PART 1 – MCQs:
1. Which of the following is the deepest level of culture?
A. Behavior
B. Facial expression
C. Worldview
D. Prejudice
2. According to Lloyd Kwast, _____________ are “pre-set” decisions that a culture makes
between choices commonly faced. It helps those live within a culture what “should” or “ought”
to be done in order to “fit in” or conform to the pattern of life.
A. Worldview
B. Beliefs
C. Values
D. Behaviors
3. According to Lloyd Kwast, “what is real” is the basic question to reveal one’s __________?
A. Worldview
B. Beliefs
C. Values
D. Behaviors
4. Douglas Olney is an anthropologist who spent time living in Hmong refugee community to
study specific aspects of Hmong people, including kinship and social organization, cultural
ecology, economics and material culture, and religion, ritual and folklore; His research method is
called _______________.
A. Ethnology
B. Ethnography
C. Visual anthropology
D. Observation
5. According to Haviland (2016), _________________ uses anthropological knowledge and
methods to prevent or solve practical problems.
A. Cultural anthropology
B. Biological anthropology
C. Archaeology
D. Applied anthropology
6. The idea that one must suspend judgment of other people's practices in order to understand
them in their own cultural terms, is called:
A. Enculturation
B. Cultural adaptation
C. Cultural relativism
D. Cross-cultural interaction
7. Please fill in the blank
A. Ethnography
B. Visual anthropology
C. Archaeology
D. Applied anthropology
48. Anthropologists see art as all the ideas, forms, techniques, and strategies that humans use
to do what?
A. To describe what they think
B. To memorize the culture of the moments they create art
C. To memorize the society of creativity and inspiration
D. To communicate their creativity and inspiration
49. Cooking and building, fashion and oratory, decorating and dressing, and sewing and play
are all ________ through which artists and audiences communicate.
A. Media
B. Art
C. Lifestyle
D. Living art
50. Cross-cultural research leads anthropologists to argue that appreciation of art is acquired
through what social vector?
A. Acculturation
B. Enculturation
C. Cultural loss
D. Globalization
51. What is reflected in decisions about what is displayed as fine art?
A. Social cleavage
B. Social status
C. Wealth and power stratification
D. Education and Lifestyle
52. Art in Western traditions is often associated with notions of what kind of culture?
A. High culture
B. Low culture
C. Shared culture
D. Aesthetical culture
53. Early anthropologists played an important role in the acquisition of art that came from
Oceania, Africa, and Latin America. What was it referred to at that time?
A. Primatology
B. Primitive art
C. Primary art
D. Pre-requisite art
54. The presentation of local art on the global scale may provide not only a means of
economic activity but also a venue to do what?
A. Assert local cultural identity in the face of rapid change
B. Assert local cultural identity to localise global art
C. Assert local cultural identity to ce
55. ______________ is creative word use on display that includes stories, myths, legends,
tales, poetry, metaphor.
A. Visual art
B. Verbal art
C. Musical art
D. None of these above
56. What form of technology emerged in the twentieth century as a dominant form of global
communication, impacting art and art production?
A. Computer art
B. Internet
C. Adobe Photoshop
D. 3D Art
57. What do ethnomusicologists study?
A. The music of the world, and music as an aspect of culture and society
B. The music of a particular community to record its culture and activities
C. The music of a local community to describe its culture and society
D. Any type of music.
58. You know things now that you did not know before this class; your world view has
changed. You now must:
A. World view will change again. You don’t have to do anything.
B. Make a corresponding change in the world.
C. Change your beliefs but no need to change behavior
D. None of these above.
59. What is one of the crucial aspects of the anthropological approach to understanding art?
A. Displaying art to determine its economic value
B. Displaying art with detailed reference to its original context
C. Displaying art and match it with relevant historical context
D. None of these above.
60. According to the archaeological record, how old is evidence of human artistic
A. 100,000 years
B. 1,000,000 years
C. 100,000,000 years
D. None of these above
61. ________________ are stories that recount the deeds of supernatural powers and cultural
heroes in the past.
A. Legends
B. Epics
C. Myths
D. Tales
62. Idea that emotional or affective satisfactions people gain from religion are primary in
interpreting religion. This theory of religion is:
A. Sociological approach
B. Psychological approach
C. Intellectual/ Cognitive approach
D. None of these above
63. Which political organization closely links to nations?
A. Band B. State C. Chiefdom D. Tribe
64. Most …. are egalitarian
A. Bands
B. Secondary groups
C. Chiefdoms
D. States
65. Social control has 3 aspects: …………, social order, and punishment of offenses
A. conflict resolution B. peer control C. economic development D. entertainment
66. Social structure consists of institutions, social groups, statuses and …
A. Families B. companies C. laws D. roles
67. Government by divine guidance means …
A. theocracy b. Heredity rule c. Feudalism d. democracy
68. Ramadan is the fasting month of …
A. Buddhism
B. Islam
C. Judaism
D. Christianity
69. Beef-eating is a taboo of …
A. Christianity
B. Buddhism
C. Islam
D. Hinduism
70. Where does the Pope reside in 21st Century?
A. Greece
B. Vatican
C. France
D. Italy
71. Which city is the birthplace of the three biggest world religions?
A. Athens
B. Cairo
C. Mecca
D. Jerusalem
72. Which country has the biggest Mahayana Buddhist community?
A. Vietnam
B. China
C. Thailand
D. Japan
73. Blood or consanguinal ties are the most common way we experience kinship. Our "kin"
is often taken to mean a brother or sister. Marriage, however, changes all of that.
Anthropologists refer to kinship established by marriage as _________________.
A. An affinal relationship
B. A family relationship
C. An acquaintanceship
D. A romatic relationship
74. Different cultures define kinship differently. Common to many is the idea that kinship
helps everyone recognize who is related to who, which helps maintain the integrity of the
incest taboo. In addition, nearly every culture includes an explicit understanding of how
kinship confers rights around matters such as inheritance. More subtly, and often not
made explicit in the defining of kinship, are _________________
A. Bonds among relatives
B. Blood relationship
C. Close relations
D. Expectations placed on different relatives, such as mothers, fathers, uncles, etc.
75. For most societies, until quite recently, a marriage was done to meet social obligations.
Only recently has love and pleasure become a reason to marry. Anthropology refers to
these marital bonds as...
A. Conscious marriages
B. Compassionate marriages
C. Religious marriages
D. Civil marriages
3. What is a typical characteristic of most people who share the same culture?
Exam 2022:
1. How does a Vietnamese myth or legend/ epic or tale manifest Vietnamese culture?
Please provide a story you know and explain how they are associated.
2. Please choose a (political, economic or socio-cultural) event in the last 100 years that you
think made a great impact on cultural change in Vietnamese society. Explain why and how
it occurred.
How to answer it?
Short answer questions for 2023: I will choose randomly from these questions:
3. Please Choose ONE and describe this painting and its implication based on the approaches of
Cultural anthropologists:
A. The death of Socrates
4. According to Lloyd Kwast, what relationships exist between the layers of culture? Please
analyze the relationships by comparing and contrasting these layers in Catholics and Buddhism.
Hint: You should provide: (1) definition of culture, (2) characteristics of culture and the analysis
of characteristics, (3) examples.
6. To what extent is Canada a pluralistic/ multicultural society? What problems are associated
with pluralism? How can these problems be resolved?
7. What are the major subsistence strategies and the characteristics of the societies that practice
8. Please explain the role of religion in society. Please explain why and how social stratification
changes over time and why it differs in different societies?
11. Provide some examples from cultural anthropology to support the statement, “What is
adaptive in one context may be seriously maladaptive in another.”
12. Why have anthropologists adopted an approach of “cultural relativism” when they are
engaged in ethnographic research? What contemporary controversies have emerged regarding
this approach, and how can anthropologists reconcile cultural relativism with issues of human