TDS Ferrocid 8583 en

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Ferrocid® 8583
Biocide for Cooling Water and Membrane Systems
Principal Applications: Viscosity:
< 30 mPa s
Ferrocid® 8583 effectively controls micro-
organisms (bacteria, fungi and algae) in
industrial recirculating water systems. These Effect on Environment:
organisms can produce an environment in which
serious corrosion and biofouling take place. The product is non-volatile and non-
In membrane systems microbiological growth
leads to biofilmforming on the membrane For further information see material safety data
surfaces, which may cause a blocking of the sheet.
membrane modules.
Ferrocid 8583 inhibits the microbiological Dosage:
growth and eliminates existing micro-organisms.
In recirculated cooling water, the treatment
Ferrocid® 8583 is also active in the control of depends on degree of contamination, on existing
Legionella pneumophila and Legionella gormanii nutritive substances, type of microbiological
bacteria, which causes Legionnaire's disease deposits, temperature, holding time index and
(Legionellosis). should be selected with the help of a Kurita-
Ferrocid 8583 does not lead to foam-forming.
The product concentration range in the
Ferrocid® 8583 is efficient in a pH-range from 6 recirculation water lies between 10 to 100 g/m³.
to 9.

Ferrocid® 8583 is intended for industrial use

only. Do not apply to potable water or domestic
water systems.

General Description:

Ferrocid® 8583 is a liquid combination product

based on organic N-heterocyclic compounds
and dispersant.

yellowish to bluish, clear to turbid solution

Density (20°C/68°F):
1.04 ± 0.05 g/cm³

pH (1 % Solution):
5.5 ± 1.0

Solubility in Water:
miscible up to max. 1:1

Sensitivity to Freezing:
below - 2 °C



Ferrocid® 8583 should be added undiluted.

Feeding is recommended to be done as a shock

The product should preferably be added at or

before a point of high mixing intensity in the

Ferrocid® 8583 is a non-oxidizing biocide and

therefore generally can be also used on organic
membranes. In particular cases the
specifications of the membrane manufacturer
have to be considered.

The complete feeding equipment (containers,

pumps, pipelines) must be made of acid
resistant material e.g. PE, PP, PVC.

Attention: Use biocides safely. Always read the

label and product information before use.
Approval: Ferrocid 8583 is registered by the
German CA BAuA under No.-N-12594 for PT11
as a biocide.

Handling precautions:

For information please see material safety data


The information contained herein reflects our current level of technical knowledge and experience. It does not constitute a legal warranty of particular characteristics or of
fitness for a specific purpose and, due to the abundance of possible influences, does not exempt the user from making its own examinations and taking appropriate
precautionary measures. It shall be the responsibility of the recipient of our products to respect any intellectual property rights and comply with any laws or other

Headquarters: Office Duesseldorf Revision Date: 2013-10-11

Kurita Europe APW GmbH Kurita Europe APW GmbH
Giulinistrasse 2 Niederheider Str. 22 / Y 20
D - 67065 Ludwigshafen D-40589 Düsseldorf
Tel.: +49-621 5709 3000 Tel.: +49 211 797 91 90 Internet:Internet:
Fax: +49 621 5709 6452 Fax: +49-211 798 22 62 Email:


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