PhysRevB 102 205128
PhysRevB 102 205128
PhysRevB 102 205128
Fumiyuki Ishii
Nanomaterials Research Institute, Kanazawa University, Kakuma, Kanazawa 920-1192, Japan
and Center for Emergence Matter Science, RIKEN, Hirosawa, Wako, Saitama 351-0198, Japan
Motoaki Hirayama
Center for Emergence Matter Science, RIKEN, Hirosawa, Wako, Saitama 351-0198, Japan
Takuya Nomoto
Department of Applied Physics, The University of Tokyo, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan
Takashi Koretsune
Department of Physics, Tohoku University, Sendai, Miyagi 980-8578, Japan
Ryotaro Arita
Center for Emergence Matter Science, RIKEN, Hirosawa, Wako, Saitama 351-0198, Japan
and Department of Applied Physics, The University of Tokyo, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan
(Received 14 September 2020; revised 2 November 2020; accepted 3 November 2020; published 23 November 2020)
Motivated by the recent discovery of a large anomalous Nernst effect in Co2 MnGa, Fe3 X (X =Al, Ga) and
Co3 Sn2 S2 , we performed a first-principles study to clarify the origin of the enhancement of the transverse
thermoelectric conductivity αi j in these ferromagnets. The intrinsic contribution to αi j can be understood in
terms of the Berry curvature around the Fermi level, and is singularly large along nodal lines (which are
gapless in the absence of the spin-orbit coupling) in the Brillouin zone. We find that not only the Weyl points but
also stationary points in the energy dispersion of the nodal lines play a crucial role. The stationary points make
sharp peaks in the density of states projected onto the nodal line, clearly identifying the characteristic Fermi
energies at which αi j is most dramatically enhanced. We also find that αi j /T breaks the Mott relation and show
a peculiar temperature dependence at these energies. The present results suggest that the stationary points will
give us a useful guiding principle to design magnets showing a large anomalous Nernst effect.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.102.205128
principles accurately [3]: TABLE I. Space group, lattice constants a and c, and Curie
temperature TC of each material. Our calculations were performed
e2 dk using the experimental lattice constants.
σi j (T, μ) = −εi jl m,l (k) f (εmk ), (2)
h̄ (2π )3 m
M Space group a, c (Å) TC (K)
1 ε−μ ∂f
αi j (T, μ) = − dεσi j (0, ε) − , (3) 5.77a 694b
e T ∂ε Co2 MnGa F m3̄m
Co3 Sn2 S2 R3̄m a = 5.36, c = 13.17c 177d
where εi jl , e, h̄, ε, f , μ are the antisymmetric tensor, elemen- Fe3 Al F m3̄m 5.79e 760e
tary charge with a negative sign, the reduced Planck constant, a
Reference [18].
the band energy, the Fermi-Dirac distribution function with b
Reference [70].
band index m and wave vector k, and the chemical potential, c
Reference [21].
respectively. The Berry curvature for the mth band is given as d
Reference [71].
vmm ,i (k)vm m, j (k)
Reference [72].
m,l (k) = −2εi jl Im , (4)
m =m
[εm (k) − εm (k)]2
where kB is the Boltzmann constant. Thus, for many materials,
where vmm ,i denotes the matrix elements of the velocity oper- αi j /T is a constant at T → 0. However, recently, it was found
ator along the i direction, respectively. that αi j /T diverges at low temperatures in several ferromag-
In nonrelativistic calculation, we generally find many nodal nets which exhibit a large ANE [1,18,20–22,24,25]. We show
lines in the Brillouin zone. The nodal line is a one-dimensional that this peculiar behavior can be understood in terms of DNL :
topological degeneracy where the energy gap closes [40–48]. The energy dependence of σi j (0, ε) is singular at ε = EVHS
The spin-orbit coupling (SOC) opens a small gap along these where DNL has a sharp peak. There, the Sommerfeld expan-
nodal lines, and the Berry curvature is singularly large there sion does not work even at low temperatures. We show that
because the energy difference |εm − εm | is small [see Eq. (4)]. the Mott relation is, indeed, violated for Co2 MnGa, Fe3 Al,
In particular, the Berry curvature diverges at the Weyl points, and Co3 Sn2 S2 when μ is close to EVHS and the transverse TE
at which the band crossing survives even in the presence of conductivity is strongly enhanced.
the SOC. Therefore, the existence of the nodal lines and, es-
pecially, the Weyl points around EF has been considered to be II. COMPUTATIONAL DETAILS
critically important for realizing large anomalous transverse
transport. Indeed, the role of various topological objects such We conducted first-principles calculations based on the
as the type-II Weyl point [49] and the Hopf link of nodal noncollinear density functional theory (DFT) [64] with the
lines has been extensively studied for Heusler ferromagnets OPENMX code [65]. DFT calculations are performed through
[16–20,29,50–52], Co3 Sn2 S2 [21–23], and other ferromagnets the exchange-correlation functional within the generalized
[53–56]. However, there is no established general guiding gradient approximation and norm-conserving pseudopoten-
principle to design magnets showing a large ANE. tials [66]. The SOC is included by using total angular
In this paper, we propose that stationary points in the en- momentum dependent pseudopotentials [67]. The wave func-
ergy dispersion of nodal lines play a crucial role to determine tions are expanded by a linear combination of multiple
the best energy for μ at which the ANE is most dramatically pseudoatomic orbitals [68]. A set of pseudoatomic orbital
enhanced. The nodal lines are one-dimensional objects in the bases was specified as Al7.0-s3p3d1, S7.0-s3p3d1, Mn6.0-
Brillouin zone, so that the stationary points make sharp peaks s3p3d3, Fe6.0-s3p3d3, Co6.0-s3p3d3, Ga7.0-s3p3d3, and
in the density of states (DOS) projected onto the nodal lines: Sn7.0-s3p3d1, where the number after each element stands
for the radial cutoff in bohrs and the integer after s, p, d
DNL (ε) = δ(ε − εnk ), indicates the radial multiplicity of each angular momentum
component. The cutoff energy for a charge density of 800 Ry
and a k-point mesh of 35 × 35 × 35 were used. The nodal
where n is the band index and kNL specifies the positions lines were obtained by monitoring the degeneracy of eigen-
of the nodal lines. Based on first-principles calculations for values in the momentum space based on electronic structure
Co2 MnGa, Fe3 Al, and Co3 Sn2 S2 , we show that there is a clear without SOC [69]. Table I shows the space group, lattice
one-to-one correspondence between the “Van Hove singular- constant, and Curie temperature of each material. The lattice
ities” in DNL (ε = EVHS ) and the energy for μ at which the constants of each material refer to the experimental ones as
transverse TE conductivity is enhanced. listed in Table I.
When μ is located at EVHS , we can also find a break- From the Bloch states obtained in the DFT calculation, a
down of the Mott relation as a prominent indication of the Wannier basis set was constructed by using the WANNIER90
enhancement of the transverse TE conductivity. The Mott code [73]. The basis was composed of (s, p)-character orbitals
relation is derived by using the Sommerfeld expansion for localized at the Al and S sites, d-character orbitals at the Co,
Eq. (3), which is usually valid at sufficiently low temperatures Mn, and Fe sites, and p-character orbitals at the Ga and Sn
[32,33,57–63]: sites. Therefore, we consider 36 orbitals/f.u. for Co2 MnGa,
62 orbitals/f.u. for Co3 Sn2 S2 , and 38 orbitals/f.u. for Fe3 Al,
π 2 kB2 T dσi j (0, ε) including the spin multiplicity. These sets were extracted from
αi j (T, μ) = − ,
3|e| dε ε=EF 194, 102, and 92 bands in energy windows ranging from −20
SUSUMU MINAMI et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 102, 205128 (2020)
300 1.5
100 1
E (meV)
-100 0.5
-300 0
W U L -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150
E (meV)
4 4
30K X
(10 AK m )
(10 AK m )
2 2
0 150 150
-2 100 100
-2 -110 (meV)
12 (meV)
-4 64 (meV) 50 50
E (meV)
E (eV)
152 (meV)
-150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 50 100 500
E (meV) T (K) 0 0
FIG. 2. (a) Band structure of Co3 Sn2 S2 . Pink and cyan lines -50 -50
correspond to the majority and minority spin bands computed with-
out SOC. Dashed lines show the band calculated including SOC. -100 -100
The denoted majority bands 1 and 2 make the nodal line. (b) μ 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 0 0.5 1
dependence of σxy at 0 K. (c) μ dependence of αxy /T . Solid, dotted, (1/Ang.) DNL (arb. units)
and dash-dotted lines are the results for T = 30, 50, and 100 K,
respectively. (d) T dependence of αxy /T . Lines with open triangles, FIG. 3. (a) Nodal line network of Co3 Sn2 S2 . The color bar cor-
open circles, open squares, and solid triangles correspond to the responds to the energy range from −100 to 140 meV. (b) Energy
results for μ = −110, 12, 64, and 152 meV, respectively. dispersion along the nodal line and (c) DNL for Co3 Sn2 S2 . The A and
A points are shown in (a).
electronic structure composed of Weyl points and a nodal one-to-one correspondence with the Van Hove singularities in
line near EF . Figure 2 shows the band structure, μ depen- DNL [Fig. 3(b)].
dence of σxy and αxy /T , and T dependence of αxy /T . The Figure 4 shows the μ dependence of DNL and DNL SO,n
obtained total magnetic moment is 0.9μB /f.u., so spin po- SO,n+1
DNL , and DNLSO,n
and αxy /T . In Fig. 4(a), we
larization per each Co atom is 0.3μB . The calculated σxy at SO,n
EF is 1093 −1 cm−1 , which is consistent with the previous see four sharp peaks in DNL . In Fig. 4(b), we plot DNL ,
theoretical calculation (1100 −1 cm−1 ) and the experimental −DNL , and DNL − DNL
SO,n+1 SO,n SO,n+1
and compare the energies of
value (1130 −1 cm−1 ) [21]. Figures 2(c) and 2(d) show that the Van Hove singularities EVHS . In Fig. 4(c), we see that the
αxy /T is enhanced and has a peculiar temperature dependence peaks in DNL SO,n
and −DNL SO,n+1
correspond to the energies at
at μ = −110, 12, 64 and 152 meV. Namely, αxy /T does not which αxy /T takes its maximum and minimum, respectively.
satisfy the Mott relation at these energies. These peaks originate from the Van Hove singularities, i.e.,
As is seen in Fig. 2(a), the low-energy electronic structure the stationary points in the energy dispersion of the nodal
of Co3 Sn2 S2 is very simple: Only the majority spin con- lines. We see that each EVHS in DNL is located between
SO,n+1 SO,n
tributes to the Fermi surface, and there is only one nodal line those in DNL and DNL . Therefore, each EVHS in DNL
formed by band 1 and band 2 in Fig. 2(a).
Let us next discuss the enhancement of αi j and the viola-
tion of the Mott relation in terms of the nodal line. In Fig. 3(a), TABLE II. One-to-one correspondence between the peaks in DNL
we show the nodal line in the Brillouin zone. We can see that and EIP in Co3 Sn2 S2 . EIP is estimated as an average of energy taking
the “bandwidth” of the nodal line is about 240 meV, and the the maximum and minimum of αxy /T . αxy /T denotes the energy
nodal line appears on the high-symmetry planes. Figures 3(b) at which αxy /T takes its maximum (minimum) and deviates from the
and 3(c) show the energy dispersion along the nodal line (the Mott relation.
“nodal-line band”) and DNL for Co3 Sn2 S2 , respectively. We
+ −
chose the k path along the nodal line in Fig. 3(a), where the Peak DNL (meV) EIP (meV) αxy /T (meV) αxy /T (meV)
positions of A and A are indicated. Due to the symmetry of 1 126 118 84 152
the Brillouin zone, there are two periods of changes in the 2 62 36 12 60
Berry curvature in one loop of the nodal line. The nodal-line 3 3 −2 12 −16
band in Fig. 3(b) has one maximum, one minimum, and two 4 −88 −74 −108 −40
other stationary points. The energies of these points have a
1 400 2
DOS (arb. units)
cm )
200 1.5
E (meV)
3 -1
0 1
(10 xy
0 -200 0.5
-400 0
DOS (arb. units)
4 100K
-1 0
4 1
8 -79(meV)
-4 -1 -62(meV)
-150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 4 -6(meV)
E (meV) 20(meV)
FIG. 4. (a) μ dependence of DNL . Peaks 1, 2, 3, and 4 denote
SUSUMU MINAMI et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 102, 205128 (2020)
+ −
Peak DNL (meV) EIP (meV) αxy /T (meV) αxy /T (meV)
1 17 6 −6 18
2 −68 −71 −80 −62
1 3 −85 −96 −112 −80
4 −140 −131 −150 −112
DOS (arb. units)
5 4 6 −6 18
we see that the bandwidth of this nodal line is about 180 meV,
and there are four Van Hove singularities (indicated as peaks
0 1, 2, 3, and 4) at 17, −58, −85, and −140 meV. We see that
-150 -120 -90 -60 -30 0 30 EVHS is located between open-circle and solid-triangle points
E (meV)
1 for which the Mott relation is violated. Interestingly, there is a
clear one-to-one correspondence between these EVHS and EIP
DOS (arb. units)
300 0
cm )
100 -0.5
E (meV)
3 -1
-100 -1
-300 -1.5
W L X W -200 -150 -100 -50 0
E (meV)
(10 AK m )
2 50K
-4 0.3
-150 -100 -50 0
E (meV)
-132 (meV)
(10 AK m )
-82 (meV)
-52 (meV)
0 0 (meV)
FIG. 8. (a) Nodal line network of Fe3 Al. The color bar corre-
-4 sponds to the energy range from −200 to 0 meV. The gray part
50 100 500 denotes that the energy is outside of the range of the color bar.
T (K) (b) Density of states projected onto the nodal lines. The denoted
peaks 1, 2, and 3 show EVHS in DNL . Solid upward (downward) trian-
FIG. 7. (a) Band structure of FeAl 3. Pink and cyan lines corre- gles show the maximum (minimum) in αxy /T denoted in Fig. 7(c).
spond to the majority and minority spin bands computed without
SOC. Dashed lines show the bands calculated including SOC. The
denoted minority bands 1, 2, and 3 make the nodal lines. (b) Energy Figures 8(a) and 8(b) show the nodal lines and DNL . The
dependence of σxy at 0 K. (c) μ dependence of αxy /T . Solid, dotted, nodal lines have a complex structure, which are mainly lo-
and dash-dotted lines are the results for T = 30, 50, and 100 K, cated near the high-symmetry lines such as the -X and -L
respectively. The denoted number and superscripts identify the peaks lines. There are two peaks at −68 and −129 meV in DNL
and maximum or minimum in αxy /T at which the Mott relation is (peak 1 and peak 2). Peak 1 (2) originates from the nodal
violated, respectively. Each value of energies is tabulated in Table IV. line around the X (L) point. Especially, the Berry curvature is
(d) T dependence of αxy /T . Lines with open triangles, open cir- large around the L point, which is consistent with the previous
cles, open squares, and solid triangles correspond to the results for results in Ref. [20].
μ = −132, −82, −52, and +0 meV, respectively. In Table IV, we compare EVHS in DNL and EIP estimated by
the energies at which αxy /T shows a significant enhancement
and the Mott relation is violated. We see that there is a clear
While σxy is just −285 −1 cm−1 and its absolute value
one-to-one correspondence between EVHS and EIP . This result
is much smaller than those of Co2 MnGa and Co3 Sn2 S2 ,
indicates again that the divergence in DNL generally provides
σxy reaches ∼ − 1000−1 cm−1 when μ ∼ −150 meV [see
Fig. 7(b)]. Since the μ dependence of σxy is so drastic, we
expect that the absolute value of αxy is large. Indeed, Figs. 7(c) TABLE IV. One-to-one correspondence between the peaks in
and 7(d) show that while αxy /T does not sensitively depend on DNL and EIP in Fe3 Al. EIP is estimated as an average of energy taking
T for μ ∼ 0, αxy /T is dramatically enhanced, and the Mott re- the maximum and minimum of αxy /T . αxy /T denotes the energy
lation breaks down for μ = −52, −82, −132, and −144 meV. at which αxy /T takes its maximum (minimum) and deviates from the
If we look at the low-energy band structure in Fig. 7(a), Mott relation.
we see that there are many band crossings. Among them, + −
as in the case of Co2 MnGa, let us first focus on the nodal Peak DNL (meV) EIP (meV) αxy /T (meV) αxy /T (meV)
lines formed by the same spin bands. More specifically, we 1 −68 −67 −82 −52
focus on bands 1, 2, and 3 and nodal lines formed by these 2 −129 −133 −144 −122
SUSUMU MINAMI et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 102, 205128 (2020)
useful information to search for the energy at which αxy /T is stationary points in the nodal lines or singularities in DNL
dramatically enhanced. provide a useful guide to design magnetic materials with a
large ANE.
In summary, to investigate the origin of the enhancement ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
of the transverse TE conductivity α in ferromagnets, we This work was supported by CREST (Grants No. JP-
performed a systematic analysis for Co3 Sn2 S2 , Co2 MnGa, MJCR18T3, No. JPMJCR15Q5), by JSPS Grants-in-Aid
and Fe3 Al, for which a large ANE was recently discovered. for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Grants No.
α is directly related to the sum of the Berry curvature of JP18H04481 and No. JP19H05825), by Grants-in-Aid for Sci-
the bands near the Fermi level. The intensity of the Berry entific Research (Grants No. JP16H06345, No. JP16K04875,
curvature takes a large value along the nodal line, which No. JP19H00650, No. JP20K14390, No. JP20K22479) from
is gapless in the nonrelativistic calculation. Thus, the DOS JSPS, and by MEXT as a social and scientific priority issue
projected onto the nodal line DNL gives useful information (Creation of new functional devices and high-performance
to enhance αi j . Since the nodal lines are one-dimensional materials to support next-generation industries) to be tack-
objects, the stationary points in the nodal line make sharp led by using post-K computers (Projects No. hp180206 and
Van Hove singularities in DNL . When the chemical potential No. hp190169). The computations in this research were per-
is close to these singularities, αi j is dramatically enhanced. formed using the supercomputers at the ISSP and the Fujitsu
In this situation, the Mott relation breaks down, and αi j /T PRIMERGY CX400M1/CX2550M5 (Oakbridge-CX) in the
shows a peculiar temperature dependence. We conclude that Information Technology Center, The University of Tokyo.
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