The Performance of Farm Tractors As Reported by Can-Bus Messages
The Performance of Farm Tractors As Reported by Can-Bus Messages
The Performance of Farm Tractors As Reported by Can-Bus Messages
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Firas Salim
Iowa State University
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Matthew J. Darr
Iowa State University,
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The performance of farm tractors as reported by CAN-BUS measures
Tractors and agricultural machinery have been designed specifically for land preparation, tillage, and other
agricultural operation’s tasks. Tractors are the primary source of power in farms and fields. Thus, to obtain the
optimum output from them, proper management and utilization is needed. Agricultural machinery performance has
been studied over the past three decades and optimum results have been obtained for different kinds of agricultural
machinery. In general, the evaluation of agricultural machinery using traditional methods is problematic as they are
time consuming and labor intensive. Moreover, by using the common evaluation methods it is typically difficult to
obtain accurate and instant results. Accurate measurements of field performance parameters are required for
monitoring machinery performance and management decisions. Recently, the improvement in the electronics
technology has made field operational management easier to monitor. Controller Area Network (CAN) Bus
technology is being used as a communication system in tractors and allows connections between Electrical Control
Units (ECU). CAN Bus technology broadcast unique electronic messages which contain continuously updated
information about the engine, power train, equipment, power take off, hydraulic system, and other parts of the
machines. To evaluate the performance of agricultural machinery, there is no longer a need for myriad measurement
instruments producing widely varying output to individually measuring fuel consumption for each speed, gear shift
and the whole operation. As a result, this study was conducted to evaluate tractor performance by CAN Bus
technology as a simple to use, easy to install, high speed data collection, and convenient to retrieve the stored data.
These techniques allow for substantial saving of money and time, reducing our workload and eliminating training
necessary for specialized measurement tools.
CAN Bus, Field efficiency, Fuel consumption, Tractor Slippage percentage
Agriculture | Bioresource and Agricultural Engineering
This paper is from 2016 ASABE Annual International Meeting, Paper No. 162461746, pages 1-18 (doi:
10.13031/aim.20162461746). St. Joseph, Mich.: ASABE.
Keywords. CAN Bus, Field efficiency, Fuel consumption , Tractor Slippage percentage
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ASABE Annual International Meeting 1
1.0 Introduction
reducing costs of agricultural operations. During the recent decades, agricultural machines have been
developed to reduce labor costs as well as improve the timeliness of field operations (Schäfer-Landefeld
et al., 2004). Moreover, agricultural machine efficiencies have a significant effect on the yield which in
Tillage is among one of the most important operations in agriculture. It is defined as “the changing
of soil condition for the enhancement of crop production” (ASAE Standards, 2009). Tilling the soil
produces ideal soil conditions by improving the relationship between air and water for crop growth
(Osunbitan et al. 2005, Busscher and Bauer, 2003, Gill and Vander berg, 1967). However, many studies
show tillage consumes at least half of the engine power to operate the implement and around 30 percent
of the total power consumption in the agricultural operation (CAST, 1984), This has led many farmers
to become more concerned about tillage and seek new method to reach optimum production by
substituting human power with mechanical power (Ahaneku et al., 2011). Tillage can be classified as
primary or secondary. Primary tillage constitutes the initial major soil working operation. It is normally
designed to reduce soil strength, cover plant materials, and rearranges aggregates. While, secondary
tillage is a shallower depth than primary tillage implements to provide additional pulverization, mix
pesticides, and fertilizers into the soil, level and firm the final secondary tillage operation(ASABE
Standards, 2005). The best examples of secondary tillage is a field cultivator for seedbed preparation,
weed eradication, or fallow cultivation subsequent to some form of primary tillage. (ASABE Standards,
2009).Hence, studying field parameters during tillage help the operator to manage their machines.
Tractors and agricultural machinery have been designed as a standard for land preparation, tillage,
and other agricultural operational tasks. Tractors are the primary source to provide a mechanical power
to farms and fields (Kepner et al., 1978). Thus, to obtain the optimum output from them, good
management and utilization should be applied. Tractor performance has been studied over the past three
2008). It is always desired to have the most power converted from the engine to traction power which
results in lower energy loss during the agricultural operation (Ahaneku et al., 2011). The study
conducted by Sabanci (1997) found that 12.0 to 18.0% of the engine power was consumed before
starting the operation. In addition, another 20.0 to 40.0% of power is lost between the axles and the
ground (Mowitz and Finck, 1987). Improper selection of tractor size can cause excessive operating
costs. So, knowing the parameters that affecting efficiency would improve the performance of an
Moreover, despite the type of soil condition, and tire design, other important parameters that affect
the tractor performance include implement size, practical speed, and depth of operation. These
parameters can be easily be managed and controlled by the operators to obtain the optimum
performance. In addition, proper tire inflation pressure and setting up ballasting weight and are essential
for evaluating and managing the performance. According to Sumer and Sabanci, (2005), in order to
obtain the best performance with least cost, proper ballasting, and correct tire inflation must be adjusted.
Improper adjusting leads to fuel waste, tire wear, and drive train damages, and decrease productivity
and efficiency (McNeill, 2008). Wulfsohn and Way (2009) found that ballasting and tire inflation
pressure played a significant role in tractor fuel consumption and tractive performance. A tractive
efficiency improvement of about 4% to 7% was obtained while using correct ballast with low-correct
tire inflation pressure as compared to overinflated tires (Zoz and Turner, 1994). Likewise, as reported
by Lancas et al. (1996), 18% to 20% of fuel was saved when they used low-correct inflation pressure
Furthermore, the main performance indicators in tillage operations are fuel consumption, slippage
percentage, engine percent load, engine cooling systems and fuel temperature. Fuel consumption is
considered most important factor for research in agricultural operations, testing and assessing the
performance of the machines. According to Hanna (2001) and Thakare and Deshmukh (2009), fuel
(two wheels or four wheels), tractor size, equipment width, working depth and speed of operation.
Likewise, mentioned by Bukhari and Baloch (1982) fuel consumption depends on different variables
such as width and depth of cut, and speed and kind of operation. Fuel consumption can be measured
with either a direct or indirect method. The direct method is accomplished by measuring the level of
fuel in the tank before and after the operation and indirect is determined by using a graduated cylinder
located between the tank and the fuel injection pump to measure the consumed fuel (Natsis et al., 1999).
Moreover, field efficiency is the ratio of effective field capacity to theoretical field capacity, expressed
in percent. Further, it is the comparison between the amount of power consumed by the machine to the
In addition, to measure and monitor the mechanization unit performance, enumerated systems
have been developed to determine tractor performance monitoring and optimization (TPMO). However,
the majority of these systems were not fully adequate. The best example of this system is Controller
Area Network (CAN) Bus technology developed by Mercedes Corporation (Voss, 2005). This
technology is a communication system in vehicles and allows connections between multiple Electrical
Control Units (ECU). Currently, the improvement in electronics technology has made field operations
management easier to monitor. This new CAN Bus technique is becoming the most widely used
applications in agriculture to help farmers determine and improve field efficiency while decreasing
equipment costs using the data obtained from tractors (Darr, 2012). CAN messages depend on the
broadcast system and can filter the required messages. These messages are continuously updating
information about the engine, power train, equipment, power take off, and hydraulic system (Darr,
According to The United Nations, the Gross Domestic Production (GDP) for some of Middle
East countries has declared and has been moved towards the negative annual growth. This degradation
in agricultural production system address the unique challenges to increase agricultural machinery
in food production system and as an essential element to maximizing machinery performance. The fact
that there is a limited progress in agricultural mechanization sector impact the agricultural production
in a significant portion. Testing and evaluation of agriculture machinery using updated technologies and
techniques is a key contribution in farm production. The technology like CAN bus will help to increase
efficiency by monitoring machine performance and reduce production costs in the Middle East region.
a b
Figure 1. Traditional method
(a) Measuring speed (b) Measuring Slip percent (c) Fuel consumption measurement
The objective of this study was to demonstrate the capabilities of a CAN bus based evaluation system
for quantifying key performance indicators for an agricultural tillage operation. Results will be
demonstrated through a case study analysis of field cultivation under multiple tractor and implement
This study was conducted in a field in Ames, Iowa, United States (March 2016). The field was
approximately 41 hectares and the previous crop was soybeans (Figure 2a). The field soil type was
Webster clay loam with 0.00 to 2.0% slopes. CAN bus data were obtained from the International
Standard Organization (ISO) diagnostic port of a four-wheel drive (4WD) tractor (John Deere 9430) to
collect and monitor the performance of the unit. The tractor static weight distribution was 53.20% front
and 46.45% rear and all tires were Firestone Dual 710/70 R42. The implement used an all testing was
15.54 m (51 ft) wide field cultivator (John Deere 2210) which is representative of the tillage implements
most commonly used for seedbed preparation in the region (Figure 2b).
(a) (b)
Figure 2. (a) A 41 hectare Soybean field (b) John Deere (9430) and field cultivator.
A CAN bus analyzer (Vector VN 1610) was used to collect messages from the tractor using a
laptop through Universal Serial Bus (USB). Data were logged in an American Standard Code for
Information (ASCI) file in real –time during field operations. In addition, a backup data set was
Figure 3. (a) VN1610 Vector CAN Card (b) 9 Pins diagnostic to serial port
The tractor bus was configured at 250 kb/sec and messages were recorded in hexadecimal format.
The Society of Automotive Engineering (SAE) J1939 database protocol was used to decode the
structure of the CAN message into PGN and data byte values. After collection the raw ASCII CAN logs
were uploaded to a Structured Query Language (SQL) database for data interrogation and management.
Figure 3 demonstrate the Parameter Group Number (PGN) used for Engine Fuel Rate was PGN 0xFEF2
and for Engine Speed was PGN 0xF004. Moreover, the tractor was connected with John Deere StarFire
3000 GPS receiver to provide geospatial position and GPS based speed information during the test. The
field key performance indicators of the combination unit are fuel rate, slip percentage, and effective
field capacity.
Field capacity (FC) is the rate of a machine’s performance that could be measured depending on the
type of the machine as either ha/h or kg/h. The field capacity is an important parameter to determine
the machine selection and cost evaluation. Field efficiency can be classified as the ratio of Effetive field
capacity (EFC) to Theoretical field capacity (TCF). The TFC is described as the maximum rate of
machine performance achieved by forward speed and complete implement width expressed as ha/h
S = speed (km/h)
Effective Field Capacity (EFC) is the actual rate of machine performance in regard to field efficiency,
actual working width, and practical speed expressed as ha/h. The EFC can be determined using equation
S ∗ W ∗ Ef
EFC = TFC ∗ Ef = (2)
10 ∗ 1000
Field Efficiency (FE) is the ratio of the effective field capacity to theoretical field capacity. Field
efficiency can be improved by reducing lost time during operation, such as filling, unloading, turning,
blocking, checking, repairing, and resting (Helsel, 2015). FE can be calculated using equation (3)
The study was arranged in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with four factors, two
levels of each factor (explanatory variable), and three blocks per treatment. The field designated for the
combination of tractor and field cultivator to perform the secondary tillage was divided into three blocks
tractor weight, tractor tire inflation pressure, tillage depth, and percentage of engine power usage. The
tire inflation pressure were set for 21- 22 psi (all tires) in the first level and 10- 11 psi for the front tire
and 7-8 Psi for the rear tire in the second treatment level. Two levels of tractor weight was used including
the static weight (19750 kg) and 2120 kg added weight (tractor weight). Tillage depth treatment
included 7.62 cm and 12.7 cm respectively and the engine power was controlled at two levels of 100%
engine power usage and 70% engine power usage as determined by the transmission gear selection.
Each treatment was a unique possible combination of each level of the four factors. The data were
Table 1 show the descriptive statistics of the results of fuel consumption rate, slippage percentage,
The fuel consumption of the tractor was determined for standard weight and added weight in relation
to engine power, tillage depth and the tire inflation pressure. The results are shown in Table 1 and Figure
6. The results show there was a significant difference (P<0.05) due to engine power, tillage depth, tire
inflation pressure and the interaction between tillage depth and engine power. After adjusting for
multiple comparison, there was no significant difference (P<0.05) between depth 7.62 and 12.7 cm
(86.21 L/h and 87.05 L/h respectively) on maximum power. In contrast, there was a significant
difference observed at low power for depth 7.62 and 12.7 cm as shown in Table 1.
Additionally, a significance difference within depth was observed between maximum and 70% power,
for instance at depth 7.62 cm, the fuel rate for the maximum power was 86.21 L/h while 70% power
was 67.58 L/h. Increasing tillage depth associated with increasing soil disturbed volume and that leads
to increase tractor load and fuel consumption to pull the implement (Moitzi et al., 2006 and Flipovic et
al., 2004).
In addition, at the standard weight the maximum fuel consumption (87.24 L/h) was observed at
maximum power at maximum depth (12.7 cm) and maximum tire pressure. Likewise, for the same
weight, the low fuel consumption (67.04 L/h) was observed at 70% power in low depth (7.62 cm) at
low tire inflation pressure. Moreover, in adding weight the maximum fuel rate was observed at
maximum power and higher depth (12.7 cm) at high tire inflation pressure and low fuel consumption
was observed at low power in low depth (7.62 cm) and low tire inflation pressure as shown in Table 1.
The slippage percentage is the key indicator of the efficiency of the tractor operation. It is used as a
measure to indicate whether the right combination of tire inflation pressure, overall tractor weight, and
operating speed are resulting into optimal fuel usage (NSW, 2013). The results show the slippage
percentage range from 8.59% to 24.24%. The high slippage percentage (24.24%) in standard weight
result also shows that the engine power usage is not significant on fuel rate consumption. Additionally,
the higher slippage percentage occurred at lower power usage and higher tillage depth. Moreover, for
the added weight, the highest slippage percentage (19.80%) was observed at maximum tire inflation
pressure, higher depth (12.7 cm) and low power (70%). While the lowest slippage percentage was
observed at low tire pressure, low tillage depth and 70% power usage shown in Table 1 and Figure 7.
According to Raheman and Jha (2006), the optimal slippage percentage lies between 8% and 15%.
Increasing the tillage depth from shallow to deep increases the slip percent for low engine power and
maximum engine power by 46% and 71% due to the increases in load of extra soil disturbed volume
Mean of S%
Weight (Kg) 19750 21000 19750 21000 19750 21000 19750 21000
Depth (cm) 7.62 12.70 7.62 12.70
Tire Pressure( PSI) 10-7 21.5
Figure 7. Mean slippage percentage of tractor with standard and added weight.
field speed in addition to the effective working width of an implement (Roberson, 2008). Table 1 shows
descriptive values of effective field capacity. A significant difference was observed in weight (standard
and added), tire inflation pressure (low and high), tillage depth (7.62 and 12.7 cm), and engine usage
power (70% and 100%). Also, significant difference was observed on the interaction between depth and
engine usage power (depth * power). The effective field capacity for standard weight range from 5.83
ha/ h to 10.47 ha/h. On the other hand, the effective field capacity for added weight was between 6.18
ha/h to 10.82 ha/h. Overall, the highest effective field capacity (10.82 ha/h) was observed at added
weight, low tire inflation pressure, shallow tillage depth (7.62 cm) and maximum engine usage power.
Likewise, the lowest effective field capacity was observed in standard weight, higher tire inflation
pressure, deep tillage depth and 70% engine power usage as shown in Figure 8.
Weight (Kg) 19750 21000 19750 21000 19750 21000 19750 21000
Depth (cm) 7.62 12.70 7.62 12.70
Tire Pressure 10-7 21.5
Figure 8. Mean effective field capacity of tractor with standard and added weight.
Field performance parameters are used to monitor agricultural machinery performance. The
technique like CAN Bus enable operators to monitor agricultural machinery such as tractor in the field
operation. In this study, CAN Bust was used to collect data and measure the tractor implement
performance parameters such as fuel rate, wheel based speed, and GPS speed. The use of CAN Bus
technology indicates reliable future use to improve and evaluate agricultural machinery. Changing input
variables impact performance parameters. The input variables examined were total tractor weight, tire
inflation pressure, tillage depth, and engine power usage. There was no significant difference between
standard weight and added in many parameters assessed. The study shows the minimum fuel
consumption rate and wheel slip percentage with the utmost field efficiency occurred when a tractor-
implement at 70% engine usage power for either low or high tillage depth and at an optimum tire
inflation pressure when extra weight were added. Thus, operator needs to choose a proper set up to
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