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MSLIM6206 - 2023 - S02 - Personality Insights

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MILM 6206

Leading & managing Seminar 2

in the workplace Personality insights instrument

1. Fill in your responses in table 1

2. Calculate your total score, noting the asterisks in table 2
3. Calculate your average for each dimension in table 3

The following 27 statements are designed to provide insights into how you see yourself. In the blank
space next to each of these statements, write the number that best describes how strongly you agree
or disagree with the statement, or how true or false the statement is as it applies to you. The numbers
represent the following:

5 Strongly Agree, or Definitely True

4 Generally Agree, or Mostly True
3 Neither Agree nor Disagree, Neither True nor False
2 Generally Disagree, or Mostly False
1 Strongly Disagree, or Definitely False

Table 1

Statement Response
1 In some circumstances in the past you have taken the initiative
Everyone should place trust in a supernatural force whose decisions he or she
always obeys
3 You like to perform activities involving selling or salesmanship

4 As a rule you assess your previous actions closely

You often observe those around you to see how your words and actions affect
6 What you earn depends on what you know and how hard you work
Generally, those in authority do their share of the unpleasant jobs without passing
them on to others
The remedy for social problems depends on eliminating dishonest, immoral, and
mentally inferior people
9 Most people today earn their pay by their own work

10 The lowest type of person is the one who does not love and respect his parents

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11 There are two kinds of people: the weak and the strong
You are the kind of person who tends to look into and analyze himself or
Job promotions depend more on whom you know than on how well you do
your job
14 All children should be taught obedience and respect for authority
Those who are in public offices usually put their own interest ahead of the
public interest
16 Many bosses actually deserve lower pay than their employees
Taking on important responsibilities like starting your own company is
something you would like to do
18 An insult to your good name should never go unpunished
In a meeting you will speak up when you disagree with someone you are
convinced is wrong
20 Thinking about complex problems is enjoyable to you

21 Generally, people are well paid for their contributions to society

22 It is better to work for a good boss than for yourself

Many times you would like to know the real reasons why some people behave
as they do
24 In the long run, we each get what we deserve

25 Most organizations believe in paying a fair day’s wages for a fair day’s work

26 Getting ahead is based more on your performance than your politics

27 You can’t expect to be treated fairly by those above you unless you insist on it

Take your answers to the above questions and enter them below in the appropriate space.

In those cases where there is an asterisk before the number, use reverse scoring by subtracting your
score from 6, that is, a 1 becomes 5, a 4 becomes a 2, and so forth. Asterisks indicate that you must
change originally high scores to low ones and vice versa.

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Table 2

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4

6 1 *2 4
7 3 *8 5
9 17 *10 12
*13 19 *11 20
*15 *22 *14 23
*16 *18
Total Total Total Total

Now take each of your totals and divide by the number of answers to obtain your average response
for each dimension. On a scale of 1-5, this measures how you see yourself in each of these four

Table 3

Ave # Dimension Description

1 Fair Extent to which you see the world as treating you fairly

2 Assertive Extent to which you see yourself as aggressive

3 Equalitarian Extent to which you see yourself as non-authoritarian.

Extent to which you see yourself as thinking about things that
4 Introspective
go on around you & trying to determine why they occur

Adapted from: Bass, B. et al, Subordinates’ management styles survey.

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