Petrinic (Impact)
Petrinic (Impact)
Petrinic (Impact)
E. Oñate and D. R. J. Owen (Eds)
CIMNE, Barcelona, 2003
Key words: Impact engineering, high strain rate testing, constitutive modelling, finite
element method, inverse modelling.
Nikica Petrinic, Li Wang and Benjamin C.F. Elliott
The successful application of metals in engineering designs follows from the ability of
metallic alloys to be fabricated to the desired shape/size and to satisfy the anticipated service
requirements. This ability is determined by materials’ chemical and physical properties. The
focus of this paper is on the identification of mechanical properties of metallic alloys which
describe the relationship between forces (surface tractions, body forces, inertial forces) acting
on the material and the material’s resistance to thus imposed deformation through to failure.
In particular, the response to impact loading, duration of which is less than the natural period
of vibration of the component or structure under consideration, is investigated.
Failure is a change in geometric and/or material properties of components or structures that
is sufficient for their function to be lost or impaired. In the case of impact loading the
inability of materials to further dissipate energy is most often considered a failure. The ability
of ductile metals to dissipate energy through inelastic deformation ceases with cracking.
Cracking to the extent that a component is separated into two or more pieces is termed
fracture. Further energy dissipation following fracture may occur through sliding contact but
this is largely dependent on component/structure’s geometry and loading conditions rather
than just upon the material under consideration.
Designers of sea/land/air/space-craft are under constant pressure to decrease the weight of
their components and structures in order to enable reductions in fuel consumption and
associated emissions12,20. In addition, it is desired that the minimum number of large-scale
and full-scale prototype tests required during the design and development not be exceeded.
Achieving these reductions whilst improving performance and safety is a major challenge
facing the automotive and aerospace industries today. The ability to predict material’s
response to given loading is key to accomplishing such objectives.
Unlike in the majority of manufacturing processes and in service, in which it is important
to prevent the materials from being loaded beyond the onset of material instability22, in the
case of impact loading resulting from collisions or explosions the materials are virtually
without exception loaded beyond that limit. It is therefore vital that the adopted predictive
numerical modelling methodologies used in impact engineering comprise constitutive models
capable of accurately representing the behaviour of materials subjected to rapidly applied
loading through to their failure characterised by cracking and fracture.
Most advanced ductile metallic alloys for automotive and aerospace applications exhibit
some form of rate dependent behaviour21,31,42. The origins of such behaviour lie in the
materials’ microstructure32. However, detailed analysis of underlying microscopic processes
requires discretisation into such small representative volume elements1,25,26 that its use
becomes prohibitive in large scale numerical simulations of real components and structures.
Consequently, a large number of physically based phenomenological constitutive models27,32
have been developed which rely upon homogenisation of relevant microscopic material
processes within representative volume elements determined by adopted discretisation
techniques. Such an approach to predictive modelling of material response to loading relies
on experimental observations and measurements for identification of parameters in the
mathematical equations devised to describe physical processes of deformation and failure at
Nikica Petrinic, Li Wang and Benjamin C.F. Elliott
macroscopic scales.
In this paper an iterative integrated experimental-numerical approach to predictive
modelling of the response of advanced metallic alloys to impact loading is presented. In this
approach (Figure 1), experimental observations and measurements at different rates of strain
are conducted first, in order to observe and classify the material behaviour. Subsequently, a
theoretical framework is chosen in order to enable numerical algorithms to be devised and
implemented within the existing computational framework(s) based upon the discrete/finite
element method3,6,7,9,11,34. In addition, the inability to identify experimentally all required
parameters is compensated by incorporation of inverse modelling techniques. This approach
enables not only the evaluation of non-measurable constitutive parameters but also the
validation of individual components of the utilised computational framework35.
Experimental data
Simulation ABAQUS
Tolerance (modify data)
Nikica Petrinic, Li Wang and Benjamin C.F. Elliott
The adopted approach is presented here by describing one of the several concurrent routes
commonly jointly pursued in evaluating a given material sample with the objective of
developing the necessary predictive modelling capability for dealing with that material. An
example of a titanium alloy for aerospace applications is used with the aim of illustrating
several aspects of experimental characterisation based upon uniaxial tensile testing and to
describe the subsequently performed modification of an existing constitutive model that
enabled regularisation of the numerical simulation of observed softening and localization
preceding specimen fracture. In addition, the currently employed methodology for
identification of non-measurable material parameters by means of inverse modelling is
The currently employed experimental methodology for mechanical characterisation of
materials is a result of series of carefully conducted modifications of specialised loading rigs
(following the feedback from numerical simulations of actually performed experiments) as
well as the application of ever improving state-of-the-art sensors and data acquisition
equipment. This methodology incorporates a number of different experimental setups thus
enabling generation of a wide range of loading conditions and consequent material states
within the specimen gauge sections under observation24. It is central to the adopted integrated
experimental-numerical approach to predictive modelling of material response to impact
loading to provide detailed information on the conducted experiments in a format readily
employable within the adopted computational framework. This way the selected (existing or
newly developed) numerical algorithms can be validated and modified in order to provide
better agreement with results of conducted experiments. It is expected that the numerical
algorithms capable of accurately simulating the selected range of relevant laboratory
experiments employed in characterisation of the given material can correctly estimate the
behaviour of that material in real components and structures subjected to impact loading.
In this paper a set of uniaxial tensile tests is described as one of the several concurrent
routes (in addition to uniaxial compression, pure shear, biaxial tension, tension-torsion, etc.)
normally undertaken in the adopted experimental approach to characterisation of deformation
and failure of ductile materials. Uniaxial tensile tests are an integral part of the currently
employed experimental methodology and are normally used first in characterisation of
mechanical behaviour of ductile materials16. In the case of characterisation of materials for
application in components and structures subjected to rapidly applied loading the experiments
are performed at several distinct rates of strain in order to enable determination of the effects
(if any) of loading rate on material response. In the presented approach to characterisation of
advanced metallic alloys for aerospace applications by tensile testing a single specimen
geometry (Figure 2) is used at all employed loading rates in order to remove effects of
specimen size and shape/geometry from the obtained results. In addition, the specimen design
was influenced by the desire to reduce the effect of radial inertia on the measured resisting
stress14 and to allow sufficient resolution in calculating the effective stress and strain in the
neck from images recorded by means of high speed photography10,13.
Nikica Petrinic, Li Wang and Benjamin C.F. Elliott
10.97 mm 8 mm
R = 1.5 mm
4.6 mm
1 mm 7 mm 2.97 mm d = 3 mm
32.6 mm
Figure 2: Tensile specimen for tests at different rates of strain
The presently utilised experimental technique for uniaxial tensile testing employs the
following loading systems
a) screw-driven loading machine (Hounsfield) for quasi-static loading (controlled cross-
head velocity, vMIN = 0.01 mm/min) (Figure 3a);
b) hydraulic loading machine (in-house) for medium rate loading (controlled piston
velocity, vMAX = 5 m/s) (Figure 3b);
c) Split-Hopkinson-Bar apparatus (in-house) for high rate loading (controlled impactor
velocity, vMAX = 35 m/s) (Figure 4).
v(t) ∆VF v(t)
u ∆Vu u
l0 ↓ l0
u(t) A0
Figure 3: Loading rigs for tensile testing at quasi-static and medium rates of strain
Following a straightforward procedure based upon the analysis of electric signals obtained
from a set of calibrated load cells and extensometers used in experiments at quasi-static and
medium loading rates and by ignoring the inertia forces the required mechanical quantities
(extension, extension rate, resisting force) are obtained which are easily comparable against
the results of simulations of conducted experiments. The data acquired in tests at high rates of
strain by means of the Split-Hopkinson-Bar apparatus requires further analysis in order to
obtain the equivalent mechanical quantities as the inertia forces and stress propagation speed
must be considered.
Nikica Petrinic, Li Wang and Benjamin C.F. Elliott
v(t) p0
t t t
arrester loading bar projectile chamber A valve C
bearing input bar
strain gauge specimen output bar
When the load is applied rapidly the dynamic equilibrium (ignoring the body forces) for a
1D rod follows from the translatorial equilibrium along the rod axis
Nikica Petrinic, Li Wang and Benjamin C.F. Elliott
∂σ ∂ 2u
=ρ 2 (2)
∂x ∂t
where σ is the longitudinal (axial) stress and ρ is the density.
u u+du
A, E, ρ σ x
u(x, t) ∂σ
σ+ dx
∂ 2u ∂x
ρ Ad x
∂t 2
Figure 5: Axially loaded rod
For materials which exhibit linear-elastic behaviour when loaded by a force below certain
magnitude the strain is normally small and can be expressed as a function of particle
displacements as follows (compatibility equation)
ε= (3)
while the stress can be expressed as a function of strain by (constitutive equation)
σ = Eε (4)
where E is the Young’s modulus thus enabling the transformation of equation (2) as follows
∂ 2u ∂ 2u
c2 = (5)
∂x 2 ∂t 2
c= (6)
is the elastic stress wave speed.
The following substitution
ξ = x − ct (7)
η = x + ct (8)
u = u (ξ ,η ) (9)
results in
Nikica Petrinic, Li Wang and Benjamin C.F. Elliott
∂ 2u ∂ 2u ∂ 2u ∂ 2u
= + 2 +
∂x 2
∂ξ 2
∂ξ∂η ∂η 2
∂ u 2 ∂ u ∂ u ∂ u
2 2 2 2
=c 2 −2 +
∂t 2 ∂ξ ∂ξ∂η ∂η 2
and after the substitution in the equilibrium equation (5) it follows that
∂ 2u
=0 (11)
u (ξ ,η ) = f (ξ ) + g (η ) (12)
Functions f(x-0) and g(x+0) are obtained from initial conditions as follows
1 1
f ( x − 0) = u0 ( x) − ∫ u&0 ( x) d x (14)
2 2c 0
1 1
g ( x + 0) = u0 ( x) + ∫ u&0 ( x) d x (15)
2 2c 0
where L is the length of the rod.
The D’Alambert’s solution is illustrated graphically in Figure 6, Figure 7 and Figure 8.
u u(x,0) = f(x-0) + g(x+0)
f(x-0) = g(x+0)
g(x+c∆t) f(x-c∆t)
Figure 6: Waves propagation in elastic thin rod
Nikica Petrinic, Li Wang and Benjamin C.F. Elliott
u(x,t0) = f(x-ct0)
u x
c(t1- t0)
u(x,t1) = f(x-ct1)
Figure 7: Forward travelling wave
Nikica Petrinic, Li Wang and Benjamin C.F. Elliott
t x
t t
Figure 8: Waves superposition
By eliminating f ′( x − ct ) from the above expressions for stress and velocity it follows that
σ v dx
+ = 0 for =c (23)
E c dt
Equivalently, for a backward travelling wave it can be shown that
σ v dx
− = 0 for = −c (24)
E c dt
Recalling that
Nikica Petrinic, Li Wang and Benjamin C.F. Elliott
c= (25)
it follows that
σ = ± ρcv for = mc (26)
where ρc is a constant known as the acoustic impedance or characteristic impedance of the
material. In addition, the longitudinal elastic strain in the thin rod can be expressed as follows
σ v dx
ε= =± for = mc (27)
E c dt
Nikica Petrinic, Li Wang and Benjamin C.F. Elliott
σ v
+ = 2 g ′( x + ct ) (34)
E c
By integrating
= ±c (35)
it follows that
x − ct = const = A (36)
x + ct = const = B (37)
Nikica Petrinic, Li Wang and Benjamin C.F. Elliott
0 t≤0
v ( x, t ) x = 0 = (43)
v0 t>0
is applied the material particles will gain the velocity v0 and the magnitude of thus initiated
forward travelling stress wave (α wave, β = 0) can be obtained from
ρcv0 = β − α = 0 − α = −α (44)
as follows
σ = β + α = 0 + α = − ρcv0 (45)
where negative sign denotes compression. The α wave reaches the other (free) end of the rod
after t = . The conditions at the free end require that
σ = β +α = 0 (46)
as follows
v = 2v0 (49)
1 α
= −c
Figure 9: α and β waves
Nikica Petrinic, Li Wang and Benjamin C.F. Elliott
where E is the Young’s modulus of the bar material and G denotes the position of the strain
gauges station. The velocity of particles at the strain gauges station cross section can be
obtained from
β ( xG , t ) − α ( xG , t ) ε (xG , t )
v( xG , t ) = = (51)
ρc c
where ρ is the density and c is the elastic stress wave speed for the bar material.
α = -ρcv0 σ=0
σ = -ρcv0
v = v0
β = -ρcv0 σ=0
v = 2v0
0 t≤0
v ( x, t ) x = 0 =
v0 t >0
Figure 10: Magnitudes of stress at discrete points of the bar
Using the method of characteristics it is possible to calculate the magnitude of forward and
backward travelling elastic stress waves as functions of position and time α(x,t) and β(x,t)
thus enabling the calculation of total stress in any selected cross section including the
Nikica Petrinic, Li Wang and Benjamin C.F. Elliott
downstream end of the bar by measuring the strain in instrumented cross sections.
Consequently, if a tensile specimen is fixed between the two bars of a Split-Hopkinson-Bar
apparatus as illustrated in Figure 11 (where INP and OUT denote “input bar” and “output bar”
respectively) the velocity of particles and the stress in cross sections at the interfaces between
the bars and the specimen can be evaluated. The presented experimental analysis procedure
based upon two sets of strain gauge stations on the input bar allows for attenuation and
dispersion of incident stress waves to be taken into account.
l2 l3 l4
The data obtained at strain gauge stations (instrumented cross sections on input and output
loading bars) can be used to calculate the relationship between specimen’s extension
∆ u (t ) = u xMAX
( ) (
, t − u xMIN
,t )
t t
= ∫ v(x ,τ )d τ −∫ v(x ,τ )dτ
0 0 (52)
β (x ,τ ) − α (x ,τ )
β (x
) (
,τ − α xMIN
= ∫
dτ −MAX
F (t ) =
[ ( ) (
F xMAX )]
, t + F xMIN
{ [( ) (
, t + β xMAX
, t + AOUT α xMIN
) (
, t + β xMIN
,t )]}
where MAX denotes the rightmost cross section on the input bar and MIN denotes the
leftmost cross section output bar (the interfaces between the bars and the specimen), F are the
Nikica Petrinic, Li Wang and Benjamin C.F. Elliott
total internal forces in the bars at the interfaces with the specimen, while AINP and AOUT are
the cross section areas of the input and output bar respectively. The magnitudes of forward
and backward travelling waves at the interfaces between the bars and the specimen are
calculated using the algorithm presented in Figure 12. The algorithm is the result of recent
enhancement that allows for multiple reflections from various interfaces within the Split-
Hopkinson-Bar system. This way it became possible to quantify the response of very ductile
l1 l3 l4
G1 G2 G3 x
t1 α INP
βINP t6
βINP t7
t t8
α xMAX
t < t4
) [
, t = σ xGINP , t − (t3 − t1 ) ] α OUT
( ) [ ] [ ]
α (x INP
MAX , t ) = σ [x
G1 , t − (t − t )]− β [x
3 1
, t − (t 4 − t3 )
≤ t
, t ) = σ [x , t + (t − t )]− {σ [x ] [ ]}
β (x , t + (t3 − t 2 ) − (t 2 − t1 ) − β xMAX , t − 2(t 2 − t1 )
MAX G2 3 2 G1
( ) [
α x OUT , t = σ xGOUT
t < t7 MIN
, t + (t6 5 − t )]
( )
β xMIN , t = 0
( ) [
α x OUT , t = σ xGOUT
t7 ≤ t < t8 MIN
] [
, t + (t6 − t5 ) + α xMIN
, t − (t7 − t5 ) ]
( )
β xMIN , t = 0
( ) [
α x OUT , t = σ xGOUT
t8 ≤ t MIN
, t + (t6 − t5 ) + α xMIN ] [
, t − (t7 − t5 ) ]
( ) [ ]
Nikica Petrinic, Li Wang and Benjamin C.F. Elliott
5.0E-03 10
L09 L09
4.5E-03 L10 9
L11 L11
4.0E-03 8
3.5E-03 T10 7
Extension (m)
3.0E-03 6 T11
Force (kN)
2.5E-03 5
2.0E-03 4
1.5E-03 3
Specimen fracture
1.0E-03 2
5.0E-04 1
0.0E+00 0
1.0E-04 1.5E-04 2.0E-04 2.5E-04 3.0E-04 3.5E-04 4.0E-04 0.00E+00 2.50E-04 5.00E-04 7.50E-04 1.00E-03 1.25E-03 1.50E-03 1.75E-03
Time (s) Extension (m)
10 2000
9 1800
8 L11 1600
T09 1400
True stress (MPa)
T10 L09
1200 L09
6 L10
Force (kN)
1 200
Specimen fracture
0 0
1.0E-04 1.5E-04 2.0E-04 2.5E-04 3.0E-04 3.5E-04 4.0E-04 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Time (s) True strain (%)
Figure 13: Typical basic set of results of uniaxial tensile tests at high rates of strain
Nikica Petrinic, Li Wang and Benjamin C.F. Elliott
A typical set of results of uniaxial tensile tests at three distinct rates of strain comprises the
applied prescribed velocity and the measured resistance force boundary conditions. An
example of such results set is given in Figure 14 together with the corresponding
recommended numerical model.
18 10
16 9
14 8
Extension velocity (m/s)
12 HR
Force (kN)
2 1
0 0
0.0E+00 2.0E-05 4.0E-05 6.0E-05 8.0E-05 1.0E-04 1.2E-04 1.4E-04 0.0E+00 2.0E-05 4.0E-05 6.0E-05 8.0E-05 1.0E-04 1.2E-04 1.4E-04
Time (s) Time (s)
0.7 9
Extension velocity (m/s)
Force (kN)
0.4 5
0.3 4
0 0
0.0E+00 1.0E-03 2.0E-03 3.0E-03 4.0E-03 5.0E-03 6.0E-03 7.0E-03 8.0E-03 0.0E+00 1.0E-03 2.0E-03 3.0E-03 4.0E-03 5.0E-03 6.0E-03
Time (s) Time (s)
7.0E-06 8
6.0E-06 7
Extension velocity (m/s)
Force (kN)
1.0E-06 1
0.0E+00 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Time (s) Time (s)
9 L10
8 T09
7 T11
v(t) FR(t) 6
Force (kN)
4 T08
3 L04
2 L06
1 T05
0.00E+00 2.50E-04 5.00E-04 7.50E-04 1.00E-03 1.25E-03 1.50E-03 1.75E-03 2.00E-03
Extension (m)
Figure 14: Typical set of idealised results of uniaxial tensile tests at three different rates of strain
Nikica Petrinic, Li Wang and Benjamin C.F. Elliott
The specimen boundary conditions can be used to estimate the material’s response in the
form of constitutive relation. Such calculation must take into account the geometry of the
specimen and the dynamic effects resulting in radial inertia as well as the triaxiality
conditions following the onset of necking.
The use of high frequency laser extensometers and high speed photographic equipment
enables further quantification of the induced material behaviour40. As a result, continuous
measurements of the reduction in cross section area and the recording of full field surface
displacement and temperature can be performed thus providing additional information on the
material behaviour for comparison against the results of numerical simulations of conducted
experiments. In addition, all specimens can be examined after testing using the X-ray
diffractometry as well as the TEM/EBSD microscopy (Figure 15) in order to relate
macroscopic observation and measurements to observable/measurable effects at microscopic
scale. Equivalent data can be gathered across a range of different types of experiments which
is instrumental to the development of new improved physically based predictive modelling
Nikica Petrinic, Li Wang and Benjamin C.F. Elliott
At microscopic scale matter consists of atoms that are held together by bonds resulting
from the interaction of electromagnetic fields and are grouped into molecules thus forming
chains, planes, crystals, fibres, grains. Engineers, however, mostly have to deal with pieces of
matter at a much larger scale. When observed at macroscopic scale, matter appears (to the
naked eye) continuous, hence the name continuum. In such context, the world appears to be
composed of dense matter or solids (Earth’s crust, man-made structures) and rare matter or
fluids (liquids, gases) that are continually and continuously interacting. One mathematical
description of such world regards matter as indefinitely divisible and is known as continuum
mechanics. The basis of this theory is defined at a material point or particle - an infinitely
small part of the continuum under consideration still retaining all characteristics of the
continuum as a whole. However, real materials are not continuous and the quantities (e.g.
strain, strain rate, temperature, stress) chosen to describe the observed behaviour of continua
actually represent averages over a representative volume element (RVE) at a macroscopic
scale. The actual size of RVE employed in predictive modelling of real phenomena depends
upon the geometric characteristics of domains under consideration (e.g. sharp notches, tight
radii, etc.) and the type of observed material behaviour (e.g. inviscid flow, localisation,
cracking, etc.). As a result, the required size of RVE can be reduced to a dimension of the
same order as the size of material’s constituents (e.g. grains, fibres, etc.) and the assumptions
of continuity and homogeneity upon which the continuum mechanics theory is based are no
longer applicable. Similarly, at a larger scale mechanical systems consist of numerous
components forming assemblies of discrete interacting bodies. Hence – the Discrete Element
Nikica Petrinic, Li Wang and Benjamin C.F. Elliott
a) single rigid body primitives (e.g. spheres, ellipsoids, superquadrics, regular and
arbitrary polyhedrons, etc.), or
b) single deformable bodies (which are further discretised using finite element method or
smoothed particle hydrodynamics technique), or
c) recursive use of either or both of the first two types of approximation while forming
assemblies with a specific interaction laws.
This computational framework is ideally suited for research into predictive modelling of
deformation and failure of solids and solid assemblies as it contains all the necessary
ingredients required to simulate successfully the transition from continuum to discontinuum.
It has as such been adopted to accompany the presented experimental methodology thus
enabling an integrated approach to predictive modelling of deformation and failure in metallic
alloys subjected to impact loading. In the adopted approach presented in this paper large
mechanical systems (e.g. automotive structures in crash simulations, aeroengine fan structure
in birdstrike events, etc.) are treated as assemblies of continuous deformable solids.
The current implementation (DEST - Discrete Element Simulation Tools36) of this
methodology relies upon the updated Lagrangian description of motion and employs the latest
computational technology (object-oriented, function call overload optimised and parallelised
code) in the attempt to offer an accurate as well as efficient solution to the following
governing equations
- kinematic compatibility
∂x ∂v
d = 2 l + l(T
F= ⇒ l = F& F −1
= ⇒ (54)
∂X ∂x 1
w = l − l T
( )
- conservation of mass
Nikica Petrinic, Li Wang and Benjamin C.F. Elliott
- conservation of momentum
div[σ EXT − σ INT ] + ρ b = ρ u
∀p ∈ (Ω ) (56)
σ ij = σ ji
- conservation of energy
ρe& = σ : d + r − div[q ] (57)
σ (t ) = Σ [σ (τ ), ε (τ ), d (τ ), w (τ ), θ (τ ), {V }], − ∞ < τ ≤ t
* (58)
- boundary conditions
σEXT n = t ∀p ∈ (∂ t Ω )
u = ub ∀p ∈ (∂ u Ω )
- initial conditions
u(0) = u0
v (0) = v 0
where p denotes a material particle within the domain Ω or on the domain boundary ∂Ω, F is
the deformation gradient, X and x are the reference and current position of p respectively, l is
the velocity gradient, v is the velocity of p, d is the rate of deformation tensor, w is the spin
tensor, ρ is the material density, u is the displacement of p, σ is the Cauchy (true) stress
(where EXT denotes external and INT denotes internal stress), e is the internal energy density,
r is the internal heat production density (rate of radiant heat supply), q is the surface heat flux,
σ* is the objective rate of Cauchy stress tensor, Σ is the functional of deformation history, ε is
the true strain tensor, θ is the temperature, {V} is the set of internal variables, n is the surface
normal vector on the domain’s boundary, t is the surface traction vector along ∂t Ω portion of
the boundary (Neuman’s boundary condition), ub is the prescribed displacement along ∂u Ω
portion of the boundary (Dirichlet’s boundary condition), ∆ v N is the relative velocity of
contacting entities in the direction normal to the common contact surface defined by its
normal nC thus defining the initial value problem of discrete solid mechanics.
The algorithms presented in this paper rely upon the finite element sub-discretisation of
discrete elements (distinct continuous solids) within the domain under consideration. This
Nikica Petrinic, Li Wang and Benjamin C.F. Elliott
enables utilisation of computational methodology that has proved itself in dealing with the
bulk of materials’ response to loading preceding the onset of material instability38 leading to
strain localisation, cracking and component fracture (and potentially loss of structural
integrity). The adopted approach allows for other numerical techniques (Mesh Free Galerkin
- MFG, Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics - SPH, Finite Volume Method - FVM, Boundary
Element Method - BEM) to be utilised within the same code. In addition, due to the short
lasting nature of impact events under consideration the solution to the governing partial
differential equations in the time domain is sought by means of the leap-frog central
difference explicit time integration scheme.
3.2 Constitutive modelling of rate dependent material behaviour and strain localisation
The accuracy of numerical predictions of material failure by cracking and fracture is
mainly dependent on the performance of employed constitutive models. In the case of impact
loading it is important that constitutive models are capable of correctly simulating material’s
rate dependent behaviour if any such behaviour is observed in experiments. A number of
models have been proposed that are capable of simulating rate dependent behaviour by using
simple empirical or more advanced physically based constitutive equations27,31. Most of such
models can successfully represent the observed response up to the onset of material
instability. In order to enable simulation of the observed response beyond the onset of
material instability it is important that the employed constitutive models can exhibit strain
softening6. However, the consequent numerical difficulties posed by the change in nature of
underlying differential equilibrium equations from hyperbolic to elliptic results in the inability
of the adopted solution method to represent accurately the fracture as solutions become
hugely dependent on the size of the RVE defined by spatial discretisation. Consequently, the
energy dissipation within the localisation zone vanishes as the size of elements within the
zone approaches zero value4,5,37. This obviously cannot represent fracture as fracture always
involves a certain amount of energy dissipation. As a result, a number of regularisation
techniques have been proposed23,33 in the attempt to resolve these problems.
In this paper, modifications and further regularisation of a constitutive model which
couples the temperature dependent isotropic elasto-visco-plasticity and scalar damage
mechanics2 are presented. The constitutive model has been adapted in order to remove the
dependency of its predictions on the size of the RVE determined by spatial discretisation.
This has been achieved by introducing a length scale into the equations defining the evolution
of the scalar damage variable within the model. In this model the material response to
deformation is formally expressed in the following rate form
[ ]
σ (t ) = Σ σ (τ ), ε (τ ), d (τ ), w (τ ), θ (τ ), α (τ ), κ (τ ), {D, D& } , − ∞ < τ ≤ t
* (62)
where α is the back stress, κ is the isotropic hardening and D is the scalar damage variable.
The algorithmic implementation of this functional follows from the energy considerations
encompassed by the fundamental principles of thermodynamics with internal variables. In
this approach, the first principle (energy balance)
Nikica Petrinic, Li Wang and Benjamin C.F. Elliott
( 1
σ : d − ρ ψ& + sθ& − q ⋅ grad[θ ] ≥ 0
of the observable ( ε,θ ) and the internal ( {V }) variables which define the local material state
ε (t ) = ∫ d (τ ) d τ (70)
is the true strain (work conjugate to Cauchy stress), the Clausis-Duhem inequality can be
expressed as follows
∂ψ ∂ψ & 1
σ − ρ : d − ρ s + θ − AiV&i − q ⋅ grad[θ ] ≥ 0 (71)
∂ε ∂θ θ
The description of material inelastic behaviour follows from the multiplicative
decomposition of the deformation gradient into its elastic and inelastic parts
F = F el F inel (72)
Nikica Petrinic, Li Wang and Benjamin C.F. Elliott
d inel = d pl + d θ + d Vi
inel θ
w = w + w + w
pl Vi
in which the superscript pl denotes plastic or visco-plastic, the superscript θ denotes thermal
while the superscript Vi denotes the portion of the inelastic rate of deformation and inelastic
spin associated with dissipation processes described by the internal variables Vi. The
associated Helmholtz free energy density can then be expressed as follows
ψ = ψ (ε − ε inel ,θ , {V }) = ψ (ε el ,θ , {V }) (76)
Φ M + ΦT = {σ : d pl − AiV&i }− q ⋅ grad[θ ] ≥ 0
where Φ M is the mechanical (intrinsic) dissipation and ΦT is the thermal dissipation.
The introduction of a dissipation potential (a convex scalar valued function of flux
Nikica Petrinic, Li Wang and Benjamin C.F. Elliott
ϕ = ϕ d pl , {V& },
ϕ * = ϕ * (σ , {A}, grad[θ ]) (81)
which can be decoupled (if suitable)
ϕ = ϕ M (d pl , {V& }) + ϕT
ϕ * = ϕ M* (σ , {A}) + ϕT* (grad[θ ]) (82)
enables the definition of corresponding equivalent evolution laws
∂ϕ M ∂ϕ M*
σ= d pl = (83)
∂d pl ∂σ
∂ϕ M ∂ϕ *
Ai = − − V&i = M (84)
∂V&i ∂Ai
∂ϕT q ∂ϕT*
grad[θ ] = − − =
q θ ∂ (grad[θ ]) (85)
where Ai is the thermodynamic force associated to the internal variable Vi.
For a linear relation between the heat flux and temperature gradient the thermal dissipation
potential can be expressed as follows
ϕT* = C ⋅ grad[θ ] ⋅ grad[θ ] (86)
which yields
q ∂ϕT*
− = = C grad[θ ] (87)
θ ∂ (grad[θ ])
where C is the tensor of material diffusion properties (constants) which in the case of isotropic
materials reduces to a scalar k that varies inversely with respect to temperature thus
q = −k grad[θ ] (88)
[( ) ]
ψ ε el ,θ , {V } + θs = σ : d + r − div[q ] (89)
Nikica Petrinic, Li Wang and Benjamin C.F. Elliott
By noting that
d ∂ψ (ε el ,θ , {V }) ∂ 2ψ ∂ 2ψ & ∂ 2ψ &
s& = − = − : d el
− θ− Vi (91)
dt ∂θ ∂ε el ∂θ ∂θ 2 ∂Vi ∂θ
from which it follows that
1 ∂σ ∂s & 1 ∂Ai &
s& = − : d el − θ− Vi (92)
ρ ∂θ ∂θ ρ ∂θ
and by introducing the specific heat
C =θ (93)
and by noting that
div[q ] = − k div[grad[θ ]] = − k ∆θ (94)
where ∆ is the Laplacian operator, it follows that the first principle of thermodynamics can be
expressed as follows
∂σ el ∂Ai &
AiV&i −θ :d + Vi + ρCθ& = σ : d pl + r − k ∆θ (95)
∂θ ∂θ
Rapidly applied loading of materials results in adiabatic heating which can be described by
k ∆θ = 0
r =0
If the thermomechanical coupling is ignored
∂σ el
: d = 0
∂Ai & (97)
Vi = 0
and the non-recoverable energy stored in the material is considered constant
AiV&i = const. (98)
Nikica Petrinic, Li Wang and Benjamin C.F. Elliott
complementary dissipation potential was assumed to be equal to the following Von Mises
yield criterion with visco-plastic hardening and scalar damage
ϕ * = F (σ , α, κ , d pl , w pl ,θ , D, D& ) = 0 (100)
from which the evolution laws for plastic rate of deformation and spin as well as the evolution
of kinematic and isotropic hardening, adiabatic temperature and scalar damage are derived.
In order to allow for the simulation of deformation involving large rotations the adopted
updated Lagrangian formulation based upon explicit time integration of the underlying partial
differential equations of equilibrium employs the Jaumann objective stress rate formulation of
the Cauchy stress
σ tc+ ∆ t = σ t + ∆ t w ∆ t ⋅ σ t + σ t ⋅ w ∆ t ∆ t (101)
t+ 2 t+ 2
and the back stress
α c
t +∆ t = αt + ∆ t w ∆ t ⋅ αt + αt ⋅ w ∆ t ∆ t (102)
t+ 2 t+ 2
This enables the calculation of the trial deviatoric stress
D& ∆ t 1 1
σ t′+TR∆ t = σ tc+ ∆ t 1 − min1, t [ ]
− tr σ tc+ ∆ t I + 2 µ (1 − Dt ) d ∆ t − tr d ∆ t I ∆ t
t+ (103)
1 − Dt 3 2 3 2
2 pl
d pl∆ t = d ∆ t : d pl∆ t (106)
2 3 t + 2 t + 2
α tc+ ∆ t =
3 c
αt + ∆ t : αtc+ ∆ t ) (107)
Nikica Petrinic, Li Wang and Benjamin C.F. Elliott
is the effective back stress, while I is the identity tensor, µ is the elastic shear modulus and ∆t
is the time increment between the reference and current configurations in the employed
explicit time integration algorithm.
The elastic trial effective stress is checked for yielding using the following yield criterion
ϕ * = F (σ , α, κ , d pl , w pl ,θ , D, D& ) =
3 TR
+∆ t − σ Y = 0
ξ t + ∆ t : ξ tTR (108)
in which
2 TR
ξ tTR ′TR
+∆ t = σt +∆ t − αt + ∆ t (109)
is the difference between the deviatoric trial stress and the trial back stress while
d ∆t
−1 TR
σ Y = (1 − Dt )V (θ t )sinh 2
+ Y (θ t ) + κ t + ∆ t (110)
f (θ t )
d = d ∆t : d ∆t (111)
3 2 + +
t t
Y (θ t ) = C3 exp 4 (113)
f (θ t ) = C5 exp − 6 (114)
to describe the initial yield stress and the following functions of temperature
rd (θ t ) = C7 exp − 8 (115)
Nikica Petrinic, Li Wang and Benjamin C.F. Elliott
h(θ t ) = C9 exp 10 (116)
rs (θ t ) = C11 exp − 12 (117)
to describe the kinematic hardening and these functions of temperature
Rd (θ t ) = C13 exp − 14 (118)
H (θ t ) = C15 exp 16 (119)
Rs (θ t ) = C17 exp − 18 (120)
to describe isotropic hardening processes. In these functions Ci are the parameters which
need to be determined from experiments. This formulation enables the incorporation of
thermal activation mechanisms in dislocation motion into the constitutive model.
If the trial stress violates the yield criterion the stress correction (radial return) is performed
by calculating the plastic multiplier
3 TR
( )
+∆ t − σ Y
ξ t + ∆ t : ξ tTR
∆γ = (121)
2 µ (1 − Dt ) + [h(θ t ) + H (θ t )]
and the flow vector
3 (122)
(ξ : ξ )
after which it follows that
σ t + ∆ t = σ t′+TR∆ t − 2µ (1 − Dt ) ∆ γ n + pI (123)
Nikica Petrinic, Li Wang and Benjamin C.F. Elliott
κ t + ∆ t = κ tTR+ ∆ t + H (θ t ) ∆γ (125)
θ& =
σ t + ∆ t : d tpl+ ∆ t ) (127)
where C19 is the fraction of inelastic work dissipated through heat (usually 0.9) and C20 is the
material’s specific heat coefficient while
d tpl+ ∆ t = ∆ γ n (129)
Nikica Petrinic, Li Wang and Benjamin C.F. Elliott
is the void growth function and Lc is the characteristic length (the size of integration domain
in the direction of maximum principal rate of plastic strain).
The void growth function controls the rate at which damage grows such that the correct
amount of energy is dissipated per unit volume within the localisation zone thus correctly
representing the amount of fracture energy released per unit area of crack surface in the given
material. The incorporation of this function made it possible to further regularise the
behaviour of the presented constitutive model in the softening regime. The simulation of
experiments at high rates of strain prior to this modification of the constitutive model
exhibited enormous mesh dependency as illustrated in Figure 17 wherein the results of
simulations with several different mesh densities are presented. The results show that the
amount of energy dissipated per until volume in the coarse mesh is greater than the amount of
energy dissipated per unit volume of the fine mesh. This confirmed that the energy dissipated
per unit volume in the original formulation of the constitutive model would approach zero as
the element size decreased to zero value despite the implicit regularisation performed by
incorporating the visco-plastic response into the constitutive model.
The identification of non-measurable material parameters C21 and C22 was performed by
employing the inverse modelling technique presented in the next section.
Mesh 1
9 Mesh 2
8 Mesh 3
Mesh 4
Mesh 1
7 Mesh 5
6 Mesh 6
Force (kN)
0.0E+00 1.0E-03 2.0E-03 3.0E-03 4.0E-03 5.0E-03
Extension (m)
Mesh 2
Mesh 4
Nikica Petrinic, Li Wang and Benjamin C.F. Elliott
Given a Dirichlet’s boundary condition (i.e. the velocity boundary condition v(t) measured
during the experiment) then the Neuman’s boundary condition (total resisting uniaxial force f
provided by the specimen under tensile loading) for the given domain is obtained numerically
and its variation with the parameters is expressed as follows
f ( p ) = f ( p, v (t ), t ) (135)
An objective function that measures the difference between the experimentally obtained
and numerically simulated reaction force histories in a least squares sense is formulated as
1 2
J (p ) = f (p ) − fˆ (136)
2 Y
The goal of the inverse modelling exercise is the optimal set of parameters p * , achieved
when the objective function is at a global minimum and can be expressed by
Nikica Petrinic, Li Wang and Benjamin C.F. Elliott
p* = argmin[J ( p )] (137)
or by
∃p* ⊂ P ∈ ∀p ⊂ P : J ( p) ≥ J ( p* ) (138)
Initially, a value of the objective function is obtained at the starting point (a given
parameter set, estimated based on experience or guessed). From the initial position in
parameter space the computation towards the optimal one is carried out by the search
algorithm consisting of two phases at each increment. Firstly, an exploratory phase, where
the surrounding topology of the objective function is determined and secondly, an update
phase, where the current parameter set is updated and the size of the exploration subdomain is
modified if necessary.
The numerical and experimental results are linearly interpolated and the sum of squares of
differences is calculated. This is the objective function used to evaluate the parameters.
Inverse modelling simulations are set to terminate when a given tolerance is reached. This
gives reasonable execution times while reaching an accuracy far outweighed by other sources
of error in the experiment. Normally, optimisations are repeated from a variety of starting
positions in order to ameliorate the effects of local minima. The procedure is illustrated
schematically in two-parameter space in Figure 18.
250 120
200 100
150 80
100 60
7 89
4 56
1 23
-10 -9 -8
-7 -6 -5 -2-10
-4 -3 -2
-1 0 1 -4-3
2 3 4 -7-6-5
5 6 7 -9-8
8 9 10 -10
Figure 18: Schematic illustration of the update phase in the optimization algorithm
The material parameters C21 and C22 which define the evolution of damage upon the mesh
size were identified by means of the outlined inverse modelling technique using the
Nikica Petrinic, Li Wang and Benjamin C.F. Elliott
information from uniaxial tensile experiments at high rates of strain. The results presented in
Figure 19 show that the developed regularisation algorithm is capable of ensuring that the
same amount of energy is dissipated per unit volume regardless of the size of RVE in the
Mesh 1
Mesh 2
Mesh 3
8 Mesh 4
Mesh 5
Mesh 6
Force (kN)
0.0E+00 2.0E-04 4.0E-04 6.0E-04 8.0E-04 1.0E-03 1.2E-03 1.4E-03 1.6E-03 1.8E-03
Extension (m)
Figure 19: Results of developed regularization of softening by coupling visco-plasticity and damage mechanics
Elements of an integrated experimental-numerical approach to predictive modelling of
deformation and failure in ductile metallic alloys for aerospace applications have been
presented. The adopted methodology integrates several mature experimental and numerical
technologies and continues to be improved by incorporating state-of-the-art techniques.
This paper presents one of the routes for mechanical characterisation of ductile metallic
alloys involving observation and measurements during uniaxial tensile testing at high rates of
strain as well as the description of a suitable constitutive model and the identification of its
parameters. The developed algorithm for regularisation of material instability further
enhances the accuracy of predictive modelling of strain localisation, cracking and fracture in
ductile metallic alloys.
In the adopted integrated approach to predictive modelling of material response to impact
loading these activities are normally executed concurrently with a number of different types
of experiments followed by numerical simulations and inverse modelling of conducted
experiments. The aim of such elaborate research programmes is to enable the accurate
simulation of material states created in laboratory conditions in order to confidently
extrapolate the gained knowledge onto predictive modelling of the response of real
automotive and aerospace structures to impact loading.
Nikica Petrinic, Li Wang and Benjamin C.F. Elliott
The support from the European Commission (grants G3RD-CT-2000-00186 and G4RD-
CT-2000-00395) involving major European civil aircraft and automobile manufacturers, the
UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council EPSRC (grant GR/R92691/01) and
Rolls-Royce plc are gratefully acknowledged.
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