MSLIM6206 - 2023 - S02 - Personality Insights
MSLIM6206 - 2023 - S02 - Personality Insights
MSLIM6206 - 2023 - S02 - Personality Insights
The following 27 statements are designed to provide insights into how you see yourself. In the blank
space next to each of these statements, write the number that best describes how strongly you agree
or disagree with the statement, or how true or false the statement is as it applies to you. The numbers
represent the following:
Table 1
Statement Response
1 In some circumstances in the past you have taken the initiative
Everyone should place trust in a supernatural force whose decisions he or she
always obeys
3 You like to perform activities involving selling or salesmanship
10 The lowest type of person is the one who does not love and respect his parents
25 Most organizations believe in paying a fair day’s wages for a fair day’s work
27 You can’t expect to be treated fairly by those above you unless you insist on it
Take your answers to the above questions and enter them below in the appropriate space.
In those cases where there is an asterisk before the number, use reverse scoring by subtracting your
score from 6, that is, a 1 becomes 5, a 4 becomes a 2, and so forth. Asterisks indicate that you must
change originally high scores to low ones and vice versa.
Now take each of your totals and divide by the number of answers to obtain your average response
for each dimension. On a scale of 1-5, this measures how you see yourself in each of these four
Table 3