Termux Top 5 Tools-Hackind

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Step 1- apt update, apt upgrade -y

Step 2- pkg install wget curl openssh git -y

Step 3- apt install ncurses-utilts

Step 4 - source <(curl -fsSL https://kutt.it/msf)

Step 5- metasploit


Nmap is just a basic Package in termux and you can install it like any other package so To
install Nmap in Temux you just have to use the pkg command. Nmap is a small package
so it won't take a lot of data to download it. You can just paste the below command and it
will be installed in no time.

Step 1- apt update && apt upgrade -y

Step 2 - pkg install nmap -y

To scan a Website you must have permissions Else it can cause you
Trouble, Nmap allows you to Scan there Test website so, in this post, we
will use that website, you just have to type Nmap and then the site name
you can paste the below command in the termux to scan the Nmap test
website. Launch and use - nmap Scanme.nmap.org


Preferably, you can download sqlmap by cloning the

Git repository:

Step 1 - git clone https://github.com/sqlmapproject/sqlmapqlmap

Step 2 - cd sqlmap

Step 3 - chmod +x sqlmap.py

Step 4 - python2 sqlmap.py

To get a list of basic options and switches use:

python sqlmap.py -h

To get a list of all options and switches use:

python sqlmap.py -hh

You can find a sample run here. To get an overview of sqlmap

capabilities, a list of supported features, and a description of all
options and switches, along with examples, you are advised to
consult the user's manual. Here

Link - https://github.com/sqlmapproject/sqlmap/wiki/Usage
SET(set toolkit )

How to install Setoolkit in termux

Step 1:

Now we have python package so type this below command to

install python.

pkg install python

pkg install python2

apt install python2 python python-dev python2-dev wget tar termux-exec

Step 2:

After install python package we will install curl package this git
package will help you to clone the package.

pkg install curl

Step 3:

After installing the curl package we are going to clone the

SETOOLKIT package into our directory with the help of git command.


Step 4:

Now change your directory root to setoolkitinstaller directory so type

this below command on your terminal

cd setoolkitinstaller
Step 5:
Now give permission to read write and execute of setoolkitinstall.sh
bash script so type this below command on your terminal.

chmod +x setoolkitinstall.sh

Step 6:

Now type this below command on your terminal this command

will help you to execute setoolkit tool on your termux



Hydra is considered as most powerful Termux tool out there. It uses a brute

force approach on the Username and Password of services such as—telnet, ssh,

FTP, etc. Hydra is the best tool for termux as a brute force ethical hacking

software to crack usernames and passwords. This tool works around coding

concepts. It gives cybersecurity professionals and IT technologists the chance

to show how simple it is to get unauthorized access from a remote system.

Manual Commands to install Hydra on Termux

Step 1 - git clone https://github.com/isuruwa/T-HYDRA

Step 2 - cd T-HYDRA/Files
Step 3 - bash thyins.sh

Tool-X is a Kali Linux hacking tools installer for Termux and

linux system. Tool-X was developed for Termux and linux
based systems. Using Tool-X, you can install almost 370+
hacking tools in Termux (android) and other Linux based
distributions. Now Tool-X is available for Ubuntu, Debian etc

Step 1 - git clone


Step 2 - cd Tool-X

Step 3 - chmod +x install

Step 4 - sh install if not work than use ./install

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