Drug Study

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A Drug Study Presented to

Lendell Kelly B. Ytac, RN
Clinical Instructor, FNAHS BSN-Program Davao Oriental State University


In Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for

NCM 103 Fundamentals In Nursing Practice


Cesar Jr. N. Sumblingo

Student Nurse, BSN-2A

December 04, 2022

Table 1. Drug study on (insert generic name of medication)
Name of Drug Dosage/ Mechanism of Indication/s Contraindication/s Side Nursing Responsibilities
Frequency/ Action Effects/
Time/ Route Adverse
Generic and For oral dosage form Pharmacodynamic Diethylcarbamazine Contraindications Side Effects: Before:
Brand Name (tablets): For s is used to treat are previous history Fever, painful and - Check the doctor’s order,
Drug Bancroft's filariasis, -Action: certain parasitic of heart problems, tender glands in Verify patient’s identity
HETRAZAN loiasis, and river The mechanism diseases caused gastrointestinal the neck, armpits, including patient history,
(Diethylcarbamazine) blindness: Adults— of action of the by infection with problems, and or groin. skin including allergies, current
Dose is based on drug is unclear, roundworms of allergies. rash. medications, and any
body weight and but paralysis of the Filarioidea Diethylcarbamazin underlying medical conditions.
Classification must be determined the worm has type, including e is contraindicated Adverse Educate the patient about the
by your doctor. The been proposed. lymphatic filariasis in patients who Reactions: purpose of the medication,
-Therapeutic: usual dose is 2 to 3 Diethylcarbamazine caused by infection may have Diethylcarbamazin
milligrams (mg) per with Wuchereria how to take it, and the
anthelmintic also alters the onchocerciasis, due e may cause loss of
kilogram (kg) (0.9 to surface membrane bancrofti, Brugia potential adverse reactions.
-Pharmacologic: to the risk of the vision, night
Assess for hypersensitivity to
N-methyl piperazine 1.3 mg per pound) of of the worm malayi, or Brugia Mazzotti reaction. blindness, or
body weight three and may disrupt timori; tropical azithromycin, erythromycin, or
and a N-carbamoyl tunnel vision with
piperazine. times a day. Children the formation pulmonary prolonged use. This any macrolide antibiotic
Pregnancy —Use and dose must of helminth eosinophilia; medicine may also - Assess orientation, GI output,
Category: be determined by microtubules. and loiasis. cause some people bowel sounds, liver evaluation
Generally acceptable. your doctor. For to become dizzy. - Monitor blood studies During:
Controlled studies in eosinophilic lung: Pharmacokinetics - - Administer the right drug and
pregnant women show Adults—Dose is Absorption: peak right dose at the right time
no evidence of fetal based on body plasma - Let patient take the full
risk. weight and must be concentrations course prescribed even if they
determined by your reached within 1-2 are feeling better
doctor. The usual hours. - Do not administer with
dose is 6 mg per kg
(2.7 mg per pound)
of body weight a day. -Distribution:
This is taken for four After:
to seven days. - Monitor patient.
Children—Use and metabolized, the - Assess bowel function for
dose must be half-life being 6–12 constipation/ diarrhea
determined by your hours; the - Let patient report severe or
doctor. remainder enters watery diarrhea, severe nausea
the urine within 48 or vomiting, rash or itching,
hours. mouth sores, vaginal sores

Excreted in urine.

References: El‐Sisi, A. E., Sokar, S. S., & Mohamed, D. Z. (2019). Current therapeutic strategies for alcoholic liver Disease. In

Elsevier eBooks. https://doi.org/10.1016/b978-0-12-814466-4.00002-1

Diethylcarbamazine. (n.d.). http://www.antimicrobe.org/drugpopup/Diethylcarbamazine.htm?


Table 1. Drug study on (insert generic name of medication)

Name of Drug Dosage/Frequency/ Mechanism of Indication/s Contraindication/s Side Nursing
Time/ Route Action Effects/ Responsibilities
Generic and The usual adult dose Pharmacodynamics Doxycycline - have ever had an - diarrhoea or Before:
Brand Name of Vibramycin Oral -Action: is used to allergic reaction to vomiting. - Check the doctor’s order,
Drug: is 200 mg on the Mechanism oftreat many doxycycline or any - oral or vaginal Verify patient’s identity
Doxycycline first day of Action Doxycycline different other medicine. thrush. including patient history,
(vibramycin) treatment inhibits bacterialbacterial - have kidney or liver - rash or itching. including allergies, current
(administered 100 protein synthesis by infections problems. -- changes to the medications, and any
Classification -Therapeutic: mg every 12 hours) binding to the 30S including - have an inflamed appearance of underlying medical
protein synthesis inhibitor followed by a ribosomal subunit.acne, urinary food pipe your nails. conditions. Educate the
antibiotics maintenance dose of Doxycycline has and (oesophagitis) - mild irritation of patient about the purpose
-Pharmacologic: 100 mg/day. bacteriostatic activityrespiratory - have lupus, an the oesophagus
autoimmune disease. of the medication, how to
Tetracycline antibiotics against a broad range tract (food pipe)
- have myasthenia take it, and the potential
of Gram-positive and infections, - loss of sense of adverse reactions. Assess
Pregnancy Category: Gram-negative eye gravis, a condition taste.
- category D: There is positive that causes severe for hypersensitivity to
bacteria. Resistance infections, - ringing or other
evidence of human fetal risk muscle weakness. azithromycin,
Cross resistance with gum disease, persistent noise in
based on adverse reaction data - are pregnant or erythromycin, or any
other tetracyclines is gonorrhea, the ears.
from investigational or breastfeeding. macrolide antibiotic
common. chlamydia,
marketing experience or - Assess orientation, GI
and syphilis.
studies in humans, but It can also be output, bowel sounds, liver
potential benefits may warrant Pharmacokinetics - used prevent evaluation
use of the drug in pregnant Absorption: malaria and - Monitor blood studies
women despite potential risks. -Distribution: treat During:
-Metabolism: infections - Administer the right drug
-Excretion: caused by and right dose at the right
mites, ticks, time
Doxycycline or lice. - Let patient take the full
reversibly binds to course prescribed even if
the 30S ribosomal they are feeling better
subunits and possibly - Do not administer with
the 50S ribosomal antacids
subunit(s), blocking
the binding of After:
aminoacyl tRNA to - Monitor patient.
the mRNA and
inhibiting bacterial - Assess bowel function
protein synthesis. for constipation/ diarrhea
Doxycycline has - Let patient report severe
shown to inhibit or watery diarrhea, severe
collagenase activity nausea or vomiting, rash
in vitro or itching, mouth sores,
-Distribution: vaginal sores.


Website, N. (2022, January 21). Who can and cannot take doxycycline. nhs.uk. https://www.nhs.uk/medicines/doxycycline/who-can-


Vibramycin Uses, Side Effects & Warnings. (n.d.). Drugs.com. https://www.drugs.com/mtm/vibramycin.html?



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