Research Proposal 1
Research Proposal 1
Research Proposal 1
indispensable aspect of learners' educational process. Moreover, it is not only a driving force
High Self-Esteem underlies all the language skills; its lays the ground for successful
development of language skills. Nevertheless, a large portion of second year students at Badji
Mokhtar University of Annaba lack Self-Esteem. Particularly, they tend to show low Self-
Esteem regarding the listening skill. These students with low Self-Esteem on listening
capable of understanding listening passages. When listening to a recording, for instance, they
show facial expressions of confusion. This displays their uneasiness in what is said. Adding to
that, by the end of listening to the recordings, they do often express a need of getting
additional listening to the same passage. This reaction is even observed within exams. A
considerable number of students do not trust their listening capabilities and start struggling
with the passage contents. Teachers generally give an opportunity of two listening, but they
ask for a third listening and keep asking for another listening. In the light of this perspective,
3) Does the number of listening to the same passage enhance listening comprehension?
2. Hypotheses
Hypothesis One
Hypothesis Three
comprehension of second year students. Also, it proposes some possible solutions to promote
promote not only efficacious listeners but also successful English language learners.
4. Means of Research
Two means of research are used in this study: students’ questionnaire and teachers’ semi-
structured interview. Students’ questionnaire is organized in a way to detect the source of low
structured interview seeks insight on how teachers motivate their students to listen and how
The present dissertation is divided into three chapters that can be presented as follows:
- Chapter One: It is an introductory chapter that reviews the literature about Self-Esteem on
one hand and listening comprehension on the other hand. It deals with Self-Esteem’s
definitions, theories, and strategies. Also, it describes the relationship between Self-Esteem
and academic attainment. Moreover, it presents the definition of listening and listening
one hand, it represents an analysis of the results obtained from the students’ questionnaire
which was delivered to second year students. On the other hand, it contains an analysis of
teachers’ semi-structured interview. The latter was conducted with teachers of oral
- Chapter Three: It is devoted to a remedial work that proposes possible, effective solutions to
practical solutions to enhance students’ Self-Esteem which are inspired from teachers’ semi-
structured interview.