Meaning of Pricing
Meaning of Pricing
Meaning of Pricing
Objectives of Pricing:
Survival- The objective of pricing for any company is to fix a price that is
reasonable for the consumers and also for the producer to survive in the
market. Every company is in danger of getting ruled out from the market
because of rigorous competition, change in customer’s preferences and taste.
Therefore, while determining the cost of a product all the variables and fixed
cost should be taken into consideration. Once the survival phase is over the
company can strive for extra profits.
Expansion of current profits-Most of the company tries to enlarge their profit
margin by evaluating the demand and supply of services and goods in the
market. So the pricing is fixed according to the product’s demand and the
substitute for that product. If the demand is high, the price will also be high.
Ruling the market- Firm’s impose low figure for the goods and services to get
hold of large market size. The technique helps to increase the sale by
increasing the demand and leading to low production cost.
A market for an innovative idea- Here, the company charge a high price for
their product and services that are highly innovative and use cutting-edge
technology. The price is high because of high production cost. Mobile phone,
electronic gadgets are a few examples.
Pricing Method?
Pricing method is a technique that a company apply to evaluate the cost of their
products. This process is the most challenging challenge encountered by a company,
as the price should match the current market structure and also compliment the
expenses of a company and gain profits. Also, it has to take the competitor’s product
pricing into consideration so, choosing the correct pricing method is essential.
Cost Oriented Pricing Method– It is the base for evaluating the price of the
finished goods, and most of the company apply this method to calculate the
cost of the product. This method is divided further into the following ways.
A minimum price is the lowest price that can legally be set, e.g. minimum price for
alcohol, minimum wage
Price floor (minimum price) – the lowest possible price set by the government that
producers are allowed to charge consumers for the good/service
produced/provided. It must be set above the equilibrium price to have any effect on
the market
Special order pricing is a technique used to calculate the lowest price of a product
or service at which a special order may be accepted and below which a special
order should be rejected. Usually, a business receives special orders from customers
at a price lower than normal.
the example of a special order decision
Suppose Tony's T-shirts is operating at capacity and cannot produce any more T-
shirts. Tony must turn away regular customers to make room for the special order.
In this scenario, the opportunity cost of turning away existing customers must be
considered in the differential analysis.
The life cycle of the product cycle is the series of phases that a product undergoes
during its lifetime, beginning with the introduction and concluding with the
decline. A product life cycle (PLC) is typically divided into four stages: Introduction,
Growth, Maturity, and Decline. Business owners and marketers utilize the product
life cycle (PLC) to make crucial decisions and formulate plans about advertising
budgets, product prices, and product packaging.
value are key to setting prices, in cost-based pricing the seller’s costs are the primary
consideration. Costs set the floor for the price that the company can charge.
Therefore, cost-based pricing involves setting prices based on the costs for producing,
distributing and selling the product. In order to make some profit, a fair rate of return
Some companies, such as Ryanair or Walmart, pursue a low-cost strategy and aim to
offer the lowest prices. This goes along with accepting smaller margins but greater
sales. Other companies, such as Apple or BMW, do not compete based on low prices.
By offering superior customer value, they can claim higher prices and margins — they
pursue a customer value-based pricing strategy. We can see that choosing between
the 3 major pricing strategies is closely related to the overall marketing strategy —
markets, consumers will base their judgments of a product’s value on the prices that
competitors charge for similar products. For instance in the gasoline industry,
Demand based pricing: Demand Based Pricing is a pricing method based on the
customer’s demand and the perceived value of the product. In this method the
One of the most appropriate ways that companies price their service is basing the
price on the perceived value of the service to customers. When consumers discuss
value, they use the term in many different ways and talk about myriad attributes or
ferent ways and talk about myriad attributes or components. What constitutes value,
used to determine an arm’s length price and describes how to apply these
calculate or test the arm’s length nature of prices or profits. Transfer pricing
note that although the term “profit margin” is used, companies may also have
enterprise reports an arm’s length amount of income, without the explicit use of
one of the recognized transfer pricing methods, this does not mean that its
pricing should automatically be regarded as not arm’s length and there may be
An imperfect market refers to any economic market that does not meet the
rigorous standards of the hypothetical perfectly—or purely—competitive market.
Pure or perfect competition is an abstract, theoretical market structure in which a
series of criteria are met. Since all real markets exist outside of the spectrum of the
perfect competition model, all real markets can be classified as imperfect markets.
In an imperfect market, individual buyers and sellers can influence prices and
production, there is no full disclosure of information about products and prices, and
there are high barriers to entry or exit in the market.
The accounting generally includes the preparation of a monthly and annual budget
for an individual responsibility centre. It also accounts for the cost and revenue of a
company, where reports are accumulated monthly or annually and reported to the
concerned manager for the feedback. Responsibility accounting mainly focuses on
responsibilities centres.
For instance, if Mr X, the manager of a unit, plans the budget of his department, he is
responsible for keeping the budget under control. Mr X will have all the required
information about the cost of his department. In case, if the expenditure is more
than the allocated budget than Mr X will try to find the error and take necessary
action and measures to correct it. Mr X will be personally accountable for the
performance of his unit.