Advanced Java (Question Bank)
Advanced Java (Question Bank)
Advanced Java (Question Bank)
Part – I
01 Short Answer Type Questions Module BL CO PO
a) Write down the driver class name for type-3 and type-1 jdbc 2 2 1 1
b) What is a web server? 1 1 1 3
c) List out different methods of Result Set interface. 2 1 2 3
d) State the differences between Statement and 2 2 2 1,3
e) What is autoloading of driver class. 2 1 1 4
f) WAP in java to get the IP address of any local computer. 1 2 1 4
g) How can we make a ResultSet scrollable? 2 2 2 3
h) Write the driver’s name used to connect to Oracle 11g 1 2 1 6
i) Differentiate Statement and CallableStatement. 2 3 2 8
j) What is DNS? Why it is used? 2 3 2 8
k) What is TCP/IP and why it is used? 1 2 3 7
l) Differentiate between TCP/IP and UDP 1 2 3 7
m) Which jdbc driver is used widely in industry and why? 1 3 2 9
n) Why type-4 driver is known as thin driver? 2 3 3 8
o) What is static IP and why it is used? 2 3 3 8
p) What is a container software? 2 3 3 9
q) What is HTTP? Why it is used? 3 3 3 8
r) State five server-side technologies. 3 3 3 9
What is the name of the servlet container provided by 2 3 8
s) 3
t) What is MIME? Write three MIME formats. 3 3 4 8
u) What is a deployment descriptor? 3 3 4 9
v) What is load on startup? 3 3 3 8
w) Write the advantages of JSP over Servlet. 4 2 3 9
x) What is Logging service of a web server? 4 3 2 9
Part – II
02 Focussed – Short answer type Questions Module BL CO PO
a) What is a socket? How it is used to achieve communication? 1 2 1 3
Explain the steps with suitable program.
b) WAP to delete some rows from EMP table. 2 2 2 6
c) Explain marshalling and unmarshalling. 1 3 1 3
d) What is classpath? Why do we set the classpath temporarily 2 2 1 3
and permanently? Explain with example.
e) WAP to display the content of EMP table. 2 3 1 4
f) Why place holders are used in jdbc program, explain with 1 2 1 3
g) What is the need of .jar file, explain with example? 2 3 1 3
h) Define all the constants in ResultSet interface with their 2 2 1 3
i) WAP to print the last row in EMP table 2 2 1 3
j) WAP in java to count all the rows in EMP table. 2 3 1 3
k) Create a stored procedure to print your college name within 2 3 1 4
the console of SQL
l) Define the basic steps in connecting any java application to 2 3 1 4
Oracle database.
m) Explain the different components of a web server. 3 3 1 4
n) Write all the methods available in three resources of Servlet 3 3 1 2
with the hierarchy.
o) Write the steps to create a web application. 3 3 1 4
p) Write different methods of sending request to Servlet. 3 3 1 4
q) Develop a web application where the home page contains a 3 3 1 2
text field “Employee NAME” and a submit button “Search”.
Once you click on search it will display all the information of
the given employees from the table EMP
r) What is ServletConfig. Explain its use, with an example. 3 3 1 4
s) What is session tracking? Explain different session tracking 3 3 1 4
t) Explain the working of JSP lifecycle. 4 3 1 2
u) Explain the use and syntax of five JSP tags(JSP Elements). 4 3 1 4
v) Explain the different components of a web server. 3 3 1 4
w) Write all the methods available in three resources of Servlet 3 3 1 2
with the hierarchy.
x) Write the steps to create a web application. 3 3 1 4
y) Write different methods of sending request to Servlet. 3 3 1 4
z) Develop a web application where the home page contains a 3 3 1 2
text field “Employee NAME” and a submit button “Search”.
Once you click on search it will display all the information of
the given employees from the table EMP
Part – III
Long Answer type Questions Module BL CO PO
03 a) What is the need of a database driver? Differentiate API 1 3 1 4
document and driver.
b) WAP to display the name of the employee who is getting the 2 3 1 2
highest salary.
04 a) Draw the basic architecture of a web application. 2 2 1 4
b) Write the features of Servlet. 1 3 2 5
05 a) Explain the RMI architecture. 1 3 1 4
b) Explain the working principle of 4-types of JDBC drivers. 2 3 1 2
06 a) WAP in java to insert row in to EMP table using 2 3 1 2
b) WAP in java to delete a row from to EMP table using 2 3 1 2
PreparedStatement correspond to an employee whose salary is
7) a) WAP in java to read the third row from top in EMP table 2 3 1 4
b) WAP in java to read the fifth row from bottom in EMP table 2 3 1 4
8) a) WAP in java to call a stored procedure present in Oracle 11g 2 3 1 2
using java program to insert a row into EMP table.
b) WAP in java to print all the rows in EMP table in reverse 3 3 1 4
9) a) Explain the use of the tag <welcome-file-list> and <welcome- 3 3 1 4
b) Develop a web application having a web page Greeting.html. 3 3 1 2
This file contains a hyperlink ClickForGreet . By Clicking on
this link a dynamic web page will open to display a message
“Hello“and “Good XXX” . XXX can be
10) a) Explain Hibernate architecture. 5 3 1 4
b) Develop a web application where the home page contains four 3 3 1 4
text fields (ID, NAME, DEPT Number, SALARY) and a
submit button “Create”. By clicking on the Create button a
new row will inserted in the EMP table.