Hydromos - 30 850 D

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Reverse Osmosis Unit

Type: 30 – 850 D

HYDRO MOS® reverse osmosis unit used for
environmental friendly desalination of cold drinking and
industrial water, well water, boiler water, process water,
cooling water and climatic water

HYDRO MOS® reverse osmosis units equipped and
working with semi-permeable membranes allowing the
water ((H2o) to penetrate the pores but not allowing
dissolved materials (ions) to penetrate.

If a salt solution and clear water are separated by a

membrane (semi-permeable), clear water penetrates
the membrane without any influence of exterior forces
and gets to the salt solution, whereby it is diluted.

Such process known from nature is called osmosis

(metabolism of cells). The process is stopped once the
osmotic pressure of the corresponding solution is
reached – an osmotic balance is given.



concentrate permeate

If the sequence is reversed by applying pressure on the Advantage of reverse osmosis technology compared with
higher concentrated solution, clear water penetrates other water treatment systems
the membrane in reverse direction after the osmotic
pressure has been overcome. Dissolved salt is  Removal of dissolved salts
retained. Such process is called reverse osmosis.
 Removal of bacteria and germs
Reverse osmosis  Retention of particles
 Reduction of dissolved organic substances


concentrate permeate

Date 06/2011 – E-P | Subject to technical modification

Hydrotec GmbH, Roland-Dorschner-Str.5, 95100 Selb | Tel. 09287 / 800 64-0 | info@hydrotec-selb.com | www.hydrotec-selb.com
Pre-treatment Note / Installation conditions
Pre-treatment of water is dependent on the raw  Required water quality to be fed to the reverse
water quality that has to be determined by a water osmosis unit
analysis.  Total (permanent) hardness < 0,1 °dH
Normally, such pre-treatment is limited to water
 Salt volume max. 1.000 mg/l
softening or scale dosing, whereby the membrane
life is substantially extended and a significant save of  Oxidant (chlorine, chlorine dioxide etc. )
water achieved. An additional treatment is necessary not detectable
in case of increased content of iron, manganese and  Iron: < 0,1 mg/l
free chlorine.  Manganese: < 0,05 mg/l
 Silicate (SiO2): < 15 mg/l
 Colloidal index < 3
 Turbidity < 1 NTU
Operation  pH-range: 3 – 9
The feed water is passing the inlet safety filter (5µm),  Technical data and general technical regulations
solenoid valve with pressure switch (recognition of as well as local installation rules shall be
lack of water pressure) to the pressure increase considered.
pump.  A system separation to prevent return flow shall
be guaranteed according to DIN 1988 part 4.
The produced pump pressure is reduced to the
 A fine filter shall be installed before the RO unit to
necessary operating pressure by means of a
regulating valve. The water is subsequently guided protect the system against particle contamination
through the membrane installed in pressure pipes. from the pipework.
Clear water (permeate) penetrates the membrane  The ambient temperature shall not exceed 40 °C.
that can be continuously removed. Retained salt is Possible radiation heat shall not exceed a
direct fed into drain as concentrated solution temperature of 40°C.
(concentrate). Part of the concentrate is fed to the
 The installation site must be frost free.
raw water (setting of volume by the regulating valve).
Such concentrate return guarantees a good overflow  The installation site shall be free from solvent,
of the membrane surface and reduces the waste colour, lacquer and chemical vapour.
water volume (operational cost saving).  The electric installation shall be in accordance
with the actual regulations and the electric
System designed as compact unit. All important switching diagram. Local connections shall be
operating parameters such as concentrate and
dimensioned dependent on and according to the
permeate volume, operating pressure and permeate
quality are shown on the corresponding sensors or in plant efficiency.
the control.  A drain connection of min. DN50 shall be
provided for the discharge of wash water.
 The RO unit shall be installed on even floor with
sufficient bearing capacity.
 Any lifting appliance shall be resistant to salt
 Permeate from an RO unit is no drinking water.
Any use as drinking water necessitates a
treatment such as blending or hardening.

Date 06/2011 – E-P | Subject to technical modification

Hydrotec GmbH, Roland-Dorschner-Str.5, 95100 Selb | Tel. 09287 / 800 64-0 | info@hydrotec-selb.com | www.hydrotec-selb.com
Description: Accessories
HYDRO MOS® - D reverse osmosis unit consisting  HYDRO FIL® fine filter for pre-filtration
of:  System separator to protect drinking water
- Base frame of aluminium profiles with plastic front
panel housing the control and monitoring elements  HYDRO ION® water softener for pre-treatment or
- Special inlet filter with 5μm filter cartridge and 2 HYDRO DOS® dosing units suited to dose
pressure gauges, hardness stabilizer
- High pressure pump designed as circulation  Control of water quality by hardness monitoring
pump, unit
- high-efficient wound module(s) with PA/PS-
 HYDRO FIL® active carbon filter to reduce the
composite membranes in GRP pressure vessels with
inliner chlorine content
- Fittings such as feedwater and permeate sampling
valves, solenoid inlet valve, permeate reject and
permeate displacement, stainless steel valves for
adjustment of permeate and concentrate flow rate as
well as concentrate return
- Pressure switch to control the feedwater pressure,
permeate output pressure
- Flow meter for permeate, concentrate and
concentrate return (recovery)
- Vibration-damped pressure gauge for pump,
permeate and concentrate pressure

- HYDRO MOS® - control with integrated SPS

micro processor control as described below,
plant ready wired.

HYDRO MOS® - control for fully automated

monitoring and control of HYDRO MOS® reverse
osmosis unit with text display (4x 12 characters
each) for display of operational status and monitoring
of all
Operating parameters: permeate conductivity
(temperature compensation), permeate temperature,
operating hours,

Failure record: low pressure, stop at too high

pressure, hard water, motor overload, high
conductivity pre-alarm, limit value conductivity
Status signals: permeate reject, intermittent rinse
during shut-down, shut-down by external signal
(forced stop, regeneration),
LEDs for operation, failure
Inputs (low voltage 24 V DC) for pressure control
permeate, hardness control device, feedwater
pressure, too high pressure, shut-down by external
signal (forced stop), control of permeate, failure
brine, failure softener, volt-free (max. 30V /2A)

Outputs for softener (230 V / 50 Hz),

3 solenoid valves for feedwater, permeate and
permeate reject, volt-free operation / failure (max.
250V / 2A), volt-free dosing / softening (max. 250 V

HYDRO MOS® reverse osmosis unit delivered

including detailed operation manual and wiring

Date 06/2011 – E-P | Subject to technical modification

Hydrotec GmbH, Roland-Dorschner-Str.5, 95100 Selb | Tel. 09287 / 800 64-0 | info@hydrotec-selb.com | www.hydrotec-selb.com
Technical Data:
HYDRO MOS Type 30 - D 90 - D 170 - D 340 - D 500 - D 660 - D 850 - D
Permeate flow rate at 15 °C:
Ø at 7 bar counter pressure l/h 30 90 170 340 500 660 850
Ø at 4 bar counter pressure l/h 48 140 290 580 800 1000 1180
Min. salt rejection % 97
Max. recovery % 75
Operating pressure bar 14 14 14 14 14 14 16
Membrane element / number 2540 / 1 4040 / 1 4040 / 1 4040 / 2 4040 / 3 4040 / 4 8040 / 1
Feedwater volume flow (15 °C)
l/h 65 200 400 800 1100 1330 1570
at 75 % recovery
Concentrate volume flow (wastewater)
l/h 10 - 17 30 - 50 60 - 100 110 - 190 165 - 265 220 - 330 280 - 390
at 75 % recovery
Voltage 400 / 230 V / 50 Hz
Connected load kW 0,25 0,55 2,2 2,2 2,2 2,2 4,0
Pre-fuse A 16
Type of protection IP 54
Max. total salt content feedwater as
mg/l 1000
Blocking index / SDI <3
pH-value 3 - 11
Feedwater connection DN 20 20 20 20 20 25 25
Connection permeate DN 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Connection concentrate DN 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Min. drain connection (required) DN 50
Conductivity measuring range µS/cm 1 - 200
Min./max. feedwater pressure bar 2/6
Min./max. feedwater temperature °C 5 / 35
Max. ambient temperature °C 40
Height mm 1665 1665 1665 1665 1665 1665 1850
Width mm 700 700 700 700 900 900 700
Depth mm 700 700 700 700 800 800 1000
Weight ca. kg 90 120 140 150 200 250 300

Installation example HYDRO MOS® - D

A = Domestic water meter G = Hardness monitor unit (Option)
B = Fine filter HYDRO FIL® H = Reverse osmosis unit HYDRO MOS®
C = System separator
D = Softener HYDRO ION® K= Concentrate (wastewater) P
E = Assembly block P = Permeate to consumer
F = Active carbon filtration (Option) T = drinking water


Date 06/2011 – E-P | Subject to technical modification

Hydrotec GmbH, Roland-Dorschner-Str.5, 95100 Selb | Tel. 09287 / 800 64-0 | info@hydrotec-selb.com | www.hydrotec-selb.com

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