Detection and Applications of Ultrasonuic Waves
Detection and Applications of Ultrasonuic Waves
Detection and Applications of Ultrasonuic Waves
Introduction to Ultrasonics
The word ultrasonic combines the Latin roots ultra, meaning ‘beyond’
and sonic, or sound.
The sound waves having frequencies above the audible range i.e. above
20000Hz are called ultrasonic waves.
Generally these waves are called as high frequency waves.
The field of ultrasonics have applications for imaging, detection and
The broad sectors of society that regularly apply ultrasonic technology
are the medical community, industry, the military and private citizens.
Kund’s Tube Method:
One end of the quarts tube filled with movale
piston .
Lycopodium powder is spreaded inside the quarts
kunds tube is kept → path of ultra sonic
(2) Sensitive flame method:
Sensitive flame placed – path of ultrasonic waves.
It flickers at nodes
At anti-nodes there is no flickers
If it produce flickers then we can confirm it produces
ultrasonic waves
(3)Thermal detective method:
This is the most commonly used method of detection of
ultrasonic waves.
In this method, a fine platinum wire is moved through the
At the position of nodes , due to alternate compressions and
rarefactions change in temperature takes place.
At the position of the antinodes, the temperature remains
This will be indicated by the undisturbed balanced position of
the bridge.
(4) Quartz crystal method
This method is based on the principle of Piezo-electric effect.
When one pair of the opposite faces of a quartz crystal is
exposed to the ultrasonic waves, the other pairs of opposite
faces developed opposite charges
These charges are amplified and detected using an electronic
Properties of ultrasonic waves
➢They have a high energy content.