en 50155 2017
en 50155 2017
en 50155 2017
National foreword
This British
B ritish Standard is the UK
U K implementat
ion of EN 50155:2017
50155:2017.. It
supersedes BS EN 50155:2007, which is withdrawn.
This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions
of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application.
English Version
This European Standard was approved by CENELEC on 2017-05-08. CENELEC members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC
Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC
Management Centre or to any CENELEC member.
Contents Page
European foreword............................................................................................................................... 9
Introduction......................................................................................................................................... 11
1 Scope ............................................................................................................................................ 12
2 Normative references.................................................................................................................. 12
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations
abbreviations ....................................................................................... 14
3.1 Terms and definitions ............................................................................................................. 14
3.2 Abbreviations
Abbreviations ......................................................................................................................... 19
4 General requirements ................................................................................................................. 20
4.1 Performance requirements .................................................................................................... 20
4.2 Performance criteria ............................................................................................................... 20
4.2.1 General ........................................................................................................................... 20
4.2.2 Performance criterion A .................................................................................................. 20
4.2.3 Performance criterion B .................................................................................................. 20
4.2.4 Performance criterion C .................................................................................................. 21
4.3 Environmental service conditions .......................................................................................... 21
4.3.1 Altitude ............................................................................................................................ 21
4.3.2 Operating temperature
t emperature.................................................................................................... 21
4.3.3 Switch-on extended operating temperature .................................................................... 22
4.3.4 Rapid temperature variations .......................................................................................... 23
4.3.5 Shock and vibration ........................................................................................................ 23
4.3.6 Electromagnetic
Electromagnetic compatibility ......................................................................................... 23
4.3.7 Relative humidity............................................................................................................. 23
4.4 Special service
s ervice conditions...................................................................................................... 24
4.4.1 General ........................................................................................................................... 24
4.4.2 Atmospheric pollutants
pollutants ................................................................................................... 24
5 Electrical service conditions...................................................................................................... 24
5.1 Power supply.......................................................................................................................... 24
5.1.1 DC Supply ....................................................................................................................... 24
5.1.2 Supply by a specified source
s ource other than the main power source ................................... 28
5.1.3 Supply change-over ........................................................................................................ 28
5.1.4 Supply with overhead line or third rail ............................................................................. 28
5.2 Installation requirements
requirements ........................................................................................................ 29
5.2.1 Power supply .................................................................................................................. 29
5.2.2 Thermal compatibility
c ompatibility ...................................................................................................... 29
5.2.3 Electromagnetic
Electromagnetic compatibility ......................................................................................... 29
5.2.4 Cabling ............................................................................................................................ 29
5.2.5 Installation instruction ..................................................................................................... 29
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
5.2.6 Insulation......................................................................................................................... 29
6 Reliability, maintainability and expected useful life ................................................................ 29
6.1 Equipment reliability ............................................................................................................... 29
6.1.1 Predicted reliability .......................................................................................................... 29
6.1.2 Proof of reliability ............................................................................................................ 31
6.2 Useful life ............................................................................................................................... 32
6.3 Maintainability
Maintainability ........................................................................................................................ 33
6.3.1 General ........................................................................................................................... 33
6.3.2 Preventive Maintenance ................................................................................................. 33
6.3.3 Corrective Maintenance .................................................................................................. 33
6.4 Built-in diagnostics ................................................................................................................. 34
6.5 Automatic test equipment.......................................................................................................
equipment....................................................................................................... 34
6.6 Purpose built test equipment and special tools ..................................................................... 34
7 Design........................................................................................................................................... 34
7.1 General................................................................................................................................... 34
7.1.1 Equipment....................................................................................................................... 34
7.1.2 Quality management....................................................................................................... 34
7.1.3 System Life-cycle ............................................................................................................ 34
7.2 Detailed practices - Hardware................................................................................................ 35
7.2.1 Insulation coordination .................................................................................................... 35
7.2.2 Interfacing ....................................................................................................................... 35
7.2.3 Fault protection ............................................................................................................... 37
7.2.4 Referencing power supplies ........................................................................................... 37
7.2.5 Interchangeability
Interchangeability ............................................................................................................ 37
7.2.6 Reduction of supply voltage and ON/OFF phases ......................................................... 37
7.2.7 Polarity reversal .............................................................................................................. 37
7.2.8 Inrush currents ................................................................................................................ 37
7.2.9 Energetic transient pulses .............................................................................................. 37
7.2.10 Capacitance to ground/earth .......................................................................................... 38
7.2.11 Spare capacity ................................................................................................................ 38
7.2.12 Programmable
Programmable Component............................................................................................. 38
7.3 Detailed practices - Software ................................................................................................. 38
7.3.1 General ........................................................................................................................... 38
7.3.2 Life-cycle ......................................................................................................................... 38
7.4 Features of software controlled equipment ............................................................................ 38
7.4.1 General ........................................................................................................................... 38
7.4.2 Self-test ...........................................................................................................................
........................................................................................................................... 38
7.4.3 Watchdog ........................................................................................................................ 38
7.4.4 Failure indication ............................................................................................................. 38
7.4.5 Recovery ......................................................................................................................... 38
8 Non-railway designed electronic equipment ............................................................................ 39
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
9 Components ................................................................................................................................ 39
9.1 General................................................................................................................................... 39
9.2 Procurement........................................................................................................................... 39
9.3 Application.............................................................................................................................. 39
10 Construction
Construction ............................................................................................................................ 40
10.1 Equipment construction ...................................................................................................... 40
10.1.1 General ........................................................................................................................... 40
10.1.2 Mechanical protection ..................................................................................................... 40
10.1.3 Polarization or coding ..................................................................................................... 40
10.1.4 Dimensional requirements .............................................................................................. 40
10.1.5 Sockets and edge connectors ........................................................................................ 40
10.1.6 Cabling inside cubicles ................................................................................................... 40
10.2 Component mounting ......................................................................................................... 41
10.2.1 General ........................................................................................................................... 41
10.2.2 Layout ............................................................................................................................. 41
10.2.3 Fixing .............................................................................................................................. 41
10.2.4 Componentt lead terminations......................................................................................... 41
10.2.5 Pre-set control................................................................................................................. 41
10.2.6 Select on test components ............................................................................................. 41
10.3 Electrical connections......................................................................................................... 41
10.3.1 General ........................................................................................................................... 41
10.3.2 Soldered connections ..................................................................................................... 41
10.3.3 Crimped connections ...................................................................................................... 42
10.3.4 Wire wrap connections ................................................................................................... 42
10.3.5 Other connections........................................................................................................... 42
10.4 Internal flexible wiring (electrical and optical)..................................................................... 42
10.5 Flexible printed wiring ......................................................................................................... 42
10.6 Printed boards - flexible and rigid ....................................................................................... 43
10.6.1 Printed board .................................................................................................................. 43
10.6.2 PCB acceptability............................................................................................................ 43
10.6.3 Layout ............................................................................................................................. 43
10.6.4 Materials ......................................................................................................................... 43
10.7 Protective coatings for printed board assemblies .............................................................. 43
10.8 Identification ....................................................................................................................... 44
10.8.1 Bare PCB identification ................................................................................................... 44
10.8.2 Identification of subracks
s ubracks and printed board assemblies ................................................ 44
10.8.3 Mounting position of subracks and printed board assemblies........................................ 44
10.8.4 Fuse and battery identification ........................................................................................ 44
10.9 Mounting ............................................................................................................................. 44
10.10 Cooling and ventilation ....................................................................................................... 45
10.11 Materials and finishes ......................................................................................................... 45
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EN 50155:2017 (E)
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
Bibliography...................................................................................................................................... 104
Table 1 — Operating temperature
temperature classes....................................................................................... 22
Table 2 — Switch-on extended Operating temperature
temperature classes ................................................... 22
Table 3 — Temperatu
T emperature
re variation classes........................................................................................ 23
Table 4 — Continuous Voltage range ............................................................................................... 25
Table 5 — Fluctuation Voltage ranges ............................................................................................. 25
Table 6 — Interruption voltage supply classes ............................................................................... 27
Table 7 — Maximum
M aximum Peak to Peak Voltages with a DC Ripple Factor of 5 % .............................. 28
Table 8 — Supply change-over classes ........................................................................................... 28
Figure 1 — Roles and relationship of user and/or supplier ........................................................... 11
Figure 2 — DC Power supply voltage range .................................................................................... 25
Figure 3 — Temporary DC power supply voltage fluctuation requirements
requirements ................................ 26
Figure 4 — Styles of Test Plans ........................................................................................................ 31
Figure 5 — System interfacing with the typical EMC-areas A, B and C ....................................... 36
Figure 6 — Temporary supply overvoltages (a) .............................................................................. 57
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
European foreword
This document (EN 50155:2017) has been prepared by CLC/SC 9XB, “Electrical, electronic and
electromechanical material on board rolling stock, including associated software”.
EN 50155:2017 includes the following significant technical changes with respect to EN 50155:2007:
d) improvement of Clau
se 4, General requ
irements, in terms of better wo
rding, requirement
expansion and reorganisation of subclauses;
f) improvement of Clause
Clause 6, Reliability, maintainability and e
xpected useful life, with reorganizatio
of subclauses and introduction of explicative figures;
f igures;
i) renumbering
renumbering of previous Clause 8 to Clause 9, Components, and revision;
j) renumbering
renumbering of previous Clause 9 to Clause 10, Construction, and introduction of new
k) renumberin
g of previous
previous Clause 10 to Cl
ause 11, Safety, and improving of the wording;
l) renumberin
g of previous Clause
Clause 11 to Clause 12, Documentation,
Documentation, and introduction of new
requirements also considering new technologies;
m) renumberin
renumbering g of previous Clause 12 to Clause 13, Testing, text impro improvement
vement with a pa
attention to table “List of tests” and introduction
introduction of explainin
g figures;
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
3) Annex C - Severity
Severity of the service
service conditions
conditions in different rolling stock locations;
6) Annex F - Design guidelines for electronic hardware used on board of rolling stock;
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CENELEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CENELEC by the European
Commission and the European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of EU
For the relationship with EU Directive 2008/57/EC amended by Commission Directive 2011/18/EU,
see informative Annex ZZ, which is an integral part of this document.
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
Manufacturer undertaking
Purchaser Train staff
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
1 Scope
This European Standard applies to all electronic equipment for control, regulation, protection,
diagnostic, energy supply, etc. installed on rail vehicles.
For the purpose of this European Standard, electronic equipment is defined as equipment mainly
composed of semiconductor devices and recognized associated components. These components will
mainly be mounted on printed boards.
Sensors (current, voltage, speed, etc.) and Semiconductor drive unit (SDU) for power electronic
devices are covered by this standard. Complete Semiconductor drive unit (SDU) and power
converters are covered by EN 61287-1.
This European Standard covers the conditions of operation,
operation, design requirements, documentation, and
testing of electronic equipment, as well as basic hardware and software requirements considered
necessary for compliant and reliable equipment.
Specific requirements related to practices necessary to ensure defined levels of functional safety will
be determined in accordance with relevant railway safety standards.
st andards.
The software requirements for on board railway equipment are specified by EN 50657.
2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
references, thefor its edition
latest application.
of theFor dated references,
referenced only thegedition
document (includin
(including cited applies.
any amendments) For undated
EN 45545 (all parts), Railway applications — Fire protection on railway vehicles
v ehicles
EN 45545-2:2013+A1:2015,
45545-2:2013+A1:2015, Railway applications — Fire protection on railway vehicles — Part 2:
Requirements for fire behaviour of materials and components
EN 50125-1:2014,
50125-1:2014, Railway applications — Environmental conditions for equipment — Part 1: Rolling
stock and on-board equipment
EN 50153:2014,
50153:2014, Railway applications — Rolling stock — Protective provisions relating to electrical
EN 50163:2004,
50163:2004, Railway applications — Supply voltages of traction systems (IEC 60850:2000, not
EN 60068-2-1:2007,
60068-2-1:2007, Environmenta
Environmentall testing — Part 2-1: Tests — Test A: Cold ( IEC 60068-2-1:2007
EN 60068-2-2:2007,
60068-2-2:2007, Environmental testing — Part 2-2: Tests — Test B: Dry heat (IEC 60068-2-
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
EN 60068-2-11:1999,
60068-2-11:1999, Environmental testing — Part 2: Tests — Test Ka: Salt mist (IEC 60068-2-
EN 60068-2-30:2005,
60068-2-30:2005, Environmenta
Environmentall testing — Part 2-30: Tests — Test Db: Damp heat, cyc
lic (12 h +
12 h cycle) ( IEC 60068-2-30:2005
EN 60297 (all parts), Mechanical structures for electrical and electronic equipment — Dimensions of
mechanical structures of the 482,6 mm (19 in) series (IEC 60297 series)
EN 60352-1:1997,
60352-1:1997, Solderless connections — Part 1: Wrapped connections — General requiremen
test methods and practical guidance ( IEC 60352-1:1997
EN 60352-2:2006,
60352-2:2006, Solderless connections — Part 2: Crimped connections — General requirements,
test methods and practical guidance (IEC 60352-2:2004)
EN 60529:1991,
60529:1991, Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code) (IEC 60529:1989)
EN 61249-2-7:2001, Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures — Part 2-7:
Reinforced base materials, clad and unclad — Epoxide woven E-glass laminated sheet of defined
flammability (vertical burning test), copper-clad ( IEC 61249-2-7:2002)
EN 61249-2-22:2005,
61249-2-22:2005, Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures — Part 2-22:
Reinforced base materials, clad
c lad and unclad — Modified non-halogenated epoxide woven E-glass
laminated sheets of defined flammability (vertical burning test), copper-clad (IEC 61249-2-22:2003)
EN 61373:2010,
61373:2010, Railway applications
applications — Rolling stock equipment
equipment — Shock and vibration tests
(IEC 61373:2010)
EN ISO 13732-1:2
008, Ergonomics of the thermal environment — Methods for the assessment of
human responses
responses to contact with surfaces
s urfaces — Part 1: Hot s
urfaces (ISO 13732-1:2006)
ISO/IEC 90003,
90003, Software engineering — Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001:2008 to computer
IPC-2220:2010 series, Family of Design Documents
IPC-2222 (A):2010, Sectional Design Standard for Rigid Organic Printed Boards
IPC-2581 (B):2013, Generic Requirements for Printed Board Assembly Products Manufacturing
Description Data and Transfer Methodology
IPC-4101 (D):2014, Specification for Base Materials for Rigid and Multilayer Printed Boards
IPC-6013 (C):2013, Qualification and Performance Specification for Flexible Printed Boards
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
IPC-7711B/7721B:2007, Rework, Modification and Repair of Electronic Assemblies
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
printed boards
base materials which are cut to size containing all required holes and bearing at least one conductive
pattern, and which are typically subdivided according to:
printed board assembly
printed board with electrical and mechanical components and/or other printed boards attached to it
with all manufacturing processes, soldering, coating, etc., completed
operating temperature
temperature range in which the electronic equipment will operate (e.g. cubicle temperature, rack
temperature, roof box temperature) in full conformity with his performance criteria, and outside which
there can be temporary or permanent degradation of the equipment performances
plug-in unit
unit which plugs into a subrack and is supported by guides
structural unit for housing printed boards with components inserted, and plug-in units
free-standing or fixed
f ixed structure for housing electrical and electronic equipment
enclosure for housing electrical and/or electronic equipment
line replaceable unit
modular component that is designed to be removed and replaced at the field level to restore the
system to an operational ready condition
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
performance test
test in which the equipment is stimulated and measured to verify the conformance to the specified
functional requirements,
requirements, and which will verify all functionalities
Note 1 to entry: The performance test is carried out according to the Performance test specification and
Performance test procedure provided by the supplier.
operational check
tailored performance test which is carried out during and/or after environmental tests or stress
screening sufficient to prove that the equipment is within its operational limits, and that it has survived
the environmental/stress screening test
Note 1 to entry:
entry: Every environmental test or stress
stress screening can use a different operational check.
Note 2 to entry: Operational checks are carried out according to Operational check specifications and
Operational check procedures provided by the supplier.
system voltage supply
voltage supply used to power the electronic equipment
vehicle wiring
all wiring which can be connected to the system
s ystem voltage supply, wherever located, and all other wiring
external to the electronic equipment under consideration
supply overvoltage
electrical disturbance to the control system voltage supply (e.g. caused by equipment controlling that
supply, load drop)
Note 1 to entry:
entry: A supply ov
ervoltage will occur as an increase in the level of the control sys
tem voltage supply
energetic transient pulses
non-periodic and relatively short positive or negative (or both) rapid change(s) of voltage and/or
current between two steady states
termination of the ability of an item to perform a required function
Note 2 to entry: Attention is drawn to the possibility of a consequential failure of a second item of equipment
resulting from a temporary malfunction of an item
i tem of equipment connected to it.
Note 3 to entry: A temporary malfunction will not be considered as a failure provided that the equipment
recovers normal operation automatically following malfunction.
change in visual appearance or alteration of electrical or mechanical integrity
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
useful life
useful life, <of an item>
time interval, from first use until user requirements are no longer met, due to economics of operation
and maintenance, or obsolescence
Note 2 to entry: For a repairable item the individual useful life may be ended by a ffailure
ailure which is not
considered as repairable for any reason.
state of an item characterized by its inability to perform a required
required function
Note 1 to entry: A fault is often the result of a failure of the item itself, but may ex
ist without prior failure (e.g. in
the case of a design fault).
performance criteria
performance specification for the operation of the electronic equipment throughout the environmental
test conditions stated in this standard
minimum performance level
defined level of deviation from normal opera
person or organization that receives and specifies equipment or software for further use, and that can
• a purchaser
• a maintainer;
• a railway undertaking
party who develops and manufactures the electronic equipment
system integrator
party who is responsible for the specification and/or the integration of the electronic equipment into
the railway vehicle or vehicle component
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
set of interrelated elements considered in a defined context as a whole and separated from their
[SOURCE: IEV ref.351-42-08, modified — The original Notes to the definition have not been
reproduced here.]
single apparatus or set of devices or apparatuses, or the set of main devices of an installation, or all
devices necessary to perform a specific task
[SOURCE: IEV ref.151-11-25, modified — The original Note to the definition has not been reproduced
device or assembly of devices which can be used as an independent
independent unit for specific functions
f unctions
Note 1 to entry: In English, the term “apparatus” sometimes implies use by skilled pe
rsons for professional
constituent part of a device which cannot be physically divided into smaller parts without losing its
particular function
material element or assembly of such elements intended to perform a required function
part, component, device, subsystem, functional unit, equipment or system that can be individually
Note 1 to entry: An item may consist of hardware, software or both, and may also in particular cases, include
[SOURCE: IEV ref.192-01-01, modified — The definition itself and the Note have been made more
precise and the other Notes in the original definition have not been reproduced here.]
something that occurs in a certain place during a particular interval of time
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
organization which has the responsibility for the supply of individual item of equipment or groups of
the equipment to the user, and which can be:
• a manufacturer;
performance classes
classification applied to an electronic equipment and specifying different performance levels for a
performance requirement
commercial off-the-shelf equipment/co
item purchased from a supplier’s catalogue, available on the domestic and foreign market, according
to a supplier reference, and for which the user has no control over the design definition or on the
Note 1 to entry: This item may be modified; the manufacturing discontinued or may no longer be maintained
without the user being notified and has no right to be so. A single supplier or multiple suppliers may exist for the
same item.
equipotentiall area
area of electronic components/equipment and electric connections referenced to the same potential
and without insulation between the components
performan ce specification
document that specifies the functions that a system or component is to perform (often part of a
requirements specification)
DC ripple factor
ratio of half the difference between the maximum and minimum value of a pulsating direct current to
the mean value of this current
Note 1 to entry: With low values of the DC ripple factor this quantity is approximately equal to the ratio of the
difference to the sum of the maximum and the minimum values.
Extra Low Voltage (ELV) circuit
secondary circuit with voltages between any two conductors of the circuit, and between any one such
conductor and earth, not exceeding 25 V AC or 60 V DC, under normal operating conditions, which is
separated from hazardous
hazardous voltage by basic insulation
Note 1 to entry:
entry: The values 25 V AC and 60 V D
C are taken from band I of EN 50153
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
3.2 Abbreviations
AC Alternating Current
ASIC Application Specific
Specific Integrated Circui
ATE Automatic Test Equipment
CAN Controller Area Network bus
CMRR Common Mode Rejection Ratio
CPLD Complex Programmab
le Logic Device
CPU Central Processing Unit
CTR Current Transfer Ratio
DC Direct Current
ELV Extra Low Voltage
EMC Electromagne
tic compatibility
EN European Standard (Norm)
ESD Electrostatic discharge
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
RF Radio Frequen
rms Root Mean Square (value of a quantity)
RoHS Restriction of the Use of Hazardous Substances
SOT Select On Test
TCMS Train Control and Monitoring System
TFT Thin-Film-Transistor
TTL Transistor-Transistor
Transistor-Transistor Logic
TVS Transient Voltage Suppressor
UV Ultraviolet
4 General requirements
4.2.1 General
The normal performance level of the electronic equipment may be replaced by a permissible loss of
performance. In the text below if performance criteria A, B or C are used in Clauses 4 to 12 the word
“test” shall be replaced by “event”.
“ event”.
The minimum performance level shall be defined.
If the minimum performance level or the permissible loss of performance is not specified by the
supplier, either of these may be derived from the product description and documentation and what the
user may reasonably expect from the apparatus
apparatus if used as intended.
No damage to any connected equipment is allowed when the electronic equipment does not operate
as intended during or after the test. Possible causes of failure are incorrect timing of output signals,
overvoltage outside specifications, etc.
4.2.2 Performance criterion A
The apparatus shall continue to operate as intended during and after the test/event. No degradation
of performance or loss of function is allowed.
Changes of actual operating state or stored data are not allowed.
If agreed between the involved parties, the normal performance level (all functions are working as
specified) can be replaced by a minimum performance level.
4.2.3 Performance criterion B
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
During the test/event temporary loss of function is allowed. The equipment could:
• automatically restart. The normal performan
performance ce sh
all be obtained within a maximum
maximum defined time.
After this time the equipment shall retain
retain the previous operating
operating state and shall work as intended.
The loss of significant data is not allowed; or
supplier restartclearly
or process controlled
defined restart.
in the user In this
manual. In case this
this the
this case shall
be agreed
manualbetween user and
shall be available
to the user at the tender stage.
NOTE Significant stored data are application dependent and stated into the Performance specifications.
4.3.1 Altitude
The altitude at which the equipment is normally to function does not exceed the values called for in
EN 50125-1:2014,
50125-1:2014, Table
T able 1 “Classes of altitude range”. In case of required
required altitude above the
EN 50125-1:2014,
50125-1:2014, Table 1 class A1, compliance with the requirements shall be agreed between the
involved parties.
Unless otherwise specified, the requirements of EN 50125-1:2014
50125-1:2014,, Table 1 class A1 apply.
Electronic equipment shall be designed and manufactured to meet the full performance specification
requirementt for the selected temperature classes as stated in Table 1.
The supplier of the electronic equipment shall specify its power dissipation and the thermal integration
constraints (e.g. natural convection cooling, forced air cooling, cooled plate, mounting position, free
space inside integration volume, preheating, air outlet) to respect a correct integration of this
electronic equipment into their operating environment.
The user of the electronic equipment shall respect the thermal integration constraints specified by the
supplier and shall design the integration environment in order to ensure an operational temperature
compliant with the operational temperature class of the integrated electroni
c equipment.
The requirements for active or assisted cooling system shall be described according to
Subclause 12.5 Equipment integration/installation documentation
“Electronic equipment” and “Integration environment” are generic designations applicable to several
levels; some examples are listed below:
• an “Enclosed” or “Open frame” complex component integrated on a PCB;
The ambient temperatures outside vehicle are defined into the EN 50125-1:2014
50125-1:2014, Table 2, column 1.
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
Equipment operating
temperature range (°C)
Class OT5 and OT6 cannot be used as a general specification for temperature in vehicle require
(e.g. can be used for
f or Semiconductor Drive Unit (SDU), combustion engine control unit).
Temperature classes OT1 and OT2 should be used for passenger compartments and driver’s cab
with a reference permanent temperature of 25 °C for which the effects on the material ageing are
equivalent to those of the climatic temperature during lifetime. OT3 and OT4 should be used for
equipment in technical cabinet with a reference permanent temperature of 45 °C for which the effects
on the material ageing are equivalent to those of the cl
imatic temperature during lifetime.
The design shall take into account temperature rises within cubicles to ensure that the components
do not exceed their specified temperature ratings. For example, it is expected, that the air
temperature surrounding
surrounding the individual printed boards rises about 15 °C (this temperaturetemperature rise
depends significantly on the power dissipation of the board itself and on the power dissipation of other
boards in the vicinity of it, on the natural or forced air flow, etc.). This shall be taken into account for
the design of the PBA, particularly when individual PBA’s are intended to be horizontally or vertically
juxtaposed or when
when sub-racks containing
containing the PBAs are superposed.
The supplier should take into account the requirements resulting from the specific on board
installation (see Annex C).
In some special cases (e.g. cubicle, effect of sun, assisting cooling system shutdown) an extra
operational check at the equipment switched on at short-term thermal conditions is carried out
according to the classes ST1 or ST2 of Table
T able 2.
Table 2 — Switch-on extended Operating temperature classes
NOTE “OTx +15 °C” corresponds to (maximum temperature of “OTx” operating tem
perature range of
Table 1) + (15 °C) and only for “OTx” with "x" = 1, 2, 3 or 4.
Class ST1 and ST2 do not apply to classes OT5 and OT6.
Unless otherwise specified, the requirements of class ST1 apply.
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
Special operation conditions as rapid temperature variations during train running through tunnels shall
s hall
be taken into account.
The temperature variation seen by the equipment depends on installation location (see Table C.1;
locations 4, 5, 6, 7 are particularly expose
The following classes are defined for the equipment and they define the requirements that the
equipment shall fulfil:
Table 3 — Temperature variation classes
H1 No requirements
requirements No requirements
requirements No requirements
−25 °C 15 °C / 95 %RH ±3
10 °C 40 °C / 60 %RH ±3
NOTE The H2 class take into account the situation of a vehicle entering into a tunnel from low temperature
environment (from −25°C to 15°C) or exiting from a tunnel into a hot and wet environment (from 10°C to 40°C).
Condensation phenomena occur in both cases.
The values given in Table 3, Class H2 are worst case values which will typically not occur regularly
throughout the year. Both directions of the rapid temperature change shall be taken into account.
Class H2 cannot be used as a general specification for temperature and humidity change in vehicle
requirements (e.g. can be used for equipment mounted outside vehicle body).
If class H2 is specified the duration of column 1 and column 2 shall be specified (typical and worst
Furthermore,, the frequency of occurrence of the rapid temperature change shall be specified.
Unless otherwise specified, the requirements of class H1 apply.
4.3.5 Shock and vibration
The equipment shall be able to withstand, without deterioration or malfunction, vibrations and shocks
that occur in service.
The level of shock and vibration that the equipment can withstand in normal operation shall be
specified. This shall be done using the Categories and Classes as specified by EN 61373. 61373. The
supplier shall specify the permitted orientation for mounting the equipment on the vehicle according to
the definitions of EN 61373.
Unless otherwise specified, the requirements of EN 61373 category 1 class B apply.
4.3.6 Electromagnetic
Electromagnetic compatibility
Electronic equipment shall be designed for the humidity conditions described in EN 50125-1.
The external humidity levels and time periods to consider are specified by the EN 50125-1
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
NOTE The temperature class to apply, in relation with the psychometric charts of EN 50125–1, is the class
of air temperatures as defined in EN 50125–1:2014, Table 2.
4.4.1 General
Special arrangements shall be agreed between the appropriate parties involved when service
conditions can be proved to be different from those mentioned in Subclause 4.3 (e.g. electronic
equipment mounted on the bogie or integrated within a power converter, etc.). Checks for the
effectiveness of such arrangements can, if required, form the subject of optional type tests which can
be carried out on the vehicle itself in accordance with methods to be agreed between the involved
4.4.2 Atmospheric
Atmospheric pollutants
The equipment may be expected to be exposed throughout its life to various pollutants (e.g. oil mist,
salt spray, conductive dust, sulfur dioxide.). The types of pollutants, their concentration, test
procedure s and test specifications should be defined in the tender documents.
5.1.1 DC Supply General
The nominal voltage of equipment ( Un) shall be selected from amongst the following values:
24 V, 28 V, 36 V, 48 V, 72 V, 96 V, 110 V
The recommended values are the following: 24 V, 72 V, 110 V.
These nominal voltage values are given only as standardizing values for the design of equipment.
They should not be considered as the off load battery voltages since these are determined by the
types of battery, the number of cells and the operating conditions.
The supply may be derived from a vehicle battery. The battery may be charged from battery chargers,
auxiliary inverters and motor-alternator or motor-generator sets with associated electronic regulations.
The grouping of power supply nominal voltage ranges is allowed for equipment designed to be
compliant with a wide input voltage range.
In this case, the principle (for performance and power supply type test compliance) is to consider the
most stringent values in the voltage range; it means that the minimum continuous voltage shall be
0,7 Un the lowest nominal power supply voltage and that the maximum continuous voltage shall be
1,25 Un the highest nominal power supply voltage (i.e. an equipment can be designed to be compliant
with the nominal power supply voltages of 24 V up to 48 V; the minimum continuous voltage to
consider is 0,7 × 24V and the maximum continuous voltages to consider (1,25 × 48) V). See Figure 2
for other example of “DC Power supply voltage range”.
For thermal compliance and EMC tests, the most stringent values in the voltage range shall be
For DC voltage supply fluctuation tests, the most stringent values in the voltage range shall be
considered (see Figure 3 for other example of “DC Power supply voltage fluctuation requirements”).
For the interruption of voltage supply the equipment shall be validated for the minimum nominal
power supply voltage for which he is designed for operation (i.e. for equipment designed to be
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
operated with minimum power supply voltages of 24 V, 48 V, 72 V or 110 V the interruption of voltage
supply compliance test shall be performed at 24 V).
The grouping is not relevant for vibration and shock tests.
All requirements
requirements related to power supply (with possible exception for Subclause and
Subclause 5.1.3) shall be applied to all I/O ports referenced to the power supply line. DC power supply range
Electronic equipment shall operate satisfactorily for all the values of the DC power supply voltage
within the range defined in Table 4 measured at the terminals of the equipment, see also Figure 2.
In case of variation of the power supply voltage from zero to the maximum (e.g. intervention of circuit
breaker) the equipment shall neither fail, nor be the cause of failure of other equipment. The
equipment shall restart in normal operating mode when the power supply voltage is within the
continuous voltage range.
Table 4 — Continuous Voltage range
Electronic equipment shall operate for the values of the DC power supply voltage within the
fluctuation range defined in Table 5 measured at the terminals of the equipment, see also Figure 3.
Table 5 — Fluctuation Voltage ranges
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
Temporary supply overvoltages lying between Un and 1,4 Un and not exceeding 0,1 s shall not cause
deviation of function (performance criterion A).
Temporary supply overvoltages lying between 1,25 Un and 1,4 Un and not exceeding 1 s shall fulfil
performance criterion B.
Temporary supply dips lying between Un down to 0,6 Un and not exceeding 0,1 s shall not cause
deviation of function (performance criterion A).
Temporary supply overvoltages shall be assumed to be generated with respect to the control system
voltage supply return potential and to be present only as an increase to the level of the control system
voltage, which shall be assumed to be present before and after the application of the overvoltage.
Overvoltage of opposite polarity to the control
c ontrol system voltage supply need not be considered.
Overvoltage exceeding in duration or amplitude the specified voltage fluctuation shall be assumed to
occur only in the case of a failure in the control system voltage supply.
Voltage dips are mainly caused by faults in the DC distribution system, or by sudden large changes of
In the case of combustion engines, see also Interruptions of voltage supply
Due to a short circuit on a DC supply distribution line and subsequent operation of fuse/circuit
breakers, input voltage may reduce to 0 V for a short period.
The classes of interruptions on supply voltage, are listed in Table 6:
During a short interruption, the DC distribution system presents a “low impedance” (short circuit)
condition due to the clearing of an overload or fault condition on the supply bus. This condition can
cause reverse current (negative peak inrush current) from the load.
Regarding interruptions
interruptions on supply voltage, there are three classes of interruptio
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
Class Requirements
In case of voltage
volt age interruptio
interruptionn up to 10 ms the equipment shall behave
S2 according to performance criterion A.
In case of voltage
volt age interruptio
interruptionn up to 20 ms the equipment shall behave
according to performance criterion A.
For a voltage interruption longer than specified in Table 6, the behaviour of the equipment shall be
agreed between the involved parties.
This classification is valid for nominal voltage.
The choice of class should be defined by the system integrator; unless otherwise specified, the
requirements of class S2 apply.
Unless otherwise specified, the requirements for interruption of voltage supply apply to the power
supply input ports only; the behaviour of the I/O ports, not functionally associated to the power supply
of the equipment, but referenced to the same supply distribution line, shall be handled as described in
the specification of the equipment. Variations of voltage supply for rolling stock powered by combustion engine
At start-up of combustion engines the voltage supply system shall be designed to guarantee the
supply to the essential electronic equipment during the whole starting sequence. DC ripple factor
• rectified inverter produced single phase AC (1 kHz and higher) that produces
produces a DC ripple of twice
the inverter switching frequency, i.e. 2 kHz and higher.
A peak to peak ripple voltage that gives a DC ripple factor no greater than 5 % is shown in Table 7.
The formula to calculate the DC ripple factor is given below where Umax is the maximum voltage peak
at the nominal voltage (Un) and Umin is the minimum
m inimum voltage peak at Un.
U – U U – U
m ax min m ax min
DC Ripple Factor (%) = ×100 approximately ×100
2U 2U + U U
n max m in n
The equipment shall be able to work properly when its DC power supply has a periodic function ripple
with a peak to peak value stated in Table 7.
The supplier shall specify in the documentation the limits of the ripple with which the equipment will
operate normally.
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
5.1.2 Supply by a specified source other than the main power source
In the case of equipment supplied by a specified source, not directly connected to the vehicles power
supply (e.g. stabilized DC-DC-converter, PoE) the specification of this local source (e.g. voltages,
currents, tolerances) shall be met.
Characteristics (e.g. range, fluctuation, ripple factor) of the output voltage of the stabilized supply and
input voltage of the equipment shall fit together.
The specification shall be agreed between the involved parties.
5.1.3 Supply change-over
When the equipment supply is switched between different sources (e.g. redundancy switching), the
equipment shall operate satisfactorily
s atisfactorily under the conditions stated in Subclauses,,,
Table 8 — Supply change-over classe
Class Requirements
In the case of electronic equipment with a supply derived directly from the overhead line or third rail
(e.g. control electronics of a self-starting static converter), the equipment shall operate satisfactorily
(Performance Criterion
Criterion A) for
f or values of contact line voltage as described in EN 50163
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
The power supply to the electronic equipment should be provided by a separate conductor connected
as directly as possible to the source or the main battery line. The separated conductor should be used
only for the supply to electronic circuits.
The integration of the electronic equipment into its operational environment shall respect the thermal
integration constraints specified by the datasheet or by the Equipment Integration Manual and the
integration environment shall be designed in order to ensure an operational temperature compliant
with the operational temperature class of the integrated
i ntegrated electronic equip
5.2.3 Electromagnetic
Electromagnetic compatibility
The installation of the electronic equipment shall be arranged to reduce, as far as possible, the effects
of electrical disturbances to the electronic equipment and as far as possible the effect of emissions by
the equipment to the electrical/electronic system of the rolling stock according to EN 50121-3-2.
The assembly of the equipment into the complete vehicle will give adequate immunity, provided that
an EMC plan has been prepare
d and implemented, taking into account the limits in EN 50121-3-2.
5.2.4 Cabling
The cabling to connect the equipment on the vehicle should be done according to EN 50343.
5.2.5 Installation instruction
The equipment integration/installation instruction shall contain the specific installation requirements,
(e.g. thermal requirements, handling, cable length).
5.2.6 Insulation
Failure rate data of components are published in several well-known reliability handbooks. Usually the
data published are obtained from equipment in specific applications e.g. telephone exchanges. In
some cases the source of the data are unspecified and is not principally obtained from field data. Due
to this reason failure rate predictions often differ significantly from field observations and can often
lead to false consequen
c onsequences.
Failure rate predictions are based on the following assumptions (the list could be not fully
• The prediction model uses a simple
simple reliability
reliability series system of all components, in other
other words,
words, a
failure of any component is assumed to lead to a system failure.
• Component failure rates needed for the prediction
predicti on are assumed to be constant for the time period
considered.. This is known to be realistic for electronic components after burn-in.
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
• Componen
Componentt failures are independe
• Componen
ts are faultless and are used within their specifications.
• Design and manufacturing processes of the item under consideration are faultless.
Process weaknesses have been eliminated, or if not, screened by burn-in.
c) The assu
mption of constant co
mponent failure ra
tes may not always be true. In such cases
cases this
method can lead to pessimistic results.
e) In general redundancies
redundancies cannot be modelled.
h) Different rereliability
liability cal
culation metho
ds appl
ied to the same circuit, although
although based
based on well-known
reliability handbooks, (e.g. IEC/TR 62380
62380)) can lead to completely different results.
However reliability prediction methods can be useful at design stage to compare different designs in
order to choose the design that probably will have the lowest failure rate.
The user can require from the supplier a reliability prediction calculation.
The user may require the manufacturer to predict his reliability figure or meet the user's reliability
The method of calculation shall be agreed at the time of tendering between the manufacturer and the
user, and shall be in accordance with a recognized standard.
Failure rates used in the calculation can be either the failure rate from a supplier database or the
failure rate from a well-known reliability handbo
The supplier shall provide to the user a reference mission profile and the information needed to
understand and to verify calculations.
The following list is an example of a reference mission profile:
i) environmen
t: ground mobile;
j) average op
erating temperature:
temperature: 45 °C;
NOTE For reliability calculation, the yearly average temperature is conventionally taken as 45 °C for all
classes (EN 50125–1).
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
n) stress de
rating design rules ap
plied to the compo
nent types (se
e Annex F).
Reliability prediction results are never directly comparable with actual failure rates and cannot be
used to predict field failure rates.
6.1.2 Proof of reliability
The user may require the supplier to reach a target level for field reliability.
Demonstrations which are required to establish whether one or more reliability characteristic of the
equipment is better, or not, than a specified level, with some stated degree of confidence are
conducted on a sample of the series of a given system or type of equipment.
The pass/fail criteria for statistical tests are generally known as plans. Two styles of plans can be
• fixed time/failure test;
• sequential test.
The Reliability Demonstration Plan shall be agreed between supplier and user.
The Reliability Demonstration Plan shall specify the following:
a) the reference mission profile;
d) acceptance-r
ejection criteria;
h) specimen insertion/cancellation
insertion/cancellation criteria;
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
The IEC 60605 series, Equipment reliability testing, can be used as a guide:
• IEC 60605-2
60605-2,, Part 2: Design of test cycles;
• IEC 60605-4
60605-4,, Part 4: Statistical procedures for exponential distribution — Point estimates,
confidence intervals, prediction intervals and tolerance intervals;
intervals ;
• IEC 60605-6
60605-6,, Part 6: Tests for the validity and estimation of the constant failure rate and constant
failure intensity.
To perform accelerated ageing test, EN 62506 can be used as a guide.
Example of implemented plans can be found in:
MIL-HDBK-781A.. dated
dated 1 April
April – 1996 - US Department of Defence:
Defence: Handbook
Handbook for Reliability
Test Methods, Plans, and Environments for Engineering Development Qualification and
• IEC 61070
• IEC 61123
• EN 61124
• IEC/TR 62380
Of greater importance is the assessment of RAMS data from the field (RAMS testing during
operation),, e.g.:
• EN 60300-3-2
• IEC 60300-3-5
• IEC 60319
The useful life of the electronic equipment shall be specified according to one of the following classes:
Table 9 — Useful life classes
L1 5
L2 10
L3 15
L4 20
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
6.3.1 General
Unless otherwise agreed the equipment should be designed such that regular periodic maintenance
is not necessary.
The presence of any non-repairable items in the equipment shall be declared in the equipment
The supplier shall provide the maintenance requirements
requirements and the information on the life-cycle costs to
the user at the tender stage.
Printed board assemblies, and/or subracks and/or line replaceable units shall be capable of being
individually tested.
NOTE Maintenance processes such as ultrasonic cleaning, connecting of diagnostic test equipment,
electrical insulation testing, and transportation packaging arrangements, can reduce the equipment reliability
level, through additional stressing of the assembly and components.
Equipment should be designed such that regular periodic maintenance should not be necessary. If
this is not possible, then maintenance requirements shall be specified in the datasheet of the
6.3.3 Corrective Maintenance
The user and the supplier shall agree on the line replaceable units (LRU). These units shall be
designed to be easily exchanged.
Equipment shall be designed such that a failed line replaceable unit can be identified by the use of
either suitable portable test equipment or built-in diagnostics, both with associated test instructions.
The supplier shall declare in the documentation of the equipment the necessary information to be
exchanged to allow the identification of the LRU as a result of on-vehicle fault diagnosis.
The supplier shall also declare in the documentation if any specialized tools are required in this
maintenance procedure.
Maintenance or diagnostic procedures at this level shall not require the removal or replacement of
any component of the Line Replaceable Unit. Off-vehicle diagnosis and repair
Equipment shall be designed such that test equipment with associated test instructions shall enable
the full diagnosis and validation of performance of train-borne equipment in repair centres by qualified
Repairable Equipment shall be constructed such that access necessary for diagnosis and repair can
be achieved without damage or undue disturbance to the components or wiring.
Repairable printed board assemblies shall have test facilities (e.g. test plugs, test pads, etc.) to aid
the diagnosis and repair process.
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
The user may require the use of a specific type of automatic test equipment for fault location either on
or off vehicle.
It is permitted to remove plug-in units which do not contribute to the function of the equipment to
facilitate the connection of Automatic Test
T est Equipment.
If it is required, details of such test equipment and its interfacing with train-borne equipment or
equipment connector shall be provided by the user at the time of tendering.
6.6 Purpose built test equipment and special tools
The prior approval of the user shall be obtained regarding the use of items requiring tools other than
readily available industrial tools.
Where purpose built test equipment and/or special tools are required to carry out the user's formal
maintenance procedures, this equipment, or alternatively the manufacturing and procurement details
for it, shall be offered for sale by
b y the manufacturer to the user.
Test equipment does not necessarily have to comply with this standard.
7 Design
7.1 General
7.1.1 Equipment
As electronic equipment can vary in dimension and complexity to perform a specific task, the supplier
shall ensure during the integration stages the requirements are fulfilled.
7.1.2 Quality managemen
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
b) potential differences;
c) electromagn
etic compatibility.
An example of system
system interfacing with various
various EMC areas is given in
in Figure 5.
BS EN 50155:2017
s i
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BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
Outgoing cables shall be rated to at least the current limit value of the protective device for that circuit.
Equipment shall be protected against external faults/failures (e.g. short circuit or open circuit
conditions) as appropriate.
Regulated power supply units for electronic equipment shall incorporate current limiting to minimize
the use of fuse elements.
If the equipment uses electromechanical relays and the contacts are provided as potential free and
not short-circuit protected; an external device to limit the current or an overcurrent protection should
be installed by the system integrator.
Where protective devices of the tripping type are incorporated in the output circuits, the available
current under short circuit/overload conditions shall be sufficient to operate them. In addition, devices
with manual resetting shall be easily accessible.
Any protective devices used shall be so arranged that the risk of fire within the equipment is
7.2.4 Referencing power supplies
The output of galvanically isolated power supply units should not be allowed to float for EMC reasons.
When the outputs are not connected to the battery supply, then one of the supply rails should be
connected to the vehicle frame or a defined earth point.
The voltage bands of EN 50153 shall be taken into account.
This reference and the means of connection should be defined by the s
ystem integrator.
7.2.5 Interchangeability
Unless otherwise agreed, all individual printed board assemblies or LRU forming part of a system
shall be functionally complete and fully interchangeable with any other unit of the same functional
type without the need for any recalibration of the hardware after the board or LRU has been inserted
in the system.
7.2.6 Reduction of supply voltage and ON/OFF phases
The equipment shall not suffer damage, when the supply is, or falls, below the lowest limit of its
specified source voltage, irrespective of the rate at which the voltage changes.
In addition, the equipment shall not generate any spurious output which could lead to consequential
failure of any other equipment under these conditions including during power on/off phases.
7.2.7 Polarity reversal
To prevent any damage to the equipment, electrical or mechanical means shall be provided to ensure
protection against polarity reversal of the incoming power supply.
7.2.8 Inrush currents
The design of the equipment shall take account of inrush currents which may occur at the time of
switch-on, so that protective devices do not trip and no damage occurs. The inrush current of the
equipment shall be within the limits of the main circuit breaker according to the nominal current.
7.2.9 Energetic transient pulses
Experience shows that battery supply energetic transient pulses can occur that might cause ageing of
the components. A guideline how to cope is given in Annex F, F.2.2.
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
To avoid failure or to avoid tripping of earth fault detection systems the total value of the capacitance
to earth shall be limited. A guideline how to cope is given in Annex F, F.2.3.
7.2.11 Spare capacity
If the user requires spare capacity (e.g. spare inputs, spare outputs, CPU loading, etc.) for system
expansion or changes during the equipment life-cycle, they shall specify this at the tender stage.
Compliance with these requirements shall be included in the design process.
Customer may request spare capacity for system expansion only when this capability has a high
probability to be used during the life of rolling stock (e.g. TCMS) and not when such expansion is
improbabl e (e.g. Battery charger computational power).
7.2.12 Programmable Component
The design development process of a programmable component shall follow a tailored life cycle
model of EN 50126-1, which shall be laid down in the quality plan, e.g. in Annex E.
7.3 Detailed practices - Software
7.3.1 General
The design process shall be visible and auditable according to EN 50657. If the user requires details
of this process for tender evaluation, he shall define this in the tender documents.
7.3.2 Life-cycle
Software design shall proceed according to a tailored life cycle model according to EN 50657 under
consideration of ISO/IEC 90003.
90003. The tailored life cycle model shall be laid down iin
n the quality plan.
7.4 Features of software controlled equipment
7.4.1 General
Software controlled equipment, unless very simple, shall be constructed with the following features,
intended to provide operation under all conditions.
7.4.2 Self-test
The equipment should include a self-test function which verifies that the system is operational
operational at each
possible (e.g.
in the memory
event checking,
of self-test I/Odiagnostic
failing, test, configuration test,
information communication
shall interfaces).
be made available As farthe
to indicate as
area of the fault. Where possible the system shall enter the recovery state.
7.4.3 Watchdog
The equipment/system shall include a watchdog function, to cause it to enter a recovery state in the
case of failure of the operational software (e.g. software entering an unintended loop due to abnormal
transient disturbances).
7.4.4 Failure indication
The equipment
forced, with the shall,
minimumas far as possible,
disruption to itsrecover from
functions. anyrecovery
This fault or may
state, into
the which it may
processor be
to re-
initialize. Where it is not safe or practicable to recover from this state, the supplier shall declare the
effect on the equipment.
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
9 Components
9.1 General
The component documentation is delivered only under specific request of the user and is subject to a
contract agreement between supplier and user regarding the confidentiality and the rights of use of
those documents.
9.2 Procurement
All components shall comply with detailed specifications which define the component or functional
and physical parameters.
All components
components used shall have been
been manufactured
manufactured according to a q
uality system.
NOTE The quality system might be compliant with the requirements of EN ISO 9001 or an equivalent quality
The component specifications referenced above shall be in accordance with one of the standards or
documents listed below:
• EN or IEC specifications;
Components with a multiple source of supply should be used. For the purpose of this standard,
“multiple sourcing” shall imply complete interchangeability in respect of fit and function according to
the specification.
Components to be used should be chosen on the basis of a high probability that further supplies will
be available for a time equivalent to the life of equipment. If, despite this precaution, certain
componen ts should become unavailable during the period covered by the equipment supply contract,
the supplier of the electronic equipment shall provide an alternative solution.
Specialized components such as custom hybrid circuits and application specific integrated circuits
(ASIC), programmable components
components (FPGA, CPLD, etc.) refer to
9.3 Application
All selected components shall be of such a grade as to be appropriate for use in the application, and
subject to the requirements (e.g. environment, quality, life expectancy, etc.) described in this
All components
components shall be used:
a) In accordance with the component manufacturer’s basic specifications;
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
b) In such a mann
er as not to compromise
compromise the equipment
equipment life or performance; for this reason,
tolerances and ageing of components shall be taken in due consideration during the design
process and the decision shall be properly documented (varistors, transient voltage suppressor
diodes, fuses, electrolytic capacitors, relays, mechanical components, optocouplers, connectors,
etc.) and components shall not be used outside the recommended operating conditions stated by
their manufacture
m anufacturer;
c) In such a w way
ay that a percentage of
of logic ga
tes inside of programmabl
e components
components shall be
available for any future use.
The choice of temperature range, derating, packaging and screening, etc. of components is the
complete responsibility of the supplier.
If required by the user, the supplier shall demonstrate (e.g. by calculations or other applications), at
the time of tendering, that the equipment fulfils all the requirements given in this standard with
particular reference to reliability and the life of components as described in Clause 6. The life
expectancy of components shall not be less than the useful life of the equipment except for
components with a known life as defined in 6.2.
10 Construction
10.1.1 General
Equipment shall comply with the constructional requirements
requirements specified by the following subclauses.
10.1.2 Mechanical protection
It shall be possible to lay on a flat surface all LRUs on any of their faces without causing mechanical
damage to any component. Where necessary, mechanical guards shall be fitted.
10.1.3 Polarization or coding
Where required by the user, all LRUs shall incorporate mechanical means of polarization or coding to
prevent incorrect insertion.
10.1.4 Dimensional requirements
The dimensional requirements for racks, subracks, and plug-in units should comply with the
dimensional requirements
requirements of EN 60297-3-100;
60297-3-100; in such cases board sizes of 3U or 6U, and 160 mm or
220 mm length are preferred.
10.1.5 Sockets and edge connectors
The cabling inside cubicles should be done according EN 50343 as far as possible. Useful hints are
also available in Annex F.
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
10.2.1 General
Electronic assembly (PBA) acceptability shall comply with IPC-A-610 class 2 minimum and shall
comply with constructional requirements from 10.2.2 to 10.2.6.
10.2.2 Layout
Components and parts of repairable equipment shall be located, secured and placed with respect to
each other and the structural items in order to be inspected, removed and replaced without damage
to other parts or wiring.
Wherever possible, the marking on the fitted component shall be visible.
Equipment shall not be designed to have components attached to wiring terminal blocks unless
adequate clamping or an auxiliary printed board assembly is provided and component identification is
Heat dissipating components shall be mounted so that they will not cause damage to printed boards
or any other components.
10.2.3 Fixing
Components which do not have specific mechanical fixings, whose weight can through vibration
during the life of the equipment cause stress or damage to the soldered connections, shall be secured
to the printed board.
The method of securing shall be such that they can be replaced without damage to the printed board
All components shall be mounted in accordance with the component manufacturer's
recommendations or, in the absence of such recommendations, in such a way that the method of
fixing has no adverse effect
eff ect on the performance of the component, including the soldered joints.
10.2.4 Component lead terminations
Lead terminations to components shall be made such that no mechanical or thermal stress exceeds
the limits specified for the component.
Bending of component leads shall not cause damage or permanent stress to the component
body/lead junction.
10.2.5 Pre-set control
Where pre-set controls have been deemed necessary for operating adjustments (i.e. not internal
calibration), they shall be accessible with the complete equipment and adjacent equipment in
operation. Such controls shall retain their settings in normal operation and shall be protected against
accidental adjustment.
10.2.6 Select on test components
Where selected on test components are used they shall be soldered to component mounting posts to
facilitate removal.
10.3 Electrical connections
10.3.1 General
Soldered connections shall be made only to components specially designed for that purpose.
Flexible/stranded conductors and metallic
m etallic braiding designed for flexing shall not be soldered but fitted
with crimped tags or ferrules
f errules and strain relieved before the electrical connections.
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
Silver or gold plated wires or components should not be soldered, unless the plating is thin enough to
avoid any adverse effect on the joints.
Soldered wires and components shall, as far as possible, be capable of disconnection without
damaging to the other connections.
Solder fluxes shall be non-corrosive.
10.3.3 Crimped connections
All wire wrap connections shall, as a minimum, comply with EN 60352-1 modified wrapped
connection. Soldered and wrapped wire connections on the same post are not allowed. The wire used
shall be suitable for the chosen wrapping process, and at least three turns of the wire shall be in close
contact to the post.
10.3.5 Other connections
Other methods of connection e.g. insulation displacement, press-fit, etc. can be used. If required by
the user, the supplier shall justify which ones are appropriate for use in the application, and subject to
the requirements (e.g. environment, quality, life expectancy, etc.) described in this
t his standard.
10.4 Internal flexible wiring (electrical and optical)
Where practical, sufficient wire shall be provided to enable a re-connection to be made at each end of
the wire.
All wiring shall be readily traceable to a point-to-poin
point-to-pointt wiring diagra
m or list.
10.5 Flexible printed
printed wiring
The base material shall have suitable temperature ranges and mechanical properties to suit the
Wherever possible, sharp bends shall be avoided. The T he minimum bending radius shall not be so small
that it results in cracking or deterioration of the base material or the overlay.
Adequate support
support to any transition termination shall be p
rovided to ensure that separ
ation of the base
material or underlay does not occur.
Any termination using this technique shall be capable of re-connection without damage to the wiring
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
PCB acceptability shall comply with IPC-A-600 class 2 as a minimum. Alternative standards of
equivalent scope may be used with prior approval of the user.
For specific customized electronic products, alternative standards of equivalent scope may be used
with prior approval of the user.
10.6.3 Layout
Board layout shall be carried out according to EN 62326 (all parts), IPC-2220:2010 series, IPC-2221
(B):2012, IPC-2222 (A):2010 or IPC-2223 (C):2011 as appropriate with due regard to the service
conditions of this standard.
10.6.4 Materials
The base material shall be an epoxy woven glass fabric laminated sheet of defined flammability
(vertical burning test) for rigid printed boards and for use in the fabrication of multilayer printed
boards, according to EN 61249-2-7
61249-2-7,, EN 61249-2-22,
61249-2-22, EN 62326 (all parts) or IPC-4101 Specification
for Base Materials for Rigid and Multilayer Printed Boards, as appropriate.
For flexible printed boards the base material shall be a flexible copper-clad polyimide film of defined
flammability (vertical burning test), according to IPC-6013.
Other materials may be used providing they meet or exceed the performance of the base material
specified above.
10.7 Protective coatings for printed board assemblies
The following classes are defined for the protective coatings and they define the requirements that the
equipment shall fulfil:
Table 10 — Protective coating classes
PC2 All printed board assemblies shall be protected on both sides with a
protective transparent fluorescent pigment coating, in order to prevent
deterioration or damage due to such causes as moisture and atmospheric
contaminants. The coating shall not have any adverse reaction with any
other materials or components used. The protective coating shall not be
applied to integrated circuit sockets, test points or to connector contact
mating surfaces, etc.
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
When the board is considered repairable, it shall be possible to repair it without the need for complete
removal of the coating.
After repairing,
repairing, the board shall
shall be locally recoated
Coating types and thickness shall be according IPC-A-610.
10.8 Identification
Labelling of subracks and printed board assemblies shall be adequate to enable their correct
identification including serial number and revision. All labels shall be clear, bold, concise and durable.
Labelling of line replaceable unit (LRU) shall also include its identification name, manufacturer's
manufacturer's name
or trade mark, and serial number.
Means shall be provided on the subracks and printed board assemblies to record any change to fit,
form or function.
Where possible the identification label shall be placed on the front panel of plug-in units.
For maintenance purposes it is also desirable that the modification status label be fitted to this front
10.8.3 Mounting position
position of subracks
subracks and printed b
oard ass
Each mounting position should be marked to indicate the type of subrack, printed board assembly or
cable connectors to be located in that position.
10.8.4 Fuse and battery identification
The equipment shall be mounted in some way to ensure its ability to operate in the specified service
conditions. Such mounting may comprise:
• for major equipment:
equipment: a cubicle, a number of rracks,
acks, sub
racks and printed board assemblies;
In each case, the enclosure shall provide the necessary protection (IP code according to EN 60529)
from the service conditions, and permit dismantling and repair of the contained equipment.
Potting (the covering of, for example, a printed board assembly with silicone rubber, resin or other
material) to provide additional protection is not preferred and shall only be used where (for example in
the case of a remotely mounted transducer) special environmental
environmental conditions dictate it.
If the supplier intends to use encapsulation, it shall advise the user at the
t he earliest possible stage.
NOTE The requirements of this clause do not apply to individual components such as hybrid circuits,
ASICs, etc.
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
Cooling shall not be achieved by the forced induction of air into the equipment enclosure, unless
precautions agreed between involved parties are taken to ensure that the life of the equipment is not
thereby adversely affected by the introduction of contaminants.
When an assisting cooling system is used (e.g. fan, pump), the equipment shall be protected so that
no damage can occur due to the failure of the cooling system. The full performance shall be
maintained until the related protective device operates.
NOTE Damage in this context includes effects on the equipment life due to the operation of any component
beyond its maximum specified ratings.
Materials and finishes shall be suitable for the conditions of use, and shall be chosen with respect to
the environmental,
environmental, wear and ageing factors, as well as to the risk of toxic influences on persons.
All materials shall be
be dimensional
ly stable, non-hygr
oscopic, resistant to fung
al growth and either
either non-
ignitable or resistant to flame propagation.
The user shall provide a list of materials which are controlled by national law.
In addition, the supplier shall specify the method of disposal of any component which contains toxic
11 Safety
11.1 General
These provisions relate to both the main equipment and any maintenance equipment, tools or
11.2 Requirements
The safety requirements for rolling stock equipment applied in design, manufacturing and installation
are as follows:
a) personnel safety against
against electric
electric sho
ck shall be in accordance with EN 50153;
c) personne
personnell safety against effects of
of excessive temperature
temperature shall be
be in accordance
accordance with
EN ISO 13732-1.
Guidelines of the EN 45545 series for protection against spread of fire shall be used.
Equipment shall be designed, manufactured and installed (as relevant to the contract), in full
accordance with the respective Safety legislation of the country or countries of use.
Fire behaviour testing shall be according to EN 45545-2
45545-2.. In respect of printed boards (EL9 according
to EN 45545-2:2013+A1:2015, Table 2) it shall be noted that only the printed boards without any
attached components have to meet the requirements. The attached components will be accepted
without any testing because of their functional necessity as stated in EN 45545-2:2013+A1:2015
45545-2:2013+A1:2015,, 4.7.
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
The safety related functions for the equipment or system are not covered by this standard,
nevertheless this standard applies to the hardware of all rolling stock safety related equipment and
11.5 Personnel safety
The user shall identify any special requirements related to personnel safety, in respect of equipment,
construction and use of materials, at the time of tendering
12 Documentation
12.1 General
b) the scope
scope,, conditions
conditions and dur
ation applying
applying to the storage of documentation
documentation by the supplier.
12.3 Datasheet
The datasheet is a document that describes the electronic equipment. This document shall contain all
information useful for the user in order to evaluate the technical compliance of the product with the
following expectations:
a) equipment identification:
1) manufacturer's
manufacturer's name or trade mark;
b) table of contents;
d) general description:
2) hardware architecture;
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
e) electrical features:
5) interruptions
interruptions on power
power supply voltage Cla
ss (No, 1
0 ms or 20 ms) (see;;
f) mechanical features:
2) mechanical drawings;
g) environmen
tal features:
8) shock and
and vibration
vibration “categories & classes” [as specified
specified by EN 61373];
9) rapid temperatur
e variation class: [see Table 3];
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
h) RAMS features:
2) [repairable,
[repairable, not repairable], equipment or pa
rts of the equipment
equipment (if
(if any);
3) identification of the
the LRU parts of
of the electronic equipment;
7) identification of commercial
commercial off-the-shelf equip
ts inside the electronic
equipment (if any);
9) reliability [MTBF Hours] [Predicted or Measured from the field with all information about
applied methodology,
methodology, applied mission profile, Reliability handbook or standard used];
11) information relating to any implosion or explosion hazards which may exist within the
equipment or which may occur in use or in handling;
4) input-Output
input-Output ports description (at equ
ipment iinterface
nterface le
vel – connectors level);
9) cabling recommendations;
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
j) equipment labelling
labelling description:
4) connectors identification;
5) reference of optional
optional par
partt for the electronic
electronic equipment.
equipment. (if any
6) reference of accessories
accessories associa
ted to the electronic
electronic equipment.
equipment. (if
(if any);
7) reference of special
special tools for mounting,
mounting, dismou
nting the equipment
equipment (if any);
9) reference of replaceable
replaceable boards (if any);
This document shall contain all relevant information for the user of the electronic equipment. For basic
electronic products with limited human interfaces, this content may be integrated into the datasheet.
12.5 Equipment integration/installation
integration/installation documenta
This document shall contain all relevant information for system integrato
integratorr of the electronic equipment.
If appropriate for basic electronic products with limited mechanical and electrical interfaces, this
content may be integrated into the datasheet.
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
— natural cooling or
or forced ventilation constraints for the equipment;
— need o
off free spa
ce for access
access to p
arts, or for mounting
mounting – dismounting;
— possible recommenda
tion for wire gauges;
— interconne
ction diagrams and charts;
This document shall provide all relevant information and instructions for the person in charge of the
commissioning of the electronic equipment. If appropriate for basic electronic products with limited
human interfaces, this content may be integrated into the datasheet document:
1) commissioning instructions and pre-setting data;
2) test points;
12.7.1 General
The design documentation describes the detailed design of the electronic equipment and all detailed
information regarding the internal functionalities of this electronic equipment.
The design documentation is delivered only as a specific request of the user and is subject to a
contractual agreement between the involved parties.
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
Block diagrams shall show the flow of information between the identifiable parts of a system and
should have symbols conforming to the IEC
I EC 60617 database and EN 61082-1.
12.7.3 Wiring diagrams
Wiring diagrams and charts shall show the inter-unit wiring within equipment enclosures and, in
addition, the services provided (i.e. supplies, distribution, alarms, etc.).
12.7.4 Interface specification
Interface design specification carrying all the necessary information to permit replacement of the
equipment with another functionally equivalent.
12.7.5 Internal interface specification
Internal interface design specification carrying all the necessary information to permit replacement of
the equipment with another functionally
f unctionally equivalent.
12.7.6 Equipment drawings
Equipment drawings
drawings shall show
s how the layout of equipment mounted in racks or subracks, the distribution
of units and sub-units within an enclosure, and the essential mechanical features of all cubicles,
racks, subracks, plug-in units, and printed board assemblies.
12.7.7 Documentation
Documentation – Hardware General
The manufacturing data are all necessary information for the manufacturing and the assembly of the
PBA or electronic equipment. The manufacturing data are delivered only under specific request of the
user and are subject to a contractual agreement between supplier and user regarding the
confidentiality and the rights of use of those documents.
The generic requirements for PBA product manufacturing description data and the transfer
methodology,, IPC-2581 (B), shall be applied.
1) bill of materials (PCB, electronic
electronic parts, mechanical parts,
parts, etc.) with component
component specifications
specifications and
sourcing (i.e. manufacture
m anufacturer)
r) information;
3) bit stream co
des for programmabl
programmable e compon
ents - e
FPGA, etc. With programming
instructions, documentation, references of programming tools, etc.);
The list of documents required for a programmable component, shall be defined according to class
M0 or M1:
• Class M0: Th Thee documents
documents listed in the column “Class M0”
M0” of Table 11 shall be available
according to the contractual agreement between the involved parties. These documents shall be
sufficiently precise to allow subsequent redesign of a ‘functionally equivalent component at
interface level’.
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
Architecture and
and interface specification
specification X X
Requirement specification X X
Simulation report X
The manufacturer/integrator
manufacturer/integrator shall provide the list of all the declared non repairable items.
12.7.9 Repair and Maintenance Documenta
tion General
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
Circuit diagrams shall be generated for each printed board assembly, and plug-in unit of the complete
Where practicable, all circuit diagrams shall be drawn so that the main sequence of events on the
signal path is from
f rom left to right (and where necessary for arrangement purposes, from top to bottom).
Wherever practical, the circuit diagram for any one unit shall be completely self-contained, self-
explanatory, readily related to other circuit diagrams and shall show:
— supply voltage levels and interconnections,
— connections b
etween these circuits, the ele
ctronic equipme
nt, the transducers
transducers and the controlled
or monitored devices,
Discrete components external to a printed board assembly or plug-in unit but essential to its operation
shall be shown in dotted outline on the circuit diagram and be appropriately identified.
All component symbols shall be marked with their circuit references and the nominal value of
components shall be marked on the circuit diagram where the component list is not included on the
same diagram.
Components with three or more connections shall have the connection points identified or marked.
The function of all controls, switches and indicating devices shall be indicated in accordance with the
inscriptions marked on the equipment. The symbols for rotary controls shall be marked with an arrow
indicating clockwise rotation of the spindle
s pindle when viewed from the operating end.
Relays shall always be shown in the de-energize
d position. Component lists
Component lists shall uniquely identify for each component its circuit reference number and the
specification or part number/manufacturer indication of that component. Component layout
Component layout drawings shall show the location of each individual component used in a printed
board assembly or plug-in unit, marked with its circuit reference number, outline and polarizing details
where used. Special maintenance tool
The list, the description and references of special tools (Hardware and/or Software) associated to the
electronic equipment shall be provided.
12.7.10 Documentation – Software
the chosen software documents,
are deliverable life cycle model of 7.3.2, deliverable,
intermediate the supplier or
shall determine andand
non-deliverable; list what
information items are to be archived. The list shall be laid down in the quality plan.
All identified information
information items (documentation)
(documentation) shal
shalll be according to E
N 50657.
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
At least the highly recommended (HR) documents in EN 50657:2017, 50657:2017, Table A.1 column basic
integrity shall be provided for non safety
safet y related on board equipment.
12.7.11 Documentation – System
13 Testing
13.1 General
A test plan listing all the tests to be performed on the Electronic equipment
equipment and their procedure
s shall
be written by the supplier.
All items forming a specific
specific equipment type shall have passed the appropriate
appropriate device level conformity.
The system integrator shall give the evidence to ensure all requirements are addressed providing:
a) A Type Test ReReport
port or an
an integration Type Test Rep
ort according to the type Test Procedure
Procedure to
show that all the items forming a specific equipment when integrated together are operating
according to the specified functional requirements, see 4.1.
During the type tests and routine tests, the item shall not malfunction or produce a performance which
to outside
be used,its i.e.
protective The equipment
covers should beshould be tested
in position in the
and the equipment
manner in which they are
arranged, expected
as nearly as
possible, in the position it will occupy in actual use.
The requirements not associated with a test procedure shall be verified at the design review level.
Additional requirements,
requirements, acceptance criteria and the related verification/test shall be agreed between
the involved parties at the tender stage.
Since some of the tests subject to agreement may be costly, it is advisable to carry out only those
tests which are necessary. The user may require to witness and check the results of any tests.
Arrangemen ts for this shall be contained
contained in the contract.
13.2 Categories of tests
13.2.1 General
— type tests;
— routine tests;
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
— investigation tests.
Type tests shall be carried out to verify that a product will meet the specified requirements.
Type tests shall be performed on a single equipment of a given design and manufacturing procedure
Equipment used for type test should be equipment already submitted to routine test procedure.
If an equipment is not identical to one tested previously the supplier shall provide documents justifying
that the change does not alter the validity of existing previous report; otherwise a complete re-test or
a subset of type tests shall be performed.
The Type Test sequence starts with visual inspection and a performance test. After all Type Tests
have been performed the visual inspection and performance test shall be repeated.
Some or all of the type tests may be repeated from time to time on samples drawn from current
production or deliveries, according to an agreement between the user and the supplier, so as to
confirm that the quality of the product still meets the specified requirements.
In addition, the user may request the supplier to repeat a type test either totally or in part following:
— modification of equipment
equipment likely to affect its function
function or method
method of operation
— failure or variations
variations established during type or routine tests;
— resumption of production
production after an interruption
interruption of more tha
n five ye
The type test reports shall be produced and managed according to the implemented quality system.
Equipment used for type test shall not be delivered to the user.
13.2.3 Routine tests
Routine tests shall be performed by the supplier on each manufactured equipment. Routine tests
shall be carried out to verify that the properties of a product meet the specification after the
manufacturing process and correspond to those measured during the type tests. A complete routine
test report shall be generated for each equipment and managed according to the implemented quality
13.2.4 Investigation tests
Investigation tests are intended to obtain additional information by means of reports regarding the
performance of the electronic equipment outside its specified requirements. They shall be specially
requested by the supplier or by the
t he user and subjected to contract agreement.
The results of investigation tests may not be used as grounds for refusing acceptance of the
equipment or to invoke penalties.
These tests are not described in this standard.
13.3 Tests summary
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
NOTE 2 For class PC1 and class PCX without coating, the cyclic damp heat test is not applicable
(see 10.7, Table 10).
The Visual inspection test verifies the mechanical, dimensional and appearance conformance of the
Electronic Equipment; see 4.1.
The Visual inspection shall be carried out before and after tests to check whether any damage or
deterioration has occurred resulting from the tests.
13.4.2 Performance test
The performance test verifies the functional requirements of the Electronic Equipment, see 4.1. The
performance test is carried out according to the Performance test specification and Performance test
procedure written by the supplier either for type test or for routine test.
The performance test shall be carried out at the ambient temperature.
The performance test shall consist of a comprehensive series of measurements of the characteristics
of the equipment to check that its performance is in accordance with the functional requirements of
the particular equipment concerned, including any special requirements of its individual specification,
and general requirements of this standard.
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
Performance test during type test could be different from performance test during routine test.
13.4.3 Power supply test General
The test verifies the functionality of the Electronic Equipment in all the conditions foreseen for the
power supply, see 5.1.
To carry out the power supply tests, EN 61000-4-29 may be used as a guide.
If the electronic equipment has a large number of similar power supply ports, which are electrically
identical, then a sufficient number shall be selected to simulate actual operating conditions and to
ensure that all the different types of termination are covered (e.g. 20 % of the ports or at least four
Electronic equipment shall be tested, for each selected combination of test level and duration, with a
sequence of 10 dips/interruptions and overvoltage with intervals of 10 s minimum and 1 min maximum
(between each test event). In all cases, the voltage levels and time durations of the test waveform
shall be measured with the test generator disconnected from the equipment. Supply variations
Tests shall be performed to prove correct functioning at nominal supply voltage and at the specified
upper and lower limits (see
Tests shall be performed to prove correct functioning for the voltage range (see
Temporary supply overvoltages shall be assumed to be generated with respect to the control system
voltage supply return potential and to be present only as an increase to the level of the control system
voltage, which shall be assumed to be present before and after the application of the overvoltage.
Overvoltage of opposite polarity to the control of the system voltage supply need not be considered.
Overvoltage exceeding in duration or amplitude the specified voltage fluctuation shall be assumed to
occur only in the case of a failure in the control system voltage supply.
Temporary supply overvoltages up to 1,4 Un lasting no more than 0,1 s shall not cause deviation of
function (performance criterion A).
Voltage V DC
1,4 Un
< 10 ms 100 ms < 10 ms
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
For temporary supply overvoltages up to 1,4 Un lasting no more than 1 s the equipment shall fulfil
performanc e criterion B.
Voltage V DC
1,4 Un
< 100 ms 1s < 100 ms
Voltage dips are mainly caused by faults in the DC distribution system, or by sudden large changes of
load (low impedance condition).
Temporary supply dips down to 0,6 Un not exceeding 0,1 s shall not cause deviation of function
(performance criterion A).
Voltage V DC
0,6 Un
< 10 ms 100 ms < 10 ms Interruptions
Interruptions of voltage supply
During a short interruption, the DC distribution system presents a “low impedance” (short circuit)
condition due to the clearing of an overload or fault condition on the supply bus. This condition can
cause reverse current (negative peak inrush current) from the load.
Regarding interruptions
interruptions on supply voltage, there are three classes of equipment:
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
Class Requirements
Requirements Duration of the interruption time Tint
(See Figure 9)
For voltage interruption longer than specified within the class, equipment shall behave at minimum
according performance criterion C.
Tests shall be carried out at nominal voltage.
Voltage V DC
< 50 µs 10 ms or 2
0 ms < 50 µs
In the case of equipment supplied with power alternatively from an accumulator battery and a DC
stabilized source, the DC distribution system presents a “high impedance” condition due to switching
from one source to another.
The equipment shall operate satisfactorily under the conditions stated in Subclauses 5.1.1,, and 5.1.3.
— Class C1: at 0,6 Un during 100 ms (without interruption
s). Performance criterion
criterion A;
— Class C2
C2:: during a supply
supply break of 30 ms starting at Un Performance criterion B.
The supply break is an open circuit and not a short circuit (“high impedance”
impedance” condition).
Unless otherwise specified, the requirements of class C1 apply to power supply only.
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
Voltage V DC
0,6 Un
< 10 ms 100 ms < 10 ms
Voltage V DC
< 50 µs 30 ms < 50 µs
This test is carried out in accordance with EN 60068-2-1 (test Ad), using natural ventilation.
Equipment shall be tested according to its operating temperature class; low operating temperature
(TTEST) shall be taken from Table 1 of this standard.
Equipment is placed, without any voltage applied, in a test chamber.
The equipment shall be first conditioned by leaving it, after thermal stabilization of the chamber, for a
sufficient period of time in which to achieve thermal stabilization. In any case, the stabilization time
period shall not be less than 2 h, see Figure 12.
At the end of this period the equipment shall be switched
s witched on and a performance test shall be carried
out, keeping the equipment at the low temperature.
After recovery, this
this operational che
ck shall be repeated
repeated at normal roo
m temperature.
Test acceptance requirements:
During and after the test, the equipment shall work as intended and within its specified limits
(performance criterion A).
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
+25 C
1 C / min
≥ 1 hour
Stabilisation time
Performance Operational Operational
Equipment switched ON
test checks check
Equipment switched OFF General
This test is carried out in accordance with EN 60068-2-2 (test Be), using natural ventilation unless a
different type of cooling is normally used by or provided to the equipment. In that case, the normal
configuration of the equipment shall be replicated.
The temperature value for this test is dependent of the temperature class and the switch-on extended
operating temperature
temperature class of equipment
equipment under test (see Table 1 and Table
T able 2 for details).
Equipment shall be tested according to its operating temperature class; high operating temperature
shall be taken from Table 1 and Table 2.
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
1 C/min
1 C/min
Stabilization 6h
+ 25 C
≥1 h
The switched off equipment is placed in a chamber where the temperature is progressively raised to
the maximum operating temperature (T TEST) (see Figure 13).
Once the temperature of the whole equipment (internal and external) has stabilized, in any case the
stabilization time shall not be less than 2 h, then the equipment is switched on and left for a time
period of 6 h with continuous operational checks carried out at the maximum operating temperature
The equipment is then allowed to cool to ambient temperature and a further performance test is
carried out after the stabilization time.
tim e.
Test acceptance requirements:
During and after the test, the equipment shall work as intended and within its specified limits
(performance criterion A).
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
1 C/min
T TEST +15 C
1 C/min
1 C/min
Stabilization 6h 10 min
+ 25 C
≥1 h
The switched off equipment is placed in a chamber where the temperature is progressively raised to
the maximum operating temperature (T TEST) (see Figure 14).
Once the temperature of the whole equipment (internal and external) has stabilized, in any case the
stabilization time shall not be less than 2 h, then the equipment is switched on and left for a time
period of 6 h with continuous operational checks carried out at the maximum operating temperature
Once this test is complete, a continuous operational check is carried out with the 10 min over-
temperature value (see Figure 14 for details).
The equipment is then allowed to cool to ambient temperature and a further performance test is
carried out after the stabilization time.
tim e.
Test acceptance requirements:
During and after the test, the equipment shall work as intended and within its specified limits
(performance criterion A).
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
1 C/min
T TEST +15 C
1 C/min
1 C/min
Stabilization 10 min 6h
+ 25 C
≥1 h
Equipment switched ON
The switched off equipment is placed in a chamber where the temperature is progressively raised to
the extended operating temperature (T TEST + 15 °C) according to the selected temperature class
(see Figure 15).
Once the temperature of the whole equipment (internal and external) has stabilized, in any case the
stabilization time shall not be less than 2 h, then the equipment is switched on and continuous
operationall checks are carried out at this extended operating temperature
operationa temperature value for 10 min.
The equipment is then allowed to cool to the maximum operating temperature (T TEST) and the
continuous operational
operational checks last for a time period of 6 h.
The equipment is then allowed to cool to ambient temperature and a further performance test is
carried out after the stabilization time.
tim e.
Test acceptance requirements:
During and after the test, the equipment shall work as intended and within its specified limits
(performance criterion A).
13.4.6 Low temperature storage test
Where the equipment is to be subjected to temperatures less than its minimum operating
temperature, then a low temperature storage test may be carried out. This test shall be carried out in
accordance with EN 60068-2-1 (test Ab).
Equipment without packaging is placed, without any voltage applied, in a test chamber.
The temperature value for the test shall be −40 °C and the time period after stabilization shall be 16 h
After recovery, a performance
performance te
st shall be carried out at the ambient
ambient reference temperature.
Test acceptance requirements:
After recovery, the equipment shall work as intended and within its specified limits (performance
criterion A).
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
Temperatures + 55 °C and + 25 °C
Number of cycles: 2 (breathing effect)
Time: (2 × 24) h
If condensation has not occurred by the beginning of the second cycle, (low thermal inertia of test
piece), speed of temperature
tem perature variati
on can be increased (but not exceed 1 °C/min, and with
wit h a
maintained relative humidity).
≥ 95
93 ±3 96 %
≥ 80
90 % ≥ 80 %
60 ± 15
Equipment time
Temperature switched ON
C °
+55 ± 2
+25 ± 3
1h 3h±½
12 h ±½ 3 h–6 h 24 h cycle 3 h ±½
Figure 16 — Cyclic damp heat test: Description of the first 24-h cycle
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
≥ 95
75 ± 2
° Laboratory
Recovery period temperature
15 C – 35 C
° °
+25 ± 3
nd <1 h <1 h 1 h– 2 h ½ h max.
End of 2 24 h cycle
The results of all insulation and performance test shall be within the specified tolerances and
operation performance respectively.
Intermediate measurements:
— an opera
tional check shall be carried out a
att the rise in temperature
temperature during
during the beginning
beginning of the
2nd cycle (during the appearance of condensation on the product at (35 ± 2) °C).
If condensation has not occurred by the beginning of the second cycle, (low thermal inertia of test
piece), speed of temperature
tem perature variati
on can be increased (but not exceed 1 °C/min, and with
wit h a
maintained relative humidity).
Return to ambient temperature is carried out under controlled recovery conditions.
When the equipment is switched on an operational check is carried out.
Check and final measurements:
— performance test;
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E) General
The aim of this test (insulation measurement test and voltage withstand test) is to ensure that the
mounting of components, their metal connections and casings, and the routing of wiring and printed
board tracks, are not located too close to surrounding metal parts or fixings.
The test will verify that the design of circuits meet the galvanic insulation requirements.
The test shall be carried out on fully assembled parts of equipment, and/or complete equipment
dependentt upon the scope of supply.
The test comprises two parts, an insulation measurement test (carried out before and after the voltage
report. test), and the voltage withstand test. All measured values shall be recorded in the test
Insulation measurement test shall be carried out at routine and type test at the integration level of the
equipment under test (e.g. printed board assemblies, racks).
Insulation measurement test shall be carried out at the integration level of the equipment under test
(e.g. printed board assemblies, racks).
Voltage withstand tests should be performed only at routine and type test on concerned electronic
equipment and this test is not repeated when this equipment is integrated into other assemblies.
Where galvanic isolation is required, the insulation measurement values shall be recorded, and then
test voltages applied between the two sides of the isolation barrier.
Each equipotential area shall be defined and tested against mechanical earth and against all
surrounding equipotential
equipotential areas.
Insulation test against mechanical earth is not required for equipotential area formed by ELV circuits
that have internal electronic 0V potential electrically connected to the mechanical earth.
The voltage withstand test procedure shall be arranged such that individual circuits are subjected to
the minimum number of applications of the dielectric test voltage.
For subracks and printed board assemblies with exposed metal parts, frames or front panels, or metal
fixings, which can either be touched or require galvanic isolation; then, the test shall be carried out
between all the connections shorted together and these metal
m etal parts. Insulation measurement
measurement test
The insulation resistance measurement test shall be carried out at 500 V DC and the values shall be
recorded for all the equipotential areas defined for the insulation test. During the test, the equipment
shall not be powered on.
The insulation of each equipotential area shall be tested and measured against mechanical earth and
against all surrounding equipotential
equipotential areas.
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
The test shall be performed with AC (50 Hz or 60 Hz) or DC test voltage according to Table 14.
The test voltage shall be applied by gradually increasing the voltage amplitude to the test voltage, and
maintained at the specified level for:
a) Type test: 1 min;
b) Routine test: 10 s.
Each equipotential area shall be defined and tested against mechanical earth and against all
surrounding equipotential
equipotential areas.
An insulation test is not required for internal electronic 0 V potential electrically connected to the
mechanical earth.
During the test the equipment shall not be powered on. The insulation measurement shall be carried
out after the voltage withstand test. Significant difference shall be analysed and justified in the test
The nominal battery voltage and/or I/O voltage of each equipotential area is the controlling factor for
determining the test voltage.
The value of the test voltage shall be according to Table 14. For equipment powered by voltage not
covered by this standard, see the applicable standards (e.g. EN 61287-1,
61287-1, EN 60077-1).
Table 14 — Test voltages of voltage withstand test
< 72 V DC
500 V AC or 750 V DC
or 50 V AC rms
72 V DC ≤ V DC < 125 V DC
1 000 V AC or 1 500 V DC
or from 50 to 90 V AC rms
Where part of the electronic equipment is galvanically connected to a power circuit, then this part of
the equipment shall be subject to the same dielectric tests as that circuit.
NOTE For battery referenced port, a higher impulse withstand voltage is applicable, in respect of
EN 50121–3–2 surge requirements.
For any repetition of this test during the life cycle of the equipment, the test voltage shall be reduced
to 80 % of the initial test voltage.
Test acceptance requirements:
Neither disruptive discharge nor flashover shall occur. After the withstand test, the equipment shall
work as intended and within its specified limits.
13.4.10 Salt mist test
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
The test chamber shall be kept closed and spraying of the salt solution shall continue without
interruption during the whole conditioning period of 48 h. After recovery, operational check is carried
Test acceptance requirements:
— visual inspection;
— an operatio
intended andnal check
within shall notlimit.
its specified show any failure or
or damage. The equ
ipment shall work as General
The complete cubicle or rack together with its auxiliaries and mounting arrangements (including its
shock-absorbing devices if the equipment is designed for mounting on such devices) shall be
subjected to the tests indicated in EN 61373.
During the simulated long life testing the equipment shall not be operating; during the other tests the
equipment shall be functional and its performance shall be monitored. Simulated long life testing
During the simulated long life testing the equipment shall not be operating
Test shall be carried
c arried out according to EN 61373:2010
61373:2010,, Clause 9.
Test acceptance requirements:
— no damage shall be visible after the test,
— during th
e test, the equ
ipment is moni
tored and shall work as intended
intended within its specified limits.
(performance criterion A).
As electronic equipment
equipment is generally mounted either inside the body of the vehicle or in boxes outside
(e.g. Locations 1, 2 and 3 according to Table C.1), there is no need to carry out enclosure protection
tests, apart from exceptional cases; this has to be defined between the user and the supplier
(EN 60529 may be used as a guide).
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
The user may require an equipment stress screening test procedure to be applied to completed
equipment or a part of it, for the purpose of eliminating dormant manufacturing or component defects.
The procedure may include:
— operation at elevated temperature;
— thermal cycling;
— vibration.
As appropriate to the equipment under consideration, the process, and the tests to be applied to the
equipment, shall be agreed at the time of tender between involved parties.
To carry out this stress screening
sc reening test, EN 61163-1:2006
61163-1:2006,, B.2 may be used as a guide.
13.4.14 Rapid Temperature variation test
The test specification and the test procedure shall be agreed between the involved parties.
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
Annex A
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
Annex B
Testing approach
B.1 General
This annex describes the structure and methodology for the equipment testing at a system level, by
the system integrator. The procedures of design, documentation and tests requirements are detailed
in Clauses 7, 12 and 13 of this document. The testing stages are undertaken in the following key
steps in the equipment lifecycle:
• equipment installation,
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
Furthermore the following methods are covering the re-verification and replacement:
i) equipment periodical re-verification;
Each method
They may described generates
be undertakengenerate s evidence
in the same testing of conformity. Methods d) to h) are listed
environment. lis ted in logical order.
l) at installation
installation stage
stage,, a type test report or an installation performance test report
report according
according to the
Type Test Procedure confirming that the installed equipment is ready to be brought into use.
During the type tests and routine tests, the item shall not malfunction or produce a performance which
is outside its specification.
Figure B.1 illustrates the methods of conformity assessment arrange
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
NOTE The capital letters A, B, C, D and E in Figure B.1 identifies functional items only.
Methods d) to j) apply at system level, the methods i) and j) address re-verification and an item
component replacement. Methods are listed in logical order. They may be undertaken in the same
testing environment.
The integration design review demonstrates that all the items of a specific equipment type used to
form an equipment are able to be brought together correctly in accordance with an equipment design,
and when integrated together provides the intended functionality in accordance with this standard and
the equipment specification.
The integration type test demonstrates that all the items of a specific equipment type when integrated
together are functioning as intended in accordance with this standard and the equipment
The installation design review assesses the compatibility between a specific equipment type and a
vehicle type, so that its functionality
f unctionality is maintained when installed on board.
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
The installation type test demonstrates that the equipment type, when installed on board on a
specimen representative of the vehicle type, is functioning as intended in accordance with this
standard and the equipment specification.
The equipment periodic re-verification activities are used to ensure the conformity assessment of an
in-service equipment remains valid, where necessary confirm metrological properties, so that the
equipment can continue to be used.
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
Annex C
C.1 General
This annex provides guidance to select the requirements for equipment installed in different location
on board of rolling stock.
The default requirement's
requirement's classes of this standard are selected taking into account the locations 1 and
2 of Figure C.1.
C.2 Severity o
off service conditions in different rolling stock typ
Different rolling stock types (e.g. mass transit underground, mass transit and high speed for
passenger trains, or freight trains for non-passenger trains) could lead to specific service conditions.
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
Examples of consequences on
according to Definition Examples
Figure C.1
closed interior vehicle Operating temperatures and/or shock levels
electrical cubicle depending
depending on the location of the installation.
operating area (weather-protected)
exterior vehicle
either under-frame
or upper-roof
cabin and passengerr vehicle
passenge low IP code required
2 interiors compartment and (air with low dust and chemical
driver cabin contamination)
closed machinery higher operating temperature in case of
electrical compartment engine/power converter compartment or
operating resistance to fuels and fluids
3 area;
forced filtered
ventilation with
outside air
outdoor static under car body, roof non weather-protected location higher IP
applications (non weather- code
4 protected locations) resistance to light (UV)
resistance to ozone
for rubber and plastic parts
outdoor inter-vehicle non weather-protected
weather-protected location higher IP
dynamic degree
applications resistance to light (UV)
resistance to ozone
for rubber and plastic parts
higher mechanical resistance
outdoor highly bogie non weather-protected
weather-protected location higher IP
dynamic code
applications resistance to light (UV)
resistance to ozone
for rubber and plastic parts
higher mechanical resistance
High vibration and shock constraints
Resistance to fuel and fluids
outdoor highly axles non weather-protected
weather-protected location higher IP
dynamic code
applications resistance to light (UV)
resistance to ozone
for rubber and plastic parts
higher mechanical resistance
very high vibration and shock constraints
resistance to fuels and fluids
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
C.5 Severity o
off the ser
vice conditions in different rolling stock locations
The severity of the service conditions in different rolling stock locations is shown in Table C.2.
Table C.2 — Minimum severity of service conditions in different rolling stock locations
Location of the equipment on board rolling stock
Definiti on Standard 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
EN 50124–
Pollution degree PD2 PD2 PD3 PD3 PD3 PD4 PD4
The location numbers refer to Figure C.1.
In the example below, temperature class OT3 is specified for the integration of the equipment into the
vehicle cabinet (Equipment = PBA inside his enclosure) and the temperature class OT4 is specified
for the single PBA inside the electronic enclosure (taking in account a temperature rise of 15 °C
° C inside
its enclosure).
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
OT3:-25 C to +70 C
° ° Ambient temperature indoor
vehicle cabinet
In the example above, temperature class OT1 is specified for the integration of the equipment into the
vehicle compartment
specified for the single(Equipment
PBA inside =their
inside its enclosure)
enclosure and inthe
(taking temperature
account class OT3
a temperatureOT 3 of
rise is
15 °C inside the enclosure).
The temperatures inside vehicle and cubicle are values measured in free air away from the heat
emitting elements.
If the equipment is to be installed in a controlled climatic environment, provided that the equipment is
not required to operate outside of those conditions, a narrow temperature range can be sufficient.
In electronic equipment, a thermal design is usually needed to guarantee a convenient minimum and
maximum ambient temperature for the electronic components. The reliability of the components is
very sensitive to the ambient temperature
For peripheral units (measuring transducers, etc.), or if the equipment is in a decentralized
configuration, then if the above ambient temperature ranges are exceeded, a wider temperature
range can be needed.
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
Annex D
EN 60068–2–1
Low temperature start- Test Ab
Yes No 13.4.4
up test −40 °C (2 h)
Criterion A
EN 60068–2–2
Test Bd
Dry heat test Yes No 13.4.5
+70 °C (6 h)
+85 °C (10 min.)
EN 60068–2–30
Cyclic damp heat test Yes No 13.4.7 Test Db
2 cycles at 55 °C
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
EN 61373
Vibration and shock test Yes No 13.4.11
category 1 Class B
Enclosure protection
No No 13.4.12 Not applicable
test (IP code)
Equipment stress
No No 13.4.13
EN 60068–2–1
Low temperature
t emperature Test Ab
Yes No 13.4.6
storage test −40 °C
16 h
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
Annex E
Hardware life-cycle
Hardware Hardware or
requirements and Software/Hardware
architecture phase integration phase
Programmable Component
life-cycle Integration and
Requirement phase
validation phase
Programmable Programmable
component component
requirement Integration and
specification validation report
Programmable Programmable
component component synthesis
requirement and placement and
integration test routing validation
specification report
Coding phase
component source
code verification
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
Annex F
This design guideline corresponds with requirements of this standard and supports the developer of
electronic hardware in order to develop durable and robust electronic components for the use on
board of rolling stock.
F.2.1 Pollutants
The needs arising from the presence of contaminants should be kept in mind in the design of the
devices and/or components.
The type and concentration of pollutants (atmospheric and non-atmospheric) are shown in the table
below according to EN 50125–1.
Table F.1 — Type and concentration
concentration of pollutants
This table does not take into account the reduction of pollutions in internal installation of cubicles or
boxes surrounding printed boards. Also special conditions (e.g. presence of sand, saline
atmospheres) are not covered.
F.2.2 Methods against ageing regarding energetic ttransient
ransient pulses
Transient pulses can occur, that might cause ageing of the equipment over time. Ageing is not
covered by the EMC test given in EN 50121-3-2.
To approach sufficient life time for battery referenced ports against ageing effects of energetic
transient pulses the following design rules are given:
Ports with small current and power dissipation (e.g. signal- and control inputs): If a voltage limiting
device is used (like clamping diode or overvoltage suppressor diode), use series resistor(s) in front of
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
the voltage limiting device. This resistor will limit the current in the case of transient pulses. It should
be suitable for 2 kV maximum pulse voltage. This can be achieved alternatively by a series circuit of
more resistors each with rated voltage less than 2 kV.
Ports where series resistor(s) cannot be used (e.g. power supply ports, ports with high current or
where a voltage drop by a series resistor is not appropriate): use voltage suppressor elements with
high energy absorption capability.
Transient voltage suppressors can be used only in differential mode on I/O battery ports; transient
voltage suppressors are not recommended in common mode between battery signals and earth in
order to ensure the correct high dielectric insulation
i nsulation between those potentials.
The rated voltage of the input components shall be chosen to withstand the maximum clamping
voltage of the transient voltage suppressor element.
The general problem associated with dimensioning suppressor elements is, that real pulse shapes,
energy and frequency
frequency of occurrence is not known exactly in the development state of a product. Thus,
careful design with sufficient margin to low impedance energetic transient pulses is strongly
recommended. Furthermore, suppressor elements with sufficient energy absorption capability are
necessary, especially, if a series limiting current component (like a resistor) cannot be used.
In this context, ageing of varistors is a common problem of inadequate circuit design, which
consequently leads to a failure of the equipment. Careful design with sufficient severity level to the
varistors maximum limits is necessary. Another disadvantag
disadvantage e is that the maximum clamping voltage is
significantly higher than the nominal voltage of varistors. Thus, the voltage level of the components
shall be designed in such a way that it withstands the maximum clamping voltage of a varistor.
Instead of varistors the use of transient voltage suppressor diodes is suggested. Their clamping
voltage is much lower, and there is no ageing. For some time, also transient voltage suppressor
diodes with high energy absorption rates have been available (for example 30kW), which do not need
a current limiting component (like a resistor).
Clamping to the metallic carbody should be avoided, because this can cause problems:
• uncontrolle
d capacitance to earth;
• earth fault detection systems of floating system voltage supply can fail.
In case of extended vehicle wirings of the system voltage supply high transient voltages can occur
against earth.
F.2.3 Capacitor to ground/earth
It is common to indicate earth faults on floating battery mains by electronic detection systems. The
summation of lots of capacitors to ground/earth leads to high capacitance between the isolated
battery mains to earth (carbody). Such high capacitance can cause the failure of the earth fault
detection systems. The use of Y – capacitors should be avoided at digital I/O ports. If they cannot be
avoided, they shall be designed according to EN 60384-14 (recommended class Y1 or Y2) and their
capacitance value should not exceed 10 nF. Higher capacitance values are subject to agreement
between manufacturer and system integrator.
F.2.4 Inside cabling for equipment
The feed and the return cables of a circuit shall be laid as close together as practicable, in particular
in the case of power cables emitting disturbances, and sensitive signal cables. Twisted cables or
cores should be used for this purpose, where available and practicable, see also EN 50343.
For EMC measures for cabling see EN 50343
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
During prototyping, all functions according to the specification should be verified. It is highly
recommende d to carry out all tests according to the type test specification.
F.2.7 Interfacing
No temperature values above 110 °C should occur at the solder joints caused by thermal power
dissipation of any components. Otherwise grain coarsening can happen and lead to destabilization of
the soldering point.
F.2.9 Derating
The derating of a component is the limitation of the thermal shocks and electrical stresses at levels
below the maximum level specified by the supplier. Its purpose is to reduce the rate of degradation
and prolong the operational life of the component.
Derating increases the margin of safety between the level of operating stress and that envisaged by
the supplier, reducing the failure rate of the component and providing additional protection from
system anomalies not foreseen by the designer. Derating also reduces the changes in the values and
parameters of components that might occur during the operational life cycle due to ageing. The
circuits should be specified so that such changes do not affect the declared performance and proper
operation of the equipment.
Combined effects of all the tolerances, new and those due to ageing, inside a single component and
between the various components should be taken into account during the design stage, considering
all the worst case combinations produced by environmental and operating conditions and the
dispersion of the characteristics of the components.
Statistical hypotheses based on the fact that only certain combinations of tolerances might take place
unless the parameters considered are invariably interdepen
dent are not allowed.
The WORST CASE design is to be applied both as regards the level of stress to which the
components can be subjected and as regards the correct operation of the equipment.
Derating should be applied to all components of a piece of equipment applying the rules given. The
loading rates listed below represent the maximum stress values recommended and do not preclude
performing a further derating.
If the supplier uses derating factors (R) higher than the maximum ones specified below, they should
verify that the equipment meets all its requirements,
requirements, particularly with regard to the reliability and life of
the components.
The designer of the equipment should size the components, taking into account the worst operating
conditions in which the component
c omponent might be used in the railway environment.
The most important stress factors to be considered are temperature, voltage, current, power,
vibrations, etc.
Temperature stress should be reduced as much as possible while ensuring good thermal conduction
to the heat sinks and placing the temperature-sensitive components away from heat sources. The
designer should carefully evaluate and document the thermal resistances and the consequent
ventilation anddowngrading with respect
dissipation conditions to the
of any nominal ratings of the components on the basis of the
The electrical stresses, such as voltage, should be calculated including the highest transients
expected during operation.
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
The above given values are derived from classic through-feed technology. Surface Mounted Device
technology, depending on the cooling situation (i.e. ground planes or high density of heat dissipating
components in the vicinity), might lead to other dimensioning. To verify this situation, an infrared
camera is useful.
The operating point shall fall within the safe operating area (including second breakdown) calculated
at actual junction temperature with a safety margin not less than 20 % for worst-case circuit operating
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
Annex G
The use of non-railway designed electronic equipment (e.g. new technologies suitable ffor
or performing
a function required by the equipment, sometimes may be the only solution) is permitted providing
there is the fulfilment of some of the requirements of this standard. If this annex is applied, the
requiremen ts herein stated shall be fulfilled.
The non-railway designed electronic
electronic equipment shall be iidentified
dentified and shall be provided that:
a) the numb
er of such
such equ
ipment within the whole equipment is kept reasonably
reasonably low;
b) the followin
g type test,
test, specified in
in Table 12, shall be successfully carried out
out on the
the non-railway
1) Type test 3;
2) Type tests 6 and 7: where the operating temperature of the equipment does not fulfil the
range of the operating temperature classes listed in Table 1 the supplier shall provide
mitigation provision;
The supplier shall provide a target level for field reliability according to 6.1.2. In case that the MTBF of
the component shall not be proven on the base of documents provided by the manufacturer, the
component itself should be submitted to an accelerated life test in order to verify the target level for
field reliability.
Furthermore,, the component shall meet the following requirements:
• the in
sulation coordination of the equipment can be according to a different standard than
EN 50124-1 (e.g. EN 60950 series);
• design documentation (e.g. circuit diagram, component list, software documentation) may not be
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
Annex H
The following table provides the places inside the standard were agreements between the involved
parties are mentioned. In some cases for understanding the particular themes, the relevant
paragraphs are complemented in the subsequent table with surrounding paragraphs and / or higher
ranking heading(s) of the standard.
st andard.
The table is given without demand on completeness.
1. 4.2.2 Performance If agreed between the involved parties, the normal performance level (all
criterion A functions are working as specified) can be replaced by a minimum
performan ce level.
2. 4.2.4 Performance During the test/event temporary loss of function is allowed. The
criterion C equipment could:
- ...
- manually restart or process controlled restart. In this
this case this
shall be agreed between user and supplier and/or clearly defined
in the user manual. In this case the user manual shall be
available the user at the tender stage.
3. 4.3.1 Altitude The altitude at which the equipment is normally to function does not
exceed the values called for in EN 50125–1:2014, Table 1 “Classes of
altitude range”. When it exceeds the value in the table, compliance with
the requirements shall be defined by agreement between supplier and
Unless otherwise specified, the requirements of category A1 apply.
4. 4.4 Special service Special arrangements shall be agreed between the appropriate parties
conditions involved when service conditions can be proved to be different from those
4.4.1 General mentioned in 4.3 (e.g. electronic equipment mounted on the bogie or
integrated within a power converter, etc.). Checks for the effectiveness of
such arrangements
arrangements can, if require
d, form the subject
s ubject of optional type tests
which can be carried out on the vehicle itself in accordance with methods
to be agreed between the involved parties.
5. Interruptions
Interruptions For a voltage interruption longer than specified in Table 6, the behaviour
of voltage supply of the equipment shall be agreed between the involved parties
6. 5.1.2 Supply by a Characteristics (e.g. range, fluctuation, ripple factor) of the output voltage
specified source of the stabilized supply and input voltage of the equipment shall fit
The specification shall be agreed between the involved parties
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
8. 6.1.2 Proof of The Reliability Demonstration Plan shall be agreed between supplier and
reliability user.
9. 6.2 Useful life Table 9 —Life Class LX: As agreed by the involved parties
10. 6.3 Maintainability Unless otherwise agreed the equipment should be designed such that
6.3.1 General regular periodic maintenance is not necessary.
11. 6.3.3 Corrective The user and the supplier shall agree on the line replaceable units
units (LRU).
Maintenance These units shall be designed to be easily exchanged. On-vehicle
diagnosis and repair
12. 7.2.5 Unless otherwise agreed all individual printed board assemblies forming
Interchangeability part of a system shall be functionally complete and fully interchangeable
with any other unit of the same functional type without the need for any
recalibration of the hardware after the board has been inserted in the
14. Clause 9 The component documentation is delivered only under specific request of
Components the user and is submitted to a contract agreement between supplier and
9.1 General user regarding the confidentiality and the rights of use of those
15. 10.7 Protective Table 10 —Protective coatings Class PCX: As agreed between user and
coatings for printed supplier
board assemblies
16. 10.10 Cooling and Cooling shall not be achieved by the forced induction of air into the
ventilation equipment enclosure, unless precautions agreed between involved
parties are taken to ensure that the life of the equipment is not thereby
adversely affected by the introduction of contaminants.
c ontaminants.
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
18. 12.7 Design The design documentation describes the detailed design of the electronic
documentation equipment and all detailed information regarding the internal
12.7.1 General functionalities
functionalities of this electronic equipment.
The design documentation is delivered only as a specific request of the
user and is subject to a contractual agreement between the involved
19. 12.7.7 The manufacturing data are all necessary information for the
Documentation – manufacturing and the assembly of the PBA or electronic equipment. The
Hardware manufacturing data are delivered only under specific request of the user
and are submitted to a contract agreement between supplier and user
Manufacturing data regarding
regarding the confidentiality and the rights of use of those documents.
20. 12.7.7 Class M0: The documents listed in the column “Class M0” of Table 11
Documentation – shall be available according to the contractual agreement between the
Hardware involved parties. These documents shall be sufficiently precise to allow subsequent redesign of a ‘functionally equivalent component at interface
Programmable level’
component (FPGA, Class M1: The documents listed in the column “Class M1” of Table 11
PLD, ASIC, etc) shall be available according to the contractual agreement between the
involved parties. These documents shall be sufficiently precise to allow a
modification of the design. For this purpose, the supplier shall
demonstrate that the delivered source code (with design constraints and
procedure) allows the correct generation of the programming file. If the
generate d and original files are not totally identical, the ffunctionali
ty of the
componentt using the generated file shall be validated.
21. 12.7.9 Repair and The Repair and Maintenance documents are delivered only under
Maintenance specific request of the user and are submitted to a contract agreement
Documentation between supplier and user regarding the confidentiality and the rights of General use of those documents.
22. Clause 13 Testing The requirements not associated to a test procedure shall be verified at
13.1 General the design review level. Additional requirements, acceptance criteria and
the related verification/test shall be agreed between the involved parties
at the tender stage.
Since some of the tests subject to agreement may be costly, it is
advisable to carry out only those tests which are necessary. The user
may require to witness and check the results of any tests. Arrangements
for this shall be contained in the contract.
23. 13.2 Categories of At the time of tendering, the user shall identify any tests subject to
tests agreement (see Table 12 - List of tests).
13.2.1 General
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
24. 13.2.2 Type tests The type test sequence starts with visual inspection and a performance
test. After all type tests have been performed the visual inspection and
performance test shall be repeated.
Some or all of the type tests may be repeated from time to time on
samples drawn from current production or deliveries, according to an
agreement between the user and the supplier, so as to confirm that the
quality of the product still meets the specified requirements.
25. 13.2.4 Investigation Investigation tests are intended to obtain additional information by means
tests of reports regarding the performance of the electronic equipment outside
its specified requirements. They shall be specially requested by the
supplier or by the user and subjected to contract agreement
26. 13.3 Tests summary, NOTE 2 - Tests marked “O” are subject to contract agreement between
Table 12 the user and the supplier.
28. Annex
the C, Severity of
service The intended
destination and use of rolling
whether stockunderground
it is used is affected orbyabove
the geographical
ground. The
conditions in different specific conditions for equipment may differ depending on such intended
rolling stock use (e.g. underground requirements for fire protection and for resistance
locations: to UV are different than for above ground). The relevant requirements
C.3 Intended use of shall be agreed by supplier and user.
rolling stock
30. Annex F, Design If they cannot be avoided, they shall be designed according to
Guidelines: EN 60384–14 (recommended
(recom mended class Y1 or Y2) and theirt heir capacitance
capaci tance
F.2.3 Capacitor to value should not exceed 10 nF. Higher capacitance values are subject to
ground/earth agreement between manufacturer and system integrator.
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
Annex ZA
This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CENELEC by the European
Commission and the European Free Trade Association and within its scope the standard covers all
relevant essential requirements as given in Annex lll of the EC Directive 2008/57/EC (also named as
New Approach Directive 2008/57/EC Rail Systems: Interope
Once this standard is cited in the Official Journal of the European Union under that Directive and has
been implemented as a national standard in at least one Member State, compliance with the clauses
of this standard given in Table ZZ.1 for “Locomotives and Passenger Rolling Stock”, Table ZZ.2 for
“Control, Command and Signalling” confers, within the limits of the scope of this standard, a
presumption of conformity with the corresponding Essential Requirements of that Directive and
associated EFTA regulations.
Table ZZ.1 — Correspondence between this European Standard, the TSI “Locomotives and
Passenger Rolling Stock” (REGULATION (EU) No 1302/2014 of 18 November 2014) and
Directive 2008/57/EC
Annex VI
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
Table ZZ.2 — Correspondence between this European Standard, the CCS TSI (COMMISSION
REGULATION (EU) 2016/919 of 27 May 2016) and Directive 2008/57/EC
All clauses(except
applicable are those 3.2. Specific
of the Aspects
Control- 2.
to Requirements specific This
each sub-subsystem standard
indirect impacthas
on an
specifically listed below, Command and safety, as a prerequisite.
which refer to specific Signalling
2.3. Control Command
requirements) Subsystems
and signalling This standard should be
considered as reference
3.2.1. Safety by the Notified Body for
2.3.1 Safety
all rolling stock safety
related equipment and
3.2.2. Reliability and
2.3.2 Technical systems.
3.2.5. Technical
Compatibility Engineering
4.3 - Environmental Physical
service conditions environmental
4.4 - Special service conditions
4.3.6 - Electromagnetic
Electromagnetic Railway
compatibility. Internal
WARNING: Other requirements and other EU Directives may be applicable to the products falling
within the scope of this standard.
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
[1] EN 50343,
50343, Railway applications — Rolling stock — Rules for installation of cabling
[2] EN 60077-1,
60077-1, Railway applications — Electric equipment for rolling stock — Part 1: General
service conditions and general rules (IEC 60077-1)
[3] EN 60300-3-2,
60300-3-2, Dependability management — Part 3-2: Application guide — Collection of
dependability data from the field ( IEC 60300-3-2)
[4] EN 60384-14, Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment — Part 14: Sectional
specification — Fixed capacitors for electromagnetic
electromagnetic interference suppression and c
to the supply mains (IEC 60384-14)
[5] EN 60721-3-5,
60721-3-5, Classification of environmental conditions — Part 3: Classification of groups of
environme ntal parameters
parameters and their severities — Section
S ection 5: Ground vehicle installations
(IEC 60721-3-5)
[7] EN 61000-4-29,
61000-4-29, Electromagne
tic c
ompatibility (EMC) — Part 4-29: Testing and measurement
techniques — Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations on d.c. input power port
immunity tests (IEC 61000-4-29
[8] EN 61014,
61014, Programm
es for reliability growth (IEC 61014)
[9] EN 61082-1,
61082-1, Preparation of documents used in electrotechnology
electrotechnology — Part 1: Rules
(IEC 61082-1)
[10] EN 61124,
61124, Reliability testing — Compliance tests for constant failure rate and constant failure
intensity (IEC 61124)
[11] EN 61163-1:2006,
61163-1:2006, Reliability stress screening
s creening — Part 1: Repairable assemblies manufactured
in lots (IEC 61163-1:2006
[12] EN 61287-1,
Part , Railway and
1: Characteristics applications — Power
test methods converters
(IEC 61287-1 ) installed on board rolling stock —
[13] EN 62506,
62506, Methods for product accelerated testing (IEC 62506)
BS EN 50155:2017
EN 50155:2017 (E)
[25] MIL-HDBK-781A:1996,
MIL-HDBK-781A:1996, US Department of Defense: Handbook
Handbook for Reliability Test Methods,
Plans, and Environments for Engineering
Engineering Development Qualification and Production
• The standard may be stored on more than 1 device provided that it is accessible Subscriptions
by the sole named user only and that only 1 copy is accessed at any one time. Tel: +44 345 086 9001
• A single paper copy may be printed for personal or internal company use only.
only. Email: subscriptions@bsigroup.com