Alect 1-2 Measurements
Alect 1-2 Measurements
Alect 1-2 Measurements
(for Undergraduates)
Text Book
• Text Book is:
• Physics, Vol. 1 (fifth or higher Edition), by
Resnick, Halliday and Krane, Published by John
Physical Quantities, Standards, and Units
101 deka- da
102 hecto- h
103 kilo- k
106 mega- M
109 giga- G
1012 tera- T
1015 peta- P
• Thus we can write the output of a typical electrical power plant,
1.3 x 109 watts, as 1.3 gigawatts or 1.3 GW.
• Similarly, we can write a time interval of the size often
encountered in nuclear physics, 2.35 x 10-09 seconds, as 2.35
nanoseconds or 2.35 ns.
• The kilogram is the only SI base unit that already incorporates
one of the prefixes displayed.
• Thus 103 kg is not expressed as 1 kilo kilogram; instead, 103 kg
= 106 g (mega-gram).
• Also, 1 Mg (mega-gram) is also written as one Ton.
TIME T second s
MASS M kilogram kg
1 light-year 1016 m
Some Measured Lengths (in meters)
• Quartz crystal clocks based on the electrically
1 min = 60 s sustained periodic vibrations of a quartz crystal
1 hour = 60 min serve well as secondary time standards.
• A quartz clock can be calibrated against the rotating
1 day = 24 hr Earth by astronomical observations and used to
1 year = 365.2422 d measure time in the laboratory.
• Their error is 1 second in 200,000 years,
• Cesium clocks housed in satellites form the basis of the Global Positioning
System. Portable cesium clocks the size of a suitcase are commercially
• It is also possible to purchase desk-top clocks or wrist-watches that,
automatically and periodically updated by radio time signals.
Some Measured Time Intervals (in seconds)