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Reasoning Ability

Directions (1-3): Study the following information c) 44 kg

carefully and answer the below questions. d) 79 kg
Five persons having different weights and they e) 130 kg
are arranged in descending order based on
their weights. Only one person is heavier than Directions (4-5): Study the following information
A. C is not the second lightest person. D is carefully and answer the below questions.
heavier than A. E is heavier than C but lighter Fives friends – Ahmed, Chris, Josh, Sam and
than B. The weight of the third lightest person is Shaw are having a different number of toffees.
68kg. Shaw has more toffees than Sam, who has
1) How many persons are lighter than B? more toffees than Chris. Ahmed has less toffees
a) One than Josh but more toffees than Shaw. Sam has
b) Two 23 toffees which are 18 less than the one who
c) Three has the second-highest number of toffees.
d) None 4) What are the possible toffees does Shaw
e) None of these have?
(a) 42
2) If F is the brother of E and has a weight (b) 22
equivalent to the weight of B, then what can be (c) 37
the sum of the weights of F and E? (d) Either a or b
a) 110 kg (e) Either a or c
b) 98 kg
c) 138 kg 5) The sum of the toffees having by Josh and
d) Either a or b Sam are 75, what is the difference between the
e) Either b or c toffees having by Josh and Ahmed?
(a) 14
3) If the difference between the weights of B (b) 11
and C is 26 kg and the weight of D is twice the (c) 24
weight of C, then what is the possible weight of (d) 9
A? (e) None of these
a) 66 kg
b) 65 kg
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Answer Key with Explanation

Directions (1-3):

1) Answer: B
2) Answer: D
3) Answer: D

Directions (4-5):

4) Answer: C
5) Answer: B

Directions (6-8): Study the following information less than the difference between the scores of
carefully and answer the below questions Raina and Pandya. Rahul scored a half-century.
Five players- Rohit, Rahul, Kohli, Raina, and 6) If the sum of the scores of Rahul and Raina
Pandya are scored different scores in T20. is four runs more than Kohli. Then what is the
Raina scored more than only one person. Rahul score of Rohit?
scored more runs than Raina but less than a) 76
Rohit. No one scored between Rahul and b) 72
Raina. The one who scores the lowest runs c) 80
scores 20 runs. Kohli scores ten runs more than d) 78
the second-highest scorer. The difference e) 75
between the scores of Rahul and Raina is two
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7) What is the sum of the score of Kohli and In the class, V gets fifth rank from the top. Only
Rahul if Rohit scored 72 runs? one person is ranked between V and N. Q gets
a) 137 8th rank from the bottom. S gets two ranks after
b) 122 Q. Only three persons are ranked between V
c) 132 and Q. N gets exactly in the middle rank of V
d) 127 and Q. L is the top scorer.
e) None of the above 9) How many students are ranked between L
and Q?
8) Who among the following person is the third- a) Six
highest scorer? b) Seven
a) Pandya c) Five
b) Rahul d) Four
c) Rohit e) Three
d) Kohli
e) Raina 10) What is the rank of N from the bottom?
a) Eleventh
Directions (9-10): Study the following b) Sixth
information carefully and answer the below c) Seventh
questions d) Ninth
e) Tenth

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Answer Key with Explanation

Directions (6-8): 6 Answer: B

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7) Answer: C 9) Answer: B
8) Answer: B 10) Answer: E
Kohli>Rohit>Rahul(50)>Raina(36)>Pandya(20) L>_>_>_>V>_>N>_>Q>_>S>_>_>_>_>_
Directions (9-10)

Directions (11-13): Study the following 13) What could be the possible marks scored by
information carefully and answer the questions Rohit?
given below: A) 92
Amongst Six friends Rohit, Preeti, Harsh, B) 49
Manish, Swarna and Riya each got different C) 55
marks in the examination. D) 59
Preeti scored more than Swarna but less than E) 85
Harsh. Riya scored 60 marks. Rohit scored
fewer marks than only Manish. The one who Directions (14-15): Study the following
scored the minimum marks scored 50 marks information carefully and answer the below
and the one, who scored the highest, scored 90 questions.
marks. Preeti scored more marks than Riya. Six persons- A, B, C, D, E and F are having
11) Who scored the second-lowest marks? different price mobile phones. F has costlier
A) Rohit mobile than A. B has a mobile which is costlier
B) Preeti only than E. C has costlier mobile than F who
C) Harsh has costlier mobile than D. Only two persons
D) Riya are having mobile between C and A. Third
E) Swarna costlier mobile rate is 45000.
14) Who among the following has a mobile less
12) If Harsh scored 70 marks then what is the price than D?
sum of the marks scored by Swarna and A) A
Harsh? B) B
A) 110 C) E
B) 120 D) All a, b and c options
C) 130 E) Both b and c
D) 140
E) 150

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15) If the sum of the price of D and F is 95000 B) 65000

and the sum of the price of F and C is 110000 C) 55000
then what is the mobile price of C? D) 50000
A) 60000 E) None of these
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Answer Key with Explanation

Direction (11-13): Manish > Rohit > _______ > ________ >
11) Answer: D ________ > ________
12) Answer: B STEP IV: The one who scored the minimum
13) Answer: E marks scored 50 marks and the one, who
STEP I: Preeti scored more than Swarna but scored the highest, scored 90 marks. Preeti
less than Harsh. scored more marks than Riya.
As per this statement, the arrangement will look As per these statements, the final arrangement
like this: will look like this:
Harsh > Preeti > Swarna Manish (90) > Rohit > Harsh > Preeti > Riya
STEP-II: Riya scored 60 marks. (60) > Swarna (50)
As per this statement, the arrangement will look
like this: Direction (14-15):
Riya (60) 14) Answer: D
STEP III: Rohit scored fewer marks than only
As per this statement, the arrangement will look
like this: 15) Answer: A
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D + F = 95000 F+C=110000
F=95000-45000=50000 C=110000-50000=60000

Directions (16-18): Study the following 18) How many shelves that rack P has?
information carefully and answer the below a) Six
questions b) Seven
There are five racks- M, P, Q, G, and S having c) Five
different number of shelves. G has more d) Four
shelves than M. Only one rack is between G e) None of the above
and P. S has twice the shelves of P. P has
more shelves than the only Q which has one- Directions (19-20): Study the following
third of the shelves that S has. The rack which information carefully and answer the below
has the second highest number of shelves has questions
11 shelves. Rack M and rack Q have cube In a class, some students get different ranks. L
value and square value of shelves respectively. was ranked two persons before G. M was
S has four shelves more than M. ranked two persons after Q. A was ranked
16) How many racks have more shelves than three persons before L. Only four persons are
M? ranked between G and Q. Less than four
a) One persons are ranked after M. No one ranked
b) Two after I. S was ranked exactly in the middle of M
c) Three and I.
d) Four 19) How many persons are ranked after Q?
e) None a) More than four
b) Two
17) What is the sum of the shelves of Rack G, c) Three
Rack Q, and Rack S? d) Four
a) 23 e) None
b) 25
c) 27 20) What is the rank of G from the top?
d) 22 a) Eighth
e) 20 b) Seventh

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c) Sixth e) Third
d) Fourth
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Answer Key with Explanation

Directions (16-18): Directions (19-20):

16) Answer: B 19) Answer: D
17) Answer: C 20) Answer: C
18) Answer: A A>_>_>L>_>G>_>_>_>_>Q>_>M>S>I

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