(Asce) 1084-0699 (1996) 1 3
(Asce) 1084-0699 (1996) 1 3
(Asce) 1084-0699 (1996) 1 3
ABSTRACT: A diffusion wave model of distributed catchment dynamics is presented. The effects of catchment
topography and river network structure on storm-flow response are incorporated by routing surface runoff in
cascade throughout a digital elevation model (OEM) based conceptual transport network, where the Muskingum-
Cunge scheme with variable parameters is used to describe surface runoff dynamics. Dynamic scaling of hy-
draulic geometry is also incorporated in the model by using the "at-a-station" and "downstream" relationships
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by Leopold and Maddock. Numerical experiments indicate that the model is more than 98% mass conservative
for possible slope and roughness configurations, which may occur for hillslopes in a natural catchment. Fluc-
tuations in the simulated discharge may occur in response to discontinuities in rainfall excess representation if
Courant number Cu during the simulation exceeds a threshold of about 3. Catchment scale simulations with
different temporal resolution show that the model response is independent of structural parameters (model
consistency). Also, the overall accuracy is preserved for computationally inexpensive space-time discretizations
(for which Cu > 3) because fluctuations that may occur at the local scale are dampened when propagating
downstream. Comparison of model results with observed outlet hydrographs of the Rio Missiaga experimental
catchment (Eastern Italian Alps) show this approach to be capable of describing both overland and channel
phases of surface runoff in mountainous catchments.
where Q1::
= discharge at network link point (i + 1)t:..s and
time (j + 1)t:..t; and q{~ll = lateral inflow rate at the (i + l)th
space interval and (j + l)th time interval (see Fig. 2). The
routing coefficients, C" C2 , C3 , and C4 , are given by
C _ ck(t:..tlt:..s) - 2X
1 - 2(1 - X) + ck(t:..tlt:..s)
ck(t:..tlt:..s) + 2X
= 2(1 - X) + ck(f:..tlt:..s)
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2(1 - X) - ck(t:..tlt:..s)
= 2(1 - X) + ck(t:..tlt:..s)
2c t:..t
C4 = - - - _ : : .k . . - _ - - (17)
2(1 - X) + ck(t:..tlt:..s)
Vq = Li q dA dt (28)
resentation. The effect of the Courant number on numerical
dispersion is empirically investigated by varying all the factors
of (32) as reported in Table 1. For example, the effect of in-
is the cumulative volume of rainfall excess produced over the
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15 - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - r 0.20B
entire hillslope area A during the simulation period T, and
rainfall exce........ (
Va = i Q dt (29)
0.138 f.'
is the cumulative volume of outlet discharge Q during the 1a
simulation period T. Relative errors in mass balance are found
to be less than 2% for all simulations.
To obtain an accurate solution of the Muskingum-Cunge
method it is generally recommended to respect the empirical
5 0.08ll f
criterion E!
whereas negative values for C2 and C3 do not affect the overall o 5 8
accuracy of the method (Ponce and Theurer 1982). Condition
(30) is verified if, and only if,
Cu+D~l (31)
0. " cos ~
3 0.138 f.'
5/3k f~S ~3/1OB " as
(33) 1a
Thus, (30) can be expressed in terms of discharge as
CATCHMENT SCALE MODELING values of soil and channel network hydraulic properties are
maintained; initial conditions of catchment wetness are esti-
The network routing model described earlier was tested on
mated on the basis of precipitation prior to the simulation
the Rio Missiaga experimental catchment, located on the west-
events. A 1-h time step is used for infiltration excess calcu-
ern side of the Cordevole Valley (Belluno, Italy). The catch- lations and a 5-min time step (at = 1/12 h) is used to control
ment's main geological and geomorphological features are re- the accuracy of the routing scheme. The calibration event
ported in Friz et al. (1983). A 4.35-km2 extension of the Rio shown in Fig. 8 is reproduced by the model simulation in both
Missiaga catchment was horizontally discretized into 1,740 the infiltration excess and kinematic subsurface runoff com-
cells with a 50-m grid spacing (ax = 50 m, see Fig. 1). The ponents (see Appendix II). The rising limb and first peak of
Rio Missiaga catchment ranges in elevation from 1,100 m the hydrograph reflect surface runoff response, whereas suc-
above sea level at the outlet to more than 2,400 m above sea
cessive peaks and the tail reflect kinematic subsurface storm-
level. Identification of the channel network from the DEM of flow response. As shown in Figs. 9 and 10, the validation
the catchment was carried out through the critical support area events are reasonably well simulated by the model. The hy-
with constant threshold A * = 0.50 km2 • This threshold value drographs for the two validation events represent predomi-
was selected on the basis of visual similarity between the ex- nantly surface runoff response, as indicated by the single peaks
tracted network and the blue lines depicted on topographic of shorter duration and shorter tails.
maps. Structural parameters of the drainage network and As shown in Fig. 9, fluctuations in discharge that may occur
Gauckler-Strickler roughness are reported in Table 2. Expo- at the elemental cell-channel scale for at = 1/12 h (see Fig.
nents hi and h" introduced earlier are assumed to be hi = 0.26
5) are dampened when propagating downstream, and this ex-
and h" = 0.50, as found by Leopold and Maddock (1953) for plains why the outlet hydrographs do not significantly differ
the semiarid catchments of the United States. These exponent from the hydrographs obtained for extremely high temporal
values provide flow widths that are in reasonable agreement resolution, at = 1/60 h, for which fluctuations do not occur
with the hydraulic geometry of the catchment network, al- (see Fig. 6). The consistency of the method is also confirmed.
though more extensive field data must be collected in order to
fit and verify relationships (1) and (2), and to conduct a com-
TABLE 2. Model Parametera for Rio Mlnlaga Catchment Sim-
prehensive model calibration and parameter optimization. ulations
Surface cover and soil properties are assigned to each DEM
cell on the basis of the available information on catchment Values
attributes and a TCA water balance model is applied to cal- Parameter Overland flow Channel flow
culate rainfall excess at a 1-h time-step resolution. Complete (1 ) (2) (3)
details of the TCA water balance model formulation and par- b' 0.26 0.26
ameterization are given by Orlandini et al. (in press, 1996). b" 0.50 0.50
The nonuniform distribution of soil and vegetation parameters Bro , m 25 7
produces a distributed rainfall excess response of the catch- Q,o, m' s-' 1 1
ment that is qualitatively in agreement with field observations. ks : m l/3 S-l 0.7 5.0
Infiltration excess is the dominant surface runoff production "lin, where n is Manning's roughness.
mechanism for lowland areas, where fine-grained sedimenta-
tion results in relatively low surface hydraulic conductivities, 3.0,.--------------,
although strong subsurface kinematic storm-flow response
from the coarse-grained upland areas can also occur during
extreme storm events. The subsurface storm-flow response of
the catchment is described in this study through the diffusion
wave formulation outlined in Appendix II.
The apparent Gauckler-Strickler roughness coefficient ks is \2.0
the only (distributed) parameter of the routing model. For the E
Rio Missiaga catchment, uniform distributions for ks are as-
sumed and, as reported in Table 2, different values of ks are ~
considered for cells in which overland or channel flow is as- .~ 1.0
sumed to occur (see Fig. 1). This allows one to take into ac- ...
count the different dissipative processes that characterize over-
land and channel flow. Small values of k s assumed to calibrate
the model are in agreement with observed data reported in the
literature. Kouwen and Li (1980) found, for flow through
grass-lined channels, values of Manning roughness n = 0.05- o 16 32 48 64
0.5 m- 1I3 s (k s = 2-20 m ll3 S-I). Newson and Harrison (1978) time (hr)
found that for sheet flow n = 25 m- 1I3 s (ks = 0.04 m ll3 S-I). FIG. 8. Comparison between Simulated and Observed Outlet
Bathurst (1986) used an intermediate value of Gauckler-Strick- Storm Flow for October 9-12, 1987 Rio Mlsslaga Flood Calibra-
ler roughness, ks = 0.75 m l/3 S-l (n = 1.33 m -1/3 s), to describe tion Event
..... 1.5
0 1. 0
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'ii 0.5
o 4 8 12 16
time, t (hr)
FIG. 9. Comparison between Simulated and Observed Outlet
Storm Flow for September 29, 1991 Rio Mlssiaga Flood Valida-
tion Event
6.0 ...,-----....,.~----:-)
- ~-------, FIG. 11. DEM of Rio Missiaga Catchment Showing Selected
simulated b'-0.26 -
simulated b'''O) •.•.. Locations (Black Cells, A-E) and Path (Dark Cells) for Eulerian
observed ...... and Lagrangian Analysis of September 14, 1993 Flood Event
c 2.0 J',
As an example of model application for investigative pur- ~ I,
poses both Eulerian and Lagrangian analysis of the September
14, 1993 flood event are presented. The five locations A-E
(channel sections) and the flow path shown in Fig. 11 are
selected for the Eulerian and Lagrangian analysis, respectively. ...J.1\·.
. ., 0.0 +.,.-,.-r-:r--1-.,.-r-,..e;,h"::';:''';~., .:\~.~.~
Some hydrologically relevant features along the selected path o 4 8 12 16
are reported in Table 3. As shown in Fig. 12, the Eulerian time. t (hr)
analysis of the flood event is carried out by plotting the surface FIG. 12. Surface Runoff Hydrographs at Locations A-E
runoff hydrographs at five locations along the path. The La- Shown In Fig. 11, for September 14, 1993 Rio Missiaga Flood
grangian analysis of the flood event is carried out by plotting Event
surface flow characteristics along the selected path, for four
given instants in time. Flow discharges, depths, and velocities variability when using the geomorphologic instantaneous unit
are shown in Figs. 13, 14, and 15, respectively. For the con- hydrograph to model basin response [see Agnese et al. (1988)].
sidered flood event, average velocities increase in a downslope The effect of topography on catchment dynamics can be
direction along the path, and the rate of increase is qualita- expressed in terms of the Peelet number. The Peelet number
tively in agreement with published data [e.g., Carlston (1969),
Pilgrim (1977)]. Therefore, one must properly account for this Pe = 4UYIDh (36)
I: ,I
..' I
-ID ,}
,I .'
"'0 2 . 0 .' ,/
~ ~; fi
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~ ,',' ......)
:ii ,'
..... ,1
~ 0.0 +.,.--.,.--.,.--..,....:;.i"'."'i~~."".:~:;
. ::::.:•...,.__•... ,_.__.~-F::r-_r__r__r_-.-l
o 1 2 :5 4
space along channel, B (km)
FIG. 13. Surface Runoff Discharge along Path Shown In Fig.
11, for Different Instants in Time of September 14, 1993 Rio Mis-
siaga Flood Event
FIG. 16. Map of Hydraulic Diffusivities Dh over Rio Missiaga
t=9 hr - Catchment (See Table 2), as Obtained from Eq. (38) in Which g,
...... t-l0 hr--- = 10 mm h-'; Darker Shades Represent Higher Diffusivities: Dh
t=11 hr .......
>- t=12 hr-'-"
Ranges from 0 to 1.93 m' s·' with Average Value of 4.86 x 10-'
~ 0.4
I: values of Peelet number, (20) will be mostly of a convective
~ nature. From (36) and (24) the Peelet number can be expressed
c as
.r: 0.2
.... Fe = 8So/cos 13 (37)
"0 Although the steeply sloping Rio Missiaga catchment is char-
acterized predominantly by convection rather than diffusion,
the variability of hydraulic diffusivity of surface flows in re-
sponse to a hypothetical rainfall excess forcing of intensity q,
o 1 2 3 4 = 10 mm h -1 and duration greater than the time of concentra-
space along channel, s (km) tion of the basin
FIG. 14. Surface Runoff Depth along Path Shown In Fig. 11, I-b' b"-b'
for Different Instants in Time of September 14, 1993 Rio Mlssi- - 3q, Ao cos 13 AI-b"
aga Flood Event Dh = 2(3 + 2b I b'
)B,oQ,o So
5 1.0 I-"
" I
/ ......
, ....... ,-
Figs. 1 and 16 emphasizes how the model can automatically
identify catchment areas characterized by different dynamics.
The kinematic wave description applies for steeply sloping
.~ I ,
o ~ ~t hillslopes, while the diffusion-convection wave description ap-
.. ' ,r•••••
~ t'" ".l'·· ,., ... plies in lowland areas, where the conditions of slope and flow
o ,,' / ._i depth make physical damping an important effect.
=E 0.5 '
curacy is preserved for a wide range of slope and roughness where it has been defined that
characteristics, space-time resolutions, and rainfall excess forc-
ing rates. Fluctuations in discharge may occur in response to aB
discontinuities in rainfall excess representation if the Courant B* =B + y- (44)
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qL lateral inflow rate, per unit of channel length; .1y = DEM cell size in the y-direction;
Sf = friction slope; EM = relative error in mass balance;
So = channel bed slope; 9, = soil porosity; and
s = spatial coordinate, along channel; n = flow area.