Soal Pas Kls 7

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9. What time is it?

A. Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat!
1. Which one of the following expressions is regarded
as greeting?
a. Thank you c. Good morning
b. I’m fine, thanks d. Good bye a. Ten o’clock c. A half past ten
b. Ten past ten d. Ten to ten
10. Indra : Why are you holding your stomach? What’s
2. Father : Have a nice dream, my
honey the matter, Indah?
Son : ....................................... Indah : I have a.......... I ate too many chilies.
a. Take care, mom Indra : Let’s go to the medical room now.
b. I’m happy Indah: O.K.
c. Have a nice dream, mom a. Toothace c. Backache
d. See you, mom
b. Headache d. Stomachache
3. Ratno : Mom, this is Tio, my classmate.
Rio, 11. Erlin : Morning, dad.
this is my Mother. Mr. Ad : Morning, dear. Your right eye is red. Are
Ratno’s mother : Nice to meet you , Rio you all right?
Rio : ............................................ Erlin : I have.......... dad.
a. I am fine c. Good bye Mr. Ad : Don’t rub it. Let me put eye drops in your
b. Thank you d. Nice to meet you, too eyes.
Erlin : Thanks, dad.
Read the dialog carefully to answer no 4-7
a. Sore throat c. Backache
Mr. Kardi, biology teacher is going to the laboratory , b. Sore eye d. Headache
meets Wahyu at break time. 12. Nana : Rama, I’ve been waiting for half an hour. Why
Wahyu : Good morning , sir are you late?
Mr. Kardi : Good morning Wahyu, why are you in hurry Rama : ............... I have a flat tire.
? a. Thanks c. I’m sorry
Wahyu : I am going to library ,sir. I want to borrow
b. No problem d. Det well soon
some books to read.
Mr. Kardi : Great, How diligent you are ! 13. Edwin : Erlin, could you accompany me to a
Wahyu : thank you, sir. Sorry, I must go now. See bookstore?
you Erlin : Certainly.
Mr. Kardi : see you. Edwin : ................
Erlin : Nevermind.
4. Where does the dialog take place ?
a. I’m sorry c. Thank you
a. In the library c. In the canteen
b. In the laboratory d. At school b. You’re wellcome d. Very well, thanks.

5. When do you think the dialog happen ? Text for number 14 to 15

a. In the afternoon c. In the morning
Arman : Hello Mansyur. How are you?
b. In the evening d. In the night.
Mansyur: I am fine, and you?
6. Where is mr. Kardi going ?
a. To office c. To class-room Arman : I am fine too. What a surprise to meet you
b. To laboratory d. To staff office
here. What are you doing here? Are you on vacation?
7. Where is Wahyu going ?
a. To library c. To canteen Mansyur: Yes, oups. That’s the whistle for my train.
b. To laboratory d. To parking lot
See you!

8. Dicky : Let’s have meal at Arman : ............

canteen !
14. Where does the conversation take place?
Deni : Not now, we will have
break at ..........
a. in the claasroom c. at the bus station
a. Nine to half c. Nine past half
b. Half to nine d. Half past nine b. at the library d. at the rallway station
15. Which one that suitable to fill in the blank of dialogue?
grandparents. On Saturdays, I go jogging. On Sundays,
I go to supermarket to have window shopping.
a. certainly. c. Bye, take care
25. On what days does the writer do sports ?
b. fine d. Fine a. Wednesday and Saturday c. Tuesday
b. Monday and Friday d. Sunday
16. Ronald : What do you usually do after arriving
from the school? 26. What does the writer do on Tuesday ?
a. She plays football c. She helps her parents
Jackie : I usually.......
b. She makes pudding d. She goes jogging
a. Have a dinner c. Take a nap
27. Today is Wednesday, what day was yesterday ?
b. Have breakfast d. Take a break
a. Sunday b. Monday c. Tuesday D. Friday
Read this introduction to answer question 17 until
28. Today is Wednesday, tomorrow will be .........
a. Tuesday b. Thursday c. Friday d. Saturday
Hello, my name is KETUT. I was born on the 4th of
June 2004. I am a student of SMPN 1 Denpasar. I live
29. Ratno : Mom, this is Tio, my classmate.
on Garuda street no 68. My house is only 1 km from
Rio, this is my Mother.
school. I have a bicycle, it is my favourite vehicle. So I
Ratno’s mother: Nice to meet you , Rio
ride my bicycle to go everywhere. My favourite colour is
Rio : ............................................
blue. I like to eat Betutu chicken. Nice to meet you!!
c. I am fine c. Good bye
d. Thank you d. Nice to meet you, too
17.How old is Ketut ?
a. 10 b. 11 c. 12 d. 14
30. Rifal : How are you, Rita ? why you don’t go
to school.
18.Where does he come from ?
Rita: I have got a flu
a. Lampung b. Jogyakarta c. Padang d. Bali
Rifal : ........................
Rita: Thank you.
19.What is his favourite food ?
a. Get well soon c. You are welcome
a. KFC b. Fried fish c. Betutu chicken d.
b. Have a nice day d. See you tomorrow
Pecel lele
31. Hani : Can I help you, Mom ?
Mother : Wash the vegetables, please.
20.How does Ketut go to school ?
Hani : Sure, mom
a. By bike b. By car c. By bus d. By train
Mother : ....................
a. You are welcome c. You are my daughter
21.What is his hobby ?
b. Thanks a lot d. I am sorry
a. Cycling b. Dancing c. Painting d. Gardening
32. Father : Can you help me to sweep the backyard,
Text for number 22-24
Son : my pleasure
Hello my name is Dicky. I was born twelve years ago in
Father : Thanks my son
Bandung. I live at Jln. Ahmad Yani number 49 Magelang, Son : ..............................
and every afternoon I take English course. My favourite a. You don’t have to say it. c. Good luck
song is “She will be loved”. My father is a teacher of SMP b. It’s ok, dear d. Get well soon
N 1 Seputih Agung.

22. Where does Dicky come from? 33. Melly : Would you like to feed my cat ?
Anggi : I’m sorry, I run out of the ...................
a. Bandung c. SMP 5 Bandung Deer b. Banana c. Cabbage d. Fish
34. Isma : what time do you have lunch ?
b. Magelang d. Jln. Ahmad Yani no. 49 Trijoko : at ....................
a. 6 am b. 1 pm c. 8 pm d. 10 am
23. How old is Dicky now?
35. Teacher : What is your name ?
a. 11 years old. c. 12 years old. Restu : My name is Restu
Teacher : How do you .......... it ?
b. 10 years old d. 13 years old. Restu : R –e-s-t-u
a. Speak b. Spell c. Tell d. Read
24. What is his hobby?

a. dancing c. Swimming B. Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini.

b. listening music d. Painting. 1. Terjemahkan kalimat di bawah ini ke dalam

Bahasa Indonesia.
Read the Monolog to answer no 25 - 28 Arief always wakes up at five o’clock in the
Hi friends, this is my daily activities for a week after 2. We save our money in the….
school. On Mondays , I join an English club. On 3. The day after Thursday is….
Tuesdays, I learn to cook in the kitchen. On 4. We usually pray Subuh at….
Wednesdays, I play badminton. On Thursdays, I read 5. The meal we eat in the evening is called….
my favourite stories. On Fridays, I visit my

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