Assignment No & 1
Assignment Introduction:
The assignment aims to thoroughly overview the Computing research project. We will provide a
study plan for this assignment that focuses on the effects of digitalization on our daily lives and
our surroundings. This proposal will also contain a research proposal that will specify a research
hypothesis or question. Additionally, several study methodologies will be presented.
This study examines internet use and suggests ways to cut it using digital wellness. The phrase
“digital well-being” refers to the influence that digital tools and techniques have on people, the
negative effects they can have, and the best ways to deal with them. Educating digital devices
about well-being services, their consequences, and potential future developments because
technology now plays a major daily part in how humans conduct their affairs, due to their
simplicity of use and convince of use, smart gadgets have reduced the use of desktop and
laptop computers. Every breakthrough, however, has both good and bad effects. New
technology, dubbed digital well-being” has been developed to address health-related problems.
This promotes a positive relationship with technology and informs end users about their
internet use. According to the effects of fields like education, science, health care, economy,
and government, it comprises many instruments that help us establish and conserve
technology habits healthily. The research debates what continues in digital constitutes digital
well-being, the relationship between digital devices and people and how they affect people
daily, how to quantify the positive and negative effects of digital consumption, and how far
digital well-being can address potential threats to an individual’s work and personal life without
compromising data security or falling foul of other hurdles like cultural, educational, and
financial ones.
Digital devices are becoming more and more commonplace in our lives, and with that comes a
greater need to ensure our well-being while using them. Thankfully, there are several ways we
can do this. One way to boost our well-being while using digital devices is to make sure we take
regular breaks. It’s all too easy to get caught up in what we’re doing and lose track of time, but
by taking a few minutes every so often to step away from our screens, we can give our eyes and
minds a much-needed break. Another way to look after our well-being is to limit the amount of
time we spend on our devices each day. We all have different schedules and commitments, so
it’s important to find a balance that works for us. Setting aside specific work or leisure activities
times can help us stick to our limits and avoid overdoing them. Finally, it’s important to be
mindful of the content we consume on our digital devices. Too much news can be
overwhelming, and social media can be a breeding ground for negativity. By being selective
about the information we take in, we can help protect our mental health and well-being.
The design of digital wellness must take certain concepts into account.
It focuses on how satisfied individuals are with their interactions with digital technology that is
intended to help them
Technological Contributions:
Artificial intelligence assists with identifications, computations, monitoring, and reporting
utilizing sensors (hardware), and certain computer languages (software).
Domain Contribution:
Healthcare, tourism, management systems, cultures, education, communities, communication,
and socioeconomic factors are dominant in this study article.
Research problem:
The study article focuses on the negative effects of using digital gadgets and seeks to resolve
the problem through research-based solutions. Utilizing Artificial Intelligence sensors to disable
the timers on all smart devices.
Research Questions:
Research Aim:
Identify the unfortunate outcomes of the use of smart gadgets and other wearables, such as
smart watches, utilizing AI methodologies to employ the most user-friendly technology in ways
that are considerate to persons.
Research Objective:
Describe the steps that must be taken to complete the atomic tasks to attain the goal.
Literature Review:
First, we looked at the difficulties that affect people using digital gadgets in everyday life. Digital
technology devices expand the range of information that people can access and increase
productivity, which translates into high levels of effectiveness and efficiency but they also raise
concerns about risks to people’s health, such s cyberbullying and malicious attacks on online
security and privacy. The viewpoint highlights the issues of internet addiction. According to the
pathological component, the majority of the internet or technologically savvy users experience
health issues such as sleeplessness, depression, and increased levels of insecurity in both their
professional and personal lives. According to the OFCOM assessment, 49% of adults have a
daily electronics addiction. 37% of them are on social media regularly. Additionally, it appears
that the detrimental effects of excessive use of digital gadgets are recognized. Wellbeing digital
devices is a theoretical technique used to address all of the negative effects of excessive digital
device use. The organization for Economic cooperation and development’s conceptual
framework for well-being divides. They are divided into two categories: quality of life and
material conditions. Their modules are respectively, health status, work-life balance education
skills, social connections, civic engagement, environmental quality, personal security, subjective
well-being, and for the following categories wealth and income, earning jobs, and housing. To
counteract the negative impacts of excessive internet usage, wellness programs were put in
place. Increased feelings of self-awareness that report on the completion of new learning
technology are brought on by the growth of wellness.
Research Methodology:
The majority of the time, quantitative and qualitative techniques are used in research.
Examples include live-testing prototypes, case studies, questionnaires, interviews with the
target audience, and more. Focus groups, a very effective research tool, are a component of the
qualitative approach whereas close-ended surveys constitute the other. We used a mixed-
methods approach for this study It uses a spectrum of methodologies to conduct high-quality
research into well-being and can provide more accurate and valid information than a single-
method approach. Its need for a more diversified society and its impact on health. Applying this
strategy is dependent on the interplay, importance, timing, and mixing. The fundamental design
of interaction includes both quantitative and qualitative components. Additionally, it is
completely separate, and has unique strands, towards the end of the research, those strands
interact. Priority may be quantitative, quake, or equal to the contributions of both quantitative
and quantitative techniques. The order of the strand’s timings is concurrent, quantitative first,
and qualitative first. Integration of research questions and replies is referred to as mixing. It can
have happened during a gathering or interpretation. Compared to using either a qualitative or
quantitative technique, the mixed method approach offers a greater understanding of the
various effective and affective aspects that contribute to well-being.
Contextual Inquiry
It’s tended to generate a huge number of unstructured data split into simple samples.
Analyzing the data to reveal hidden patterns. Analysis tasks can be taken place in
analytics tools.
Usability testing
Product testing
Produced based on qualitative investigation, and quantitative hypotheses. Target groups are
surveyed to get information. Additionally, Analysis of Moment Structure is employed for data
analysis. The final replies are recorded as a report that discloses the elements that influence the
organization's or the target group's health and well-being.
Permit experiment Creating gate and build a platform reproducible platform relate to analysis
the is phase:
Research measurements:
Accordingly, newly created well-being features were put to the test with the target participants’
consent and asked to select a notion of digital well-being requirement of interference. This
could enable us to choose between various technological phases or their implications. 2020s
Luis Florida identifies the themes in the social domain using a semi-systematic approach.