CHN Finals Exam
CHN Finals Exam
CHN Finals Exam
I.MULTIPLE CHOICE: The following scenarios are concepts, principles, theories in the provision of basic
care in terms of health promotion, disease prevention and maintenance and rehabilitation at the individual
and family level. Concepts on Philippine Health Care Delivery System, national health situation and the
global context of public health in the provision of holistic nursing care in community setting utilizing the
Nursing Process are likewise included.
DIRECTION: Encircle the letter that BEST answers the question/situation at hand. Please avoid erasures.
1. At the national level, the Department of Health provides leadership by formulating plans and policies for
public health. DOH public health plans and policies are mostly focused on
A. health promotion and disease prevention.
B. early diagnosis and treatment of disease.
C. control of communicable diseases.
D. organizing the community.
2. The main focus of community health nurse is health promotion. Nurse Juvy served as programmer and
planner of RHU-MAGARAO, the following are activities expected from her:
I. Identifies the needs and concerns of individuals, groups, families, and the community
II. Formulates health plans, especially in the absence of a community physician
III. Interprets and implements nursing plans and programs
IV. Assists other health team members in implementing health programs in the setting
3.In planning for the health teachings to be conducted by BSN 2 students of NCF, to families in their
Culminating Activity, the students fully understood that community health involves collaborating with
members of the community, government institutions, private sector, including non-governmental
organizations or NGOs. This statement
A. is true.
B. is false.
C. may be true or false, depending on one’s perspective.
D. is something that the community should strive to achieve.
4. The recipient of care of community public health nursing practice is extended not only to the individual
but also to benefit the whole family and community. When Nurse Benjie promotes self- reliance of
community and emphasizes their involvement and participation in planning, organizing, implementing and
evaluating of health services as well as initiates and implements community development activities, he is
playing the role of
A. Coordinator of Services
B. Community Organizer
C. Health Educator/Trainer/ Counselor
D. Provider of Nursing Care
5. The community health nurse deals with several levels of clientele. Still, the family is the basic
unit of care in community health practice because
A. the health of people is strongly influenced by the family situation.
B. it is easier to follow up a patient when the nurse knows the family residence.
C. the family members are essential resources in providing care to dependent and sick persons.
D. the family’s financial status is a major factor in determining what kind of care can be given to a patient.
6. Community health nurses are generalists in terms of their practice through life’s continuum. When
Nurse Daphne renders direct care to various clients with different needs, may it be at home, in school,
clinics or work settings and involves the family in the care of the sick or dependent individual, i.e., sick
child, she is playing the role of
A. Coordinator of Services
B. Community Organizer
C. Health Educator/Trainer/ Counselor
D. Provider of Nursing Care
7. Nurses in the Philippines are guided by competency standards in the practice of the profession. The
public health nurse ensures the maintenance of proper storage temperatures for vaccines to be given to
patients. This action best illustrates which key area of responsibility of the nurse?
A. Management of resources and environment
B. Collaboration and teamwork
C. Ethico-moral responsibility
D. Quality improvement
8. The nature of nursing practice in the community needs the knowledge of biological and social sciences,
ecology, clinical nursing, and community organizing, for it to be effective. When Nurse Fred records data
systematically and ensures its validity through accurate and complete data gathering,reports prepared
reports to concerned organizations for immediate necessary plans or programs,consolidates and reviews
reports efficiently and analyzes and interprets consolidated data for monitoring the development in the
health matters of the whole community, he plays the role of
A. Researcher
B. Change Agent
C. Statistician
D. Health Monitor
9. The health services of the Philippine government are directed towards the provision of equitable health
services to all Filipinos through health sector reform. The current efforts are under the banner of the
A. Millennium Development Goals.
B. Health Sector Reform Agenda.
C. Fourmula One for Health.
D. Universal Health Care.
10. This field of nursing practice utilizes a dynamic process (assessment, planning, implementation, and
evaluation) in the provision of continuous care until termination is implicit. Nurse Veronica promotes and
motivates change in the community in their health practices and lifestyle behaviors for them to promote
and maintain good health, be knowledgeable and has the initiative in accessing health services as well
as inculcates self- reliance to brought about development and improvement in the community, she plays
the role of
A. Researcher
B. Change Agent
C. Statistician
D. Health Monitor
11. It is the key global agency that initiated the Alma Atta Conference on Primary Health Care (PHC).
A. World Health Organization
B. Department of Health
C. Doctors without Borders
D. Association of South East Asian Countries
12. Which Asian country is considered among the first to adopt the principles of PHC?
A. China B. Japan C. Malaysia D. Philippines
13. According to the WHO it is “essential health care that is acceptable, made accessible to individuals and
families at a cost that the communities and country can afford”. This statement describes:
A. Alma Atta Declaration
B. Primary Health Care
C. Health for All
14. All of these are the main objectives of “health for all” except:
A. Promotion of healthy lifestyle
B. Prevention of diseases
C. Therapy for existing conditions
D. Education for health
15. All of these are considered as key elements for the achievement of “health for all” except:
A. Public Policy Reforms
B. Universal Coverage
C. Health Service Reforms
D. Expanded Programs on Immunization
16. Which principle of PHC ensures that health services offered are in accordance to the prevailing belief
and traditions of the intended clients of care?
A. Accessibility B. Affordability C. Acceptability D. Availability
17. Within the Philippine health care delivery system, which unit is intended to provide health services at
the community level?
A. Rural Health Units
B. Barangay Health Station
C. Municipal Hospitals
D. Botica sa Baranagay
18. Collaboration and cooperation is crucial to the achievement of the goals of PHC. The referral system
between the RHU, the DHO and RHO is classified as what type of collaboration?
A. Intrasectoral Linkage
B. Intersectoral Linkage
C. Community Participation
D. Collaboration Mechanism
19. In times of calamities or disasters, the DOH would work with the LGUs, the Department of Defense,
and the Department of Social Welfare and Development, among others. This type of collaboration is best
described as:
A. Intrasectoral Linkage
B. Intersectoral Linkage
C. Community Participation
D. Collaboration Mechanism
20. This PHC principle refers to the utilization of tools and methodologies that are suitable for the families
and communities that are intended to use it.
A. Equitable distributions of resources
B. Appropriate Technology
C. Simplicity of Technology
D. Collaborative Technology
21. Which common method of preparing herbal medicines requires the boiling of the recommended plant?
A. Decoction B. Infusion C. Poultice D. Tincture
23. Which herbal plant is recommended for lower blood cholesterol levels and hypertension?
A. Ampalaya B. Lagundi C. Yerba Buena D. Bawang
24. If Primary Care focuses on the short term or long term of the individual, the primary focus of care of
PHC is the
A. mother and child. B. well individuals. C. sick families. D.families & communities
25. If the desired outcome of primary care is to ensure that the client regains health and quality of life,
the outcome of primary health care is
A. preventive care. B. self-reliance. C. dependence. D. client centered care.
26. It is defined as the process that seeks to instill and reinforce the people’s self-confidence in their own
collective strengths and capabilities.
A. Primary Health Care
B. Community Development
C. Community Organizing
D. Community Participation
27. Which is statement is not true regarding the emphasis of community organizing in PHC?
A. People in the community working together
B. PHC is a social movement
C. Health reforms along with community development
D. Community organization as a requirement for health projects
28. Community organizing is based on three core values, one of which seeks equitable access to
opportunities to meet people’s basic needs and dignity. This best describes the core value of:
A. Human Rights B. Social Justice C. Social Responsibility D. Accessibility
29. The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion lists down fundamental conditions and resources for
health. Which of the following is NOT in this list?
A. Shelter B. College education C. Sustainable resources D. Social justice and equity
30. The family facilitates case finding for health problems that may present risks for the entire
family. Which of the following is an example of this statement?
A. The school nurse visits the family of a young pupil with signs of chicken pox.
B. The mother provides home care to her two children diagnosed to have chicken pox.
C. During a home visit, the nurse observes for the presence of accident hazards in the home.
D. The mother tells the nurse that her 3-year old who had measles the past month still has mouth sores
31. The house has to be meticulously inspected for accident/poisoning hazards in which of these
A. Family parenting young children
B. Family with an adolescent
C. Middle-aged family
D. Aging family
32. A 4-year old child has been having on-and-off fever for three days. His mother brings him to
the health center for consultation. This indicates the mother’s ability to carry out which of the
following family health tasks?
A. Recognizing interruptions of health or development
B. Seeking health care
C. Providing nursing care to the sick, disabled or dependent member of the family
D. Providing an environment conducive to health maintenance
33. .It is important for the community health nurse to be able to provide care to families in the
catchment population. In what fields of community practice can family health care be provided?
1. Public health nursing
2. School health nursing 3. Faith community nursing
4. Occupational health nursing
A. 1, 2, and 3 B. 1, 2, and 4 C. 2, 3, and 4 D. All of these
34. Family interviewing is useful not only for family assessment but also as a means for family
interventions. The nurse tells the mother that she has done well in complying with the schedule of
immunization for her infant. What element of family interviewing is the nurse utilizing in this situation?
A. Manners
B. Therapeutic question
C. Therapeutic conversation
D. Commending a family strength
35. To facilitate data analysis, the nurse organizes family data utilizing a particular system. What is
the category of interpersonal relationships among family members?
A. Family environment
B. Socioeconomic characteristics
C. Family structure and characteristics
D. Family health and health behavior
36. Priority setting is done to determine which among the identified family problems should be given
attention first. Among the following criteria, which should be given the greatest weight?
A. Practicality
B. Family safety
C. Projected effects
D. Family perception
37. When formulating objectives for the family health plan, the nurse and the family have to
consider resources available to them. This is related to which of the following characteristics of
well stated objectives?
A. Specific B. Relevant C. Attainable D. Measurable
38.Rather than focusing health resources on management of malnutrition in the community, the
health team decided to have an intensive health education campaign on breastfeeding and
application of nutritional guidelines for Filipinos. What principle of community health nursing
is applied in this situation?
A. Promote optimum use of resources.
B. Promote a healthful physical and psychosocial environment.
C. In selecting appropriate activities, focus on primary prevention.
D. Work with the community as an equal partner of the health team.
39. Case finding is frequently undertaken in community health nursing. What principle is
demonstrated in this practice?
A. Give priority to community needs.
B. Focus on the community as the unit of care.
C. Collaborate with others working in the community.
D. Reach out to all who may benefit from a specific service.
40. The Field Health Service Information System is the recording and reporting tool used for public
health purposes. Which recording tool serves as its first building block?
A. Summary Table
B. Target Client List
C. Individual Treatment Record
D. Monthly Consolidation Table
41. Priority setting of identified community health problems is done using criteria set by the World
Health Organization. The presence of records, such as those in the FHSIS, increases the rating for
A. ability to reduce risk.
B. community awareness.
C. availability of resources.
D. ability to identify target population.
42. The health indicator that measures the percentage of both old and new cases of a disease over the
number of people examined at one point in time is:
A. Incidence density rate
B. Case fatality rate
C. Cumulative incidence
D. Prevalence proportion
46. The World Health Organization offered training of trainers for implementing a new evidence based
protocol for managing illnesses prevalent among young children in the Philippines and other countries.
Among the following core functions of WHO, which is most relevant to this activity?
A. Shaping the health research agenda
B. Providing leadership on matters critical to health
C. Providing technical support and building sustainable institutional capacity
D. Setting norms and standards and promoting and monitoring their implementation
47. The DOH guidelines on essential newborn care are based on WHO recommendations based on
research findings. Among the following research goals of WHO, which is illustrated by this example?
A. Standards to promote good research practice
B. Capacity-building of national health research systems
C. Focusing research on priority health needs of a country
D. Translation to ensure that quality evidence is turned into products and policy
48. Health care financing in the Philippines is provided by three sectors. Among these three, the
leading payment scheme is through the
A. government. B. private sector. C. social health insurance. D. None of the Above
49. The Department of Health provides national leadership in matters of health. It is represented in
the different parts of the country through the
A. Regional Hospitals.
B. Regional Health Offices.
C. Provincial Health Offices.
D. Centers for Health Development.
50. The Department of Health is an enabler and capacity builder. Which of the following specific
functions is relevant to this role of the DOH?
A. Advocate for health promotion and healthy life styles
B. Monitor and evaluate the implementation of health programs
C. Serve as a technical authority in disease control and prevention
D. Protect standards of excellence in the training and education of health care providers
51. Out-patient health facilities in the country are classified according to the type of services they
provide. What is the classification of a short-stay facility like a Lying-in Clinic?
A. Therapeutic facility
B. Primary care facility
C. Custodial care facility
D. Specialized out-patient facility
52. Likewise, hospitals are classified according to the types of services they provide. What is the
classification of hospitals with consulting specialists in Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics Gynecology and
Pediatrics but no departmentalized clinical services?
A. Level 1 B. Level 2 C. Level 3 D. Level 4
53. A patient who consulted at the health center needs referral to a hospital with a rehabilitation
unit. What hospital classification has this type of facility to which this patient can be referred?
A. Level 1 B. Level 2 C. Level 3 D. Level 4
54. A municipality has a total population of 40,000. Based on the recommended ratio of health
center to population, how many health centers or Rural Health Units (RHUs) must this
municipality have?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
55. The Barangay Health Station (BHS) offers health services at the barangay level. Which of the
following descriptions are true about the BHS?
1. Satellite station of the RHU
2. Offers primary level health services
3. Usually the first contact health facility
4. Maintained by midwife and barangay health workers
56. The Rural Health Unit has personnel responsible for working toward health goals for the catchment
community. Which of the following personnel serves as the medico-legal officer of the municipality?
A. Public Health Nurse
B. Rural Health Midwife
C. Municipal Health Officer
D. Rural Sanitation Inspector
57. The Local Government Code mandates devolution of basic services from the national government to
local government units (LGUs). Which of the following is the most accurate definition of devolution?
A. The national government can have local authority only when allowed by LGUs.
B. LGUs are given autonomy to make decisions independent of the national government.
C. The national government gives LGUs certain powers to be able to carry out specific
D. The national government cannot dictate on LGUs on matters affecting their areas of authority and
58. To provide LGUs with autonomy on matters of health, the Local Government Code provides for the
creation of local health boards. Who is the Chairman of the Municipal Health Board?
A. Mayor
B. Municipal Health Officer
C. A representative of the Department of Health
D. Chairman of the Committee on Health of the Sanggunian
59. Referrals within the health care delivery system are done to provide competent, efficient health
care. Adjacent health centers and private clinics in several municipalities make an agreement with a
district hospital for the latter to be their central referral hospital. What structure have they formed?
A. Health district B. Referral system C. Local health unit D. Inter-local Health Zone
60. A patient was referred by the Rural Health Midwife to the Public Health Nurse. This type of
referral is best described as:
A. Internal B. External C. Vertical D. Horizontal
Answer: A
61. To improve health services in the country, a series of health care reforms have been undertaken.
The most recent effort at health sector reform is known as:
A. Kalusugan Pangkalahatan
B. FOURmula One for Health
C. Health Sector Reform Agenda
D. National Health Insurance Reform
62. Health sector reforms are directed towards ensuring equitable access to health care. The health
system goals of this reform include:
1. Better health outcomes
2. A responsive health system
3. Sustained health financing
4. Free services at government health facilities
63. To achieve health sector reform goals, strategic instruments are being optimized. The Philippine
Health Insurance Corporation is the agency that will be most important in
A. service delivery.
B. health financing.
C. governance for health.
D. policy, standards and regulation.
64. The Department of Health is advocating facility-based births to avoid delays that may lead to
maternal and newborn mortality. The DOH is referring to a delay in
1. detection of a complication.
2. making a referral.
3. transport to referral health facility.
4. management of the complication.
A. 1, 2, and 3 B. 1, 2, and 4 C. 2, 3, and 4 D. Any of these
65. R.A. 9288 is also known as the Newborn Screening Act of 2004. Which of the following is
NOT a provision in this law?
A. Parents or guardians are obliged to have their newborn babies undergo newborn screening.
B. Newborn screening of babies who need intensive care can be done within 7 days after birth.
C. Health workers are obliged to inform parents or legal guardian about newborn screening before the
baby is delivered.
D. The Newborn Screening Reference Center is responsible for maintaining a national testing database and
case registries.
66. Which of the following conditions represents the global burden of disease?
A. Cardiovascular disease is the leading causes of death in the world.
B. Lung cancer is least common cause of death from cancer in the world.
C. Hearing loss is among the 20 leading causes of disability worldwide.
D. Road traffic injuries are the second leading cause of death in the world.
67. Which of the following must be emphasized by the nurse during health education to prevent mosquito
borne diseases?
A. Indiscriminate fogging of the environment
B. Immunization of contacts
C. Search and destroy breeding places of mosquitos
D. Take prophylaxis treatment of antibiotics
68. The public health nurse is asked by the local government unit to rationalize the need for
environmental health services. The nurse can say that the aspects of human health
affected by interactions with the environment include the following except:
A. Physical health
B. Psycho-social health
C. Quality-of-life
D. None of the above
69. Having in mind that community services should be developmental in nature, which of the following
environmental health projects should be least preferred by the public health nurse?
A. Providing the poor with free supply of high quality drinking water
B. Teaching mothers on the importance of water treatments
C. Training community members on making water filters from household materials
D. Organizing a community cooperative to manage a water treatment facility
70. The public health nurse should correct the households that manage solid wastes in the
following prohibited methods, except:
A. Open burning
B. Open dumping
C. Burying
D. Dumping over groundwater reservoir
71. The sanitation inspector consults the public health nurse on the parameters that need testing to assure
the safety of drinking water. The nurse would be correct to include the following except:
A. Microbial quality
B. Physical quality
C. Chemical quality
D. None of the above
72. Having a well-managed information system can have the following benefits for a health center, except:
A. Data is readily mapped enabling more targeted information and feedback
B. Illegible handwriting poses misinterpretation of data
C. Redundancy of data is minimized
D. Data for clinical research becomes more available
74. Which of the following scenarios do not show proper record management?
A. Nurse Jana logs in the patient’s vital signs as soon as they are taken
B. Nurse April returns the chart in its proper place after recording medications given
C. Nurse Aldin logs-in to the electronic medical record using Nurse Adrian’s account
D. Nurse Paul backs-up the electronic medical record database at the end of the day
75. Which of the following scenarios show unethical use of a patient record?
A. Nurse Dennis logs-out his electronic medical record account when he is going out for lunch
B. Nurse Abi photocopies the patient’s records for their group’s case presentation
C. Nurse Alyza only views records of patients assigned to her
D. None of the above
76. These are the major strategies and the major laws in delivering health services in the community
a. Creation of Restructured Health Care Delivery System (RHCDS) regulated by PD 568 (1976)
b. Management Information Systems regulated by R.A. 3753: Vital Health Statistics Law
c. Primary Health Care (PHC) regulated by LOI 949 (1984) Legalization of Implementation of PHC in the
d. Use of herbal plants regulated by RA 8423: Alternative Traditional Medicine Law.
79. Prevention of soil-borne helminthiasis is integrated in the school health and nutrition program.
What activities are included in this project?
1. Deworming
2. Environmental sanitation
3. WASH (water, sanitation, and hygiene)
4. Use of traditional and alternative health care
A. 1 and 2 B. 1, 2, and 3 C. 1, 3, and 4 D. All of these
80. Generally, people who are active have a better quality of life and outlive those who are inactive.
Which concepts are relevant to physical activity at school?
1. Teaching about physical activity must begin early in life.
2. Include physical activities that can be carried to adulthood.
3. Educational content on physical activity must be age-appropriate.
4. Competitive sports provide the best motivation for physical activity.
A. 1 and 2 B. 1, 2, and 4 C. 2, 3, and 4 D. All of these
II. IDENTIFICATION Prevention includes a wide range of activities known as “interventions” aimed at
reducing risks or threats to health. There are three levels/categories of prevention: Primordial, primary,
secondary and tertiary.
DIRECTION: Identify the scenario below according to level/category of prevention. Write A for Primordial,
B for Primary, C for Secondary and D for Tertiary on the space provided for.
1. Legislation and enforcement to ban or control the use of hazardous products (e.g. asbestos) or to
mandate safe and healthy practices (e.g. use of seatbelts and bike helmets) B
2. Childhood immunizations for diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, measles, mumps, rubella, polio,
hepatitis B, etc.-B
3. Tobacco-use screening and brief counseling by doctors. -C
4. Routine colorectal-cancer screening for adults 50 and older by any recognized method. C
5. Hypertension screening via routine blood-pressure tests and medication if necessary. C
6. Annual flu shots for adults 50 and older. B
7. Immunization of adults 65 and older against bacteria that cause pneumonia and related diseases. B
8. Screening and brief counseling of problem drinkers by their physicians. C
9. Cardiac or stroke rehabilitation programs, chronic disease management programs (e.g. for diabetes,
arthritis, depression, etc.) D
10. Cervical cancer screening for sexually active women and women over 21. C
11. Support groups that allow members to share strategies for living well.
Eg Alcoholic Anonymous, After Suicide, Abortion Groups D
12. Routine breast-cancer screening for women 50 and older and discussion with women ages 40 to 49 to
set an age to begin screening. C
13. Routine chlamydia screening for sexually active women under 25. C
14. Calcium-supplement counseling for adolescent girls and women. B
15. Vision screening for children under 5. C
16. Routine counsel for women of childbearing age on the use of folic acid supplements to prevent birth
defects. B
17. Obesity screening for adults and high-intensity diet and exercise counseling for the obese. C
18. Depression screening for adults. C
19. Hearing-impairment screening for adults 65 and over. C
20. Promotion of child-safety measures such as car seats, pool fences, bicycle helmets, poison control,
and curbs on scalding-water burns B
21. Adopting a non-LDL cholesterol and less to no sugar diet to avoid High Blood Pressure. A
22. Avoiding eating foods that trigger an asthma attack. A
23. Giving Tuberculosis prophylaxis to relatives exposed with TB patients. B
24. Eating balanced diet and taking supplementary vitamins and minerals to avoid deficiency disorders. A
25. Doing health teaching to a family with deficient knowledge in sanitation and cleanliness. A