Muhamad Andika Agustian (231144048) - Journal 3
Muhamad Andika Agustian (231144048) - Journal 3
Muhamad Andika Agustian (231144048) - Journal 3
NIM : 231144048
Class : 1B-TPPG
No Notes What you do and write on your journal
Name : Muhamad Andika Agustian
NIM : 231144048
1 Planning - I want to read Alice in Wonderland
- Because I am interested in how beautiful and
magicalthe world of wonderland is
2 Title Alice in Wonderland (Chapter 1&2)
Total of words 4160 words
3 What you know In chapter 1 and 2 it tell about how Alice first got
about the title of the into Wonderland
4 What questions do - What Alice saw in the field until she run chased
you have in your it?
mind? - how Alice could become small for the second
What predictions do Alice will experience many strange things again
you have?
5 Read -
6 What do you get - A white Rabbit with pink eyes wearing waistcoat-
from the text? pocket and watch
-Using the gloves given by the rabbit
7 Revise Yes, it's true that Alice experiences strange things
again, for example, Alice mysteriously finds a
bottle that says drink me which can make her body
smaller, and she talks and is helped by a mouse.
8 Reference
9 Write the number of 4160 Words (Chapter 1 dan 2)
words of the book
10 Write the summary Alice was accompanying her sister at the bank, but
of the book she felt bored and went to the field, in the field she
saw a rabbit and chased it, she fell into the rabbit
hole because she was chasing the rabbit, after
reaching the bottom of the hole she continued to
chase the rabbit until at the corner she was left
behind. and without seeing the rabbit again, he was
left in a long hall which was lit by a lamp on the
roof, there were lots of doors there but they were
all locked until he found a gold key on a small
table, but unfortunately the key was too small, but
Alice found a small door which was located behind
the curtain, and the key was suitable for the door,
because her body was too big so Alice drank a
liquid that mysteriously suddenly appeared but she
forgot to bring the key and she had to grow up to
get the key, after a while she found another
mysterious way cake which could make him big,
Alice ate it then took the key after that she wore
the rabbit's gloves which made her small then she
slipped into a pool of her own tears then she met a
mouse and was helped to get out of the pool of
tears after coaxing the mouse.