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Flame Detector FDF241-9

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Flame detector
Technical Manual

007011_k_en_-- Building Technologies

2016-06-24 Control Products and Systems
Table of contents

1 About this document ............................................................................. 5

1.1 Applicable documents ..................................................................................7
1.2 Download center..........................................................................................8
1.3 Technical terms ...........................................................................................8
1.4 History of changes .......................................................................................9
2 Safety ................................................................................................11
2.1 Safety instructions ..................................................................................... 11
2.2 Safety regulations for the method of operation ........................................... 13
2.3 Standards and directives complied with ..................................................... 15
2.4 Release Notes ........................................................................................... 15
3 Structure and function..........................................................................16
3.1 Overview ................................................................................................... 16
3.1.1 Characteristics of the flame detector ........................................... 17
3.1.2 Details for ordering...................................................................... 17
3.2 Setup......................................................................................................... 18
3.3 Function .................................................................................................... 22
3.3.1 Line separator ............................................................................. 23
3.3.2 Selftest ....................................................................................... 23
3.3.3 Messages to the control panel..................................................... 24
3.4 Accessories ............................................................................................... 25
3.4.1 Mounting bracket MV1 ................................................................ 25
3.4.2 Ball and socket joint MWV1......................................................... 25
3.4.3 Rain hood DFZ1190.................................................................... 25
3.4.4 Rain hood FDFZ241 ................................................................... 26
3.4.5 LE3 Test lamp ............................................................................ 26
3.4.6 M20 x 1.5 metal cable gland ....................................................... 26
3.4.7 Micro terminal DBZ1190-AA........................................................ 27
3.4.8 Connection terminal DBZ1190-AB...............................................27
4 Planning ............................................................................................28
4.1 Establish flame detector arrangement ........................................................ 28
4.1.1 Line of sight ................................................................................ 29
4.1.2 Arrangement of several flame detectors ...................................... 30
4.1.3 Deceptive phenomena ................................................................ 31
4.1.4 Examples of application .............................................................. 31
4.2 Defining the place of installation................................................................. 32
4.2.1 Calculate detection distance ....................................................... 33
4.2.2 Calculate mounting height ........................................................... 35
4.3 Mask deceptive phenomena ...................................................................... 36
4.4 Determine parameter set ........................................................................... 37
4.4.1 Parameter sets for FDF241-9 ...................................................... 38

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5 Mounting / Installation ......................................................................... 40
5.1 Switch flame detector over to collective operation ......................................40
5.2 Fit base for flame detector .........................................................................42
5.3 Electrical connection ..................................................................................44
5.3.1 Connection to an addressed detector line....................................45 Use of unshielded cables .............................................45 Use of shielded cables .................................................46
5.3.2 Connection to a collective detector line........................................47 Use of unshielded cables .............................................47 Use of shielded cables .................................................48
6 Commissioning .................................................................................. 50
6.1 Commissioning an addressed detector line ................................................50
6.1.1 Install flame detector on base for flame detector..........................50
6.1.2 Set parameter set .......................................................................52
6.1.3 Run performance check ..............................................................52
6.2 Commissioning on a collective detector line ...............................................53
6.2.1 Set parameter set .......................................................................53
6.2.2 Install flame detector on base for flame detector..........................54
6.2.3 Run performance check ..............................................................55
7 Maintenance / Repair .......................................................................... 56
7.1 Performance check ....................................................................................56
7.2 Cleaning ....................................................................................................57
7.3 Repair .......................................................................................................58
8 Specifications..................................................................................... 59
8.1 Technical data ...........................................................................................59
8.2 Dimensions................................................................................................62
8.3 Environmental compatibility and disposal ...................................................64
Index ........................................................................................................ 65

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About this document
Applicable documents

1 About this document

● Specialist electrical engineering knowledge is required for installation.
● Only an expert is permitted to carry out installation work.
Incorrect installation can take safety devices out of operation unbeknown to a

Goal and purpose

This document contains all necessary information on the flame detector FDF241-9.
Following the instructions consistently will ensure that the product can be used
safely and without any problems.

Intended use
The manual call point FDF241-9 must only be used in one of the following fire
detection systems:
● FS20
● FS720
● FC360

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About this document
1 Applicable documents

Target groups
The information in this document is intended for the following target groups:

Target group Activity Qualification

Product Manager ● Is responsible for information ● Has obtained suitable specialist
passing between the manufacturer training for the function and for the
and regional company. products.
● Coordinates the flow of information ● Has attended the training courses
between the individual groups of for Product Managers.
people involved in a project.
Project Manager ● Coordinates the deployment of all ● Has obtained suitable specialist
persons and resources involved in training for the function and for the
the project according to schedule. products.
● Provides the information required to ● Has attended the training courses
run the project. for Project Managers.
Project engineer ● Sets parameters for product ● Has obtained suitable specialist
depending on specific national training for the function and for the
and/or customer requirements. products.
● Checks operability and approves ● Has attended the training courses
the product for commissioning at the for Product Engineer.
place of installation.
● Is responsible for troubleshooting.
Installation personnel ● Assembles and installs the product ● Has received specialist training in
components at the place of the area of building installation
installation. technology or electrical installations.
● Carries out a performance check
following installation.
Commissioning personnel ● Configure the product at the place ● Has obtained suitable specialist
of installation according to training for the function and for the
customer-specific requirements. products.
● Check the product operability and ● Has attended the training courses
release the product for use by the for commissioning personnel.
● Searches for and corrects
Maintenance personnel ● Carries out all maintenance work. ● Has obtained suitable specialist
● Checks that the products are in training for the function and for the
perfect working order. products.
● Searches for and corrects

Document identification
The document ID is structured as follows:

ID code Examples
ID_ModificationIndex_Language_COUNTRY A6V10215123_a_de_DE
-- = multilingual or international A6V10215123_a_en_--

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About this document
Applicable documents

Date format
The date format in the document corresponds to the recommendation of
international standard ISO 8601 (format YYYY-MM-DD).

Conventions for text marking

Special markups are shown in this document as follows:

⊳ Requirement for a behavior instruction

1. Behavior instruction with at least two operation sequences
– Version, option, or detailed information for a behavior instruction
⇨ Intermediate result of a behavior instruction
⇨ End result of a behavior instruction
● Numbered lists and behavior instructions with an operation
[➙ X] Reference to a page number
'Text' Quotation, reproduced identically
<Key> Identification of keys
> Relation sign and for identification between steps in a sequence,
e.g., 'Menu bar' > 'Help' > 'Help topics'
↑ Text Identification of a glossary entry

Supplementary information and tips

The 'i' symbol identifies supplementary information and tips for an easier way of

1.1 Applicable documents

Document ID Title
000257 Operating instructions Test lamp LE3
001508 Guidelines Connection factors, line resistances and
capacitances for fire detection systems collective,
AnalogPLUS, interactive, FDnet
007984 Installation Base for flame detector FDFB291
008121 Installation Infrared flame detector FDF241-9
008331 List of compatibility (for 'Sinteso™' product line)
009977 Acceptance test fire (Guideline) Detector system FD20
A6V10229261 List of compatibility (for 'Cerberus™ PRO' product line)
A6V10299652 Commissioning Flame detector FDF241-9
A6V10882301 List of compatibility (for 'FC360' product line)
A6V10882455 Installation Rain hood FDFZ241

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About this document
1 Download center

1.2 Download center

You can download various types of documents, such as data sheets, installation
instructions, and license texts via the following Internet address:
l Enter the document ID in the 'Find by keyword' input box.

You will also find information about search variants and links to mobile
applications (apps) for various systems on the home page.

1.3 Technical terms

Term Explanation
ABS Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (plastic)
ASA Advanced Signal Analysis
DA Detection algorithms
FDnet/C-NET Addressed detector line
LED Light-emitting diode
PC Polycarbonate (plastic)
S-LINE Fire detector for sophisticated applications

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About this document
History of changes

1.4 History of changes

The reference document's version applies to all languages into which the reference
document is translated.

The first edition of a language version or a country variant may, for example, be
version 'd' instead of 'a' if the reference document is already this version.

The table below shows this document's revision history:

Modification Edition date Brief description

k 2016-06-24 ● Complete revision of the document with adaptation to current
editorial guidelines
● Flame detector FDF221-9 removed from the document
● Rain hood FDFZ241 updated£
j 04.2010 Reference documents adapted, revision history redefined and
i 10.2009 Editorial adjustments made
h 09.2009 Revision of content and layout
g 09.2007 Standard EN 54-17 and LPCB approval added; line separator
parameters added; air humidity details changed
f 08.2006 Shielding in connection diagram supplemented; collective and
FDnet performance checks revised; technical data revised
e 05.2005 9.1 Technical data, system compatibility
d 02.2005 FDF241-9: Parameter sets 4 + 5 extended
c 01.2005 9.2 Response time supplement
b 12.2003 Layout adjustment
a 12.2003 First edition

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About this document
1 History of changes

The language versions and country variants produced by a local company have
the same modification index as the corresponding reference document. They are
not however included in the table below.

The table below shows the published language versions and country variants with
the corresponding modification index:

Modification index en_-- de_-- fr_-- it_-- es_--

k X X X X X
j X X X X X
i – X – – –
h X X – – –
g X X – – –
f X X – – –
e X X – – –
d X X – – –
c X X – – –
b X X X X X
a X X X X X

X = published
– = no publication with this modification index

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Safety instructions

2 Safety

2.1 Safety instructions

The safety notices must be observed in order to protect people and property.
The safety notices in this document contain the following elements:
● Symbol for danger
● Signal word
● Nature and origin of the danger
● Consequences if the danger occurs
● Measures or prohibitions for danger avoidance

Symbol for danger

This is the symbol for danger. It warns of risks of injury.
Follow all measures identified by this symbol to avoid injury or death.

Additional danger symbols

These symbols indicate general dangers, the type of danger or possible
consequences, measures and prohibitions, examples of which are shown in the
following table:

General danger Explosive atmosphere

Voltage/electric shock Laser light

Battery Heat

Signal word
The signal word classifies the danger as defined in the following table:

Signal word Danger level

DANGER DANGER identifies a dangerous situation, which will result directly in death or
serious injury if you do not avoid this situation.
WARNING WARNING identifies a dangerous situation, which may result in death or serious
injury if you do not avoid this situation.
CAUTION CAUTION identifies a dangerous situation, which could result in slight to
moderately serious injury if you do not avoid this situation.

NOTICE NOTICE identifies possible damage to property that may result from non-

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2 Safety instructions

How risk of injury is presented

Information about the risk of injury is shown as follows:

Nature and origin of the danger
Consequences if the danger occurs
● Measures / prohibitions for danger avoidance

How possible damage to property is presented

Information about possible damage to property is shown as follows:

Nature and origin of the danger
Consequences if the danger occurs
● Measures / prohibitions for danger avoidance

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Safety regulations for the method of operation

2.2 Safety regulations for the method of operation

National standards, regulations and legislation
Siemens products are developed and produced in compliance with the relevant
European and international safety standards. Should additional national or local
safety standards or legislation concerning the planning, mounting, installation,
operation or disposal of the product apply at the place of operation, then these
must also be taken into account together with the safety regulations in the product

Electrical installations

Electrical voltage
Electric shock
● Work on electrical installations may only be carried out by qualified
electricians or by instructed persons working under the guidance and
supervision of a qualified electrician, in accordance with the electrotechnical

● Wherever possible disconnect products from the power supply when carrying
out commissioning, maintenance or repair work on them.
● Lock volt-free areas to prevent them being switched back on again by mistake.
● Label the connection terminals with external voltage using a
'DANGER External voltage' sign.
● Route mains connections to products separately and fuse them with their own,
clearly marked fuse.
● Fit an easily accessible disconnecting device in accordance with IEC 60950-1
outside the installation.
● Produce earthing as stated in local safety regulations.

Noncompliance with the following safety regulations
Risk of injury to persons and damage to property
● Compliance with the following regulations is required.

● Specialist electrical engineering knowledge is required for installation.

● Only an expert is permitted to carry out installation work.
Incorrect installation can take safety devices out of operation unbeknown to a

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2 Safety regulations for the method of operation

Mounting, installation, commissioning and maintenance

● If you require tools such as a ladder, these must be safe and must be intended
for the work in hand.
● When starting the fire control panel ensure that unstable conditions cannot
● Ensure that all points listed in the 'Testing the product operability' section below
are observed.
● You may only set controls to normal function when the product operability has
been completely tested and the system has been handed over to the customer.

Testing the product operability

● Prevent the remote transmission from triggering erroneously.
● If testing building installations or activating devices from third-party companies,
you must collaborate with the people appointed.
● The activation of fire control installations for test purposes must not cause
injury to anyone or damage to the building installations. The following
instructions must be observed:
– Use the correct potential for activation; this is generally the potential of the
building installation.
– Only check controls up to the interface (relay with blocking option).
– Make sure that only the controls to be tested are activated.
● Inform people before testing the alarm devices and allow for possible panic
● Inform people about any noise or mist which may be produced.
● Before testing the remote transmission, inform the corresponding alarm and
fault signal receiving stations.

Modifications to the system design and the products

Modifications to the system and to individual products may lead to faults,
malfunctioning and safety risks. Written confirmation must be obtained from
Siemens and the corresponding safety bodies for modifications or additions.

Modules and spare parts

● Components and spare parts must comply with the technical specifications
defined by Siemens. Only use products specified or recommended by
● Only use fuses with the specified fuse characteristics.
● Wrong battery types and improper battery changing lead to a risk of explosion.
Only use the same battery type or an equivalent battery type recommended by
● Batteries must be disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner. Observe
national guidelines and regulations.

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Standards and directives complied with

Disregard of the safety regulations

Before they are delivered, Siemens products are tested to ensure they function
correctly when used properly. Siemens disclaims all liability for damage or injuries
caused by the incorrect application of the instructions or the disregard of danger
warnings contained in the documentation. This applies in particular to the following
● Personal injuries or damage to property caused by improper use and incorrect
● Personal injuries or damage to property caused by disregarding safety
instructions in the documentation or on the product
● Personal injury or damage to property caused by poor maintenance or lack of

2.3 Standards and directives complied with

A list of the standards and directives complied with is available from your Siemens

2.4 Release Notes

Limitations to the configuration or use of devices in a fire detection installation with
a particular firmware version are possible.

Limited or non-existent fire detection
Personal injury and damage to property in the event of a fire.
● Read the 'Release Notes' before you plan and/or configure a fire detection
● Read the 'Release Notes' before you carry out a firmware update to a fire
detection installation.

Incorrect planning and/or configuration
Important standards and specifications are not satisfied.
Fire detection installation is not accepted for commissioning.
Additional expense resulting from necessary new planning and/or configuration.
● Read the 'Release Notes' before you plan and/or configure a fire detection
● Read the 'Release Notes' before you carry out a firmware update to a fire
detection installation.

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Structure and function
3 Overview

3 Structure and function

3.1 Overview
The flame detector measures infrared radiation and can therefore detect organic
material fires with and without smoke.
The table below shows what types of fire the flame detector can and cannot detect.

Detection No detection
Liquid fires without smoke -
Gas fires without smoke -
Open organic material fires with smoke, Inorganic materials, such as:
for example fires of:
● Wood ● Hydrogen
● Synthetic material ● Phosphorus
● Gas ● Sodium
● Oil-based products ● Magnesium
● Sulfur

However if inorganic materials are burning in a fire with organic materials, e.g.
packaging material, the flame detector can detect the fire.
The flame detector can be operated on both an FDnet/C-NET detector line and a
collective detector line.
A mounting bracket and ball and socket joint are available to aid flame detector
mounting at a particular angle. Two rain hoods are available to protect against rain.
More information can be found in the 'Accessories' chapter.

See also
2 Accessories [➙ 25]

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Structure and function

3.1.1 Characteristics of the flame detector

● Microprocessor-controlled signal processing
● Selective evaluation of flickering sequence
● False alarm immunity
● Evaluation of different wave lengths
● Selftest

● Two pyroelectric sensors and one silicon photo diode

FDnet/C-NET and collective detector lines (for details, see 'List of compatibility')

Typical application
● Indoor and outdoor areas:
– Industrial storage rooms
– Hangars
– Arc welding sites
– Power plants
– Print shops
– Atriums
– Wood storage
– Tunnels
– Transformer rooms
– Engine test beds

● No detection of UV radiation
● No detection of inorganic material fires

3.1.2 Details for ordering

Type Order number Designation
FDF241-9 A5Q00003006 Flame detector (S-LINE)
FDFB291 A5Q00003310 Base for flame detector

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Structure and function
3 Setup

3.2 Setup
The flame detector consists of the base for flame detector (1) and the flame
detector itself (2).

Figure 1: Base for flame detector and flame detector

1 Base for flame detector 2 Flame detector

The components of the flame detector are described in the following sections.

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Structure and function

Base for flame detector

The base for flame detector contains the socket strip (2) for connecting to the
detector line. The bridging connector (5) simulates the flame detector if not
connected to the base. This prevents the detector line from being interrupted.

Figure 2: Base for flame detector

1 Six openings for cable entry 4 Connection for connection cable

to flame detector

2 Socket strip 5 Bridging connector

3 Auxiliary terminal

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Structure and function
3 Setup

Flame detector
The flame detector contains the electronic components and sensory. Flame
detector FDF241-9 has three sensors (A, B, C). The alarm indicator (2) displays an



Figure 3: Front of flame detector with enlarged view of sensors

1 Four screws for mounting A Sensor A

2 Alarm indicator B Sensor B

C Sensor C
More information on the sensors can be found in the 'Function [➙ 22]' chapter.
The connection for the connection cable (2) and the swiveling cover (3) are on the
rear of the flame detector. The swiveling cover can be opened to set the parameter

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Structure and function

Figure 4: Rear of flame detector

1 Four screws for mounting 3 Swiveling cover

2 Connection for connection cable 4 Screw for fixing swiveling cover
to base for flame detector

Connection cable
The electrical connection between the base for flame detector and flame detector
is made using the pluggable connection cable.

Figure 5: Connection cable

See also
2 Function [➙ 22]

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Structure and function
3 Function

3.3 Function
The flame detector detects infrared radiation. The spectrum of organic material
fires is very high near the A-channel (see diagram). Full use is made of this for
detection as the flame detector measures and evaluates radiation in this spectral
range. The description below explains how the sensory of flame detector impacts
on detection.

Flame detector FDF241-9 has three sensors:
● Pyroelectric sensor A measures the infrared radiation in the characteristic CO2
spectral range between 4.0 and 4.8 µm (A-channel).
● Pyroelectric sensor B measures the infrared radiation of deceptive phenomena,
such as hot objects (3), in the range between 5.1 and 6.0 µm (B-channel).
● Sensor C is a silicon photo diode and measures solar radiation (2) in the range
between 0.7 and 1.1 µm (C-channel).
The infrared radiation of the sun, hot objects and organic material fires has
different spectra.
Thanks to these characteristics and the three sensors, flame detector FDF241-9
can use ASAtechnology to distinguish between deceptive phenomena and real
fires. Flame detector FDF241-9 is suited to use in environments with deceptive
phenomena, such as solar radiation or hot motors.
The following diagram shows the spectra of solar radiation, hot objects and organic
material fires, in this example of an alcohol fire.

1 C A B


Figure 6: Spectra of solar radiation, hot objects and organic material fires

1 Radiation intensity [%] A A-channel

2 Solar radiation B B-channel
3 Hot objects C C-channel
4 Organic materials fire λ Wave length [μm]
In this case: Alcohol fire

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Structure and function

3.3.1 Line separator

All FDnet/C-NET devices are equipped with a line separator.
The FDnet/C-NET device is equipped with electronic switches which isolate the
defective part in case of a short-circuit on the detector line. The rest of the detector
line remains serviceable.
On a loop line, all FDnet/C-NET devices remain fully functional after a single short-

3.3.2 Selftest
Flame detector FDF241-9 regularly carries out a selftest. If a fault is detected, it
transmits a message to the control panel.

See also
2 Messages to the control panel [➙ 24]

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Structure and function
3 Function

3.3.3 Messages to the control panel

The flame detector can transmit the following messages to the control panel:

FDnet/C-NET operation
Message Meaning Measures
Danger level '0' Normal condition -
Danger level '3' The flame detector has -
detected a fire and
transmits an alarm to the
control panel.
'Error' The flame detector is Replace the flame
defective. Fire detection is detector.
no longer ensured.
'Incorrect parameter' A parameter set which is Select the correct
not available has been parameter set.
Fire detection is no longer

Collective operation
Message Meaning Measures
'Alarm' danger level The flame detector has -
detected a fire and
transmits an alarm to the
control panel.
'Fault' ● The parameters for ● Set the parameter set
the flame detector are correctly.
set incorrectly. OR
OR ● Replace the flame
● The flame detector is detector.
Fire detection is no longer

The text shown in the messages may differ due to country-specific adaptations
and control panel versions.

See also
2 Determine parameter set [➙ 37]
2 Set parameter set [➙ 53]

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Structure and function

3.4 Accessories

3.4.1 Mounting bracket MV1

● For fixing flame detector at 45°
● Compatible with:
– Flame detector FDF241-9
● Order number: BPZ:3950450001

3.4.2 Ball and socket joint MWV1

● For fixing flame detector at the angle and in
the direction required
● For accurately aligning the flame detector to
an area
● Compatible with:
– Flame detector FDF241-9
● Order number: BPZ:3674840001

3.4.3 Rain hood DFZ1190

● Rain hood made of metal
● For protecting the flame detector during
outdoor applications
● Compatible with:
– Flame detector FDF241-9
● Order number: BPZ:5302660001

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Structure and function
3 Accessories

3.4.4 Rain hood FDFZ241

● Rain hood made of plastic
● For protecting the flame detector during
outdoor applications
● Compatible with:
– Flame detector FDF241-9
● You will find more information in document
● Order number: S54330-N4-A1

3.4.5 LE3 Test lamp

● For checking flame detectors
● Compatible with:
– Flame detector FDF241-9
● You will find more information in document
● Order number: BPZ:3669510001

3.4.6 M20 x 1.5 metal cable gland

● For introducing a cable into a housing
● For cable diameters of 3.5…5.5 mm
● Temperature range: -40…+100 °C
● Allows for increased IP protection
● Compatible with:
– M20 x 1.5 metal counter nut
– Housing FDMH231-S-R
– Housing FDMH292-x
– Housing FDMH293-x
– Housing FDMH297-R
– Housing FDCH221
– Manual call point FDM243H
– Air sampling smoke detection kit FDBZ290
● Order number: A5Q00004478

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Structure and function

3.4.7 Micro terminal DBZ1190-AA

● Auxiliary terminal for connecting cables
● For T-branches of additional cabling e.g. for
detector heating units, sounder base, external
alarm indicators etc.
● For conductor cross-sections of
0.28…0.5 mm2
● 4-pin
● Order number: BPZ:4677080001

3.4.8 Connection terminal DBZ1190-AB

● Auxiliary terminal for connecting cables
● For T-branches of additional cabling, e.g., for
cable shielding, detector heating units,
sounder base, external alarm indicators, etc.
● For conductor cross-sections of 1…2.5 mm²
● 3 poles
● Order number: BPZ:4942340001

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4 Establish flame detector arrangement

4 Planning
In this chapter you will learn how to arrange the flame detector for optimum room
monitoring and how you determine the mounting site and appropriate parameter

1. Establish flame detector arrangement [➙ 28]
2. Defining the place of mounting [➙ 32]
3. Mask deceptive phenomena [➙ 36]
4. Determine parameter set [➙ 37]
Information on the individual steps can be found in the specified chapters.

4.1 Establish flame detector arrangement

Select the flame detector quantity, arrangement and alignment such that the area
is equally monitored. The monitoring area of a flame detector is shaped like a
rotationally symmetrical taper with an opening angle of 90°.



Figure 7: Monitoring area of flame detector

In a typical application, the flame detector is fitted at an angle of 45° to the wall in
one of the ceiling corners.
Observe the following points during detector arrangement:
● Line of sight to area which is to be monitored
● Arrangement of several flame detectors
● Deceptive phenomena
Information on these points can be found in the following chapters. You will find
several examples of application after this.

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Establish flame detector arrangement

4.1.1 Line of sight

In order for the flame detector to detect a fire, the fire's infrared radiation must
reach the flame detector. The infrared radiation can reach the detector through
direct or indirect irradiation.
Direct irradiation:

Indirect irradiation from reflections on walls, equipment etc.:

Direct irradiation is many times higher than indirect irradiation. The flame detector
should therefore be positioned such that it has as direct a line of sight as possible
to the entire monitoring area.
Glass and synthetic materials reduce infrared radiation so much that perfect
detection is no longer possible. Avoid glass and synthetic materials between the
flame detector and area being monitored.

See also
2 Defining the place of installation [➙ 32]

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4 Establish flame detector arrangement

4.1.2 Arrangement of several flame detectors

If several flame detectors are needed in a room, they must be arranged such that
as high a level of monitoring redundancy as possible is present. In other words,
some of the monitoring areas of the individual flame detectors should overlap.
Install the detectors such that they are opposite one another.
If you are using four flame detectors in one room, fit one detector in each corner of
the room.

Figure 8: Arrangement of four flame detectors

If you are using two detectors in one room, install one detector in each of the
opposite corners of the room.

Figure 9: Arrangement of two flame detectors

See also
2 Defining the place of installation [➙ 32]

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Establish flame detector arrangement

4.1.3 Deceptive phenomena

When arranging the flame detector, take possible deceptive phenomena into
account and take appropriate measures. Deceptive phenomena which may
activate the flame detector and trigger a false alarm are listed below.
● Direct and indirect solar radiation
● Hot objects, such as hot motors
● Arc welding
● Moving parts between the flame detector and a hot object, such as air hoses
from the exhaust system in the motor test bed
● Light from halogen lamps without protective glass
To prevent a false alarm, use an appropriate parameter set or use masks to hide
the deceptive phenomenon.

See also
2 Mask deceptive phenomena [➙ 36]
2 Determine parameter set [➙ 37]

4.1.4 Examples of application

The flame detectors are installed in such a way that fires can be detected in spite
of possible obstacles such as airfoils from aircraft or cranes.

Figure 10: Flame detector in an aircraft hangar

Figure 11: Flame detector in a freight forwarding hall

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4 Defining the place of installation

4.2 Defining the place of installation

To determine where to install the flame detector, you must first calculate the
maximum detection distance d and then the maximum mounting height h. You can
use these measurements to split the area requiring monitoring into one or more
cubes. Each cube is monitored by one flame detector which is mounted in one
corner of the cube at 45°.

h 45°

Figure 12: Cube as planning basis for determining the site of mounting
Detection distance d corresponds to the cube's space diagonal and is the
maximum distance between the flame detector and area being monitored.
Mounting height h corresponds to the cube's side length and is the flame detector's
maximum mounting height.

The area is only split into cubes as a basis for planning. The cube does not
correspond to the monitoring area. See also in this connection chapter 'Establish
flame detector arrangement [➙ 28]'.

You will find information on how to calculate detection distance d and mounting
height h in the following chapters.

Unforeseeable flame behavior due to air circulation
Fire is not detected
● Only use all the calculations provided below for areas with little air circulation.
● If you want to use the flame detector in areas with high levels of air circulation,
please talk to your Siemens contact.

See also
2 Calculate detection distance [➙ 33]
2 Calculate mounting height [➙ 35]
2 Establish flame detector arrangement [➙ 28]

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Defining the place of installation

4.2.1 Calculate detection distance

The maximum detection distance of a flame detector depends on the following
● Detector sensitivity
● Fire size
● Directional sensitivity
● Fuel
Various correction coefficients therefore need to be taken into account when
calculating the maximum detection distance.

Formula for calculating maximum detection distance d

d= S ´ ´K´F

d Detection distance Gb Basic fire size

S Correction coefficient for detector K Correction coefficient for
sensitivity directional sensitivity
Gg Fire size wanted F Correction coefficient for fuel

The correction coefficients for calculating the detection distance are described in
the following sections.

The detection distance is reduced by up to 15 % by films of oil or water on the

flame detector's protective glass.

Correction coefficient S for detector sensitivity

The table below shows the correction coefficients for detector sensitivity. Only
select 'High' detector sensitivity if there are no deceptive phenomena.

Detector sensitivity Correction coefficient S

Normal 23
High 46

Fire size wanted Gg

The fire size wanted Gg is the minimum size of the fire that is to be detected. The
smaller the fire, the shorter the detection distance. Choose the basic area of the
fire in m2 for Gg.

Basic fire size Gb

The basic fire size Gb is constant and is 0.25 m2.

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4 Defining the place of installation

Correction coefficient K for directional sensitivity

The detection distance depends on the flame detector's vision angle. The following
diagram shows the correction coefficients for various vision angles.
0.2 0.4
1 0.6 0.8 1.0





3 -10° 2
-45° -40°

Figure 13: Correction coefficients for directional sensitivity

1 Correction coefficient K 3 Directional sensitivity

2 Vision angle

Example: The correction coefficient for a vision angle of 34° is 0.9.

Correction coefficient F for fuel

Fuel also affects the detector's detection distance. The table below shows the
correction coefficients for various fuels.

Fuel Correction coefficient F

Acetone 1.5
Diesel, heating oil 0.8
Ethanol 1.0
Heptane 1.5
Kerosene 1.0
Methanol 0.8
Crude oil 1.0

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Defining the place of installation

Example of how to calculate the maximum detection distance

Calculate the maximum detection distance for a heptane fire, 0.1 m2 in size. The
flame detector has a 'Normal' detector sensitivity and a vision angle of 0°.

S Correction coefficient for detector sensitivity 23

Gg Fire size wanted 0.1 m2
Gb Basic fire size 0.25 m2
K Correction coefficient for directional sensitivity 1
F Correction coefficient for fuel 1.5

Gg 0.1 m
d= S ´ ´ K ´ F = 23 m ´ 2
´ 1 ´ 1.5 = 21.82 m
Gb 0.25 m

The maximum detection distance is 21 m.

4.2.2 Calculate mounting height

In order to calculate the maximum mounting height h, you need to know detection
distance d.

Formula for calculating maximum mounting height h


h Mounting height d Detection distance

Example of how to calculate the maximum mounting height

Calculate the maximum mounting height given a detection distance of 21 m.
Detection distance d = 21 m

The maximum mounting height is 12 m.

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4 Mask deceptive phenomena

4.3 Mask deceptive phenomena

If the monitoring area has deceptive phenomena, you can use masks. There are
two ways of using masks:
● Use masks to limit the vision angle of the flame detector such that the detector
does not detect the deceptive phenomenon.

● Secure the masks around the deceptive phenomenon so that the detector does
not detect the deceptive phenomenon.

1 Mask 2 Deceptive phenomenon

The masks must be made from non-reflecting material which is impervious to

Example: Aluminum sheet 1 mm thick

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Determine parameter set

4.4 Determine parameter set

A parameter set can be used to set the flame detector perfectly to the ambient
The individual parameter sets differ in terms of the following characteristics:
● Detector sensitivity
● Integration time
● Resistance to deceptive phenomena

Detector sensitivity
The following detector sensitivities are available:

High Satisfies class 1 according to EN 54-10

Normal Satisfies class 2 according to EN 54-10

In accordance with EN 54-10, detectors are split into three classes depending on
the distance from which they can detect standard fires.

Class of detectors Detector sensitivity Detection distance

1 High ≤25 m
2 Normal ≤17 m
3 Normal ≤12 m
Table 1: Sub-division into classes of detectors according to EN 54-10

Integration time
The integration time determines how long the detector analyzes the signal for
before deciding whether an alarm should be activated. The following integration
times are available:
● Very short: 1 second
● Short: 3 seconds
● Medium: 6 seconds
● Very long: 12 seconds

The integration time is not the same as the response time.

Resistance to deceptive phenomena

Flame detector FDF241-9 has parameter sets which take account of the following
deceptive phenomena:
● Direct solar radiation
● Hot objects
● Arc welding

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4 Determine parameter set

4.4.1 Parameter sets for FDF241-9

The table below shows the parameter sets for flame detector FDF241-9:

Parameter set Sensitivity Integration Resistance to deceptive phenomena

No. Name Solar radiation Hot Arc welding
01 Robust Normal (class 2) Very long X X X
02 Universal Normal (class 2) Medium X X X
03 Universal fast Normal (class 2) Short X X X
04 Sensitive High (class 1) Medium - X -
05 Sensitive fast High (class 1) Short - - -
06 Rapid High (class 1) Very short - - -
07 Motor test bed High (class 1) Very long X - -
14 Download 1 Application-specific parameter set
15 Download 2 Application-specific parameter set
Table 2: Parameter sets for flame detector FDF241-9

Typical applications for parameter sets

Robust (01)
This parameter set is suited to halls where deceptive phenomena such as flying
sparks, molten metals or strong solar radiation can be expected. Examples:
Foundry, hardening shop, electric arc welding site, open ferry boat.
Universal (02)
This parameter set is suited to rooms where a normal fire growth can be expected.
Examples: Battery room, machine room on ships, transformer station.
Universal fast (03)
This parameter set is suited to rooms where a rapid fire growth can be expected
and there is a high danger to life. Example: Warehouse for chemicals.
Sensitive (04)
This parameter set is suited to large halls or outdoor applications where a normal
fire growth can be expected. Examples: Industrial storage room, print shop, wood
storage, atrium, recycling facility, ferry, cargo ship, tunnel.
Sensitive fast (05)
This parameter set is suited to halls and sites where a rapid fire growth can be
expected and where even the smallest of flames will result in major damage.
Examples: Fuel storage room, pumping station, petrochemical facility, aircraft

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Determine parameter set

Rapid (06)
This parameter set is suited to protection of physical assets. Small flames possibly
caused by processes must be detected immediately. The risk of false alarms is
accepted. Example: Conveyor belt transporting combustible products from a
furnace to the packaging area.
Motor test bed (07)
This parameter set is suited to motor test beds.
Download 1 (14) and download 2 (15)
These application-specific parameter sets can be downloaded locally and depend
on the control panel used.

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Mounting / Installation
5 Switch flame detector over to collective operation

5 Mounting / Installation
This chapter explains how you install the base for flame detector and how you
connect the flame detector to the detector line.

● The flame detector's mounting site is determined following to the details
provided in the 'Planning [➙ 28]' chapter.
● The supply network is produced, connected and checked in line with the
country-specific installation guidelines.

1. Switch flame detector over to collective operation [➙ 40] (if required)
2. Fit base for flame detector [➙ 42]
3. Electrical connection [➙ 44]
You will find information on the individual steps in the specified chapters.

The flame detector is only fitted on the base for flame detector when

See also
2 Planning [➙ 28]

5.1 Switch flame detector over to collective operation

When supplied the flame detector is set for operation on an FDnet/C-NET detector
line. When operating a collective detector line, the control panel normally
automatically switches the flame detector to collective operation.
Some collective control panels do not however automatically switch from FDnet/C-
NET operation to collective operation. In these cases, you must switch the flame
detector over manually. If you are not certain whether the flame detector is
switched over automatically, switch it manually to collective operation before
The detector always switches automatically from collective operation to FDnet/C-
NET operation.


Note the positive and negative poles.

w The flame detector is not connected to the detector line.

1. Connect the base for the flame detector to a DC 12…28 V source of DC
voltage, e.g. a battery, following the connection diagram shown below. Use a
screwdriver to remove the load from the socket strip so you can slide in the
2. Remove bridging connector (2) from base for flame detector.

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Mounting / Installation
Switch flame detector over to collective operation

3. Connect the connection cable supplied (1) to the connections (3) in the base
for flame detector and on the flame detector.
4. Wait around 15 seconds and then remove the connection cable and source of
DC voltage.
a The flame detector is switched over to collective operation and can be
connected to a collective detector line.


+ _ + _ + _

Figure 14: Connection diagram for the source of DC voltage

2 1
Figure 15: Switching flame detector over to collective operation

1 Connection cable 3 Connection for connection cable

2 Bridging connector

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Mounting / Installation
5 Fit base for flame detector

5.2 Fit base for flame detector

Danger of falling
Bodily injury
● When installing, use a secured ladder or work platform.

Using the device in a damp and/or corrosive environment
Device function is impaired.
● Use the M20 x 1.5 metal cable gland in damp and/or corrosive environments.

1. If necessary, mount the mounting bracket, ball and socket joint, or a rain hood
according to local conditions. You will find information about these accessories
in the chapter 'Accessories [➙ 25]'.
2. Break open the plastic parts in the base for flame detector at the openings you
require for cable entry (1).
3. If necessary screw the M20 x 1.5 metal cable gland into the openings.
4. Use four screws (2) to fit the base for flame detector on the mounting bracket,
ball and socket joint, rain hood or directly on a stable, vibration-free surface.
a The base for flame detector is fitted.

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Mounting / Installation
Fit base for flame detector

Figure 16: Mounting of base for flame detector

1 Six openings for cable entry 2 Four screws for installing the base
for flame detector

Figure 17: Openings for installing base for flame detector

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Mounting / Installation
5 Electrical connection

5.3 Electrical connection

● Specialist electrical engineering knowledge is required for installation.
● Only an expert is permitted to carry out installation work.
Incorrect installation can take safety devices out of operation unbeknown to a

The electrical connection depends on the following factors:

● Connection to an FDnet/C-NET detector line or collective detector line
● Use of unshielded cables or shielded cables
The general process is described below. The connection diagrams and more
information on the various connection variants can be found in the following
Note the following with regard to the electrical connection:

Using the device in a damp and/or corrosive environment
Device function is impaired.
● Use the M20 x 1.5 metal cable gland in damp and/or corrosive environments.

Note the positive and negative poles.

Only connect one wire per terminal. This is the only way to ensure the connection
is failure-free for the entire service life of the device.

● Wherever possible use twisted, unshielded cables. Shielded cables are only
required in special cases, such as strong high-frequency fields. This also
applies to connecting the external alarm indicators.
● Only use cables with a conductor cross-section of 0.2…1.5 mm2.

General procedure
w The base for flame detector is fitted.
w The plastic parts on the openings for cable entry are broken open.
1. Guide the cables from the detector line and external alarm indicator into the
base for flame detector.
2. Connect the wires as shown in the corresponding connection diagram. Use a
screwdriver to remove the load from the socket strip so you can slide in the

See also
2 Connection to an addressed detector line [➙ 45]
2 Connection to a collective detector line [➙ 47]

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Mounting / Installation
Electrical connection

5.3.1 Connection to an addressed detector line

The following applies to FDnet/C-NET detector lines:
● Loops, stubs and T-branches are possible.
● You may only connect external alarm indicators to one detector.
● Permissible cables for detectors with more than one external alarm indicator
according to the collective connection diagram may be migrated to the
FDnet/C-NET without any changes.
● Note document 001508 for installation (calculation of the capacity layer). Use of unshielded cables

The connection is established from base to base using twisted or non-twisted wire



1 2
+ _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _


+ _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _

Figure 18: Connection diagram for addressed detector line with and without external alarm indicators
(without shielded cables)

1 Control panel 3 Auxiliary terminals DBZ1190-xx

2 Detector 4 External alarm indicator

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Mounting / Installation
5 Electrical connection Use of shielded cables

The detector line shielding must be connected through in the detector base with
auxiliary terminals DBZ1190-xx.
There are two ways of connecting external alarm indicators:


+ _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _


_ _ _ _ _ _
+ + + + + +

Figure 19: Connection diagram for addressed detector line with and without external alarm indicators
(with shielded cables)

1 Control panel 3 Auxiliary terminals DBZ1190-xx

2 Detector 4 External alarm indicator

Variant A
1. Connect the positive pole of the external alarm indicator to the positive pole for
the external alarm indicator on the detector.
2. Connect the negative pole of the external alarm indicator to the negative pole
for the external alarm indicator on the detector.
3. Connect the shielding of the connection cable between the external alarm
indicator and detector on the detector side to the positive pole for the external
alarm indicator via an auxiliary terminal DBZ1190-xx.

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Mounting / Installation
Electrical connection

Variant B
1. Connect the positive pole of the external alarm indicator to the positive pole for
the external alarm indicator on the detector.
2. Leave the negative pole for the external alarm indicator on the detector
3. Connect each of the two negative poles of the external alarm indicator
separately to both negative poles of the detector line.

The two negative connections of the external alarm indicator are decoupled
externally in the alarm indicator by diodes.

4. Connect the shielding of the detector line with the shielding of the connection
cable to the external alarm indicator with an auxiliary terminal DBZ1190-xx.

5.3.2 Connection to a collective detector line

Connect a control panel-specific end-of-line to the end of the collective detector
line. Use of unshielded cables

The connection is established from base to base using twisted or non-twisted wire


+ _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _
1 -

+ 4
A 3

Figure 20: Connection diagram for collective detector line with and without external alarm indicators
(without shielded cables)

1 Control panel 3 External alarm indicator

2 Detector 4 End-of-line depending on control

Standard circuitry
With standard circuitry, the external alarm indicator is connected to the positive and
negative poles of each detector.

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Mounting / Installation
5 Electrical connection

Wire-saving cabling

Cabling for new sites
Wire-saving cabling in external alarm indicators is prohibited for new sites.

With wire-saving cabling, the external alarm indicator is connected as follows:

● The external alarm indicator must be connected to the positive and negative
poles of at least one detector (A).
● The external alarm indicator must be connected to the positive pole of every
other detector (B).
● The external alarm indicator need not be connected to the negative pole of
every other detector (C). Use of shielded cables

The detector line shielding must be connected through in the detector base with
auxiliary terminals DBZ1190-xx.
There are two ways of connecting external alarm indicators:


+ _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _


+ +

4 4

Figure 21: Connection diagram for collective detector line with and without external alarm indicators
(with shielded cables)

1 Control panel 4 External alarm indicator

2 Detector 5 End-of-line depending on control
3 Auxiliary terminals DBZ1190-xx

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Electrical connection

Variant A
1. Connect the positive pole of the external alarm indicator to the positive pole for
the external alarm indicator on the detector.
2. Connect the negative pole of the external alarm indicator to the negative pole
for the external alarm indicator on the detector.
3. Connect the shielding of the connection cable between the external alarm
indicator and detector on the detector side to the positive pole for the external
alarm indicator via an auxiliary terminal DBZ1190-xx.

Variant B
1. Connect the positive pole of the external alarm indicator to the positive pole for
the external alarm indicator on the detector.
2. Leave the negative pole for the external alarm indicator on the detector
3. Connect the negative pole of the external alarm indicator with the negative pole
on the input side of the detector line on the detector via an auxiliary terminal
4. Connect the shielding of the detector line with the shielding of the connection
cable to the external alarm indicator via an auxiliary terminal DBZ1190-xx.

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6 Commissioning an addressed detector line

6 Commissioning
This chapter explains how you set the parameter set and how you commission the
flame detector on the detector line. The commissioning process depends on
whether you are using an addressed detector line (FDnet/C-NET) or a collective
detector line.

See also
2 Commissioning an addressed detector line [➙ 50]
2 Commissioning on a collective detector line [➙ 53]

6.1 Commissioning an addressed detector line

1. Install flame detector on base for flame detector [➙ 50]
2. Set parameter set [➙ 52]
3. Run performance check [➙ 52]
You will find information on the individual steps in the specified chapters.

6.1.1 Install flame detector on base for flame detector

Danger of falling
Bodily injury
● When installing, use a secured ladder or work platform.

Falling flame detector
Bodily injury
● Never leave the flame detector hanging with the connection cable connected
to the base for flame detector.

1. Remove bridging connector (3) from base for flame detector.

2. Use the connection cable (2) to connect connections (4) in the base for flame
detector and on the flame detector.
3. Use four screws (1) to secure the flame detector to the base for flame detector.
a The flame detector is fitted.

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Commissioning an addressed detector line


3 2
Figure 22: Mounting of flame detector on base for flame detector

1 Four screws for mounting 3 Bridging connector

2 Connection cable 4 Connection for connection cable

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6 Commissioning an addressed detector line

6.1.2 Set parameter set

Once the detector line has been read in, you need to set the parameter set. When
in FDnet/C-NET operation, the DIP switches in the flame detector are not active.
Use the control panel to set the parameter set you want. The table below shows
the parameter sets and associated numbers.

No. Parameter set

01 Robust
02 Universal
03 Universal fast
04 Sensitive
05 Sensitive fast
06 Rapid
07 Motor test bed
14 Download 1
15 Download 2
Table 3: Parameter sets for FDF241-9

The procedure for setting the parameter set via the control panel is described in
the control panel documentation.

See also
2 Determine parameter set [➙ 37]

6.1.3 Run performance check

Use test lamp LE3 or a test fire to check the function of the flame detector.
The procedure control is described in the chapter 'Performance check [➙ 56]'.

See also
2 Performance check [➙ 56]

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Commissioning on a collective detector line

6.2 Commissioning on a collective detector line

1. Set parameter set [➙ 53]
2. Install flame detector on base for flame detector [➙ 54]
3. Run performance check [➙ 55]
You will find information on the individual steps in the specified chapters.

6.2.1 Set parameter set

For collective operation, the parameter set is set via the DIP switches in the flame

w The parameter set is determined according to the details provided in the
'Planning [➙ 28]' chapter.
1. Loosen screw (3) on rear of flame detector.
2. Open swiveling cover (1).
3. Use DIP switches (2) to set the parameter set you want (see table below).
4. Close swiveling cover (1) and fix with screw (3).
a The parameter set is set.

Figure 23: Rear of flame detector with open swiveling cover

1 Swiveling cover 3 Screw for fixing swiveling cover

2 DIP switch

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6 Commissioning on a collective detector line

Parameter set DIP switch

No. FDF241-9 1 2 3 4 5 6
01 Robust ON

02 Universal ON

03 Universal fast ON ON

04 Sensitive ON

05 Sensitive fast ON ON

06 Rapid ON ON

07 Motor test bed ON ON ON


Table 4: Set parameter set

See also
2 Determine parameter set [➙ 37]
2 Planning [➙ 28]

6.2.2 Install flame detector on base for flame detector

Danger of falling
Bodily injury
● When installing, use a secured ladder or work platform.

Falling flame detector
Bodily injury
● Never leave the flame detector hanging with the connection cable connected
to the base for flame detector.

1. Remove bridging connector (3) from base for flame detector.

2. Use the connection cable (2) to connect connections (4) in the base for flame
detector and on the flame detector.
3. Use four screws (1) to secure the flame detector to the base for flame detector.
a The flame detector is fitted.

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Commissioning on a collective detector line


3 2
Figure 24: Mounting of flame detector on base for flame detector

1 Four screws for mounting 3 Bridging connector

2 Connection cable 4 Connection for connection cable

6.2.3 Run performance check

Use test lamp LE3 or a test fire to check the function of the flame detector.
The procedure control is described in the chapter 'Performance check [➙ 56]'.

See also
2 Performance check [➙ 56]

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Maintenance / Repair
7 Performance check

7 Maintenance / Repair
This chapter explains how to run a performance check, what you can do if the
flame detector is not functioning correctly and how you can clean the flame

7.1 Performance check

Use test lamp LE3 or a test fire to check the function of the flame detector on an
annual basis.

Performance check with test lamp LE3

1. On the control panel, switch off the remote transmission of alarms. To do this
set the 'Detector test' operating mode on the control panel.
2. Use test lamp LE3 to check the flame detector. Note the information in
document 000257. The maximum distance between test lamp and flame
detector depends on the set parameter set (see table below).
a The flame detector activates an alarm within 20 seconds.
a The alarm indicator on the flame detector flashes.
3. On the control panel, switch the remote transmission of alarms back on.
a The flame detector is ready.
You will find more detailed information in the fire detection system documentation.

No. Parameter set Distance

1 Robust 6m
2 Universal 6m
3 Universal fast 6m
4 Sensitive 8m
5 Sensitive fast 8m
6 Rapid 13 m
7 Motor test bed 13 m
Table 5: Maximum distance between test lamp and flame detector depends on parameter set

If the flame detector does not activate an alarm, follow the actions described in the
'Troubleshooting' chapter.

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Maintenance / Repair

Performance check with a test fire

Fire hazard from test fire
Bodily injury and material damage
● Only specially trained persons may undertake test fires. These persons must
be trained in how to handle fire extinguishers.
● The size of the test fire depends on the room height.

1. On the control panel, switch off the remote transmission of alarms. To do this
set the 'Detector test' operating mode on the control panel.
2. Use a test fire to test the flame detector. Note the information in
document 009977.
a The flame detector activates an alarm within 20 seconds.
a The alarm indicator on the flame detector flashes.
3. On the control panel, switch the remote transmission of alarms back on.
a The flame detector is ready.
You will find more detailed information in the fire detection system documentation.
If the flame detector does not activate an alarm, follow the actions described in the
'Repair [➙ 58]' chapter.

See also
2 Repair [➙ 58]

7.2 Cleaning
The flame detector sensors must be clearly visible through the protective glass.
Proceed as follows if this is not the case:
1. Clean the protective glass from the outside with a soft, damp cloth. Washing-up
liquid may be used if the glass is very dirty.
2. Carry out a function check [➙ 56].

See also
2 Performance check [➙ 56]

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Maintenance / Repair
7 Repair

7.3 Repair
The flame detector does not activate an alarm during the performance check.

l Ensure that the flame detector is registered on the control panel.
If the problem persists:
l Ensure that the protective glass on the flame detector is clean and the sensors
are clearly visible. Clean the protective glass if this is not the case.
If the problem persists:
l Replace the flame detector.

See also
2 Cleaning [➙ 57]

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Technical data

8 Specifications

8.1 Technical data

You will find information on approvals, CE marking, and the relevant EU directives
for this device (these devices) in the following document(s); see 'Applicable
documents' chapter:
● Document 007012

FDnet/C-NET detector line Operating voltage DC 12…33 V

Operating current (quiescent) 0.7 mA
Maximum current connection factor 3
Quiescent current connection factor 3
Address connection factor 1
Separator connector factor 1
Protocol FDnet/C-NET
Compatibility See 'List of compatibility

Collective detector line Operating voltage DC 14…28 V

Operating current (quiescent) 0.5 mA
Making current Max. 0.75 mA
Connection factor 5
Alarm voltage at alarm current:
● 1…15 mA DC 5…10 V
● 35 mA DC 18…22 V
● 50 mA DC 26…28 V
Alarm current at operating voltage 4…50 mA
DC 5…28 V
Reset voltage DC 2…4 V
Reset time at reset voltage DC 2 V 1…2 s
Protocol Collective (with and without
current limitation)
Compatibility See 'List of compatibility

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8 Technical data

Line separator Line voltage:

● Nominal DC 32 V (= Vnom)
● Minimum DC 12 V (= Vmin)
● Maximum DC 33 V (= Vmax)
Voltage at which the line separator
● Minimum DC 7.5 V (= VSO min)
● Maximum DC 10.5 V (= VSO max)
Permanent current when switches are Max. 0.5 A (= IC max)
Switching current (e.g., in the event of Max. 1 A (= IS max)
a short-circuit)
Leakage current when switches are Max. 1 mA (= IL max)
Serial impedance when switches are Max. 0.5 Ω (= ZC max)

External alarm indicators Number of external alarm indicators 2

that can be connected
Voltage DC 6…17 V
Current 9…15 mA
Length of line ● Max. 30 m with unshielded
cables (recommended) or if
the shielding on the detector
is connected to the positive
pole for the external alarm
● Max. 5 m, if the shielding is
connected to earth
Flashing interval times on FDnet/C-
NET detector line:
● Bright 15 ms
● Dark 1s
Flashing interval times on collective Control panel-specific
detector line

Device characteristics Number of sensors: 3

Connections Detector line:

● Design Socket strip
● Cable cross section 0.2…1.5 mm2
External alarm indicators:
● Design Socket strip
● Cable cross section 0.2…1.5 mm2

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Technical data

Ambient conditions Operating temperature: -35…+70 °C

Storage temperature -40…+75 °C
Air humidity ≤95 % rel.
Protection category (IEC 60529): IP67
Electromagnetic compatibility:
● 1 MHz…1 GHz 50 V/m
● 1 GHz…2 GHz 30 V/m

Mechanical data Dimensions (L x W x H) 135 x 135 x 77 mm

● Base for flame detector 0.25 kg
● Flame detector 0.5 kg
● Base for flame detector ABS/PC-Blend
● Flame detector Aluminum casting
Color ∼RAL 9010 pure white

Standards European standards ● EN 54-10

● EN 54-17

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8 Dimensions

8.2 Dimensions
Base for flame detector FDB291




Base for flame detector FDB291 with flame detector FDF241 9

M20 x 1.5

Mounting bracket MV1



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Ball and socket joint MWV1




Rain hood DFZ1190

150 130



Rain hood FDFZ241

255 121

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8 Environmental compatibility and disposal

8.3 Environmental compatibility and disposal

This equipment is manufactured using materials and procedures which
comply with current environmental protection standards as best as
possible. More specifically, the following measures have been
● Use of reusable materials
● Use of halogen-free plastics
● Electronic parts and synthetic materials can be separated
Larger plastic parts are labeled according to ISO 11469 and ISO 1043.
The plastics can be separated and recycled on this basis.

Electronic parts and batteries must not be disposed of with domestic

● Take electronic parts and batteries to local collection points or
recycling centers.
● Contact local authorities for more information.
● Observe national requirements for disposing of electronic parts
and batteries.

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Hot objects ...................................................... 31
A Solar radiation ................................................. 31
Accessories Detection distance ................................. 32, 33, 35
Ball and socket joint ............................. 16, 25, 42 Formula ........................................................... 33
Mounting bracket ................................. 16, 25, 42 Detector sensitivity ...................................... 33, 37
Rain hood ............................................ 16, 25, 42 Correction coefficient ....................................... 33
Test lamp................................................... 26, 56 Dimensions...................................................... 62
Aircraft hangar ................................................. 31 Direct irradiation ............................................... 29
Alarm Directional sensitivity ........................................ 34
Message to control panel .................................24 Correction coefficient ....................................... 34
Alcohol fire....................................................... 22 Disposal .......................................................... 64
Approvals ........................................................ 59 Download center
Arrangement ...............................................28, 30 URL ...................................................................8
ASA .................................................................. 8
ASAtechnology ................................................ 22 E
Electrical connection ......................................... 44
B End-of-line .................................................. 47, 48
Ball and socket joint ............................... 16, 25, 42 Environmental compatibility ............................... 64
Basic fire size................................................... 33 Error
Bridging connector............................................ 19 Message to control panel ................................. 24
EU directives ................................................... 59
CE marking...................................................... 59 External alarm indicator..................... 44, 45, 46, 60
Class of detectors............................................. 37
Cleaning .......................................................... 57 False alarm...................................................... 31
Collective operation Fault .......................................................... 24, 58
Switching over to collective operation...............40 Message to control panel ................................. 24
Compatibility .................................................... 17 Fire size wanted ............................................... 33
Connection ...................................................... 44 Formula
Addressed detector line ............................. 45, 46 Detection distance ........................................... 33
Collective detector line ......................... 47, 48, 49 Mounting height ...............................................35
Connection cable.............................................. 21 Freight forwarding hall....................................... 31
Connection diagram Fuel ................................................................ 34
Addressed detector line with shielding..............46 Correction coefficient ....................................... 34
Addressed detector line without shielding .........45
Collective detector line with shielding ...............48 G
Collective detector line without shielding ..........47 Gas fire ........................................................... 16
Correction coefficient ........................................ 33
Detector sensitivity...........................................33
Incorrect parameter
Directional sensitivity .......................................34 Message to control panel ................................. 24
Fuel .................................................................34 Indirect irradiation ............................................. 29
Vision angle .....................................................34 Infrared radiation ......................................... 22, 29
Installation ....................................................... 40
Danger level .................................................... 24 Integration time ................................................ 37
Deceptive phenomenon............... 22, 31, 33, 36, 37 Intended use ...................................................... 5
Arc welding ......................................................31 Irradiation ........................................................ 29
Halogen lamp ..................................................31

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Line of sight..................................................... 29 Test fire .......................................................... 57
Line separator ............................................ 23, 60 Test lamp ................................................... 26, 56
Liquid fire ........................................................ 16
List of compatibility ............................................. 7 V
Vision angle ............................................... 34, 36
Maintenance interval ........................................ 56
Mask ......................................................... 31, 36
Message ......................................................... 24
'Alarm' ............................................................. 24
'Error'............................................................... 24
'Fault' ............................................................... 24
'Incorrect parameter' ........................................ 24
Monitoring area........................................... 28, 29
Monitoring redundancy ..................................... 30
Mounting ......................................................... 40
Base for flame detector .................................... 42
Flame detector........................................... 50, 54
Mounting bracket ................................... 16, 25, 42
Mounting height .......................................... 32, 35
Formula ........................................................... 35
Mounting site ................................................... 32

Order number .................................................. 17

Parameter set .................................. 37, 38, 52, 53
FDF241-9 ........................................................ 38
Set ............................................................ 52, 53
Performance check .......................................... 56
Pyroelectric sensor........................................... 22

Rain hood ............................................. 16, 25, 42
Recycling ........................................................ 64
Repair ............................................................ 58
Resistance to deceptive phenomena ............. 37, 38

Selftest ........................................................... 23
Sensor .................................................. 17, 20, 22
Pyroelectric sensor ..........................................22
Silicon photo diode .......................................... 22
Sensory ..................................................... 17, 22
Silicon photo diode ........................................... 22
S-LINE.............................................................. 8
Standards ....................................................... 61
Switching over to collective operation ................. 40

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Issued by © Siemens Switzerland Ltd, 2003
Siemens Switzerland Ltd
Building Technologies Division Technical specifications and availability subject to change without notice.
International Headquarters
Gubelstrasse 22
CH-6301 Zug
+41 41-724 24 24

Document ID: 007011_k_en_-- Manual FD20/FD720

Edition: 2016-06-24 Register 3

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