Togonon, Angelo C.
Togonon, Angelo C.
Togonon, Angelo C.
Safety is very important. In every angle of our lives we need an assurance that we are
safe and in order to make us more safety every facility must establish a system for the control of
package entering or leaving the industrial installation offices.
When entering an industrial installation offices, the person who is assigned to enter there must
first have a proper authority before bringing the package inside. This basic precept help reduce If
not eliminate pilferage, industrial espionage or sabotage. On the other hand all of the outgoing
packages carried by personnel should be closely inspected and same as those in vehicles, all of
those should also be checked to avoid pilfered items which are sometimes hidden in the surface
of the vehicles leaving the compound. In addition to that any personnel/visitor entering the
installation office with a package should also deposit the same to the security so that the security
will give them a numbered tag in return, which he/she will use in claiming his/her package upon
Vehicular traffic must be controlled for safety as well as to control the transporting of
pilfered goods from the premises. Traffic warning signs should be placed or installed in all
entrances in order to guide visitors in their destination as well as to provide them with the
necessary safety precautions while they are inside the installation. An owned vehicle of every
personnel/visitor should be registered and are subject to the identification and admittance
All vehicles should be subject for search at the entrance and exit of the installation. In addition to
that those visitors with vehicle should provide details of their duration of stay., person to be
visited and other information to the security and in return the security will place a sticker on the
windshield. In addition to that the personnel must constantly supervise parking areas and make
frequent spots searches of vehicles found there.
By doing so we can assure the safety of the personnel and the safety of the industrial installation
Building Access Control is implemented to every security to secure the safety and
sensitivity of a personnel and the security and sensitivity of the installation office, a security
system must possess the ability to distinguish among authorized persons, unauthorized person or
unauthorized visitors. Appropriate warning signs should be posted at the building perimeter.
Special restricted entry facilities to public access should be provided. In addition to the restricted
area shall be limited to authorize personnel who have the direct involvement with the
installation, construction, operation, and maintenance of the equipment and systems and or/use
of the materials contained within the restricted area. Also a clear-cut policy on the access should
be disseminated to all personnel of the installation.
Document Security
Is the protection of records from its entire document life cycle. In the Philippines,
security of documents and information is based on the premise that the government has the right
and duty to protect official papers from unwarranted and indiscriminate disclosure.
Standard Rules
It is the authority and responsibility for the preparation and classification of classified
matter should be classified with the originating office. In addition to that classified matter should
classified according to their content and classification should be made as soon as possible.
Document Security Systems
Document Security is that aspect of security that involves the application of security
measures for the proper protection and safeguarding of classified information.
Security Clearance
It is the certification by a responsible authority that the person describes is cleared for
access to classified matter the appropriate level. It is a requirement that the dissemination of
classified matters be limited strictly to person whose official duty requires knowledge or
possession thereof.
Information Security
Information Security means protecting information and information systems form
unauthorized access, use disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction. Protecting
confidential information is a business requirement, and in many cases an ethical and legal
requirement. For the individual information security has a significant effect on privacy.
Protection of Sensitive Information
Proprietary information is information that in some special way related to the status
or activities of the possessor and over which the possessor asserts ownership. Proprietary
information could be in the form of trade secrets and patents.
Among the major aspects of security, personnel security is considered as the most
important. The reason is that security involves people, both an asset to be protected and the same
time a source of security threats. In addition to that personnel security refers to those practices,
technologies and/or services used to ensure that personnel security safeguards are applied. These
personnel safeguards takes into account in granting or withdrawing physical system and security
training up to the background checking.
Sensitive Data/Information
Refers to critical information for which the unauthorized access, misuse,
modification, or improper disclosure could negatively impact the ability of the entity or agency
to provide services and benefits to it’s customers.
Confidential Data
Refers to information that involves the privacy to which individuals are entitled by law.
Background Investigation
Serves to verify information on the application form and to obtain there information
pertinent to the decision to employ. It can be in a form partial background investigation or
complete background investigation.
In the context of security risk management, the following terms should be
Assets- Any real or personal property, tangible of intangible, that a company or
individual owns that can be given a monetary value.
Consequential- A secondary result ensuing from an action or decision.
Cost/Benefit Analysis- A process in planning, related to the decision to commit funds
or assets. This is a systematic event attempt to measure or analyze the of the benefits.
Critically- The impact of a loss event, typically calculated as the net cost of that event.
Events- Something that happens: a noteworthy happening.
Goodwill – The value of a business that has been built up by reputation of the business
concern and it’s owners.
Loss Event- An occurrence that actually produces a financial loss or negative impact on
Natural Disaster- A naturally occurring calamitous event bringing great damage, loss,
or destruction and related occurrence.
Probability- The chance, or in some cases, the mathematical certainty that given event
will occur. It is the number of outcomes in an exhausted set of equally likely outcomes that
produce a given event to a total number.
Qualitative- Relating to the amount of which is characteristic of something and which
makes it what it is.
Quantitative- Relating to the amount or number of something, capable of being
measured or expressed in numerical terms.
Risk- The possibility of loss resulted g from a threat, security incident or event.
Risk Analysis- A detailed examination including risk assessment, risk evaluation, and
risk management alternatives. It provides information regarding undesirable events: the process
of quantification of the probabilities and expected consequences.
Risk Assessment- To process of assessing security-related risks from internal and
external threats to an entity, it’s assets, or personnel.
Security Incident- A security-related occurrence or action likely led to death, injury,
or monetary loss.
Security Vulnerability- An exploitable capability; an exploitable security weakness
or deficiency at a facility, entity, venue, or of a person.
Site- A spatial location that can be designated by longitude and latitude.
State of the Art- The most advanced level of knowledge and technology currently
achieved in any field and latitude.
Statistics- A branch mathematics dealing with the collection, analysis, interpretation,
and presentation of masses of numerical data.
Threat- An intent of damage or injury, and indication of something impending.
Risk identification
is part of the proactive management process. It provides the opportunity to raise
risk concerns before they occur, keeping them from damaging the business
operations or goals. The objective is to identify all possible risk. Being vital to the
management process, there are some essentials to risk identification that guarantee
maximum results, as follow Team Participation, Repetition, Approach,
Documentation, Roots and symptoms, Project Definition rating index, Event Trees.
Risk Assessment:
Security Risk Assessment is the process if identifying assessing, and
implementing key security controls in application. It focuses preventing
application security defects and vulnerabilities. In risk management, risk analysis
is essential, there are security risk assessment procedure. The first procedure is to
understand the Organization and identify its asset. Next Specify Loss Events/
Vulnerability, The third, Establish Probability of Loss Risk and Frequency of
Events. The fourth one is to determine the impact of the Event. The fifth one is to
develop Options to mitigate Risk and Study Feasibility of Implementing Options,
Next is to perform Cost/Benefit Analysis.
In addition to that there are Security Risk Assessment Tools that can be used for
qualitative risk assessment and analysis and these are as follows. First is the
probability and impact Matrix, Second is the Risk Data Quality Assessment, then
third is the probability and Impact Analysis and then the fourth one is the Monte
Carlo Analysis (Stimulation Technique), The fifth one is the Decision Tree and last
but not least is the Risk Register Updates.
Private Detective Services include among others the act of providing security
protection, inquiry and information gathering security protection, inquiry and
information gathering, pre-employment verifications up to the financial and
personal problems.
It is a group of selected men, trained or grouped into functional unit for the
purpose of protecting operational processes from those disruption the functional
units and these are the following units the Private Security Agency, Company
Security Force, Government Security Unit.
The security force of any installation must be organized in accordance with the
principles of responsibility and authority. The security positions may be classified
into the following: Office of the General Manager/Security Director. Next is the
Office of the executive Secretary of the General Manager. The third one is the
Office of the Assistant General Manager / Security Executive Director. Fourth one
is the Office of the human resources and administration manager/Staff Director for
personnel and administration. Then the office of the operations manager/staff
director for operations. The next one is the office of the finance and then the office
of the Logistic Manager. Then the Office of the inspectorate and special Projects.
The office of the communications Officer, The detachment Commander/Officer in
charge, Assistant Detachment Commander, Shift-in-change, and the Security
Guard on Duty/Post. These are the organized security positions.
It states here that no person shall organize or have an interest in more than one
agency in doing so he/she will be prohibited and be disqualified. No agency shall
offer render or accept other illegal services. All agencies shall maintain a main
office in their registered addresses where the security agency has deployed security
guards. In doing that we can maintain peace and avoid Disqualifications and
Concept of Merger
Private security agencies render security services to their clients only after a
service contract have been executed between them. The salary each individual
security guard receive is from the agency.
When the firearm is about to be use in the commission of a crime. When the
firearm is actually being used in the commission of crime. When establishments
serviced by the agency without proper authority.
Uniform, Equipment and Paraphernalia
Private Security Training for private security forces refers to training and
academic programs and courses duly approved or prescribed by the Philippine
National Police.
Territorial power- This is where a security guard watch and secure the
property of the person, from, or establishment with whom he or his agency has a
contract for security services.
Duty of security guard making arrest- Any security guard making arrest
shall immediately turn over the person arrested to the nearest peace officer police
outpost or headquarters for custody and appropriate actions.
Search without warrant- Any security guard may incident to the arrest,
search the person so arrested in the presence of at least two witnesses.
Duty to Assist Law Enforcers- Any security guard is duty bound to assist any
peace officer in 5he pursuit of his bounding duty.
Duties during strikes and Lockouts- All private security personnel in direct
confrontation with stickers, marchers, or demonstrator shall not carry firearms.
All security guards are entitled for the awards which will be given unto them
for their outstanding feat/accomplishment during the performance of their duties
while serving the exercise profession.
The main objective of The Eleven General Orders is to salute all officers and all
colors and standards not cased.. And especially to be watchful at night, and during
the time for challenging, to challenge all persons on or near my post, and to allow
no one to pass without proper authority.