Nedbank Investment Statement - 30 Nov 2023

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B977 UMBANDO ROAD 135 Rivonia Road, Sandton, 2196
KWAMASHU PO Box 1144, Johannesburg, 2000
DURBAN South Africa
4359 VAT Reg No 4320116074

24/7 contact centre: 0860 555 111


Investment portfolio statement

Current investor balance
Account type: Investment Statement day: 30
Investor no: 38408704 Statement period: 01/11/2023 to 30/11/2023
Statement date: 30/11/2023

Investor performance
Notice deposits
Opening balance Closing balance
Notice deposits
R89.90 R90.38

Breakdown of your investment accounts

Investment no: 38408704 9998 Opening date: 31/07/2012
Current interest rate: 6,5% pa Maturity date:
Interest disposal: Capitalise Notice period: 1 day
Interest due: R0.02

Balance at 30 November 2023


Date Description Debit Credit Balance

01/11/2023 Balance brought forward - - R89.90

29/11/2023 Interest capitalised - R0.48 -
30/11/2023 Balance carried forward - - R90.38

see money differently

Page 1 of 2 Nedbank Ltd Reg No 1951/000009/06. Authorised financial services and registered credit provider (NCRCP16).

Explanatory notes

Fixed deposits — Total balance of all your fixed-type accounts.

Notice deposits — Total balance of all your notice deposit accounts.
Linked deposits — Total balance of all your linked-type accounts.

Nedbank services

Annual investment fee review Automatic reinvestment when your

investment matures
As part of our annual pricing review, some of our fees Without your instruction to reinvest or pay out your
have changed. You can view our 2023 pricing guide on money, we will automatically reinvest it in a notice
the Nedbank website. deposit account at the rate applicable to this account
when your investment matures. Any subsequent rate
Click here for more information. changes will also apply. Please let us know what
should happen to your investment before it matures.
If you do not want to click on a link, please type the
following address in your browser:

Greenback Redemptions Complaints process

You can now boost your notice-account balance with For help with any of our products or services, call us
your Greenbacks. Simply log in to the Money app and on 0800 555 111. If our service does not live up to your
choose how many Greenbacks you want to redeem expectations, please follow our internal complaints
(at least R10 per transaction). We will then credit process.
your account within 48 hours.
To log a complaint, visit a branch and talk to a banker,
Save and stand a chance to win call our Client Complaint Helpdesk on 0860 444 000
Already have a notice deposit? Sign up for Structured or send an email to
Saver and stand a chance to win R30 000! Increase Our team will investigate your complaint and contact
your winning by setting up a recurring payment and you regularly during the process.
you could be in the draw for R50 000!
If your complaint remains unresolved or if you are not
Visit to find out satisfied with the outcome, call the Ombudsman for
more. Terms and conditions apply. Banking Services on 0860 662 837 or visit

Save time and money with our digital and Promotion – notice investment
mobile channels
We are enhancing our digital and mobile banking Maximise your savings with our limited offer. Open a
features and capabilities continuously to give you the new or convert your existing investment account to a
best experience. We want you to manage your JustInvest, PlatinumInvest or MoneyTrader Account
investment accounts seamlessly so that you can have or reinvest your money in any of these accounts by 30
greater control over your money. November 2023 and enjoy a special promotional
interest rate for 3 months.
Access and transact on your investment account using
the Nedbank Money app, Online Banking or Cellphone Terms and conditions apply:
Banking, or you can use one of our easy-to-use self-
service kiosks outside or in our branches. conditions/investment-account.html.

see money differently

Page 2 of 2 Nedbank Ltd Reg No 1951/000009/06. Authorised financial services and registered credit provider (NCRCP16).

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