OSSTET Guidelines 2023

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OSSTET, 2023
The Govt. of Odisha vide Resolution No.-18618/ SME, Bhubaneswar Dtd.-
17/09/2016, Addendum No- 19064/ SME, Bhubaneswar Dtd.- 31/08/2018, letter
No-5636/ SME, Bhubaneswar Dtd.- 10/02/2021, No-12407/ SME, Dtd- 10/07/2021,
No-15406/ SME, Dtd- 17/08/2021, No.- 24746/ Dtd. 21/12/2021, No.- 23436
Dtd.- 03/12/2021, No.- 775 Dtd.-12/01/2022 & No.- 24630 Dtd.- 18/11/2022; have
prescribed guidelines for conducting Odisha Secondary School Teacher Eligibility Test
(OSSTET). After careful consideration, the Govt. have decided that, to be eligible for
appointment as a teacher in any of the secondary schools of the state, one should pass
teacher eligibility test and accordingly, the following guidelines have been framed for
conduct of the Teacher Eligibility Test called OSSTET in the State.
1. The Teacher Eligibility Test shall be called “ODISHA SECONDARY SCHOOL
2. OSSTET shall be conducted once in an year or as decided by the Government
as per need.
3. The Board of Secondary Education, Odisha has been designated as the
professional body for conducting OSSTET. Detailed procedure for conducting
OSSTET and instruction for carrying out the examination shall be issued by the
Board of Secondary Education (BSE), Odisha. The application form for OSSTET
shall also be prescribed by the Board of Secondary Education, Odisha and
submission of application form shall be in online mode.
4. Applicability
OSSTET shall be applicable to all candidates who possess requisite academic
and training qualifications with requisite percentage of marks as prescribed in the
Resolution No.- 18618/ SME, Bhubaneswar Dtd.-17/09/2016 of the Govt. of
Odisha in Department of School & Mass Education, or are in the process of
acquiring the requisite training qualification (in the final year of Training Course or
appearing / have appeared in the training examination but results not published)
as on the date of publication of the advertisement for the OSSTET and desire to
become teachers in Secondary Schools i.e Govt./ Govt Aided/ Recognised
Unaided Secondary Schools in the State of Odisha.
5. Eligibility
A. General Eligibility
He or she must be a citizen of India.
B. Ability to Read and Write Odia.
The candidate must be able to read and write in Odia. Any one of the
following qualification will be taken into consideration to ascertain this ability of
the candidate.
(a) He/ she must have passed HSC Examination conducted by Board of
Secondary Education, Odisha or an equivalent examination conducted by
any other State Board or Central Board (like CBSE, ICSE) with Odia as a
language subject i.e. First/ Second or Third Language.
(b) He/ She must have passed +2/ Higher Secondary Examination conducted
by Council of Higher Secondary Education, Odisha with Odia as an
examinable subject.
(c) He must have passed Odia Examination of HSC/ 10th Standard Single
Subject Examination conduct by the B.S.E., Odisha.
In case the candidate desire to be language teacher like Hindi/ Classical
Teachers (Sanskrit/ Telgu/ Urdu), passing Odia Examination of 07th / 08th
Standard conducted by B.S.E., Odisha shall be allowed.
C. Requisite Academic and Professional Qualification
The examination will be conducted in two different parts for the
prospective teachers in two different categories such as :-
Category I :- Education Teachers (Trained Graduate Teachers in
Science/ Arts, Hindi/ Classical Teacher (Sanskrit/ Urdu/ Telgu).
Category II :- Physical Education Teacher.
The requisite academic and professional qualification for admission to the
OSSTET for these two categories are mentioned in the schedule/ table below :-
Sl Category Subject/ Stream Academic and Professional qualification
1 I Trained 1. Bachelor’s Degree in Arts/ Commerce/Shastri (Sanskrit) Degree with

Graduate Arts two school subjects as Honours/ Elective / Pass/ Optional/

Compulsory (list of school subjects at annexure-I) from a
recognised university having 50% marks in aggregate (45% for SC/
ST/ PH/ SEBC candidates)
Bachelor in Education (B.Ed)/ 3 year integrated B.Ed.- M.Ed course
from a NCTE Recognised Institution.
2. Four year integrated B.A.B.Ed from NCTE recognised Institution with
two school subjects as Honours/ Elective / Pass/ Optional/ Compulsory
(list of school subjects at annexure-I) having 50% marks in aggregate
(45% for SC/ ST /PH / SEBC candidates).
2 I Trained 1. Bachelor’s Degree in science / B.Tech / B.E. Degree with two

Graduate schools subject as Honours/ Elective / Pass/ Optional (list of school

Science (PCM/ subjects at annexure-I) from a recognised university having 50%

marks in aggregate (45% for SC/ ST /PH / SEBC candidates).
Bachelor in Education (B.Ed)/ 3 year integrated B.Ed.- M.Ed course
from a NCTE Recognised Institution.
2. Four year integrated B.Sc.B.Ed from a NCTE Recognised Institution
with two school subjects as Honours/ Elective / Pass/ Optional (list
of school subjects at annexure-I) having 50% marks in aggregate
(45% for SC/ ST/ PH/ SEBC candidates).
3 I Hindi Teacher 1. Bachelor’s degree from a recognised University with Hindi as one of
the Honours/ Elective/ Optional/ Pass subject with minimum 50%
marks in aggregate (45% for SC/ ST/ PH/ SEBC candidates.)
Any one of the following training qualifications.
a) Hindi Sikshyan Parangat from Kendriya Hindi Sansthan, Agra.
b) B.H.Ed. a course prescribed by NCTE, from a recognized
University/ Institution.
c) B.Ed in Hindi, a course prescribed by NCTE , from Dakhin
Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha, Madras.
d) B.Ed from NCTE Recognised University/ Institution
2. Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University with minimum 50%
marks in aggregate (45% for SC/ ST/ PH/ SEBC candidates)
One of the following qualifications :
a) Rastrabhasa Ratna from Rastrabhasa Prachar Samiti, Wardha,
b) Shastri (Hindi) from Orissa Rastrabhasa Parisad, Puri.
c) Snataka (Acquired by June -2005, the date up to which the
temporary recognition has been granted) from Hindi Sikshya
Samiti, Odisha, Cuttack.
One of the following Training qualifications;
a) Hindi Sikshyan Parangat from Kendriya Hindi Sansthan, Agra.
b) B.H.Ed. a course prescribed by NCTE, from a recognized
University/ Institution.
c) B.Ed in Hindi, a course prescribed by NCTE, from Dakhin
Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha, Madras
d) B.Ed from NCTE Recognised University/ Institution
4 I Classical 1. Bachelor’s Degree with Sanskrit as one of the Honours/ Elective /
Optional/ Pass subject from a recognised university with minimum
50% marks in aggregate (45% for SC/ ST/ PH/ SEBC Candidates)
Sikshya Shastri (Sanskrit), a course prescribed by NCTE, from a
Recognised University/ Institution/ B.Ed from NCTE Recognised
University/ Institution
2. Shastri (Sanskrit) with minimum 50% marks in aggregate (45% for
SC/ ST/ PH/ SEBC candidates) from a recognized university
Sikshya Shastri (Sanskrit), a course prescribed by NCTE, from a
Recognised University/ Institution/ B.Ed from NCTE Recognised
University/ Institution
5 I Classical 1. Alim with 50% marks in aggregate (45% for PH candidates).
Teacher (Urdu)
B.Ed./ Urdu B.Ed. from a NCTE Recognised University/ Institution.
2. B.A. (Persian) With 50% marks in aggregate (45% PH Candidates)
B.Ed./ Urdu B.Ed. from a NCTE Recognised University/ Institution.
6. I Classical 1. Bachelor’s Degree in Arts having Telgu as subject with minimum
50% marks in aggregate (45% for SC/ ST/ PH/ SEBC) candidates)
Telgu B. Ed. from a University / Institution recognized by NCTE.
7 II Physical 1. +2 or its equivalent examination from a recognized institution.
Education AND
Teacher 2. C.P.Ed./ D.P.Ed./ B.P.Ed./ M.P.Ed. From a recognized Board/

“Provided that candidates who are in the process of acquiring the requisite
training qualification i.e. are in the final year of Training Course or are
appearing/ have appeared in the Training Examination but results not
published, as mentioned in the above Table as on the date of publication of
the Advertisement for the OSSTET are also eligible to appear the Test
provided they satisfy all other eligibility conditions laid down in this
6. The Examination
I. There shall be two papers of the OSSTET viz Paper-I and Paper-II.
a) Persons having requisite academic and training qualifications as per Category-I
have to appear in Paper –I of the Examination.
b) Persons having requisite academic and training qualification as per Category–II
have to appear in Paper-II of the examination.
II. The Duration of the Test in each paper shall be 2 hours and 30 minutes.
III. All questions will be Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) each carrying one mark
with four alternatives out of which one is correct.
IV. There shall be Four Sections in each paper.
V. In section-I, Language I, Odia shall be compulsory for all categories of posts.
VI. In section-II, Language II, English shall be compulsory for all categories of posts.
VII. In section-III, under stream TGT (Arts) and TGT (Science for both PCM & CBZ),
the questions shall be in English. The questions in other streams like Classical
Teacher (Sanskrit/ Telugu/ Urdu) and Hindi Teacher shall be in respective
languages/ scripts.
VIII. The questions in Section III for Paper-II (Category-II- Physical Education
Teacher) shall be in English.
IX. In Section-IV the questions in Child Development, Pedagogy, School
Management and Evaluation shall be in English and Compulsory for both the
X. There shall be no negative marking.
7. Qualifying Marks
The minimum pass mark in each paper is 45% (68 marks out of 150). A person
securing 45% or more in each paper shall be considered to have qualified
OSSTET. In case of SC/ ST/ PH/ SEBC candidates the minimum pass mark shall
be 35% (53 marks out of 150).
8. Issue of Certificate and Mark Sheet
Successful candidates shall be awarded OSSTET Pass Certificate by the BSE, (O).
9. Validity of OSSTET Certificate
The OSSTET Pass Certificate shall remain valid till the candidate reaches the
upper age limit prescribed for recruitment of teachers as per rules or executive
instructions prescribed by the Govt. from time to time.
10. Number of Chances
There shall be no restriction on the number of attempts a person can take for
acquiring OSSTET Pass certificate.
11. Weightage
The weightage of OSSTET scores in the recruitment process may be decided by
the Government from time to time while prescribing the eligibility conditions for
12. Qualifying OSSTET - Only an eligibility
Qualifying the OSSTET would not confer a right on any person for recruitment/
employment in any of the Govt. or Govt. Aided schools and it may be treated as one
of the essential eligibility criteria for appointment. The eligibility for recruitment shall
be determined by the concerned recruiting agency/ appointing authority on the basis
of all eligibility conditions prescribed by Govt. from time to time.
13. Conduct of OSSTET Examination
The examination shall be conducted by the Board of Secondary Education,
Odisha. Detailed guidelines for conduct of examination including nature and
standard of question, selection of examination centres, format of application form,
fee structure, valuation of answer sheets, declaration of results, issue of pass
certificates etc shall be framed by the Board of Secondary Education, Odisha.
14. Syllabus
The detail syllabus for subject of both the papers of OSSTET have been
prepared by the Director, TE and SCERT, Odisha in consultation with BSE,
Odisha and is available in the websites www.bseodisha.ac.in &
www.bseodisha.nic.in of B.S.E., Odisha.
15. Scheme
The scheme of examination for OSSTET has been annexed to this guideline at
16. Examination Centre
Candidates enrolled for appearing at the OSSTET, 2023 will be allotted to any centre
of the state. The centre shall not be allotted as per their permanent or
correspondence district as done for previous examinations.
17. Disputes
All disputes pertaining to the conduct of OSSTET examination shall be subject to
jurisdiction of BSE, Odisha.

Annexure - I
School Subjects for TGT Arts & TGT Science
“The science Graduate candidates should have passed with two school
subjects as the following:-
a) Trained Science Graduate (PCM) – Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics
b) Trained Science Graduate (CBZ)- Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, Biology, Life
Science (Subject to result of W.A. No.- 1444 of 2022).
The Arts Graduate candidates should have passed with two school subjects as
the following:-
English, Odia, Hindi, Sanskrit, History, Geography, Economics, Political
Science, Indian Economy, Landmarks in Indian History, Indian Geography, Indian
Polity, Communicative English & Business Economics (Subject to result of W.A.
No.- 1296 of 2022).
Scheme of Examination For OSSTET Annexure- II
Category- I (Education Teachers)
Paper- I
A. Section I & II
(Compulsory for all streams such as TGT (Arts), TGT (Science) PCM, TGT(Science) CBZ, Classical
Teacher (Sanskrit), Classical Teacher(Telgu), Classical Teacher (Urdu), Hindi Teacher
Section Subject No.of Questions Full Marks
I Odia 20 20 20
II English 20 20 20
B.Section III
Stream Subjects No. of Questions Full Marks
Odia 15 15
English 15 15
TGT (Arts) History & Pol. Sc 15 15 60
Geography &
15 15
Mathematics 20 20
TGT(Science) PCM Physics 20 20 60
Chemistry 20 20
Chemistry 20 20
TGT(Science) CBZ Botany 20 20 60
Zoology 20 20
Classical Teacher
Sanskrit 60 60

Hindi Teacher Hindi 60 60

Classical Teacher
Telugu 60 60
Classical Teacher
Urdu 60 60
C.Section IV
Section Stream Subject No. of Question

TGT (Science) PCM,

TGT (Science)CBZ,
IV Classical Teacher (Sanskrit) Pedagogy, School 50 50
Classical Teacher (Telugu) Management &
Classical Teacher (Urdu) Evaluation
Hindi Teacher

Category- II (Physical Education Teacher)

Paper- II
A. Section I & II : Same as Paper I
B. Section III
Stream Subject No.of Questions Full Marks
Physical Education
Physical Education 60 60
C. Section IV : Same as Paper I

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