Group6 Simplegpu

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Simple Graphics Processing Unit on an FPGA

Anthony Bogedin, Michael Lohrer

Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
School of Engineering and Computer Science
Oakland University, Rochester, MI

Abstract—A Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) is important graphics focused algorithms not covered in class.
for many user interface based systems. By offloading a Namely, a four dimensional matrix multiply, a divider, a
specific set of mathematically intense image generation transform from normalized camera space to screen
operations from the Central Processing Unit (CPU), it frees dimensions, a memory address calculator, and
up processing time for more general operations. In this Bresenham’s line drawing algorithm. This system was
project we developed a subset of these operations to run on developed in VHDL for the purpose of being placed on
the ZYNQ PL hardware and interfaced this newly created the programmable logic of the ZYNQ chip, a CPU-FPGA
Simple GPU with the ZYNQ’s built in ARM microprocessor. hybrid. Because this was designed for an FPGA and
The first and secondary goals were achieved successfully;
consisted of many mathematical operations, the
the Simple GPU was capable of projecting CPU-designated
components were written to operate on fixed point
three dimensional coordinates onto a display and optionally
draw lines between them. Due to time constraints, the numbers as the LUT requirements for floating point
system lacks stability in several cases and future work could support on an FPGA are quite large.
center on correcting these design flaws. The system could The inputs to the GPU are the memory address of the
also be extended with more advanced functionality, such as current frame buffer, the Model View Perspective (MVP)
color interpolation, triangle filling, and UV mapping. matrix and the vertices to draw. The GPU transforms the
vertices into the camera’s view, and then calculates the
I. INTRODUCTION address to store the output. The output of the GPU is
stored in a frame buffer in the DDR memory onboard the
An increasingly common requirement for many
Zybo. This frame buffer is then read by the display
embedded systems is the necessity of providing a visually
controller to show on the screen. The display controller
appealing interface for a user. Since a CPU must perform
was created using IP cores from Xilinx [2] and Digilent
the primary function for a system, these older interfaces
were typically limited to fixed function displays or basic
To send data to the GPU from the processor, two
text displays. Newer systems overcome this limitation by
different interfaces are used. An AXI Lite interface
adding a coprocessor, the GPU, which handles the
provides easy configuration of parameters that do not
generation of images for user feedback.
change often, such as the MVP matrix. A Slave AXI Full
A GPU consists of two primary functions. First, as a
interface allows sending of vertices and their color
vector processor, it performs the four dimensional math
quickly to the GPU. Finally, a Master AXI Full interface
necessary to project three dimensional points onto a
allows sending pixel data straight to DDR memory
plane. Second, as a pixel processor, it directly accesses
through the High-Performance AXI ports of the Zynq PS.
memory in order to store correctly colored pixels onto a
frame buffer that can be displayed on a screen without II. METHODOLOGY
CPU involvement. A more feature rich system would
provide more specific functionality under these two Each major component in the System pictured in
categories, but the focus of this project was to produce a figure 1.
system with the minimum number of component A. Matrix Multiplication
necessary to provide the basic functionality of a GPU.
A matrix multiplication is a binary operation that
The Simple GPU consists of a several stage pipeline,
consists of multiplying every row of one matrix with the
consisting of abstract mathematical functions and
column of another matrix element wise, then summing the

Figure 1. Simple GPU Architecture

results of each these operations to create a new entry into to normalize the other three. After this the values of x, y,
the output matrix. For the purposes of this project that and z will be between -1 and 1 if they are viewable.
consisted of multiplying a 1X4 matrix (the vertex) and the The pipelined divider can take a new value each clock
4X4 MVP matrix. The equation for this is presented cycle, but the matrix multiply takes four clock cycles to
below. complete. Thus, x, y, and z could be placed consecutively
on a single divider and not slow the system.
𝑚𝑥𝑥 𝑚𝑥𝑦 𝑚𝑥𝑧 𝑚𝑥𝑤
𝑚𝑦𝑥 𝑚𝑦𝑦 𝑚𝑦𝑧 𝑚𝑦𝑤 C. Camera to Screen Space
𝑣𝑥 𝑣𝑦 𝑣𝑧 𝑣𝑤
𝑚𝑧𝑥 𝑚𝑧𝑦 𝑚𝑧𝑧 𝑚𝑧𝑤 = With the vertices in view space, they need to be scaled
𝑚𝑤𝑥 𝑚𝑤𝑦 𝑚𝑤𝑧 𝑚𝑤𝑤 to the current screen resolution. Since the values are
normalized this simply entails multiplying by half of the
𝑣𝑥 𝑚𝑥𝑥 + 𝑣𝑦 𝑚𝑦𝑥 + 𝑣𝑧 𝑚𝑧𝑥 + 𝑣𝑤 𝑚𝑤𝑥 … screens pixel width and height. It finishes with adding the
width and height to bring the values positive if they are
visible. Positive values are necessary for addressing into
A full 4X4 matrix is necessary to perform all the
transformations necessary to move a vertex from world
space to view space, as shown in [5-6]. The input vertices
are only three dimensional, so they are all placed on the
same plane in the fourth dimension. Choosing this plane
to be one simplifies later logic. Since it was known that
the vertices streaming in were going to take longer than
one clock cycle to transfer, the matrix multiply operation
was only partially parallelized. Figure 2 shows a single
multiply accumulate unit. Four of these were placed in
hardware to handle each column of the 4X4 matrix. The
state machine shown to the left controls each of the
multiply accumulate units. As shown this will take 4
clock cycles to complete a single matrix multiplication.

Figure 3. Camera to screen space datapath.

D. Screen Clip Detection

As mentioned above, vertices can be off screen. Since
drawing consists of writing to an array, it must not write
outside the boundaries and corrupt main memory. The
clip detection checks the position of the vertex and only
sets the write signal high if the vertex is visible on screen.

Figure 2. Matrix multiply state machine and datapath.

B. Divider
The divider uses the pipelined version provided by
Llamocca, but wrapped with some additional logic to
handle negative numbers. The divider is important
because the results while in view space after the matrix
multiplication are not normalized to the view edges [6].
The scales can change dramatically depending on the
distance between the camera and the vertex in question.
Since the w component was known to be one, it was used
Figure 4. Screen clip detection datapath.
E. Screen Space to Memory
The final step is to
convert the screen
coordinates of the vertex
into an offset into an array.
This is multiplying the y
coordinate by the width to
bring the index to the correct
row and adds the x
coordinate to bring the index
to the correct column. This
is a pixel index, but AXI is
expecting a byte address.
Since a pixel consists of 4
bytes, two least significant
zeros are added to the
address. Figure 7. Line drawing state machine and datapath.
Figure 5. Screen space to This has a major limitation. It only increments x, and
framebuffer datapath. F. Line Drawing
y; limiting the direction the line can be drawn to the first
Line drawing takes two quadrant of the
screen space vertices and draws a single pixel width line coordinate space.
between them. The full algorithm is presented in the Also since y only
figure 6 pseudocode. “DIF” represents a replacement for increments when x
error from normal fractional based methods, allowing this increments, the
to be integer math. Every loop of the algorithm x is greatest slope is
incremented and the difference between the y coordinates limited to 1, so lines
is added to DIF. When DIF reaches zero y is also can only be drawn
incremented and the difference between the x coordinates within the first 45° of
is subtracted from DIF. A simple example shows that if the coordinate space
the x distance is three times the y distance, DIF will reach as shown in figure 8.
zero every three increments of x. Thus a line with the Thus, the blue line
proper slope of ⅓ will be drawn.
Figure 8. Line drawing limitation. cannot be drawn.
To overcome this
plotLine(x0,y0, x1,y1) limitation, the rest of
dx=x1-x0 the coordinate space needs to be folded into that 45°
dy=y1-y0 space. Then the output needs to be unfolded to the correct
quadrant at the output for each pixel of the line. The
DIF = 4*dy - dx block diagram is shown in figure to 9. The important part
y=y0 is the three comparison operators, which detects the
eighth of the coordinate space that contains the line.
for x from x0 to x1
DIF = DIF + (2*dy)
if DIF > 0
y = y+1
DIF = DIF - (2*dx)
Figure 6. Bresenham's line drawing algorithm pseudocode.

This was implemented using three data paths and a 5-

state machine. First, the DIF reg is initialized with the
negative of the x distance and is then added or subtracted
as specified in the above pseudocode. The x and y
outputs are then incremented in the cases also as specified
in the above pseudocode.
Figure 9. Folding MUX datapath.
A parameter of the Simple GPU component allows it addresses and colors generated from the GPU, with the
to operate in either line-drawing or dot-drawing mode. read interfaces exposed to the GPU. The write interfaces
This parameter is set at design-time so that the minimal are utilized by the master AXI, and whenever the both
resources are used for the desired operation in any given have data a write is started. The addresses stored in the
GPU. FIFO are relative to the start of the framebuffer, so as a
last step before writing, the address coming out of the
G. Configuration Interface FIFO is added to the frame buffer’s base address to
The Simple GPU needs several parameters to be transform it into global memory address space.
set before it can be used, including the MVP matrix.
Since the MVP matrix changes at most every frame, a J. High-Level Schematic
high-speed interface is not required for setting its values. A schematic of the important components in the entire
Therefore a set of registers with an AXI-Lite interface is system is shown in the figure 10. This is one possible
used to set the 16 values of the matrix. Each matrix value configuration; as many GPUs as fit in the FPGA fabric
is a 16-bit number, and so two could be packed into the could be used. Here we use two: one for dot-drawing and
same 32-bit register, but for simplicity only the lower 16 one for line-drawing. The dot-drawing GPU uses about
bits of each register was used. This also leaves room for 2000 LUTs, 1.5 36k BRAM tiles, and 7 DSPs, while the
upgrading to 32-bit fixed-point or floating-point numbers line-drawing GPU uses about 2500 LUTs, 2.5 BRAM
in the future without changing the interface. Two other tiles, and 7 DSPs. The two GPUs share an HP port, and
parameters that are set over the configuration interface are the Display Controllers share another. Since the the
the screen height and width. These are used in the display controllers are only reading the memory and the
conversion process to pixel coordinates, in detecting GPUs are only writing to it, they really could have all
screen clip, and for generating the memory address of the shared the same port and not sacrificed any bandwidth.
pixel. The last parameter set with the configuration GP0 is used for configuring both GPUs as well as the
interface is the address to the start of the frame buffer in VDMA and Display Controllers - which is not shown in
memory. Without this address, the GPU would not know the diagram for simplicity. GP1 is used solely to send
where to store the pixels. vertices to both GPUs.
The two display controllers allow for both VGA and
H. Vertex Interface HDMI output. Each VDMA receives a sync signal from
The vertex interface has the job of receiving its associated Display Controller to signal the beginning
vertices from the CPU and storing them for use by the of a new frame. When a VDMA sees a pulse on the sync
GPU. It achieves this by using a full AXI bus interface signal, it begins reading the framebuffer directly from
with support for bursts. Bursts would provide for faster DDR memory. There are three framebuffers, and which
transfers of vertices, however while the GPU supports one the VDMA is reading from is configured by the CPU.
burst writes our implementation has no DMA and so only The sync signal is also sent to the PS as an interrupt input.
single writes occur. Each frame, the CPU switches the framebuffer of the
The vertices are sent in two 32-bit writes; the X and Y GPU, writes vertices to the GPUs, the GPUs write pixels
coordinate in the first and the Z and Color in the second. into the new framebuffer, and the CPU waits for the
This limits the GPU to 16-bit coordinates and color, so Display Controller to signal an end of its current frame on
the vertex-sending process would need to be modified to the sync signal. Then the CPU updates the VDMAs to the
increase the resolution or world size. After a vertex is new framebuffer, causing them to send the new frame to
received on the AXI bus, it is stored in a FIFO and the the Display Controllers. After each frame the CPU
read data and enable are exposed to the GPU. switches the framebuffer and starts over. The whole
operation happens at a rate of 60 frames per second, and
I. Memory Interface
is capable of displaying up to 1080p resolution on both
The output of the GPU is an address into the the VGA and HDMI outputs.
frame buffer and a color to write to that address. In order
to write the colors to the framebuffer in DDR memory
quickly, a High-Performance (HP) AXI port is used. The
HP ports only pass through one AXI interconnect in the
PS system, which means faster access to the DDR
controller than the General Purpose (GP) ports - about
3,200 Mb/s in both read and write. The AXI interface on
the GPU side has to be a master, since the HP ports are
slaves. Burst modes are not supported for the GPU
master AXI port, since all burst modes require addresses
either to be the same or sequential. The GPU will not
generally be writing to sequential addresses so
unfortunately burst modes are not possible without more Figure 10. System level design.
buffering and logic. Two FIFOs are created to store the
Figure 11. Master AXI write from GPU.

III. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP ILA. This method places a debug core on-chip, which
Each non-trivial component of the GPU that we samples the desired signals every clock cycle. The
created has an associated testbench. This includes the 4x4 sampled signals are put into a FIFO and can be sent to the
matrix multiply, the line-drawing component, and one to PC for viewing. Since the bandwidth between the debug
test several representative values of the entire GPU. To core and the PC isn’t typically high enough to send all the
test the entire GPU including AXI interfaces however signal’s data, a trigger is used to tell the core when to
requires a bit more work. A basic AXI lite master send data. For our purposes, we set the trigger to the
testbench model from [7] provided a good start, but the AWVALID signal so that we would see an AXI
Simple GPU has a slave full and a master full interface as transaction occurring.
well. The slave full AXI interface - requiring a master IV. RESULTS
full interface testbench to test - is easy to simulate
because all of the extra inputs of the full over the lite The resulting system was made up of two GPUs: one
interface can be set to constants. The master full AXI capable of dot-drawing and one capable of line-drawing.
interface is a bit trickier. For that a slave AXI full model As can be seen in the video of the project, available at [1],
had to be created, which was based off of the example several long lines and many dots can be drawn on the
master AXI interface generated by Vivado. Using all screen via the GPUs. Figure 13 shows a picture of the
three AXI interface testbench models, it is possible to running system as well. The line-drawing GPU was used
simulate the entire GPU system from start to end. Using to form a cube, while one hundred dots were drawn with
this testbench, the configuration registers were set up, and the dot-drawing GPU to create a sparkler effect. If the
several vertices written to the GPU. The entire system number of dots drawn increased too much, beyond 200,
was observed as well the final pixel output being written the colors became offset by a couple dots: so a dot that
into the slave representing the HP ports. Below is shown was supposed to be red may show up green for example.
an AXI write of a pixel from the GPU. Line drawing also showed issues in two cases. If lines
In addition to the simulations that were run, with different colors were drawn, the colors would bleed
debugging of the hardware while it was running was used into the next line. Also if lines were to go off the edge of
to verify the functionality of the AXI communication with the screen, a flickering effect was observed, with lines
the processor. Figure one shows the result of an AXI disappearing and sometimes connecting the wrong
write on the Master AXI bus created in the Simple GPU endpoints. These are most probably resulting from design
component. In this case, the processor’s High- issues with the FIFOs. If the two separate streams of data
Performance AXI port was the slave. The slave can be containing color and memory addresses were to get out of
seen setting AWREADY, AREADY, and BVALID sync these effects could to be expected.
indicating a successful write.
Debugging of running hardware was achieved using
Chipscope Pro debug cores, now also known as Vivado

Figure 12. Master AXI write viewed on chip with Vivado ILA.
Figure 13. On-screen drawing of cube and sparkler.

The next step for the GPU would be to allow for entire
triangle drawing. Just as dot drawing was upgraded to
line drawing, line drawing can be upgraded to triangle
drawing. Three vertices would be input instead of two,
and the pixel processor would have to fill in the area
between the vertices. This is a big step up in complexity
and in the time required to process the vertex stream.
Another improvement for the GPU system as a whole
would be to add multiple pipelines of vertex calculations
and pixel processing. For the single dot mode, this is not
necessary as the CPU cannot send vertices fast enough to
overflow a single GPU pipeline. But in the line drawing
or proposed triangle drawing modes, the pixel processor
can overflow its FIFOs. Adding more GPU pipelines
would allow sharing of the workload between the multiple
[1] Video of project:
[2] Xilinx AXI VDMA datasheet
[3] Digilent Zybo Base System Design
[4] Digilent Vivado Library
[5] OpenGL Projection Matrix
[6] OpenGL Transformation
[7] AXI Testbenches

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