
factors that have a stake in the conflicts that may rise between meeting the
needs but protecting the environment.
Objectives of EM
SAQ 1-4
ASAQ 1-4
Module in Natural Resource and Environmental Management 19