2023년 고1 3월 모의고사 전지문 변형문제

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2023학년도 중간대비 모의고사 전지문변형

출제교사 인쇄매수(25)매 X (6)반

3월 23일 (수) 3교시
교과명 모의고사 제 1학년

코드번호 상

⦿ 선택형 문항 점 /
서답형 문항 / 중 서술형 문항 점 / 총점 100점
⦿ 선탱형 답안은 컴퓨터용 사인펜으로 정확하게 마킹하고,
서답형 답안은 반드시 검은색 볼펜으로 서답형 답란에 쓰시오
⦿ 교육과정 상 선행 출제된 문제 없음

20. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?3)

18. 다음 글의 (A) (B) (C)에서 들어갈 단어로 가장 적절한 것은?1) It is difficult for any of us to maintain a constant
To whom it may concern,
level of attention throughout our working day. We all
I am a resident of the Blue Sky Apartment. Recently
have body rhythms characterised by peaks and
I observed that the kid zone is in need of repairs. I
valleys of energy and alertness. ①You will achieve
want you to pay attention to the (A)[good / poor]
more, and feel confident as a benefit, if you
condition of the playground equipment in the zone.
schedule your most demanding tasks at times when
The swings are damaged, the paint is falling off, and
you are best able to cope with them. ②If you haven’t
some of the bolts on the slide are missing. The
thought about energy peaks before, take a few days
facilities have been in this (B)[terrible / terrific]
to observe yourself. ③To maintain your best
condition since we moved here. They are (C)[safe /
condition, you have to keep strict diet. ④Try to note
dangerous] to the children playing there. Would you
the times when you are at your best. ⑤We are all
please have them repaired? I would appreciate your
different. For some, the peak will come first thing in
immediate attention to solve this matter.
the morning, but for others it may take a while to
Yours sincerely, Nina Davis
warm up.
(A) (B) (C)
① good terrible safe
② good terrific dangerous 21. 다음 주어진 단어를 활용하여 밑줄 친 우리말 (A)와 같도록
③ poor terrible safe 영작하시오.4)
④ poor terrific dangerous If we adopt technology, we need to pay its costs.
⑤ poor terrible dangerous
Thousands of traditional livelihoods have been
pushed aside by progress, and the lifestyles around
those jobs removed. (A)오늘날 수억 명의 사람들이 자기가
19. 흐름상 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오2)
싫어하는 일자리에서 일하면서, 자신이 아무런 애정을 느끼지
He was following the scent of something, and 못하는 것들을 생산한다. Sometimes these jobs cause
slowly I began to realize that this giant animal physical pain, disability, or chronic disease.
was smelling me! Technology creates many new jobs that are certainly
dangerous. At the same time, mass education and
On a two­week trip in the Rocky Mountains, I saw a media train humans to avoid low­tech physical work,
grizzly bear in its native habitat. ( ① ) At first, I felt to seek jobs working in the digital world. The divorce
of the hands from the head puts a stress on the
joy as I watched the bear walk across the land. ( ② )
human mind. Indeed, the sedentary nature of the
He stopped every once in a while to turn his head
best­paying jobs is a health risk─ for body and mind.
about, sniffing deeply. ( ③ ) I froze. ( ④ ) This was no
humans today / of / at jobs / Hundreds of
longer a wonderful experience; it was now an issue millions / work / love for / they / produce /
of survival. ( ⑤ ) The bear’s motivation was to find hate / they / no / things / have (*필요시 어형변형)
meat to eat, and I was clearly on his menu.
=> .
22. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오5) 24. 다음 글의 (A) (B) (C)에서 들어갈 단어로 가장 적절한 것은?7)

When students are starting their college life, they Success can lead you off your intended path and
into a comfortable rut. If you are good at something
may approach every course, test, or learning task
and are well rewarded for doing it, you may want to
the same way, using what we like to call “the
keep doing it even if you stop (A)[enjoying / to
rubber­stamp approach.”
(A) Think about it this way: Would you wear a enjoy] it. The danger is that one day you look

tuxedo to a baseball game? A colorful dress to a around and realize you’re so deep in this
funeral? A bathing suit to religious services? comfortable rut (B)[which / that] you can no longer
Probably not. see the sun or breathe fresh air; the sides of the rut
have become so slippery that it would take a
(B) They know that you study for multiple­choice superhuman effort to climb out; and, effectively,
tests differently than you study for essay tests. And you’re stuck. And it’s a situation that many working
they not only know what to do, but they also know people worry they’re in now. The poor employment
how to do it. market has left them (C)[feeling / felt] locked in what
may be a secure, or even well­paying—but ultimately
(C) You know there’s appropriate dress for different
occasions and settings. Skillful learners know that
(A) (B) (C)
“putting on the same clothes” won’t work for every
① enjoying which feeling
class. They are flexible learners. They have different ② to enjoy that felt
strategies and know when to use them. ③ enjoying that felt
④ enjoying that feeling
①(A) - (C) - (B) ②(B) - (A) - (C) ③(B) - (C) - (A)
⑤ to enjoy which felt
④(C) - (A) - (B) ⑤(C) - (B) - (A)

23. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.6)

As the social and economic situation of countries got 26. 다음 주어진 단어를 활용하여 밑줄 친 우리말 (A)와 같도록
better, wage levels and working conditions improved. 영작하시오.8)

Gradually people were given more time off. At the Lilian Bland was born in Kent, England in 1878.
same time, forms of transport improved and it Unlike most other girls at the time she wore trousers
became faster and cheaper to get to places. and spent her time enjoying adventurous activities
England’s industrial revolution led to many of these like horse riding and hunting. Lilian began her
changes. Railways, in the nineteenth century, opened career as a sports and wildlife photographer for
up now famous seaside resorts such as Blackpool British newspapers. In 1910 she became the first
and Brighton. With the railways came many large woman to design, build, and fly her own airplane.
hotels. In Canada, for example, the new (A)약간 더 안전한 활동을 하도록 그녀를 설득하기 위해, Lilian의
coast­to­coast railway system made possible the 아버지는 그녀에게 자동차를 사주었다. Soon Lilian was a

building of such famous hotels as Banff Springs and master driver and ended up working as a car dealer.
Chateau Lake Louise in the Rockies. Later, the She never went back to flying but lived a long and
arrival of air transport opened up more of the world exciting life nonetheless. She married, moved to
and led to . Canada, and had a kid. Eventually, she moved back
① global society to England, and lived there for the rest of her life.
② climate change
her / to persuade / safer / a slightly / in order /
③ tourism growth
activity / to try (주어진 단어를 모두 활용할 것)
④ industrial revolution
⑤ disaster capitalism
Lilian’s dad bought her a car.
29. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?9) 31. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?11)
The most noticeable human characteristic ①projected People differ in how quickly they can reset their
onto animals is that they can talk in human biological clocks to overcome jet lag, and the speed
language. Physically, animal cartoon characters and of recovery depends on the direction of travel.
toys made after animals are also most often ①Generally, it’s easier to fly westward and lengthen

deformed in such a way as to resemble humans. your day than it is to fly eastward and shorten it.
This is achieved by ②showing them with humanlike ②This east­west difference in jet lag is sizable
facial features and deformed front legs to resemble enough to have an impact on the performance of
human hands. In more recent animated movies the sports teams. ③Studies have found that teams flying
trend ③has been to show the animals in a more westward perform significantly better than teams
“natural” way. However, they still use their front legs flying eastward in professional baseball and college
like human hands (for example, lions can pick up football. ④Under normal circumstances, the home
and lift small objects with one paw), and they still ground would appear to provide greater perceived
talk with an appropriate facial expression. A general resources (fans, home field, and so on). ⑤A more
strategy that is used to ④making the animal recent study of more than 46,000 Major League
characters more emotionally appealing, both to Baseball games found additional evidence that
children and adults, is ⑤to give them enlarged and eastward travel is tougher than westward travel.
deformed childlike features.

30. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?10)

The major philosophical shift in the idea of selling 32. 흐름상 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오12)

came when industrial societies became more affluent, There is no point in trying to gear up for such a
more competitive, and more geographically spread task when you only have a short period available.
out during the 1940s and 1950s. This forced business
If you want the confidence that comes from
to develop closer relations with buyers and clients,
achieving what you set out to do each day, then it’s
which in turn made business realize that it was not
important to understand how long things are going
enough to produce a quality product at a reasonable
to take. ( ① ) Over­optimism about what can be
price. In fact, it was equally essential to deliver
achieved within a certain time frame is a problem.
products that customers actually wanted. Henry Ford
( ② ) So work on it. ( ③ ) Make a practice of
produced his best­selling T­model Ford in one color
estimating the amount of time needed alongside items
only (black) in 1908, but in modern societies this was
on your ‘things to do’ list, and learn by experience
no longer possible. The modernization of society led
when tasks take a greater or lesser time than
to a marketing revolution that destroyed the view
expected. Give attention also to fitting the task to the
that production would create its own demand.
available time. ( ④ ) There are some tasks that you
Customers, and the desire to meet their diverse and
can only set about if you have a significant amount
often complex needs, became the focus of business.
of time available. ( ⑤ ) So schedule the time you
① 산업혁명이 널리 퍼져 나가며 빈부의 격차가 더욱 심화되었다. .
② 사회의 현대화를 통해서 생산자체가 수요를 창출하는 시대가 되었다. need for the longer tasks and put the short tasks
③ 경쟁적 산업사회 구조에서 기업은 고객의 다양한 욕구를 충족해야한다. into the spare moments in between.
④ 정보사회는 고객들이 상품의 정보를 비교할 수 있게 만들어 주었다.
⑤ 현대사회에서 제품의 양질보다 기업의 가치가 중요한 부분이 되었다.
33. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?13) 35. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?15)
In Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking­Glass, the Whose story it is affects what the story is. Change
Red Queen takes Alice on a race through the the main character, and the focus of the story must
countryside. They run and they run, but then Alice
also change. If we look at the events through
discovers that they’re still under the same tree that
another character’s eyes, we will interpret them
they started from. The Red Queen explains to Alice:
“here, you see, it takes all the running you can do, differently. We’ll place our sympathies with someone

to keep in the same place.” Biologists sometimes use new. When the conflict arises that is the heart of the
this Red Queen Effect to explain an evolutionary story, we will be praying for a different outcome.
principle. If foxes evolve to run faster so they can Consider, for example, how the tale of Cinderella
catch more rabbits, then only the fastest rabbits will
would shift if told from the viewpoint of an evil
live long enough to make a new generation of
stepsister. Gone with the Wind is Scarlett O’Hara’s
bunnies that run even faster—in which case, of
course, only the fastest foxes will catch enough story, but what if we were shown the same events

rabbits to thrive and pass on their genes. Even from the viewpoint of Rhett Butler or Melanie Wilkes?
though they might run, the two species just stay in ① Which Ending Is Better? Happy or Sad
place. ② Different Perspective, Different Story
① 붉은 여왕은 Alice를 시골을 통과하는 한 경주에 데리고 갔다. ③ Without Conflicts, There Is No Good Story
② Alice는 계속 달려도 제자리에 머물러 있다는 것을 발견했다. ④ Violate Readers’ Expectations to Attract Them
③ 붉은 여왕은 앞으로 나가기 위해서 전력질주를 해야한다고 했다. ⑤ We Interpret Stories With Our Own View
④ 생물학자들은 붉은 여왕효과를 인용하여 진화 원리를 설명한다.
⑤ 빨리 달릴 수 있는 여우와 토끼만이 살아남기 때문에 결국 제자리다.

34. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오14) 36. 다음 문맥상 (A) (B)에 들어갈 연결사로 맞게 짝지어진 것은?16)
In the Old Stone Age, small bands of 20 to 60 people
Everything in the world around us was finished in
the mind of its creator before it was started. The wandered from place to place in search of food.
houses we live in, the cars we drive, and our Once people began farming, they could settle down
clothing-all of these began with an idea. near their farms. (A) , towns and villages grew
larger. Living in communities allowed people to
(A) The human being designs his or her own future
organize themselves more efficiently. They could
through much the same process. We begin with an
divide up the work of producing food and other
idea about how the future will be.
things they needed. While some workers grew crops,

(B) Over a period of time we refine and perfect the others built new houses and made tools. Village
vision. Before long, our every thought, decision and dwellers also learned to work together to do a task
activity are all working in harmony to bring into faster. (B) , toolmakers could share the work
existence what we have mentally concluded about the of making stone axes and knives. By working
together, they could make more tools in the same
amount of time.
(C) Each idea was then studied, refined and perfected
before the first nail was driven or the first piece of (A) (B)
① Therefore After all
cloth was cut. Long before the idea was turned into ② However Therefore
a physical reality, the mind had clearly pictured the ③ Smilarly In addition
finished product. ④ As a result For example
⑤ However However
①(A) - (C) - (B) ②(B) - (A) - (C) ③(B) - (C) - (A)
④(C) - (A) - (B) ⑤(C) - (B) - (A)
37. 다음 주어진 단어를 활용하여 밑줄 친 우리말 (A)와 같도록 39. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A),
영작하시오. 17)
(B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?19)
Natural processes form minerals in many ways. For People commonly make the mistaken assumption that
example, hot melted rock material, called magma, because a person has one type of characteristic,
cools when it reaches the Earth’s surface, or even if then they automatically have other characteristics
it’s trapped below the surface. As magma cools, its which go with it. In one study, university students
atoms lose heat energy, move closer together, and were given descriptions of a guest lecturer before he
begin to combine into compounds. During this spoke to the group. Half the students received a
process, atoms of the different compounds arrange description containing the word ‘warm’, the other
themselves into orderly, repeating patterns. The type half were told the speaker was ‘cold’. The guest
and amount of elements present in a magma partly lecturer then led a discussion, after which the
determine which minerals will form. Also, (A)형성되는 students were asked to give their impressions of him.
결정의 크기는 부분적으로는 마그마가 얼마나 빨리 식느냐에 As expected, there were large differences between
달려있다. When magma cools slowly, the crystals that the impressions formed by the students, depending
form are generally large enough to see with the upon their original information of the lecturer. It was
unaided eye. This is because the atoms have enough also found that those students who expected the
time to move together and form into larger crystals. lecturer to be warm tended to interact with him
When magma cools rapidly, the crystals that form more. This shows that different expectations not only
will be small. In such cases, you can’t easily see affect the impressions we form but also our
individual mineral crystals. behaviour and the relationship which is formed.
the magma /depend / of / rapidly / the crystals / (A) information not only affects the impressions
form / partly / that / on / the size / cool / how but also the (B)
(*필요시 어형변형) (A) (B)
① verbal formation
=> ② nonverbal satisfaction
③ original adaptation
④ false collaboration
⑤ original relationship

38. 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?18)

40. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.20)
All carbohydrates are basically sugars. Complex
To help decide what’s risky and what’s safe, who’s
carbohydrates are the good carbohydrates for your
trustworthy and who’s not, we look for social
body. These complex sugar compounds are very evidence. From an evolutionary view, following the
①difficult to break down and can trap other group is almost always positive for our prospects of
nutrients like vitamins and minerals in their chains. survival. “If everyone’s doing it, it must be a sensible
As they ②slowly break down, the other nutrients are thing to do,” explains famous psychologist and best

also released into your body, and can provide you selling writer of Influence, Robert Cialdini. While we
can frequently see this today in product reviews,
with fuel for a number of hours. ③Bad
even subtler cues within the environment can signal
carbohydrates, on the other hand, are simple sugars.
trustworthiness. Consider this: when you visit a local
Because their structure is ④complex, they are easy
restaurant, are they busy? Is there a line outside or
to break down and hold few nutrients for your body is it easy to find a seat? It is a hassle to wait, but a
other than the sugars from which they are made. line can be a powerful cue that the food’s tasty, and
Your body breaks down these carbohydrates rather these seats are in demand. More often than not, it’s
⑤quickly and what it cannot use is converted to fat good to adopt .

and stored in the body. ① an innovatively formed idea

② the practices of those around you
③ what your instinct guides you
④ strategies you’ve never use before
⑤ the highest risk, but the highest return
41-42. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?21)
Chess masters shown a chess board in the middle of
a game for 5 seconds with 20 to 30 pieces still in
play can immediately reproduce the position of the
pieces from memory. Beginners, of course, ①are able
to place only a few. Now take the same pieces and
place them on the board randomly and the
difference is much reduced. The expert’s advantage
is only for familiar patterns— those previously stored
in memory. ②Faced with unfamiliar patterns, even
when it involves the same familiar domain, the
expert’s advantage disappears.
The beneficial effects of familiar structure on
memory ③has been observed for many types of
expertise, including music. People with musical
training can reproduce short sequences of musical
notation more accurately than those with no musical
training when notes follow conventional sequences,
but the advantage is much reduced when the notes
are ordered randomly. Expertise also improves
memory for sequences of movements. Experienced
ballet dancers are able to repeat longer sequences of
steps than less experienced dancers, and they can
repeat a sequence of steps ④making up a routine
better than steps ordered randomly. In each case,
memory range is increased by the ability ⑤to
recognize familiar sequences and patterns.

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