Research Work 2023
Research Work 2023
Research Work 2023
12 Pages 554.1KB
Nov 29, 2023 3:25 PM GMT+5:30 Nov 29, 2023 3:26 PM GMT+5:30
Research Paper
Abstract: In the dynamic field of computer vision and image I.
classification, the choice of a deep learning model plays a crucial
role in achieving optimal performance across various applications.
This study conducts a comparative analysis of three distinct
convolutional neural network (CNN) architectures: MobileNetV2, In the rapidly evolving digital era, image classification has
VGG19, and a simplified CNN model. The objective is to assess become a pivotal task across various applications, including
their effectiveness in image classification tasks, considering factors autonomous vehicles, healthcare, security systems, and social
like accuracy, computational efficiency, and model complexity. media platforms. The accurate classification of images is
fundamental in these sectors, serving as the foundation
To ensure a thorough evaluation, a diverse dataset covering subsequent analysis and decision-making processes. Convolutional
multiple categories is utilized, enabling a robust assessment of the Neural Networks (CNNs) have significantly enhanced the
models' generalization capabilities. The training process involves performance of image classification tasks by autonomously
hyperparameter optimization for fair comparisons, and the models learning spatial hierarchies of features. This research paper
undergo rigorous testing on a separate validation set to measure explores the effectiveness of three CNN architectures:
their performance under real-world conditions. MobileNetV2, VGG19, and a simple CNN model in image
The experimental results provide nuanced insights into the
strengths and weaknesses of each architecture. MobileNetV2, MobileNetV2, developed by Google, is an efficient and lightweight
recognized for its lightweight design, demonstrates notable model tailored for mobile and embedded vision applications. It
efficiency in computational resource usage, making it well-suited utilizes inverted residuals and linear bottlenecks to balance
for deployment on resource-constrained devices. VGG19, computational efficiency and model accuracy, crucial in resource-
characterized by its deep and intricate structure, exhibits a strong limited mobile and embedded scenarios. This research focuses on
ability to capture complex hierarchical features, albeit with investigating the effectiveness of MobileNetV2 in such
increased computational demands. The simplified CNN model, applications.
designed to strike a balance between complexity and performance,
emerges as a practical alternative in scenarios where a compromise In contrast, VGG19, originating from the Visual Graphics Group
between accuracy and resource efficiency is sought. at Oxford, is a deeper and more complex model renowned for its
outstanding performance on the ImageNet dataset. Its depth and
This research contributes to the ongoing discourse surrounding the complexity, coupled with high performance, make it a popular
selection of CNN architectures for image classification tasks. By choice for image classification. However, VGG19 comes with
offering empirical evidence, it equips practitioners and researchers significantly higher computational requirements compared to
with valuable insights to inform their decisions based on the MobileNetV2. This study aims to provide a detailed analysis of
specific requirements of their applications. VGG19's performance and computational demands, offering
comprehensive insights into its suitability for image classification
CNN 0.9421106
MobileNetV2 0.7725232888888888
VGG19 0.9116561666666667
B. Accuracy Comparison
The evaluation of three distinct models—Simple CNN,
MobileNetV2, and VGG19—on the CIFAR-10 dataset holds
A. AUC-ROC Comparison pivotal significance in our study. CIFAR-10, comprising 60,000
32x32 color images distributed across 10 classes, presents a
The AUC-ROC (Area Under the Receiver 6 Operating formidable benchmark for image classification. This section
Characteristic) score stands as a widely employed metric for explores the comparative examination of accuracy attained by each
assessing the performance of models in binary classification model, providing insights into their1
respective capabilities in
navigating the intricacies embedded within the CIFAR-10 dataset.
dataset. The analysis of these loss metrics offers valuable insights
1. Model Descriptions into the convergence and generalization capabilities of each model.
Following graph presents the accuracy results for the three models
on the CIFAR-10 dataset.
C. Loss Comparison
The comprehensive evaluation of deep learning models is crucial
for discerning their efficacy in tackling specific tasks. This section
presents an in-depth comparison of the training and validation
losses incurred by three distinct models—Simple CNN,
MobileNetV2, and VGG19—when applied to the CIFAR-10
The loss comparison of individual function is also illustrated by
following figures
D. VGG19 Model
B. CNN - Our Model
C. Confusion Matrix
C. MobileNetV2 Model
To gauge the classification prowess13
of the proposed models,
confusion matrices are employed as a fundamental tool in the 13
evaluation of machine learning classifiers. These matrices offer a
detailed breakdown of the model's predictions, providing valuable
insights into its capacity to accurately classify instances across
diverse classes.
C.VGG19 Model
A. CNN - Our Model
The study findings reveal that among the three models assessed, a
simple CNN model attains the highest accuracy. This implies that
a streamlined and adaptable architecture
can be highly effective for
B. MobileNetV2 Model image classification tasks. The added advantage of the simple CNN
model lies in its lower computational cost, emphasizing its Conversely, the Simple CNN model proves to be adept at capturing
practical utility. Although the MobileNetV2 and VGG19 models intricate features within images, resulting in commendable
exhibit comparatively lower accuracies in this study, it's worth accuracy. However, its considerable computational demands may
noting that their pre-trained weights and transfer learning limit its practicality in resource-constrained environments. The
capabilities may confer advantages for particular image delicate balance between computational efficiency and accuracy
classification tasks. emerges as a pivotal factor in the decision-making process, 14
underscoring the importance of choosing models judiciously based
on the specific requirements of the image classification task.
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