Asian Face Lift With The Composite Face Lift.10
Asian Face Lift With The Composite Face Lift.10
Asian Face Lift With The Composite Face Lift.10
Chin-Ho Wong, M.Med. Background: The composite face lift is becoming increasingly popular follow-
(Surg.), F.A.M.S.(Plast.Surg.) ing recent advances in understanding of facial anatomy that enable safe sub-
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Michael Ku Hung Hsieh, superficial musculoaponeurotic system (SMAS) dissection. This article presents
M.D., M.R.C.S.(Ed.), M.Med. the authors’ technique for composite face lift in Asian patients and reviews
(Surg.) their experience and outcome with this procedure.
Bryan Mendelson, Methods: Composite face lifts were performed on 128 Asian patients between
F.R.C.S.(Ed.), F.R.A.C.S., January of 2010 and June of 2020. Ninety-four were primary face lifts, and 34
F.A.C.S. were secondary or tertiary face lifts. The authors’ surgical technique and adap-
tations for the specific requirements of Asian patients are described in detail.
Singapore; and Toorak, Victoria,
The mean follow-up was 26 months (range, 6 to 108 months). Fat grafting was
an integral part of our procedure, with 95 percent having concomitant facial
fat grafting with their face lift.
Results: Patients were followed up in accordance with a standardized schedule.
The majority of patients reported high satisfaction with the aesthetic outcome of
the technique, with natural, long-lasting results. The face lift plane of dissection
is through the facial soft-tissue spaces, which provide atraumatic sub-SMAS access
with precise release of the intervening retaining ligaments for effective flap mobi-
lization. By emphasizing tension on the composite flap with no tension on the skin
closure, the scars were discrete in the great majority of patients. Complications
were few, with no hematomas or skin flap necrosis. The temporary nerve injury
rate was 1.5 percent, with no patient having a permanent nerve injury.
Conclusion: The composite face lift is an ideal technique for Asian patients, as
it delivers natural, long-lasting results; a quick recovery; and high patient satis-
faction. (Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 149: 59, 2022.)
he face lift in Asian patients is a unique Asian anatomy and tissue characteristics. Many
procedure because of the differences in techniques have been used in Asian face lifts.12–17
the skeletal structure and soft-tissue qual- In general, these techniques may be divided into
ity of Asian patients compared to white patients. two broad categories: (1) superficial techniques
Accordingly, the performance of face lift tech- that dissect only above the superficial musculo-
niques developed primarily for white patients aponeurotic system (SMAS) and (2) deep plane
may be different in Asian patients.1–11 These tech- techniques that require sub-SMAS dissection. The
niques have to be modified and adapted for the 59
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • January 2022
Volume 149, Number 1 • Asian Face Lift with Composite Technique
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Fig. 2. Layer 4 is the natural gliding plane between the composite superficial fascia and the deep fascia
and the masticatory apparatus below. In youth, this layer, while allowing for mobility, is firm and taut
(left). With aging, because of the predisposition for laxity and tissue relaxation, expansion and sagging
develop over the roof of the facial soft-tissue spaces (right). Accordingly, as this is the main anatomic site
of laxity that develops with aging, directly tightening the superficial fascia is the most effective and logi-
cal way to perform the face lift. This also delivers the most natural and harmonious facial rejuvenation
by restoring the superficial fascia to its location in youth (© EFE).
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • January 2022
Fig. 3. (Continued ).
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Volume 149, Number 1 • Asian Face Lift with Composite Technique
scissors, staying closer to the roof of the spaces as over the parotid gland. In the lower face, a more
the nerves are still running deep under the floor superolateral vector is used. As fixation progresses
of the spaces at this location and under the zygo- up to the zygoma, a more lateral vector is used
maticus major. Dissecting in this plane brings the (Fig. 3, below). In general, five fixation sutures
release over the zygomaticus major toward the are placed: from lower face to the zygoma, in the
nasolabial fold.31,32 Anteriorly, dissection may be roofs of the lower premasseter, upper premasseter
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stopped when the zygomatic ligament medial to space, in the location of the zygomatic ligaments,
zygomaticus major and the key masseteric liga- and in the lateral roof of the prezygomatic space
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ments more anteriorly and inferiorly have been respectively, fixing into the fixed SMAS slightly pos-
released and one can see the branches of the facial terior to cut edges of the SMAS incision. The high-
nerves transitioning from deep to superficial in est fixation suture in the roof of the prezygomatic
close association with the key retaining ligaments. space delivers the cheek lift or “high-SMAS” effect.
The adequacy of release is then confirmed by not- Ethibond 3-0 sutures (Johnson & Johnson Medical
ing good mobility of the superficial fascia, which Devices, Irvine, Calif.) are used for this, and the
results in correction of the jowl, corner of the sutures are tied firmly under strong tension.37 The
mouth, and nasolabial folds and elevation of the next fixation is the posterior platysma in the neck.
lower eyelid with traction on the composite flap. The platysma is transected over the previously ele-
The neck dissection is then started by sharply vated tunnel, at the location of the key point, for
releasing the cervical retaining ligaments along the approximately 4 cm, raising an inferior and a supe-
posterior border of the platysma, mobilizing the rior platysma flap. The superior flap is fixated with
platysma off the sternocleidomastoid muscle.33,34 two figure-of-eight sutures to the Lore’s fascia ante-
This allows the platysma to be lifted off the ster- rior to the tragus.24 The inferior platysma flap is fix-
nomastoid and deep cervical fascia with a Trepsat ated to the mastoid fascia with two fixation sutures.
dissector in the subplatysma space, completing For the face, a second row of fixation is performed
the usual extent of the surgical release. Buccal fat from the cut edge of the SMAS on the compos-
removal, if indicated, is performed. The capsule of ite flap to the fixed SMAS just anterior to the ear.
the buccal fat pad is opened, and the excess buccal Using 3-0 Vicryl sutures (Ethicon, Inc., Raritan,
fat is gently teased out for excision. Care should be N.J.), this second row reinforces the anterior fixa-
taken not to injure the buccal branch of the facial tion and also functions to obliterate dead space to
nerve, which runs over the capsule of the buccal fat prevent the occurrence of hematoma. [See Video 3
pad.35 [See Video 2 (online), which shows sub-SMAS (online), which shows composite flap fixation in
dissection. To maximize safety, dissection was per- multiple vectors to achieve the face and neck lifts.]
formed using a technique that bluntly opens the The excess skin flap is precisely trimmed and inset
facial soft-tissue spaces followed by precisely releas- around the ear and the retroauricular and poste-
ing the retaining ligaments to effectively mobilize rior prehairline for a tension-free skin closure.
the composite face and neck lift flaps.] Structural fat grafting is done as needed at the end
Fixation of the composite flap to achieve the of the procedure using the Coleman technique.38–41
face lift may now be performed.36 This is started at No drains are used. [See Video 4 (online), which
the lower face on the underside of the platysma to shows the skin flap inset and closure in a tension-
robustly fix the composite flap to the fixed SMAS free manner.]
Fig. 3. (Continued). (Above, left) Our skin incisions design. The MATERIALS AND METHODS
dotted line marked the anterior extent of our subcutaneous dis- From June of 2009 to June of 2020, 128 Asian
section to reach our sub-SMAS entry locations. (Above, right) The patients underwent a composite face lift. Ninety-
facial soft-tissue space is a preferred plane of dissection, as it may four patients underwent primary face lifts, and
be opened safely and atraumatically with vertical spreading of 34 underwent secondary or tertiary face lifts. The
the Trepsat dissector. (Center) Release of the retaining ligament mean follow-up was 26 months (range, 6 to 108
in the sub-SMAS plane should be performed with the ligaments months). The neck lift was achieved using the
under tension. Cutting should be performed near the roof of the lateral approach only as described in our surgi-
spaces, as facial nerves are running under the floor of the spaces cal technique in majority of our patients (102
and out of harm’s way. (Below) Vector of fixation is more vertical patients, 79 percent). This was accompanied by a
in the neck and lower face. As we progress up the cheek, a more submental approach in 21 percent of our patients
lateral vector is used. This optimally tightens the superficial fascia when indicated to enhance the surgical results in
and avoids excessive skin bunching in the temporal area (© EFE). the neck. Patient satisfaction was assessed from 6
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • January 2022
months after surgery. A simple, targeted survey measure of the aesthetic outcome from the
spanning two domains, appearance and quality patient’s perspective.
of life, was administered to patients. The ordinal
scale ranged from dissatisfied, neutral, satisfied,
and very satisfied for each parameter within a RESULTS
domain. An “overall satisfaction” rating based on Figures 4 and 5 show long-term results of
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the same ordinal scale allowed for a qualitative our patients treated with this technique. (See
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Fig. 4. (Above, left and below, left) This 63-year-old Chinese woman underwent a composite face lift with full face fat
grafting. Twenty milliliters of fat were injected for her. At the same time, upper blepharoplasty with levator advancement
for upper eyelid ptosis correction was performed. Additional procedures performed included an extended transcon-
junctival lower blepharoplasty (Wong CH, Mendelson B. Extended transconjunctival lower eyelid blepharoplasty with
release of the tear trough ligament and fat redistribution. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2017;140:273–282), an upper lip lift, and
a chin implant via an intraoral approach. No submental incision was performed. The patient is shown at one year after
surgery. The composite face lift delivers a natural rejuvenation. (Above, center, and below, center) Three-quarter view of
our patient. Note the restoration of the Ogee curve of youth and long-term correction of the jowl and jawline. (Above,
right and below, right) Lateral views of our patient with good long-term results. The temporal hairline and retrotragal
incisions healed well, being imperceptible when closed in a tension-free manner.
Volume 149, Number 1 • Asian Face Lift with Composite Technique
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Fig. 5. (Left) This 57-year-old Chinese woman underwent a composite face lift with facial
fat grafting A chin implant was placed via the intraopral approach. No submental incision
was performed. Fourteen cc of fat were injected into her centrofacial areas. (Right) She is
shown here at 2 years postoperatively. Note the restoration of the Ogee curve of youth and
long-term correction of the jowl and jawline. (See Figure, Supplemental Digital Content
1, which shows the patient’s frontal and side views,
Figure, Supplemental Digital Content 1, which buccal branch neuropraxia, and one developed
shows the frontal preoperative and 2-year postop- a temporal branch neurapraxia. Both recovered
erative photographs of the patient presented in fully in within 4 weeks. No patient developed a
Fig. 5, See Figure, permanent nerve injury.
Supplemental Digital Content 2, which shows the
side view before-and-after photographs of the
patient. In addition to the good long-term results, DISCUSSION
scars are well hidden and acceptable. This is most Asian patients seeking face lifts want natural
predictably attainable with tension-free closure results with no tell-tale signs of surgery. They are
of the incisions, also most concerned about scarring and minimiz-
Most patients (121 out of 128, 95 percent) had ing their down time. Face lift techniques used for
facial fat grafting performed together with their Asian patients should deliver on these objectives.
face lift. The mean volume of structural fat grafted The anatomy of the Asian face is unique, with
was 29 cc (range, 14 to 46 cc of fat). Ninety-six wider bizygomatic distance with a more abrupt
percent of patients were satisfied or highly satis- or acute transition from the lateral to the ante-
fied with their result. The scars healed well and rior face over the body of the zygoma and a flatter
were discrete. Only three patients, with strong or more retruded central face. This character-
tendency toward scarring, developed prominent istic of the Asian face results in loss of effective
hypertrophic scars after surgery. These were suc- mechanical lifting force in the anterior face for
cessfully treated in all three with intralesional forces applied from the preauricular or temporal
steroid injections and laser treatments (Nd:YAG areas of the lateral face.12 It is, therefore, mechani-
laser; Cutera, Brisbane, Calif.).42 cally necessary for the lifting and fixation to be
The complication rates were low, compared applied more anteriorly in Asian patients. To opti-
to usual reported rates.43,44 There were no hema- mally fulfill these requirements and circumvent
tomas requiring surgical drainage, nor was there the challenges peculiar to the Asian anatomy,
any case of skin flap necrosis. Our nerve injury our technique of composite face lift has been
rate was low with a 1.5 percent temporary nerve adapted to address these specific considerations.
injury rate. One patient developed a temporary The advantages include the following: (1) the
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • January 2022
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Fig. 6. (Above, left and below, left) A-59-year old woman underwent a composite face lift with a temporal brow lift, upper
lid blepharoplasty, extended transconjunctival eyebag removal (Wong CH, Mendelson B. Extended transconjunctival lower
eyelid blepharoplasty with release of the tear trough ligament and fat redistribution. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2017;140:273–282),
and full-face fat grafting. Forty-six cc of fat were grafted. No submental approach was performed for her. She is shown at 1
year postoperatively with natural and harmonious facial rejuvenation and discrete scars. (Above, center, and below, center)
Three-quarter views of our patient. (Above, right, and below, right) Lateral views of our patient with good long-term results.
The temporal hairline and retrotragal incisions healed well, being imperceptible when closed in a tension-free manner.
composite face lift restores the superficial fascia keeping the skin, subcutaneous tissue, and SMAS
to its youthful location as tension is placed on intact as a single composite flap, the thickness
the support layer of the face (i.e., the SMAS). (2) and effective strength of the SMAS may be com-
The results are profoundly rejuvenating and yet pletely preserved. The vascular supply of the com-
completely natural.19 (3) The unnatural stretched posite flap is, therefore, more robust. This allows
and taut appearance that may be seen with more for greater tension on the skin flaps to lift the
superficial procedures that rely on directly tight- thicker and heavier tissues in Asian patients. This
ening the skin to achieve the desired lift is not is in contrast to face lift techniques that either
seen with this technique. (4) With the composite elevate the SMAS as an isolated flap or dissect
face lift, because of the anatomical advantage of on the surface of the SMAS, which may thin the
Volume 149, Number 1 • Asian Face Lift with Composite Technique
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • January 2022
the tendency to excessive skin bunching in the dissection to only the extent necessary to access
temporal region. Fixation is performed using these spaces and subsequently excising a signifi-
braided, nonabsorbable, Ethibond sutures for cant portion of the undermined skin subsequent to
greater strength of the fixation. The additional tightening the soft tissues, most of the skin flaps on
benefit of permanent sutures is that they serve the face and neck would have been dissected atrau-
as markers for location of the deep plane entry matically in the plane of the facial soft-tissue spaces.
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points in future secondary face lifts.37 With the composite face lift technique, most of our
The necks of Asian patients tend to hold up patients are able to gradually return to their social
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better, with aging with less skin laxity and sagging engagements in about 3 weeks after surgery.
seen. For most of our patients (81 percent), the lat-
Chin-Ho Wong, M.Med.(Surg.), F.A.M.S.(Plast.Surg.)
eral approach alone to neck lifting, with platysma W Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
transection at the key point and suspension to the 06–28/29, Mount Elizabeth Novena Specialist Center
Lorre’s and mastoid fascia as described above, is 38 Irrawaddy Road
able to predictably deliver the desired neck lift Singapore 329563
for our Asian patients. We do perform the ante-
Facebook: chinho.wong.7
rior/submental approach to the neck in selected Instagram: @wchinho1975
patients to enhance our results in the neck. These
include patients with very obtuse necks and who
do not mind having an additional submental inci- PATIENT CONSENT
sion. In addition to deep anterior neck structures Patients provided written consent for the use of their
manipulation, an added benefit of the submental images.
approach is that a chin implant, when needed,
may be easily placed via this incision.
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