Pile Construction Methodology
Pile Construction Methodology
Pile Construction Methodology
Scope of Work
2. Equipment
3. Material
4. Method Statement
5. Tolerances
6. Routine Test
7. Integrity Test
1. Scope Of Work –This work consist of Pilling work -1200 mm dia. Bored piles
Boring and Installation of 1200 mm dia .
Rotary rig -3
Augur of 1200 Size -3 Nos.
Drilling bucket of suitable size -3
Cleaning bucket (skip bases) -3
Crane 20 ton capacity -3
Slurry sampler -3
Metallic chain 25 m-3
Steel tape 30 m & spirit level plumb- 1 set at every site of
Jar& bucket and hydrometer – 1 set at every site of
Steel plate circular liner 6 mm thick and 5 m long -2 at every site or as required.
Steel rectangular tank of 20,000 litre capacity each -3 at each site,
Bentonite agitator with 3 HP motor -1 No at each
Flushing pumps 5 HP capacities -2 at each site.
Diesel pump 10 HP standby -1 No
Water tanker -1 No
JCB-1 No
Generator 62 KVA -1
Welding Transformer -2
Tremie pipes 200 mm of different lengths as required for proper concreting.
Hopper 4 M³ capacity with plug at each site.
3. Material
3.1 Bentonite – The betonite (drilling mud) shall be arranged of approved quality
and shall be stored about 30 cms in water tanks , 5% of bentonite by weight of water
may be used subject to ensuring appropriate density
3.2 Concrete
1. Grade of concrete = M 35
2. Slump = 150 -200
3. Temperature = < 40°c
4. Minimum cement content = 400 kg./ M³
5. Maximum size of Aggregate = 20 mm
3.3 Reinforcement
T.M.T bars FE 415/500 shall be used. Reinforcement cage shall be fabricated after
cleaning as per approved bar bending schedule.
Stiffeners as show in the drawings. and cover blocks prepared out of non – shrink
mortar of approved quality shall be provided and reinforcement shall be tied with 18
SWG binding wire and welding may be done only where necessary after providing
suitable lap length. The clear cover of 75 mm shall be kept.
4. Method Statement
4.1 Layout
The layout of piles shall be carried out with the help of Total Station only.
Grid /axis lines shall be established by total station as shown in the approved
drawings and four Nos. reference points for each pile shall be established, in such a
way so that these do not get disturbed during piling work.
The ground levels shall be recorded with the help of auto level and the length of the
piles shall be evaluated.
The nomenclature of pile group shall be designated clock wise or Anti clock
wise with specified location mentioning grid /axis.
4.2 Procedure
The pre-trenching shall be carried out to detect the utility (if any). Manual trenching
in transverse and longitudinal direction shall be done near pile location up to about 2
m in depth or as required.
A circular pit shall be dug out for outer dia for steel casing manually for a depth of 1
m. The centre of pit shall be checked accurately from reference points.
Drilling by auger up to depth of casing shall be done.The steel casing shall be fixed
with the help of rotary rig collar guide, truly in centre of hole as well as vertical.
The verticality of Kelli bar shall be checked by spirit level in two directions at bucket
top level.
The casing shall be checked by plump bob also.
The verticality & levels are seen in cabin of Rotary Rig at Instrument display board.
Beyond casing depth of 5 m the drilling bucket shall be used.
The bentonite shall be mixed in tank mature for at least 8 hrs. before actual use and
during feedings it shall be agitated.
The density of bentonite shall be checked during boring.
Verticality and depth shall be recorded as per Rotary Rig panel board.If it is not so,
suitable measures shall be taken to rectify tendency of the bore to go beyond the
centre point.
The cleaning bucket / skip box shall be used for the last 30 cms depth to achieve
required founding level and for cleaning of mud.
The sounding shall be taken by using metallic chain.
The soil strata shall be recorded at every 3 m or at the change of strata.
Soil samples shall be kept for record in polythene bags marking the depth and pile
If there are chances of bore collapse, extra liner shall be provided upto a suitable
The sequence of concreting of pile would be such that reference pillars are not
damaged during movement or rig /machines.
4.5 Clearing of Bore Hole and flushing
The reinforcement cage duly welded at joints shall be lowered by crane. The cage
shall be kept at the requisite level by suspending from collar.
Cleaning of the bore hole shall be done by the circulation of bentonite slurry of 1.05
gm/cc under high pressure through tremie pipe, which shall be kept max 150 mm
above the bottom of bore.
During flushing the bentonite slurry shall be agitated and sufficient quantity of
Bentonite Slurry shall be available.
This process shall be continued till the slurry at the bottom is of density 1.10
gm/cc .However care shall be taken to avoid bore collapse due to excessive flushing.
The slurry sampler shall be used to take the sample from bottom of the bore.
Concreting shall not be done, if density of bentonite slurry from bottom is more than
1.10 gm/cc.
The bentonite slurry carried out from bore, shall be pumped to next container so that
the mud settles down.
The dugout earth and muck shall be removed immediately, and disposed off at
approved disposal areas.
There shall be no over flow of slurry on road of working space.
4.6 Concreting
The breaking of extra concrete shall be done after a minimum of 7 days of concreting.
The breaking can be done by pneumatic jack hammer or manually as per Direction of
Engineer in charge.
The pile shall be cut off as indicated on drawing
The exposed reinforcement shall not be damaged while breaking the pile head
All dismantled material shall be disposed off at approved disposal areas.
The height for 150 mm above cut off level shall be chipped off manually to avoid
damage to pile.
5. Tolerances
6. Routine Test
General arrangements for routine vertical test shall be made according to IS 2911 (P-
Routine load test shall be carried out for 1.5 times of working load to determine the
Safe load on pile.Safe load on pile shall be 2/3 of the load at which settlement is 12
The pile to be tested shall be selected by Engineer in Charge from any working pile
The pile shall be tested after concrete achieves designed concrete strength.
Datum bar made out of MS Channels of size 125 mm shall be fixed on both side of the
main girder such that the clear distance between the supports is at least a distance of
3D (D being dia of pile ) from the edge of the pile. Care shall be taken to ensure that
the Datum bars do not get disturbed during loading.
Breaking of false concrete shall be done upto a level 50 mm above cut off level. The
pile head shall be build up using non – shrink mortar.
The sub grade shall be built upto required level by properly compacting. approved
kentledge arrangement shall then be placed in position,
Placing of base slab and concrete blocks upto required width and level shall be
carried out.
Bottom and top plate shall be placed over jack and stool packing packing plate if
required shall be used to fill the gap between main girder and jack
Placing main girder over concrete blocks after maintaining required gaps for
settlement of secondary girders.
Level and weld the kentledge wherever necessary concrete fill shall be done in gap of
concrete block and base girders.
Loading of blocks shall be done in layers as per drawing upto required test load plus
25% extra.
Concrete block in alternate layers shall be secured with 16 mm Ф wire rope and turn
buckle after erecting scaffoldings.
Adequate precaution shall be taken for safety of adjacent traffic viz placing caution
boards, barricades, blinkers, flags etc.
Four nos. dial gauges (deflect meters) shall be fixed from datum bar at four corners
of the pile head. The least count of these shall be 0.001 mm
All the pressure gauges, dial gauges shall be tested and calibrated before use.
Increment of load shall be @ 20% of design load .
Increment of test load and displacement in each stage of load shall be maintained till
rate of displacement of pile top is either 0.1 mm in first 30 min. or 0.2 mm in the first
Hour or till 2 hrs which ever occur first.
The final load of 1.5 times the design load shall be maintained for 24 hrs.
The load shall be released and rebound shall be recorded.
Integrity Test