Hamis .H. Angovi
We, the undersigned, certify that we have read and hereby recommend for
acceptance a research report entitled “analysis of the perception of potential
customers on willingness to pay for the bank services: the case of Tanzania
commercial bank plc”, in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the
Bachelor Degree of Business Administration in Marketing Management (BBA-MM)
of Mzumbe University.
Major Supervisor
Internal Examiner
I Hamis H. Angovi, declare that this research report is my own original work and
that it has not been presented and will not be presented to any other university for a
similar or any other degree award.
This research report is a copyright material protected under the Berne Convention,
the Copyright Act 1999 and other international and national enactments, in that
behalf, on intellectual property. It may not be reproduced by any means in full or in
part, except for short extracts in fair dealings, for research or private study, critical
scholarly review or discourse with an acknowledgement, without the written
permission of Mzumbe University, on behalf of the author.
This work is dedicated to my beloved father Mr. Hassan Hamis Angovi and lovely
mother Mwanamkuu Saddy Amiry and my beloved sister Habiba Hassan Angovi
who spent a fortune to make me what I am today.
The study analyzed the perception of potential customers on willingness to pay for
bank services by using a case of Tanzania Commercial Bank (TCB) Plc. The specific
objectives were to analyse the perception of potential customers related to the
influence of perceived cost on willingness to pay and to analyse the perception of
potential customers related to the influence of perceived benefit on willingness to
pay. The study used the customer perceived value and expectancy value theory. This
research used quantitative research methodology. The researcher used descriptive
research design. The units of analysis of this study were potential customers of
Group Loans offered by TCB bank. The research had a sample size of 158
respondents. The researcher used the non-probability sampling techniques
specifically the convenience sampling and purposive sampling techniques. The study
used primary data which were collected by using questionnaires. The analysis of the
data was descriptive technique using the Statistical Package for Social Science
(SPSS). The study findings on influence of cost to willingness to pay shows
customers aligns the costs with their expectations on the sense that customers will be
willing to pay no matter what cost they may incur only if the services meet their
expectations, also the study findings on influence of benefit on willingness to pay
shows several factors that may the customers perceive as benefit that leads to shaping
the customer’s perception and behaviour towards willingness to pay for bank
services. The study recommends on a reasonable payment time frame and a
streamlined and efficient Processes as they will ultimately contribute to the bank's
growth, competitiveness, and success in the banking industry.
COPY RIGHT.......................................................................................................................ii
ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS..............................................................................v
LIST OF TABLES.................................................................................................................xi
LIST OF FIGURES..............................................................................................................xii
CHAPTER ONE...................................................................................................................1
1.0 Introduction of the Study....................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of the study.....................................................................................................1
1.1Willingness to pay and Perceived Value..............................................................................1
1.1.1 Willingness to Pay....................................................................................................1
1.1.2 Perceived Value.......................................................................................................1
1.2 Banking Sector and Bank Services.............................................................................2
1.2.1 Perception of Potential customers....................................................................................3
1.3 Statement of the Problem....................................................................................................4
1.4 Research Objectives............................................................................................................5
1.4.1 General Objective.....................................................................................................5
1.4.2 Specific Objectives...................................................................................................5
1.5 Research questions..............................................................................................................6
1.6 Significance of the study.....................................................................................................6
1.7 Scope of the Study..............................................................................................................6
1.8 Organization of the study....................................................................................................7
CHAPTER TWO..................................................................................................................8
LITERATURE REVIEW.....................................................................................................8
2.0 Introduction.........................................................................................................................8
2.1 Theoretical Literature Review.............................................................................................8
2.2.1 Customer Perceived Value (CPV) theory................................................................8
2.2.2 Expectancy-Value Theory........................................................................................9
2.3 Empirical Literature Review...............................................................................................9
2.4 Research Gap....................................................................................................................10
2.5 Conceptual Definitions and Concepts...............................................................................11
2.5.1 Perception...............................................................................................................11
2.5.2 Potential customers................................................................................................11
2.5.3 Willingness to pay..................................................................................................11
2.5.4 Bank services.........................................................................................................11
2.6 Group Loans......................................................................................................................12
2.6.1 Group Loan Terms and Conditions........................................................................12
2.6.2 Loan Size................................................................................................................13
2.6.3 Purpose of Loans and Use......................................................................................14
2.6.4 Loan Repayment....................................................................................................14
2.6.5 Margin....................................................................................................................14
2.6.6 Fees and Charges....................................................................................................14
2.6.7 Collateral................................................................................................................15
2.6.8 Supervision and Examination of Group Loan........................................................15
2.6.9 Declarations............................................................................................................15
2.7 Conceptual Framework.....................................................................................................16
2.8 Operationalization of variables.........................................................................................17
CHAPTER THREE............................................................................................................18
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.......................................................................................18
3.0 Introduction.......................................................................................................................18
3.1 Research Design................................................................................................................18
3.2 Area of Study....................................................................................................................18
3.3 Population and sample size...............................................................................................18
3.3.1 Sample size.............................................................................................................19
3.4 Sampling Techniques........................................................................................................20
3.4.1 Convenience Sampling...........................................................................................20
3.4.2 Purposive Sampling...............................................................................................21
3.5 Types of data and data collection methods.......................................................................21
3.5.1 Types of data..........................................................................................................21
3.5.2 Data collection method..........................................................................................21
3.7 Measurement of Variables................................................................................................22
3.7.1 Nominal..................................................................................................................22
3.7.2 Ordinal level...........................................................................................................22
3.8 Data Analysis....................................................................................................................23
3.9 Ethical Consideration........................................................................................................23
CHAPTER FOUR...............................................................................................................24
PRESENTATION OF FINDINGS.....................................................................................24
4.0 Introduction.......................................................................................................................24
4.1 Demographic information.................................................................................................24
4.1.1 Age.........................................................................................................................26
4.1.2 Gender....................................................................................................................26
4.1.3 Level of education..................................................................................................26
4.1.4 Familiarity with ‘group loan’ service.....................................................................26
4.2 Perception of potential customers related to the influence of perceived cost on
willingness to pay....................................................................................................................27
4.2.1 Customer perception on group loan fees................................................................27
4.2.2 Assessment of Loan Charges Reliability...............................................................28
4.2.3 Group Loan Interest Rate Analysis........................................................................29
4.2.5 Assessment of Practicability of Group Loan Payment Time Frame......................30
4.3 Perception of potential customers related to the influence of perceived benefit on
willingness to pay....................................................................................................................31
4.3.1 Assessment of convenience of documentation requirements.................................31
4.3.2 Analysis of Unique Characteristics........................................................................32
4.3.3 Transparency and Clarity Analysis................................................................................33
4.3.4 Assessment of staff responsiveness.......................................................................34
CHAPTER FIVE.................................................................................................................35
DISCUSSION OF THE FINDINGS..................................................................................35
5.0 Introduction.......................................................................................................................35
5.1 Analysis of the perception of potential customers on the influence of perceived cost on
willingness to pay....................................................................................................................35
5.2 Analysis of the perception of potential customers on the influence of perceived benefit on
willingness to pay....................................................................................................................36
CHAPTER SIX...................................................................................................................38
SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS........................................38
6.0 Introduction.......................................................................................................................38
6.1 Summary...........................................................................................................................38
6.2 Conclusion.........................................................................................................................39
6.3 Recommendations.............................................................................................................39
6.4 Area for further studies.....................................................................................................40
6.5 Limitation of the study......................................................................................................40
Table 3.1 Number of respondents...............................................................................20
Table 4.1 Demographic characteristics.......................................................................25
Table 4.2 Customer Perception on group loan fees....................................................27
Table 4.3 Assessment of loan charges reliability.......................................................28
Table 4.4 Group loan Interest Rate Analysis..............................................................29
Table 4.5 Assessment of practicability of group loan payment time frame...............30
Table 4.6 assessment of convenience of documentation requirements......................31
Table 4.7 Analysis of unique characteristics..............................................................32
Table 4.8 Transparency and Clarity Analysis.............................................................33
Table 4.9 Assessment of staff responsiveness............................................................34
1.2 Banking Sector and Bank Services
The banking sector refers to the industry that provides financial services to
customers, including deposit taking, lending, investing, and other related services.
Banks are a central part of the banking sector and are often the most visible providers
of financial services. The banking sector plays a vital role in the economic growth of
developing countries, and maintaining high levels of customer satisfaction is crucial
for banks to remain profitable and retain customers. The banking sector has evolved
significantly over time, adapting to changes in technology, regulation, and customer
needs. The evolution of the Banking sector has gone through various milestones and
the key milestones are; Early banking ( 2000 BC - 14 th Century), Industrial
Revolution (18th - 19th century), Central banks (17th - 20th century), Globalization
(20th century) and Technological innovation (late 20th century - present) (Wood, G.,
& Dark, 2018).
The development of new technologies such as ATMs, online banking, and mobile
banking has transformed the banking sector in recent years. These innovations have
made banking more convenient and accessible, although they have also created new
opportunities for fraud and cybersecurity threats but there is more to gain from the
current milestone of banking sector that we are in (Rodrigues, L., & Baesens, 2019).
The evolution of banking sector in Tanzania started in 1905 where the first
Commercial banking was introduced in the country, after the Deutsch-
Ostafrikanische Bank opened its office in Dar es Salaam. This bank had a concession
from the German Government to issue its own notes and coins, which helped the
bank to meet the demand for coins in exchange for its notes. A temporary mint was
set up in Tabora. In 1911, another German bank, namely the Handelsbank fuer
Ostafrika, opened a branch in Tanga. There also was an official savings bank. Later
on the Bank of Tanzania was established. The Bank of Tanzania is the Central Bank
of the United Republic of Tanzania established by the Bank of Tanzania Act of 1965,
It became operational on 14th June 1966. Various amendments to the Bank of
Tanzania Act have been made leading to the Bank of Tanzania Act of 1978 and the
Bank of Tanzania Act of 1995. Presently, the Bank of Tanzania operates under the
Bank of Tanzania Act, 2006.
Over the years, banks have evolved to provide a wide range of services, including
savings and current accounts, loans, credit cards, and investment products, among
others. However, the banking sector faces stiff competition, and banks must
continually assess their service offerings to remain competitive. This study
specifically focuses on group loans offered by Tanzania Commercial Bank Plc
(TCB). Group loans are a form of microfinance that involves lending money to a
group of people who are jointly liable for the repayment of the loan. This form of
lending has become increasingly popular in developing countries as a way of
providing credit to individuals who would not otherwise have access to traditional
banking services. The success of group lending programs depends on a variety of
factors, including the willingness of customers to participate in such programs and
their ability to repay the loans.
Tanzania Commercial Bank has a long history, tracing back to 1925 when the British
Colonial government established the Tanganyika Post Office Savings Bank through
an ordinance. After the government began financial sector reform, the Tanzania Post
Office Savings Bank was transformed into a separate entity through the Tanzania
Postal Bank Act of 1991. In 2015, the act was repealed, and the bank was
incorporated under the Companies Act as TPB Bank PLC. The bank changed its
name to Tanzania Commercial Bank in July 2021 after merging with TIB Corporate
Bank, Tanzania Women’s Bank, and Twiga Bancorp to improve financial stability
and consolidate state-owned banks. Today, Tanzania Commercial Bank offers a full
range of financial services and has a strong financial base built on its longstanding
relationships with its clients. The bank offers various types of accounts, including
current accounts, savings accounts, fixed deposit accounts, and foreign currency
accounts. It also provides loans and credit facilities for personal, business, and
agriculture purposes. Additionally, TCB offers services such as internet banking,
mobile banking, and ATM services. One of the loans that TCB bank offers is Group
Lending. Tanzania Commercial Bank has adopted group lending as one of its key
strategies for promoting financial inclusion and expanding access to credit in
Tanzania. Group lending is a model of lending where a group of borrowers is
collectively responsible for repaying a loan, and each member of the group acts as a
guarantor for the other members.
The Tanzanian government has implemented policies since 1990 to support the small
business sector by providing financial resources to small businesses. The government
provides guarantees to banks to finance small business owners and has created ways
to facilitate lending, such as group lending (Olomi, 2018). Tanzania Commercial
Bank is one of the largest commercial banks in Tanzania, with a presence in all
major towns and cities across the country. The bank offers a wide range of products
and services, including savings and current accounts, loans, mortgages, insurance,
and investment services. In recent years, Tanzania Commercial Bank has been
actively targeting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which are a
significant driver of economic growth and development in Tanzania.
To cater to the needs of SMEs, Tanzania Commercial Bank has launched a new
product of group loans, which allows SMEs to access credit facilities in groups. The
group lending approach is based on the principle of joint liability, where all members
of the group are responsible for ensuring that the loan is repaid on time. This
approach is particularly beneficial for SMEs with limited collateral or credit history,
as it provides them with an opportunity to access credit based on their collective
strength. Therefore, this study focuses on analysis of the willingness of potential
customers to pay for bank services, particularly group loans offered by TCB bank.
1.5 Research questions
This research has two research questions. These research questions are as follows;
i. How does customers’ perceived cost influence willingness to pay for banking
ii. How does customers’ perceived benefit influence willingness to pay for
banking services?
1.8 Organization of the study
The study consists of six chapters. The first chapter is the introduction and
background information of study. The second chapter presents the literature review,
the third chapter discusses the research methodology, the fourth chapter presents and
analyses the research findings, the fifth chapter presents the discussion of findings
and the sixth chapter presents conclusions and recommendations.
2.0 Introduction
This chapter presents conceptual definitions, a review of the theoretical and
empirical literature, identification of the research gap, a summary of the gap, and a
conceptual framework for the study.
According to CPV theory, customers mentally compare the perceived benefits and
costs to determine the overall value of a product. If the perceived benefits outweigh
the perceived costs, customers are more likely to perceive high value and are more
inclined to make a purchase (Sweeney, J. C., & Soutar, 2001).
strategies. Ultimately, CPV theory emphasizes the importance of customer-centricity
and how customers' value perceptions influence their purchasing decisions (Kim, G.,
& Moon, 2009).
Also on the recent study conducted by Maulana, A., (2021) on “Factors influencing
customers' willingness to pay for bank services”. The review identified key
determinants such as service quality, convenience, reputation, trust, perceived value,
financial literacy, customer satisfaction, and personal characteristics. Customers'
WTP was found to be influenced by factors such as higher service quality,
convenience, trust, reputation, and perceived value. Additionally, customer
satisfaction and financial literacy played significant roles in shaping customers'
WTP. The study emphasized the importance of understanding these factors to design
effective pricing strategies and enhance customer satisfaction in the banking sector.
2.5 Conceptual Definitions and Concepts
2.5.1 Perception
Perception is a complex and dynamic process that helps us understand and navigate
our surroundings(Goldstone, R. L., & Gerganov, 2020) or is the process of receiving,
interpreting, and assigning meaning to sensory information from our
environment(Pavlovic, D., & Jeremic, 2018). Our brains organize and filter this
information, and our perceptions are influenced by individual differences, cultural
norms, expectations, and context. Sensation, attention, and interpretation are
different aspects of perception that researcher’s study. Perception is closely related to
memory, learning, and decision-making, and our perceptions of the world around us
can affect these processes.
loans, business loans, and mortgages, as well as deposit accounts, such as savings
accounts and checking accounts. Banks may also offer credit cards, debit cards, and
other payment cards to their customers, along with insurance products such as life
insurance, car insurance, and home insurance. Additionally, some banks provide
investment services, such as brokerage accounts and mutual funds, to help customers
grow their wealth.
conditions are set so as help to give out the group loans to members who are
qualified (Plc, 2023). The applicants will have to comply with the following
i The applicant must be of 18 years of age,
v The applicants must have sufficient experience in the field and have been
open for business,
vii All applicant must not have any other loan from any financial institution,
viii The applicant being the owner-operator of the business must be proficient in
what she/he does, a skilled craftsperson, efficient producer, or able salesperson,
business prospects of the enterprise, but will also include assessment of retained
earnings in the business from the first loan (Plc, 2023).
2.6.5 Margin
Tanzania Commercial Bank offers these group loans to members of the group with
an interest of 3% flat on the amount loaned will be charged on the loans.
2.6.7 Collateral
Loan collateral or security agreement and collateral of an equal or greater value to
the loan appear to be of great importance in lending to small business and medium
size firms (Saunders & Schmeits, 2001) amount will secure all loans. However, the
bank has put that every loan applicant must deposit on his/ her account an initial
deposit that would at least cover for a single repayment and that deposit will sit as
security of the loan. The bank accepts the following forms of collateral; guarantees
backed by tangible assets, chattel mortgages, legal mortgages, liens on bank balances
and life policies. In spite of the fact that the bank’s ability to realize such collateral
may be limited due to involved costs, still collateral, will be required to reduce the
bank's risk exposure and also demonstrate the borrower's good faith.
2.6.9 Declarations
The borrower has to declare explicitly that:
a) The borrower will provide in a truthful manner all information required by the
bank and faithfully comply with the requirements of the bank's lending policy,
b) The loan received will be used solely for the purpose against which it was sought
and the bank has the right to see to it,
c) If the loan is not paid as agreed, in an event of default, the bank will have the
following rights;
i. Use the money set as security for repayment of the installation of the loan for a
specific month.
ii. Sell any and all collaterals in connection with the loan by contract or publicly
for and in the name of the bank on its own initiative. The right of the bank may
extend to borrower's stock and trade account receivable and all other sources of
income until the loan is fully repaid.
iii. Use the appropriate authorities for execution of its rights.
2.7 Conceptual Framework
Figure 2.1. A Conceptual Framework
Independent Variable Dependent Variable
Perception of Potential Customers
3.0 Introduction
This chapter presents methods which were used to explain research design, method
of data collection, area of study, and sampling procedure.
This research study used a descriptive research design focusing on TCB Bank plc as
a case. This approach allowed for an analysis of the subject of interest which focused
on the perception of potential customers on willingness to pay for bank services. By
adopting a descriptive research design, the researcher was able to draw descriptive
conclusions. The use of TCB Bank as the case enhance an understanding customers'
perceptions on factors which influence their willingness to pay for bank services i.e.
group loans.
This study was conducted at TCB bank’s branch located at Mwanjelwa, Mbeya -
Tanzania. This specific case was chosen due to TCB Bank's notable success in
providing financial assistance to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) through
group loans, hence the researcher was in the better place to understand and analyse
how customers perceived the service and what made them be willing to opt for such
services as it led to good performance of TCB bank. The primary emphasis of this
study was on TCB Bank's group loans, as the bank has established itself as a market
leader in this particular loan category.
Study population refers to the group of individuals or elements that the researcher
selects to be part of the study (Creswell, 2014). It is the specific group from which
data is collected and analysed to draw conclusions and make inferences about a
broader population. Therefore, the target population of this study included: Bank
customers of TCB Bank Plc who have accounts and small business owners who are
likely to be the potential customers of the bank and are to be the potential lenders
seeking loans for their business. The population size for this study was 260 people.
The sample size for this study was calculated by using the Yamane formula that was
developed in 1973.
n= 2
1+ N ( ⅇ )
n = sample size
n= 2
1+260 [ 0 . 05 ]
1+260 (0.0025)
Therefore, according to the Yamane formula, the calculated sample size for a
population size of 260 with a 5% margin of error is approximately 157.57 Since
sample sizes cannot be fractional, the researcher typically rounded up to the nearest
whole number, resulting in a recommended sample size of 158.The table 3.1 shows
the distribution of population selected by the researcher.
1 Students 93
3 Employees 15
researcher to use any individual who was available and was ready to participate on
the research.
3.4.2 Purposive Sampling
Purposive sampling, also known as judgmental or selective sampling, is a non-
probability sampling technique where researchers intentionally select specific
individuals or elements from a population based on their expertise, knowledge, or
specific characteristics related to the research objective (Ghauri, P. N., & Gronhaug,
2019). This procedure was applied in this research because it needed respondents
who are likely to have relevant information or experiences related to bank services
and group loans.
3.5 Types of data and data collection methods
3.5.1 Types of data
This study used primary data. The researcher gives priority to the objective nature of
primary data, as it has not been interpreted by any previous researchers.
3.5.2 Data collection method
The initial data collection involved primary sources directly obtained from the field,
specifically from TCB staff and customers. Questionnaires were the chosen method
to gather this primary data. The researcher utilized a self-administered approach,
distributing questionnaires comprising closed ended questions in the form of Likert
scale questions. Questionnaires serve as a collection of researcher-prepared questions
designs to acquire data and insights from respondents, making them a valuable tool
in research studies. Researchers create both open-ended and closed-ended questions
within the questionnaire to compare respondent comments and gauge their
perceptions (Smith, 2018). The study utilized questionnaires that aimed to gather
both quantitative and qualitative data. To achieve this, a combination of structured
and semi-structured questionnaires consisting of closed and open-ended questions
were utilized.
3.7 Measurement of Variables.
This refers to the procedure of attributing numerical or categorical values to the
characteristics, attributes, properties, or variables under investigation in a research
study (Creswell, 2014). To obtain numerical data, variables are measured using
standardized scales. The resulting numerical values can then undergo statistical
analysis, such as descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, regression analysis, or
hypothesis testing. In this particular study, the researcher employed descriptive
3.7.1 Nominal
Nominal measurements refer to a type of categorical data in which values are
assigned to different categories or groups without any inherent order or magnitude.
These categories are typically represented using labels, names, or codes. These
values are used to differentiate substances or entities based on specific
classifications, such as sex or orientation. For example, in this study, the code “0” is
assigned to represent female orientation, while the code “1” represents male
3.8 Data Analysis
Data collected were analysed on quantitave manner after being collected from the
field and undergone some thorough preparations through coding and editing of the
data. This process involved checking of data collection forms for omission, legibility
and consistency as well as discarding the incomplete responses which have missing
data. All the data were summarized, coded and analysed descriptively with the help
of Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) Software. Through the use of this
technique, the data was thoroughly examined and presented in a way that allowed the
researcher to make an accurate interpretation of the findings.
4.0 Introduction
This chapter presents findings of the study on the perception of potential customers
on willingness to pay for bank services based on two specific research objectives
which focused on the The analysis of the perception of potential customers related to
the influence of perceived cost on willingness to pay; and, analysis of the perception
of potential customers related to the influence of perceived benefit on willingness to
The study had four (4) demographic characteristics which were age, gender, level of
education and familiarity with the ‘group loan’ service. Table 4.1 indicates research
findings which are linked to demographic charaserictics of the respondents.
Table 4.1 Demographic characteristics
Secondary 25 15.8%
Diploma 30 19.0%
Degree 90 57.0%
Masters 03 1.9%
Others 0 0.0%
Total 158 100%
Unfamiliar 33 20.9%
Very unfamiliar 40 25.3%
Total 158 100%
4.1.1 Age
The data collected from the respondents reveals a diverse distribution across different
age groups. The largest proportion of participants falls within the 18-24 years’
category, comprising 47.5% of the total respondents. Following closely, the 25-34
years’ age group constitutes 28.5% of the participants. The remaining respondents
are distributed across various age brackets, including 35-44 years (14.3%), 45-54
years (7.2%), and 55 years and above (2.5%).
4.1.2 Gender
Regarding the gender representation among respondents, the data indicates a higher
percentage of female participants. Female respondents make up 58.9% of the total,
while male respondents account for 41.1%.
The data showcases the educational background of the respondents, revealing a range
of qualifications. Among the participants, the highest proportion holds a degree,
accounting for 57.0% of the sample. Following that, 19.0% of respondents have
diplomas. The other educational categories include secondary education (14.3%),
primary education (8.9%), and those with postgraduate degrees (0.3%).
The data collected also includes information on the respondents' familiarity with the
'group loan' service offered. Approximately 38.0% of the respondents indicate that
they are familiar with the service. On the other hand, a substantial proportion
(25.3%) of the participant’s express being very unfamiliar with the 'group loan'
service. The remaining respondents fall between being somewhat familiar (18.1%)
and slightly unfamiliar (18.6%) with the service.
respondents varies, with the majority holding degrees. Lastly, the respondents'
familiarity with the 'group loan' service shows varying degrees, with a significant
proportion being unfamiliar with it
Frequency Percent
AGREE 33 20.9
The study findings on customer’s perception on group loan fees indicates that 25
respondents, accounting for 15.8% of the total, strongly disagree with the fees
associated with the group loan, 15 respondents, representing 9.5% of the total,
disagree with the fees, 5 respondents, making up 3.2% of the total, have a neutral
stance regarding the fees, 33 respondents, accounting for 20.9% of the total, agree
with the fees and 80 respondents, representing 50.6% of the total, strongly agree with
the fees.
Therefore, the data above indicates that the majority of respondents strongly agreed
with the group loan fees while a smaller percentage expressed disagreement or had a
neutral stance. This indicates that a significant portion of the respondents perceive
the group loan fees positively.
4.2.2 Assessment of Loan Charges Reliability
Frequency Percent
NEUTRAL 19 12.0
AGREE 19 12.0
4.2.3 Group Loan Interest Rate Analysis
Frequency Percent
AGREE 40 25.3
The study findings on Group Loan Interest Rate Analysis indicates that 25
respondents, accounting for 15.8% of the total, strongly disagree that the interest rate
on group loans offered by TCB is reasonable, 10 respondents, representing 6.3% of
the total, disagree with the reasonableness of the interest rate, 5 respondents, making
up 3.2% of the total, have a neutral stance regarding the reasonableness of the
interest rate, 40 respondents, accounting for 25.3% of the total, agree that the interest
rate on group loans offered by TCB is reasonable and 78 respondents, representing
49.4% of the total, strongly agree with the reasonableness of the interest rate.
This indicates that the majority of respondents have positive perceptions and agree
on the interest rate that is charged by the bank on the group loans implying that they
are willing to pay for the product.
4.2.5 Assessment of Practicability of Group Loan Payment Time Frame
Table 4.5 Assessment of practicability of group loan payment time frame
Frequency Percent
DISAGREE 45 28.5
NEUTRAL 20 12.7
AGREE 33 20.9
The study findings on Group Loan Interest Rate Analysis indicates that 30
respondents, accounting for 19.0% of the total, strongly disagree that the time offered
for group loan payment is reasonable, 45 respondents, representing 28.5% of the
total, disagree with the reasonableness of the time offered for loan payment, 20
respondents, making up 12.7% of the total, have a neutral stance regarding the
practicability of the time offered for loan payment, 33 respondents, accounting for
20.9% of the total, agree that the time offered for loan payment is reasonable and 30
respondents, representing 19.0% of the total, strongly agree with the practicability of
the time offered for loan payment. This indicates that the majority of respondents
disagree with the payment time that is structured by the bank on the group loans.
4.3 Perception of potential customers related to the influence of perceived
benefit on willingness to pay
Frequency Percent
NEUTRAL 28 17.7
AGREE 68 43.0
Frequency Percent
NEUTRAL 15 9.5
AGREE 50 31.6
Frequency Percent
AGREE 83 52.5
The study findings on Transparency and clarity analysis indicates that 2 respondents
(1.3%) strongly disagreed with the level of transparency and clarity, indicating that
they found it highly insufficient, 10 respondents (6.3%) disagreed with the level of
transparency and clarity, suggesting that they found it insufficient, 83 respondents
(52.5%) agreed with the level of transparency and clarity, indicating that they found
it satisfactory and 63 respondents (39.9%) strongly agreed with the level of
transparency and clarity, indicating a high level of satisfaction with its adequacy.
Overall, the findings indicate that the majority of respondents hold positive views
regarding the transparency and clarity being analyzed. The combined percentage of
those who agree and strongly agree is 92.4%, indicating a general agreement on the
presence of transparency and clarity.
4.3.4 Assessment of staff responsiveness
Frequency Percent
DISAGREE 20 12.7
NEUTRAL 19 12.0
AGREE 32 20.3
In summary, the findings suggest that potential customers generally hold positive
perceptions regarding the influence of perceived benefit. They perceive convenience
in documentation requirements, recognize unique characteristics, appreciate
transparency and clarity and have a positive perception of staff responsiveness.
These positive perceptions indicate a favourable influence of perceived benefit on the
potential customers' overall perception of the product or service.
The findings highlight the significance of aligning perceived costs with customers'
expectations. When potential customers perceive the fees and interest rates of group
loans to be reasonable, it positively impacts their willingness to pay. Conversely,
when there are concerns or disagreements regarding the reliability of loan charges or
the reasonableness of the payment time frame, it can affect customers' willingness to
engage with the loan offering.
These findings align with the study conducted by Alam, M. S., Talukder, S., &
Kabir, (2020) in Bangladesh, titled "To investigate the relationship between customer
perception and willingness to pay for bank services." According to their research,
customer perception plays a significant role in customers' willingness to pay for bank
services, which highlighted the importance of addressing customer concerns and
improving service quality to enhance customer perception and willingness to pay for
bank services.
According to the report many customers were justified by the fees on group loans as
TCB Bank has done some improvements on the loan services, the TCB bank
emphasizes quick approvals and personalized support to the customers who are
taking group loans in which to the customers this is wat they seek and when they see
it is as a worth the fees incurred but also they had concerns about hidden fees,
unclear terms and conditions, about the group loan offered by the TCB bank and in
how group loan charges are calculated and communicated and the reasonableness
time frame for payment of the loan.
Furthermore, perceived value, Trust, transparency, and service quality were another
important factors highlighted in both studies. According to the report it demonstrates
that the unique characteristics that are within the TCB Group loan provide the
customers with the assurance of perceived value in the group loan, leading to a
positive perception overall as when customers perceive a high value in the services
or processes offered by a bank, they are more likely to be satisfied and willing to
pay. Also it identified that service quality, particularly staff responsiveness, plays a
crucial role contributing to the overall service quality experience to the customers,
leading to higher satisfaction levels and a greater likelihood of customers being
willing to pay for services.
Overall, the findings from this study demonstrates the importance of convenience,
perceived value, trust, and service quality in shaping customers' perceptions and
behaviours in the banking sector. Understanding and addressing these factors may be
essential for designing effective strategies and enhancing customer satisfaction.
6.0 Introduction
This chapter presents the summary, conclusion and recommendations of the study.
6.1 Summary
In recent years’ small business have faced difficulties in accessing financial
resources from banks due to factors such as strict creditworthiness requirements,
high interest rates, and regulatory constraints have hindered the growth and
development of small businesses. This is certainly still the case up to now but luckily
there are some initiatives that the Government and banks have taken, the provision of
group loans is the initiative that has been initiated in recent years so as to cater out
the difficulties that the small businesses face. The TCB Bank is one among the
commercial banks in Tanzania which highly put into action the group loan program
as it has established itself as the sole highly provider of such loans.
The findings of the study shed light on the perception of potential customers
regarding the influence of perceived cost and perceived benefit on their willingness
to pay for bank services, with a specific focus on the TCB Bank's group loan
program. The study revealed that customers' willingness to pay is influenced by their
alignment of costs with their expectations. If the services meet their expectations,
customers are generally willing to pay regardless of the incurred costs also identified
several factors that customers perceive as benefits, which shape their perception and
behaviour towards willingness to pay for bank services.
pay. Additionally, the TCB Bank should continue to invest in its group loan program
to support SME projects and capitalize on the positive impact it has on businesses.
By leveraging these findings, the TCB Bank can position itself as a trusted and
preferred choice for potential customers, driving its growth and success in the
banking industry.
6.2 Conclusion
The study investigated the perception of potential customers regarding their
willingness to pay for bank services, focusing on the influence of perceived cost and
benefit. Utilizing descriptive statistics, the study revealed that customers are willing
to pay for bank services if they meet their expectations, irrespective of the cost
incurred. Various factors perceived as benefits shape customers' perceptions and
behaviours towards paying for bank services. Additionally, the study highlighted the
significance of TCB Bank's group loan program in financing SME projects, with
diverse viewpoints expressing overall satisfaction and the potential for acquiring
more customers in the future. Overall, aligning customer expectations, emphasizing
benefits and the effectiveness of the group loan program contribute to customers'
willingness to pay for bank services and TCB Bank's growth potential
6.3 Recommendations
The following recommendations are tailored to the current circumstances
surrounding customers' perceptions and their willingness to pay for bank services.
These suggestions aim to address the specific factors influencing customers'
perceptions and enhance their willingness to invest in bank services.
The study recommends that there is a reasonable payment time frame. Ensuring that
the payment time frame for the group loan program is perceived as reasonable by
potential customers is essential as it will increase their willingness to engage with the
loan offering. TCB bank should consider the customer’s financial capabilities and
provide flexible payment options that align with their needs.
The study also recommends a streamlined and efficient Processes: TCB Bank should
continuously work towards improving convenience in the loan application and
approval processes. Minimize paperwork and reduce unnecessary bureaucratic
procedures. Implement efficient digital solutions that simplify the application and
disbursement processes, making it convenient for customers to access and manage
their loan.
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SECTION A :Introduction
Dear respondents,
My name is Hamis Hassan Angovi a student at Mzumbe University-Mbeya Campus
College pursuing the Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing
Management (BBA-MM). I humbly ask you to give me input of my research by
giving your response in this questionnaire of my research titled “Analysis of the
Perception of potential customers on Willingness to Pay for bank services”.
Please be informed that information you provide will be strictly kept confidential and
solely for academic purposes only. Hence your correct responses will enable the
researcher to achieve the intended objective. I thank you in advance.
Demographic information of the respondents
1. Your gender
a) Male
b) Female
2. Age of respondent
a) 18-24 years old
b) 25-34 years old
c) 35-44 years old
d) 45-54 years old
e) 55 years old or above
3. What is your educational background?
a) Primary
b) Secondary
c) Diploma
d) Bachelor's degree
e) Master's degree
f) Other (please specify) ______________
a) Employed full-time
b) Employed part-time
c) Self-employed
d) Student
5. How would you describe your level of familiarity with the service category being
a) Very familiar
b) Familiar
c) Neutral
d) Unfamiliar
e) Very unfamiliar
Questions related to the specific Objectives of the study
Please indicate on the scale provided below by ticking the extent to which you agree
with the following statements: 1=Strongly Disagree, 2=Disagree, 3=Neutral,
4=Agree, and 5=Strongly Agree.
Cod Questions 5 4 3 2 1
b) To analyse the perception of potential customers related to the
influence of perceived benefit on willingness to pay.
Please indicate on the scale provided below by ticking the extent to which you agree
with the following statements: 1=Strongly Disagree, 2=Disagree, 3=Neutral,
4=Agree, and 5=Strongly Agree.
Code Questions 5 4 3 2 1