Part-1-General and Financial Awareness Set 1 PDF

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General Awareness / Economy
S.No. Question Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Option 5 Correct Option
1 Which Union Ministry is Ministry of Ministry of Ministry of Ministry of Ministry of 4
assoicated with 'Limited Finance External Commerce Corporate MSME
Liability Partnership Rules Affairs and Trade Affairs
2 Which organisaton NITI Aayog Food Food and UNEP NABARD 3
released the 'Impart of Corporation Agriculture
Disaster on Agriculture of India Organization
and Food Security'?
3 India has signed a MoU UAE Oman Saudi Arabia Qatar Jordan 1
with which gulf-country to
strengthen Education
4 Which South - Indian Kearala Karnataka Andhra Telangana Tamilnadu 3
state cleared to take up a Pradesh
comprehensive caste -
based census?
5 When was the Pradhan 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2
Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna
Yojana (PMGKAY)
scheme launched in
6 Sudipti Hajela, Divyakriti Wrestling Squash Chess Equestrian Golf 4
singh, Hriday Cheda and
Anush Agarwalla, are
associated with which
7 Standardised Precipitation Flood Air quality Drought Radiations Water Purity 3
Index (SPI) is a tool used
to monitor which
8 Who is the Vice - Sri. Suman Sri. Amit Sri. Nitin Sri. Rao Sri. V. K. 1
Chairperson of NITI Bery Shah Gadkari Inderjit Saraswat
Aayog? Singh
9 Which organisation DRDO HAL ISRO BEL BHEL 2
manufacturers the Light
Combat Aircraft-Tejas?
10 Which Indian company TATA Aditya Birla Reliance ONGC Larsen & 5
secured 15000 crore Industries Group Industries Toubro
project for a gas
comprssion plant in the
middle east?
11 Agartala-Akhaura cross- Nepal Bhutan Bangladesh Myanmar Thailand 3
border rail link project
connects India with which
12 LUCY spacecraft was Moon Mars Jupiter Saturn Asteroids 5
launched by NASA, to
observe which celestial
13 Which of the following is To enable per- To enable To integrate To link To link all bank 2
the main objective of to-peer money merchants to UPI with Jan-Dhan accounts to
Aadhar Pay? transaction receive digital Aadhar accounts Aadhar number
payments with
using Aadhar Aadhar
14 On which of the following Repo Rate Reverse Bank Rate Base Rate Marginal Cost of 3
rates, Reserve Bank of Repo Rate Lending Rate
India purchases the Other
Commercial Papers and
Rediscount Bills of
Exchange from the
15 What is the extra cost Subsidy Tax Inflation Fine Penalty 2
imposed by the
government which
increases the price for a
customer is known as?
16 According to MSMED Act, Investment in Investment in Investment in Investment Investment in 1
Which of the following Plant and Plant and Plant and in Plant Plant and
statement is correct with Machinery is Machinery is Machinery is and Machinery is not
regards to micro industry? not more than not more than not more than Machinery more than Rs.
Rs. 1 crore Rs. 2 crore Rs. 2 crore is not more 10 crore and
and Annual and Annual and Annual than Rs. 5 Annual turnover
turnover is not turnover is turnover is crore and is not more than
more than Rs. not more than not more than Annual Rs. 50 Crore
5 Crore Rs. 5 Crore Rs. 10 Crore turnover is
not more
than Rs.
50 Crore
17 Which among the Malhotra Dandekar Rangarajan Narasimha Sachar 1
following committee Committee Committee Committee m Committee
suggested to establish Committee
"Insurance Regulatory
Authority of India"?
18 How many members are 3 4 5 6 7 4
there in a the Monetary
Policy Committee?
19 Which of the following are Repo Rate Marginal Reverse Bank Rate All of the above 5
the instruments of Standing Repo Rate
Monetary Policy of RBI? Facility Rate
20 The Banking Regulation 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2
Act, 1949 was amended
recently in which year?
21 Which act governs RBI Rules, RBI (Note Ministry of Indian Indian Note Act, 2
guidelines for exchange of 2009 refund) rules Finance Coinage 2011
cut and mutilated notes in 2009 Act, 2011
22 Money markets in India RBI SEBI Ministry of Departmen Ministry of 1
are regulated by_____? Finance t of Commerce
23 Which of the following is SBI ICICI Bank HDFC Bank Canara None of these 4
not a D-SIB as per the Bank
recent notification issued
by RBI?
24 Who is the chariperson of Madhabi Puri Ashwini S K Mohanty Ananth Rajesh Verma 1
SEBI? Buch Bhatia Narayan G
25 Asian Development Bank Hyderabad Bengaluru Chennai Pune Ahmedabad 1
has sanctioned 3.32
Crore grant for safe public
transport travel in which
26 GREAT' Grant, which was Ministry of Ministry of Ministry of Ministry of Ministry of 3
seen in the news, is Finance External Textiles Women MSME
associated with which Affairs and Child
Union Ministry? Developm
27 Which Indian has won the Ravi Kannan Gautam Ghazal Adani Kailash Harish hande 1
2023 Ramon Magsaysay Adani Vidyarthi
28 A new global data World Bank Reserve Asian UN IMF 4
platform 'Marine Sand Bank of India Development Environme
Watch' has been Bank nt
developed under which Programm
institution? e
29 Flying Taj Mahal' is the India Canada South Africa Russia United Kingdom 2
nickname of the aircraft of
which country's Prime
30 India recently organised UAE Saudi Arabia Australia Germany France 2
its first 'Investment Forum
2023' with which country?
31 Which is the first Indian Reliance Adani Group TATA Group Aditya Mahindra Group 3
company to assemble Group Birla
iphones in India as the Group
company is set to acquire
Taiwan based Wistron
Corp, One of the contract
manufacturers of Apple in
India is____
32 Which is the UAE based Lulu group Al-Futtaim Al Ghurair Landmark Al Ghurair 1
group which will be Group Group Group Group
investing Rs. 10000/-
Crore in India on various
ongoing projects over the
next 3 years.
33 What is the value of $ 700 mn $ 500 mn $ 400 mn S 300 mn $ 250 mn 1
bilateral trade between
India and Uzbekistan?
34 In which state the Indian Bihar Chattisgarh Madhya Rajasthan Uttar Pradesh 2
Railways is all set to Pradesh
begin production from its
biggest solar plant?
35 According to MSMED Act, Investment in Investment in Investment in Investment Investment in 5
Which of the following Plant and Plant and Plant and in Plant Plant and
statement is correct with Machinery is Machinery is Machinery is and Machinery is not
regards to Medium not more than not more than not more than Machinery more than Rs.
industry? Rs. 1 crore Rs. 10 crore Rs. 15 crore is not more 50 crore and
and Annual and Annual and Annual than Rs. Annual turnover
turnover is not turnover is turnover is 20 crore is not more than
more than Rs. not more than not more than and Rs. 250 Crore
5 Crore Rs. 50 Crore Rs. 50 Crore Annual
turnover is
not more
than Rs.
100 Crore
36 Which Indian carrier is the Indigo Vistara Air India Spicejet Air Asia 2
first to fly on a long route
using Sustainable
Aviation Fuel (SAF)?
37 Which is the first green Cochin Airport Hyderabad Bengaluru Mumbai Chennai Airport 1
airport in the world which Airport Airport Airport
is fully powered by solar
38 Name the bank which is State Bank of Bank of HDFC Bank Canara Axis Bank 2
puching its start-up India Baroda Bank
focussed banking
services offering a range
of solutions for these firms
at GIFT city?
39 Who has been awarded Kylian Erling Lionel Messi Kevin De Jude 3
the prestigious Ballon d'Or Mbappe Haaland Bruyne Bellingham
Award for the year 2023?
40 Who has been appointed M S Dhoni Sachin Virat Kolhi Rohit Hardik Pandya 1
by State Bank of India as Tendulkar Sharma
its new branch
41 Union cabinet has Uttar Pradesh Madhya Uttarakhand Gujarat Telangana 3
approved Jamrani Dam Pradesh
Project, it belongs to
which state_____.
42 In which country have 8 Kuwait Iran Qatar Pakistan Saudi Arabia
officers of Indian navy
been sentenced to death.
43 Who has been appointed Rajkumar Rao Ranveer Alia Bhatt Deepika Amitabh 1
by the Election Singh Padukone Bachhan
Commission of India as its
national icon?
44 Airbus has signed an IIT Bombay IIT Kharagpur IIT Chennai IIT Kanpur IIT Hyderabad 4
agreement with which IIT
torpomote talent
development in the Indian
aerospace sector?
45 Which player has made Rohit Sharma Virat Kolhi Glenn Travis Shreyas Iyer 3
the record of fastet Maxwell Head
centure in ODI World Cup
46 Which country has named India Srilanka Bangladesh Iran Israel 4
the cyclonic storm
'Hamoon' that arose in the
Bay of Bengal?
47 With which country has South Korea Japan China Germany United Kingdom
the Union Ccaabinet
approved the
Memoraandum of
Cooperation for
Semiconductor Supply
Chain Partnership?
48 What is the theme of Ayurveda is Ayurveda for Ayurveda for Ayurveda Ayurveda for 3
'Ayurveda Day'? divine Peace One Health for Energy People
49 According to MSMED Act, Investment inInvestment in Investment in Investment Investment in 2
Which of the following Plant and Plant and Plant and in Plant Plant and
statement is correct with Machinery is Machinery is Machinery is and Machinery is not
regards to Small industry? not more than not more than not more than Machinery more than Rs.
Rs. 1 crore Rs. 10 crore Rs. 15 crore is not more 50 crore and
and Annual and Annual and Annual than Rs. Annual turnover
turnover is not turnover is turnover is 20 crore is not more than
more than Rs. not more than not more than and Rs. 250 Crore
5 Crore Rs. 50 Crore Rs. 50 Crore Annual
turnover is
not more
than Rs.
100 Crore
50 Who is the chairman of David Malpass Ajay Banga Jim Yong Kim Robert Paul Wolfowitz 2
World Bank? Zoellick

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