Cancers 15 03981 v2
Cancers 15 03981 v2
Cancers 15 03981 v2
Systematic Review
Deep Learning for Lung Cancer Diagnosis, Prognosis and
Prediction Using Histological and Cytological Images:
A Systematic Review
Athena Davri 1, * , Effrosyni Birbas 2 , Theofilos Kanavos 2 , Georgios Ntritsos 3,4 , Nikolaos Giannakeas 4, * ,
Alexandros T. Tzallas 4 and Anna Batistatou 1
Simple Summary: Lung cancer is one of the most common and deadly malignancies worldwide.
Microscopic examination of histological and cytological lung specimens can be a challenging and
time-consuming process. Most of the time, accurate diagnosis and classification require histochemical
and specific immunohistochemical staining. Currently, Artificial Intelligence-based methods show
remarkable advances and potential in Pathology and can guide lung cancer diagnosis, subtyping,
prognosis prediction, mutational status characterization, and PD-L1 expression estimation, perform-
ing with high accuracy rates. This systematic review aims to provide an overview of the current
advances in Deep Learning-based methods on lung cancer by using histological and cytological
Citation: Davri, A.; Birbas, E.;
Kanavos, T.; Ntritsos, G.; Giannakeas,
N.; Tzallas, A.T.; Batistatou, A. Deep
Abstract: Lung cancer is one of the deadliest cancers worldwide, with a high incidence rate, especially
Learning for Lung Cancer Diagnosis, in tobacco smokers. Lung cancer accurate diagnosis is based on distinct histological patterns com-
Prognosis and Prediction Using bined with molecular data for personalized treatment. Precise lung cancer classification from a single
Histological and Cytological Images: H&E slide can be challenging for a pathologist, requiring most of the time additional histochemical
A Systematic Review. Cancers 2023, and special immunohistochemical stains for the final pathology report. According to WHO, small
15, 3981. biopsy and cytology specimens are the available materials for about 70% of lung cancer patients
cancers15153981 with advanced-stage unresectable disease. Thus, the limited available diagnostic material necessi-
Academic Editors: Rune Matthiesen tates its optimal management and processing for the completion of diagnosis and predictive testing
and Akiteru Goto according to the published guidelines. During the new era of Digital Pathology, Deep Learning
offers the potential for lung cancer interpretation to assist pathologists’ routine practice. Herein,
Received: 29 June 2023
we systematically review the current Artificial Intelligence-based approaches using histological and
Revised: 27 July 2023
cytological images of lung cancer. Most of the published literature centered on the distinction between
Accepted: 3 August 2023
Published: 5 August 2023
lung adenocarcinoma, lung squamous cell carcinoma, and small cell lung carcinoma, reflecting the
realistic pathologist’s routine. Furthermore, several studies developed algorithms for lung adenocar-
cinoma predominant architectural pattern determination, prognosis prediction, mutational status
characterization, and PD-L1 expression status estimation.
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Keywords: lung cancer; histopathology; histology; cytology; PD-L1; Digital Pathology; artificial
This article is an open access article intelligence; deep learning; convolutional neural networks; CNN
distributed under the terms and
conditions of the Creative Commons
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
1. Introduction
Lung cancer is one of the most prevalent cancers worldwide, characterized by a high
mortality rate, reaching up to 18% of total cancer-related deaths, with cigarette smoking
being the leading cause [1]. Lung cancer is a heterogeneous disease, mainly classified
as non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) and small cell lung carcinoma (SCLC) [2].
NSCLC constitutes the majority of lung cancer cases (85%) and is further classified into
adenocarcinoma (ADC), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), and large cell carcinoma (LCC),
while the remaining 15% accounts for SCLC, which is characterized by neuroendocrine
In the era of personalized medicine, lung cancer diagnosis and accurate classification
strongly rely on cytological and histological subtyping by microscopic evaluation with
standard histochemical stains and ancillary immunohistochemical staining [3]. Molecular
testing is also necessary for personalized therapeutic targeting and monitoring for patients’
stratification to targeted therapy and immunotherapy [4,5]. According to published guide-
lines by the College of American Pathologists, the International Association for the Study
of Lung Cancer, and the Association for Molecular Pathology, patients with advanced lung
cancer with an ADC component should be tested for epidermal growth factor receptor
(EGFR) mutations, anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) and ROSproto oncogene 1 (ROS-1)
rearrangements, v-Raf murine sarcoma viral oncogene homolog B (BRAF) Val600Glu
(BRAFV600E), Ret Proto-Oncogene (RET) rearrangements, mesenchymal-epithelial tran-
sition (MET) exon 14 skipping mutations, Kirsten rat sarcoma (KRAS) mutations, and
neurotrophic tyrosine kinase receptor fusions (NTRK1-3) [2,6]. Advanced-stage non-
neuroendocrine carcinomas should be tested for programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-L1)
expression status as patients with a PD-L1 Tumor Proportion Score (TPS) ≥ 50% are eligible
for first-line treatment with the anti-PD-L1 therapy, pembrolizumab. Immunohistochemical
assays are available for PD-L1 and ALK expression status detection [7–10]. Currently, reflex-
ordered testing for lung cancer is gaining ground, underlining the necessity of collaboration
between pathologists and oncologists. Although reflex testing is not feasible to perform in
many laboratories, it can provide additional valuable information, detect rare molecular
alterations, and minimize testing turnaround time [3,11].
In the last decade, Deep learning (DL) approaches, including mostly Convolutional
Neural Networks (CNNs), are increasingly valuable in Pathology. Limitations concerning
the shortage of pathologists worldwide, subjectivity in diagnosis, and intra- and inter-
observer variability could be overcome with the aid of DL models. Recent advances in
lung cancer pathology leverage image analysis potential for cancer diagnosis from hema-
toxylin and eosin (H&E) whole slide images (WSIs) [12,13]. Considering that small biopsy
and cytology specimens are the available material for 70% of lung cancer patients with
advanced unresectable disease, DL methods could guide the diagnosis with high accuracy,
minimizing the need for additional special stains required for differential diagnosis and
preserving the already limited material for molecular testing [2,14,15].
In this review, we systematically outline the current implications of DL algorithms for
lung cancer diagnosis, prognosis, and prediction using both histological and cytological
images. We further summarized the extracted data into distinct categories based on the
classification problem, presenting for each study the dataset details, the employed technical
method and methodology, as well as the performance metrics. The different categories
have been structured to be informative for both pathologists and cytologists, can provide
a detailed analysis and a comprehensive guide of the existing DL applications for lung
cancer, and offer valuable information to researchers for further study.
3. Results
Our systematic search returned 357 articles, 127 of which were selected for full-text
assessment. Ultimately, 96 articles met our criteria of eligibility and were included in our
study. A detailed description of the study selection process can be found in the PRISMA
flow diagram presented in Figure 1.
At first, the included studies were divided, based on the used dataset, into histology
and cytology sections. Further categorization of the histology section into diagnosis,
lung cancer classification, NSCLC subtyping, ADC predominant architectural patterns
classification, prediction of prognosis and survival, and prediction of molecular alterations
subsections was made based on the classification problem. Studies performing DL for the
PD-L1 expression status estimation were summarized in a particular section.
Cancers 2023, 15, 3981Cancers 2023, 15, 3981 4 of 33 4
Figure of
Figure 1. Flow diagram 1. Flow diagram
the study of theprocess
selection study selection process
illustrating illustrating
the systematic the systematic
search search and sc
and screening
strategy along with strategy
number along with the number
of included of included
and excluded and excluded studies.
Table 1. Characteristics of studies developing models for lung cancer diagnosis on histological
classes, namely ADC, SCC, SCLC, large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma (LCNEC), and non-
tumor [28]. The customized model performed similarly or better than the pre-trained ones,
although existing limitations of the study, such as the use of patches instead of WSIs and
the limited dataset, resulted in moderate classification accuracies. Likewise, Kosaraju et al.
applied a novel DL framework for classifying ADC, SCC, SCLC, and LCNEC, achieving an
AUC of 0.96 [29]. The studies of Yang and Kosaraju et al. were the only ones that included
LCNEC in the classifiers representing the realistic diagnostic practice for a pathologist. Ilié
et al. applied a DL algorithm for distinguishing SCLC, LCNEC, and atypical carcinoid
(AC) [30]. A number of 150 H&E WSIs were included, and the model was in great agree-
ment when compared to expert and general pathologists, achieving an AUC of 0.93. Lastly,
in their recent study, Chen et al. proposed an immunohistochemical phenotype prediction
system for upgrading the classification of lung cancer into ADC, SCC, and SCLC [31].
The WSI-based Immunohistochemical Feature Prediction System (WIFPS) discriminated
lung cancer types on H&E slides based on the positive or negative expression scoring of
characteristic biomarkers for each class (ADC: TTF-1, CK7, and Napsin-A; SCC: CK5/6,
p40, and p63; SCLC: CD56, Synaptophysin, Chromogranin A, and TTF-1). The agreement
between the WIFPS model and pathologists achieved high to almost perfect consistency
(Cohen’s kappa value of 0.7903–0.8891) in validation sets and the AUC in surgical and
biopsy images was over 0.8 in all validation cohorts. In addition, ALK prediction status
achieved an AUC of 0.917; however, programmed cell death protein 1 (PD-1), PD-L1, KRAS,
and EGFR status did not reach high performance (Table 2).
Table 2. Characteristics of studies developing models for lung cancer classification and non-small
cell lung cancer subclassification on histological images.
Table 2. Cont.
Table 2. Cont.
Table 2. Cont.
Table 2. Cont.
images from the LC25000 dataset [49]. The model achieved a peak classification accuracy of
96.33%; however, the lung ADC class had a higher misclassification rate. The same problem
using the LC25000 dataset was employed by other authors, with an overall accuracy of
99% [32,33,36,39]. DarkNet-19 model reached accuracies of 97.57%, 99.87%, and 97.73%
in classifying ADC, benign, and SCC images, respectively, while the overall accuracy of
the model was 99.69% [45]. Likewise, Civit-Masot et al. employed Explainable Artificial
Intelligent (AI) Technologies [23]. Liu et al. used AI along with activation function for
cancer infiltration screening on histopathological images [38]. Their method was further
utilized for lung cancer classification (ADC and SCC) using the LC25000 database, present-
ing good generalization ability. In a more recent study, Liu et al. proposed a novel method
for automated detection of lung ADC infiltration using 780 images with sensitivity and
specificity of 93.10% and 96.43%, respectively [60]. Utilizing a combination of molecular
and histological data (gene expression data and WSIs, respectively) as input for NSCLC
classification, Carrillo Perez et al. demonstrated that the fusion model could provide robust
information for decision-making to targeted therapies [46]. Wang et al. proposed a platform
for the automated classification of NSCLC into ADC, SCC, and normal regions as well as
for prediction of mutational status of 10 frequently mutated genes in ADC [50]. The model
predicted with an AUC of 0.824 the EGFR mutational status on ADC H&E WSIs. Similarly,
a model for NSCLC subtyping (ADC, SCC, normal regions) achieved an AUC of 0.97 [56].
The authors trained the model to predict the mutational status in lung ADC slides. Of the
ten frequently mutated genes in ADC, STK11 and KRAS had the highest AUC (0.845 and
0.814, respectively). An annotation-free DL method for the subtyping of NSCLC slides
achieved high performance for ADC and SCC (AUC of 0.9594 and 0.9414, respectively)
and could be employed in clinical practice as it overcomes the time-consuming process
of annotations and limitations concerning the capacity/memory of WSIs [48]. Wang et al.
developed a DL model to perform cancer lesion region segmentation and histological
subtype classification on ADC and SCC slides [40]. The model showed high classifica-
tion performance metrics (accuracy was 100% and 95.1%, sensitivity was 95.0 and 100.0%,
and specificity was 95.2 and 100.0% for SCC and ADC classification tasks, respectively).
Classification of transcriptomic lung ADC (bronchioid, squamoid, and magnoid) and/or
SCC (primitive, classic, secretory, and basal) subtypes was performed by Yu and Antonio
et al. [53,61]. In the first study, classification was performed on both ADC and SCC, result-
ing in a significant correlation between the transcriptomic subtype and the histopathology
classification scores and achieving AUC of 0.771–0.892 and approximately 0.7 for ADC and
SCC, respectively, with the employment of four CNNs. In the study of Antonio et al., ADC
transcriptome subtype classification resulted in a classification accuracy of 98.9%. Lastly, Le
Page et al. tried to distinguish squamous from non-squamous lung carcinoma from initial
cytology and small biopsy specimens [41]. Their model performed with good classification
accuracy, while the accuracy was slightly increased in the external validation cohorts when
tissue microarrays (TMAs) were selected (accuracy rates of 0.78 in biopsies versus 0.82 in
TMAs). Finally, two recent studies performed a binary classification between ADC and
SCC using over 900 WSIs from TCGA and achieving an AUC of over 0.90 [34,35] (Table 2).
problem (lepidic, acinar, papillary, micropapillary, solid, benign) for lung ADC histological
subtypes classification in lung ADC WSIs was in moderate agreement with pathologists’
estimations [63]. In a similar study, ADC histological patterns were classified into five
categories (solid, micropapillary, acinar, cribriform, non-tumor) using three different CNN
architectures [64]. The best classification accuracy was 89.24%, while, in the study of Di-
Palma et al., the histological classification of the known five patterns of lung ADC resulted
in a classification accuracy of 94.51% [65]. Xiao et al. created a novel framework combining
CNNs and graph convolutional networks for quantitative estimation of histopathological
growth patterns in lung ADC slides [66]. Another lung ADC subtyping problem was
performed by Sheikh et al. achieving a high accuracy rate of 0.946 and outperforming the
state-of-the-art models [67]. In a different study, Gao et al. collected slides from ADC with
micropapillary patterns and performed a binary classification problem for detecting the
presence of a micropapillary pattern in ADC slides [68]. Maleki et al. investigated how
several possible methodological errors, such as oversampling and data augmentation, can
lead to poor generalizability performance and performed a binary classification task for the
distinction of solid and acinar predominant histologic subtypes in ADC H&E slides [69].
Table 3. Characteristics of studies developing models for the identification of lung adenocarcinoma
predominant architectural pattern.
with ADC. The authors also included RNA transcripts to determine the TILs infiltration
between the high-risk and low-risk groups revealing that patients in the low-risk group
had a higher proportion of CD8+ T cells, activated CD4+ memory T cells, and plasma cells
versus those in the high-risk group. Slides of lung ADC immunohistochemically stained
for CD3, CD8, and CD20 were used for the detection and quantification of immune cell
biomarkers [84]. High sensitivity and specificity rates were recorded in discriminating T
cells, considering the immunostaining intensity variables and the presence of anthracotic
pigment in the tissue slides. In a recent study, a DL method was employed for predicting
aneuploidy from lung ADC WSIs performing nuclei segmentation and using a single-cell
analysis [85] (Table 4).
Table 4. Characteristics of studies developing models for the prediction of lung cancer prognosis
using histological data.
1st Author, Year Aim of Study Technical Method Classification Dataset Performance Metrics
Overall metrics in the test
MIM (MLP IN MLP): 3-class: infiltra- 780 images from Acc: 95.31%
Liu, 2023 ADC
a novel deep tion/microinfiltration/ the First Hospital of Jilin Se: 93.10%
[60] prognosis prediction
learning-based model normal University Sp: 96.43%
F1-score: 93.10%
Pr: 93.09%
In lung ADC test dataset
Acc: 77.60%
Yu, 2023 ADC MIL with both Binary: negative/positive Slides from 339 patients from
F1-score: 79.50%
[85] prognosis prediction handcrafted and deep aneuploidy TCGA dataset
Cohen’s kappa: 0.55
AUC: 0.82
Qaiser, 2022 Lung cancer ResNet-18 along with 1122 WSIs from 410 patients
Binary: high/low OS C-index: 0.70
[80] prognosis prediction attention mechanism from NLST dataset
HoVer-Net PanNuke Aug
HR: 0.30 (95% CI:
WSIs from CoNSeP, PanNuke,
Shvetsov, 2022 NSCLC prognosis 0.15–0.60)
HoVer-Net Binary: high-TIL/low-TIL MoNuSAC and UiT-TILs
[76] prediction HoVer-Net MoNuSAC Aug
HR: 0.27 (95% CI:
Integrated score in the
Binary: tumor/non-tumor training dataset
EfficientUnet: a area 1859 NSCLC TMAs from AUC: 0.90 for OS and 0.85
Guo, 2021 NSCLC prognosis combination of Binary: positive/negative Medical University of Gdansk for RFS
[77] prediction EfficientNet and Unet tumor cell staining and 214 NSCLC WSIs from Res-score in the external
ResNet Binary: positive/negative Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital validation dataset
TILs staining AUC: 0.80–0.87 for OS and
0.83–0.94 for RFS
In terms of OS
HR: 2.68 in discovery
cohort, 3.05 in validation
Patients from Guangdong cohort 1, 2.39 in validation
ADC Provincial People’s Hospital, cohort 2 and 1.99 in
Pan, 2022 ResNet-50
prognosis Binary: high-risk/low-risk Shanxi Cancer Hospital, validation cohort 3
[83] HoVer-Net
prediction Yunnan Cancer Hospital and In terms of DFS
TCGA HR: 2.07 in discovery
cohort, 1.54 in validation
cohort 1, and 3.80 in
validation cohort 2
469 ADC slides from TCGA
Levy-Jurgenson, ADC 5 deep learning
Binary: low/high dataset and mRNA/miRNA
2020 prognosis models based on Log rank p-value: 0.07
heterogeneity index expression data from GDC
[86] prediction InceptionV3
208 images from 135 patients
Wang, 2020 from NLST dataset and 431 HR: 2.23 (95% CI:
prognosis Mask-RCNN Binary: high-risk/low-risk
[75] histological images from 372 1.37–3.65)
patients from TCGA dataset
Cancers 2023, 15, 3981 15 of 33
Table 4. Cont.
1st Author, Year Aim of Study Technical Method Classification Dataset Performance Metrics
1337 images from 523 patients
from TCGA dataset,
345 images from 201 patients
from NLST dataset, 102 images Log rank p-value: <0.01 in
ADC ConvPath: A custom
Wang, 2019 from 102 patients from Chinese TCGA dataset and 0.03 in
prognosis architecture with Binary: high-risk/low-risk
[74] Academy of Medical Sciences Chinese Academy of
prediction 2 convolution layers
dataset and 130 images from Medical Sciences dataset
112 patients from Special
Program of Research
Excellence dataset
DeepLRHE: a novel Se: 84.00%
Lung cancer deep learning model Sp: 67.00%
Wu, 2020
recurrence and consisting of a CNN Binary: high-risk/low-risk 211 images from TCGA dataset Pr: 78.00%
metastasis prediction and a ResNet F1-score: 81.00%
component AUC: 0.79
Custom Architecture
consisting of 3
Se: 91.70%
Hattori, 2022 ADC recurrence Convolution and 1 Binary: presence/absence WSIs from 55 stage IB ADC
Sp: 90.20%
[82] prediction Fully Connected layer of recurrence patients
Acc: 90.90%
in different color
3923 slides from 5 St. Mary’s
hospitals affiliated with the
ADC DeepRePath: a novel Binary: high/low
Shim, 2021 Catholic University of Korea in
recurrence CNN model based on probability of recurrence HR: 5.56
[72] Seoul, Incheon, Uijeongbu,
prediction ResNet-50 within 3 years
Bucheon, and Yeouido and
1067 WSIs from TCGA dataset
DeepLRHE: a novel
Binary: positive/negative AUC: 0.87 for TP53, 0.84
Lung cancer deep learning model
Yang, 2021 expression of TP53, EGFR, for EGFR, 0.78 for
immunotherapy consisting of a CNN 180 WSIs from TCGA dataset
[87] DNMT3A, PBRM1 and DNMT3A, 0.75 for PBRM1
efficacy prediction and a ResNet
STK11 and 0.71 for STK11
Sp: 92.87% with Se: 95.00%
Lung cancer TLS Combination of Slides from 18 patients from
Barmpoutis, 2021 Binary: TLS/non-TLS Sp: 88.79% with Se: 98.00%
identification and DeepLadV3 with Norfolk and Norwich
[71] region Sp: 84.32% with Se: 99.00%
quantification Inception-ResNetV2 University Hospital
AUROC: 0.96
190 melanoma slides from
Combination of TCGA-SKCM dataset and
Hu, 2021 Anti-PD-L1 response Binary: AUC: 0.65 (95% CI:
Xception, PCA, and 55 NSCLC slides from
[88] prediction response/non-response 49.40–78.40%)
SVM Guangdong Province Cancer
Abbreviations: Acc, Accuracy; ADC, Adenocarcinoma; AUC, Area Under the Curve; AUROC, Area Under the
Receiver Operating Characteristic; CI, Confidence Interval; CNN, Convolutional Neural Network; DFS, Disease-
Free Survival; GDC, Genomic Data Commons; HR, Hazard Ratio; miRNA, micro-Ribonucleic Acid; mRNA,
messenger Ribonucleic Acid; NLST, National Lung Screening Trial; NSCLC, Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer; OS,
Overall Survival; Pr, Precision; RCNN, Regional-Convolutional Neural Network; RFS, Relapse-Free Survival; Se,
Sensitivity; Sp, Specificity; TCGA, The Cancer Genome Atlas; TIL, Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocyte; TLS, Tertiary
Lymphoid Structures; TMA, Tissue Microarray; WSI, Whole Slide Image.
was recorded for TP53 and EFGR biomarkers prediction, with AUC of 0.87 and 0.84, respec-
tively, in the study of Yang et al. [87]. However, the model was not validated on an external
cohort, and only 180 WSIs from the TCGA database were used. MET, FGFR1, and FGFR2
mutations were predicted with accuracies of 86.3%, 83.2%, and 82.1%, respectively [91]. The
recent study by Mayer et al. was the first to employ DL for predicting ROS1 rearrangement
directly from H&E WSIs [92]. ROS1 rearrangement prediction reached sensitivity and
specificity of 100% and 98.48%. Moreover, the characterization of intra-tumor heterogeneity
in ADC by gene expression levels was associated with patients’ survival [86]. In the lung
cancer dataset, the highest AUC was detected for miR-17-5p microRNA, followed by KRAS
and CD274 (PD-L1). Another study determined TMB value (low or high) according to a
selected threshold in lung ADC WSIs. TMB value was predicted for each area of the image,
reflecting the heterogeneity of TMB [93]. No significant correlation between the TMB status
and the tumor stage of the patient was noted, while the performance of the DL model was
relatively low, with an AUC of 0.641. Likewise, the prediction of TMB in 50 SCC H&E
images achieved an AUC of 0.65 (Table 5) [94].
Table 5. Characteristics of studies developing models for the prediction of lung cancer mutational
status using histological data.
Table 5. Cont.
3.2. Cytology
Cytological specimens from the lung are frequently the only available diagnostic ma-
terial. However, by its nature, this material is limited, prohibiting auxiliary techniques for
specific subtyping, such as immunocytochemistry. Only a limited number of studies have
addressed the issue of utilizing cytological images for training neural networks for lung
cancer diagnosis and subtyping (Table 6). The first study for the classification of lung cancer
cytological images (ADC, SCC, SCLC) achieved a classification accuracy of 71% after the
data augmentation process [97]. In addition to this study, Teramoto et al. further extended
their work for the classification of lung cytological images (real and synthesized) into
benign and malignant with a generative adversarial network (GAN) [98]. The proposed
method achieved an AUC of 0.901. Similarly, the classification of benign and malignant
cells from cytological pleural effusions WSIs, by a weakly supervised model achieved an
AUC of 0.9526 [99]. The model had a significantly strong correlation with the histological
diagnosis gold standard as well as with senior cytopathologists’ diagnosis. Misclassifi-
cation was observed when poor adhesion of tumor cells or clusters of mesothelial cells
were present. Diagnosis between benign and malignant cells from cytological specimens
was performed in the studies of Lin and Teramoto et al., including 499 and 322 images,
respectively [100,101]. Distinct morphological features (size of cells, nuclei, and nucleoli) of
cytological specimens of lung cancer were recognizable by four different fine-tuned deep
CNNs (DCNNs) [102]. Three out of four DL models resulted in a classification accuracy
Cancers 2023, 15, 3981 18 of 33
of more than 73% for lung cancer subtyping into ADC, SCC, and SCLC; however, some
cases of poorly differentiated NSCLC were misclassified. Furthermore, the distinction
between LCNEC and SCLC showed promising results in the study of Gonzalez et al. [103].
Three classifiers were developed with three distinct datasets of Diff-Quik® -, Papanicolaou-
and H&E-stained cytological WSIs and achieved an AUC of 1, 1 and 0.875, respectively.
Lastly, endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS)-guided transbronchial needle aspiration (TBNA)
cytological images were employed for diagnosing mediastinal metastatic lesions [104].
The study by Wang et al. was the first to include EBUS-TBNA cytological images for
automatic segmentation of enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes metastasis, outperforming
three state-of-the-art baseline models.
Table 6. Characteristics of studies developing models for the cytological interpretation of lung cancer.
Table 6. Cont.
1% and 50% cut-off points [112]. The classification was performed on slides stained with
22C3 antibody, and the proposed patch-based dual-scale categorization method based on
VGG16 architecture achieved higher performance compared to VGG16. The study of Sha
et al. resulted in an AUC of 0.80 on a balanced testing cohort in classifying positive and
negative PD-L1 tumor cells [113]. In SCC-separated cases, the model achieved a lower
AUC compared to ADC cases (0.64 and 0.83, respectively), maybe due to an imbalance in
the training cohort. In the studies of Kapil et al., TPS was estimated by dividing the pixel
number of positive tumor cells by the total pixel number of positive and negative tumor
cells [114,115]. Of all the included studies estimating PD-L1 TPS, these two were the only
ones using slides stained with SP263 antibody with the cut-off point defined at 25%. In their
first study, fully- and semi-supervised network architectures were used for estimating TPS
in NSCLC specimens, with results agreeing with pathologists’ evaluation, while, in their
subsequent study, TPS estimation was performed with a GAN. Two classification problems
were addressed, namely, a binary task for epithelial and non-epithelial region segmentation
as well as TPS estimation. An additional dataset of WSIs stained with the epithelial marker
Pan-Cytokeratin was used for the binary segmentation task of the epithelial benign and
malignant regions. In the study of Wu et al., PD-L1 IHC slides stained with 22C3 assay
were used for training U-Net to perform tumor area detection and TPS calculation [116].
The model was highly consistent with trained pathologists and achieved high performance
when further tested in SP263 (Ventana) stained slides (accuracy of 0.9326 and 0.9624 for
22C3- and SP263-stained slides, respectively). Furthermore, the authors demonstrated that
the AI-based model could help untrained pathologists with TPS assessment by reducing
the time of microscopic examination. In the same framework, three automated workflows
based on DL, including both 22C3 (DAKO) and SP263 (Ventana) IHC assays, and two
cut-off points (<1%, ≥50%), achieved better performance in the <1% cut-off point [117]. The
model by Choi et al. achieved an area under the receiver operating characteristic (AUROC)
of 0.889 in detecting PD-L1 positive and negative tumor cells and estimating TPS value,
while it significantly increased the concordance of pathologists after a disagreement (ini-
tial/baseline concordance of 81.4% versus revised concordance of 90.2%) [118]. Aitrox’s AI
performance for PD-L1 expression by Huang et al. was comparable to those of experienced
pathologists, while it surpassed inexperienced ones (Table 7) [119].
Table 7. Characteristics of studies developing models for the assessment of programmed cell death
ligand 1 expression in lung cancer using histological data.
1st Author,
Technical Method Classification IHC Assay Dataset Performance Metrics
3-class: Best model
MobileNetV2 for PD-L1+ tumor 22C3 pharmDx 1288 samples from LCC 95% CI: 0.86–0.89
Cheng, 2022
classification and cells/PD-L1+ immune (DAKO) and Zhejiang Cancer with PD-L1 (22C3) assay
YOLO for detection cells/PD-L1− tumor SP263 (Ventana) Hospital and 0.81–0.91 with PD-L1
cells (SP263) assay
348 slides from AUROC: 0.89 for PD-L1+
Samsung Medical cells and 0.81 for PD-L1−
Choi, 2022 22C3 pharmDx Center and 131 slides cells
Faster R-CNN PD-L1+/PD-L1−
[118] (DAKO) from Seoul National F1-score: 72.30% for
tumor cells
University Bundang PD-L1+ cells and 72.20%
Hospital for PD-L1− cells
rs : 0.87
3-class: negative PD-L1
Acc: 79.13% for all
expression (TPS:
222 WSIs from Fudan subsets, 85.29% for
Huang, 2022 U-Net based <1%)/low PD-L1 22C3 pharmDx
University Shanghai negative TPS subset,
[119] architecture expression (TPS: (DAKO)
Cancer Center 77.79% for low TPS
1–49%)/high PD-L1
subset, and 72.73% for
expression (TPS: ≥50%)
high TPS subset
Cancers 2023, 15, 3981 21 of 33
Table 7. Cont.
1st Author,
Technical Method Classification IHC Assay Dataset Performance Metrics
199 stage IV NSCLC
A novel supervised
WSIs stained with
Hondelink, deep learning model 3-class: ICC: 0.96 (95% CI:
22C3 pharmDx PD-L1 22C3 antibody
2022 based on AIFORIA TPS < 0.94–0.97)
(DAKO) from Leiden
[110] CREATE software 1%/1–49%/50–100% Cohen’s kappa: 0.68
University Medical
Acc: 93.26%
501 NSCLC WSIs Sp: 96.41%
A novel supervised from Peking Pr: 92.48%
tumor/non-tumor 22C3 pharmDx
Wu, 2022 deep learning University Cancer Re: 86.09%
3-class: (DAKO) and
[116] algorithm based on Hospital and Tianjin F1-score: 88.71%
TPS < SP263 (Ventana)
U-Net Medical University IoU: 80.51%
Cancer Hospital 3-class
r: 0.94–0.95 in 22C3 assay
and 0.98 in SP263 assay
DASGAN network: Binary: epithelial/non-
an extension of epithelial
56 WSIs stained with
CycleGAN 3-class: tumor PD-L1+ Binary
Pan-Cytokeratin and
Kapil, 2021 architecture epithelial region/tumor F1-score: 88.60%
SP263 (Ventana) 122 WSIs stained
[114] An extension of the PD-L1− epithelial 3-class
with PD-L1 SP263
deep survival region/other regions F1-score: 85.00%
learning (immune, stromal,
methodology necrotic)
TPS prediction
4-class: PD-L1+ tumor F1-score: 90.24% with 1%
cells/PD-L1− tumor and 81.82% with 50%
cells/PD-L1+ immune cut-off
cells/other region 300 NSCLC slides AUC: 0.97 with 1% and
DSC-VGG-16: a
3-class: maximum stained with PD-L1 0.99 with 50% cut-off
novel dual-scale
Wang, 2021 counts of PD-L1+ 22C3 pharmDx 22C3 antibody from Se: 88.10% with 1% and
[112] tumor cell (TP1)/50% (DAKO) Changhai and 75.00% with 50% cut-off
deep learning model
PD-L1+ tumor cell of Changzheng Sp: 95.59% with 1% and
based on VGG-16
TP1 (TP2)/25% PD-L1+ hospitals 98.98% with 50% cut-off
tumor cell of TP1 (TP3) Cohen’s kappa: 0.79 (95%
3-class: TPS < CI: 0.68–0.90)
1%/1–49%/50–100% Lcc: 0.88 (95% CI:
Automated Tumor
Proportion Scoring
System: a novel deep 96 SCC WSIs stained
Acc: 74.51%
learning model using 3-class: with PD-L1 22C3
Liu, 2021 22C3 pharmDx MAE: 8.65 (95% CI:
Res50UNet for tumor TPS < antibody from Fudan
[111] (DAKO) 6.42–10.90)
region segmentation 1%/1–49%/50–100% University Shanghai
r: 0.94
and MicroNet for Cancer Center
tumor nuclei
3-class: tumor AUC: 0.80 for all cases,
Sha, 2019 22C3 pharmDx
Modified ResNet-18 PD-L1+/tumor 130 NSCLC samples 0.83 for ADC cases and
[113] (DAKO)
PD-L1−/other 0.64 for SCC cases
Lcc: 0.94
270 NSCLC slides r: 0.95
Kapil, 2018 Auxiliary Classifier from NCT01693562 MAE: 8.00
PD-L1+/PD-L1− SP263 (Ventana)
[115] GAN and NCT02000947 OPA: 0.88
tumor regions
clinical trials NPA: 0.90
PPA: 0.85
Abbreviations: Acc, Accuracy; ADC, Adenocarcinoma; AUC, Area Under the Curve; AUROC, Area Under
the Receiver Operating Characteristic; CI, Confidence Interval; CNN, Convolutional Neural Network; GAN,
Generative Adversarial Network; ICC, Interclass Correlation Coefficient; IHC, Immunohistochemistry; IoU,
Intersection over Union; LCC, Linear Correlation Coefficient; Lcc, Lin’s concordance coefficient; MAE, Mean
Absolute Error; NPA, Negative Percent Agreement; NSCLC, Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer; OPA, Overall Percent
Agreement; PD-L1, Programmed cell Death Ligand 1; PPA, Positive Percent Agreement; Pr, Precision; r, Pearson’s
correlation coefficient; Re, Recall; rs , Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient; SCC, Squamous Cell Carcinoma; Se,
Sensitivity; Sp, Specificity; TPS, Tumor Proportion Score; WSI, Whole Slide Image.
Cancers 2023, 15, 3981 22 of 33
4. Discussion
DL is progressively embraced in Pathology, especially for breast, colorectal, prostate,
and lung cancer diagnosis, transforming the current landscape of medicine [120–131]. AI
could play a pivotal role in the multidisciplinary approach to diagnosis and patient man-
agement. As already underlined above, in lung cancer, classification, accurate diagnosis
and subtyping depend on distinct morphological features among cancer cells combined
with staining patterns, tumor biological characteristics, and molecular data of mutations.
Lung cancer histology is characterized by cellular heterogeneity, challenging the diag-
nostic process [132]. Several histological features can be defined by examining a single
H&E-stained slide, such as glandular differentiation in lung ADC, the presence of kera-
tinization and intercellular bridges in SCC, as well as scant cytoplasm and poorly defined
cell borders in SCLC. However, for differential diagnosis, special immunohistochemical
staining is required for accuracy. According to the WHO guidelines, the terminology
for lung cancer classification in small biopsies or cytology and resection specimens must
follow the proposed criteria [2]. For example, in resection specimens, lung ADC cases must
be morphologically determined by the predominant histological pattern (lepidic, acinar,
papillary, micropapillary, solid). The distinction of lung neuroendocrine tumors (NETs)
directly from the H&E slide can also be challenging, whereas NETs are further classified as
typical carcinoids, atypical carcinoids, SCLC, and LCNEC. Given that small biopsies and
cytology specimens are encountered for diagnosis in about 70% of the patients, the available
diagnostic material is often limited and thus, every effort should be employed to preserve
sufficient material for molecular analysis. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to use only
a limited panel of biomarkers, including the most representative ones for immunostaining
for differential diagnosis. However, this approach can hamper accurate diagnosis. Here,
AI could be of great help to the pathologist by guiding with high accuracy the prevailing
diagnosis from an H&E-stained slide.
Data extraction of our systematic review demonstrated that DL-based methodologies
for lung cancer diagnosis are mainly performed on histological H&E WSIs, with ADC
versus SCC being the predominant classification task, as shown in Table 2. All the studies
were performed with high classification accuracy for identifying ADC and SCC. Secondly,
many studies utilized different CNN architectures for classifying ADC, SCC, and SCLC
in small biopsies. The higher performance was in the study of Kanavati et al. [24] (AUC
of 0.94–0.99), which included a large number of images. Only two studies designed a
classification task for identifying ADC, SCC, SCLC, and LCNEC on WSIs [27,28]. This
4-class task represents the realistic daily practice of a pathologist. In both studies, the
AUC was over 0.90, encouraging the fact that such DL models could be employed and of
great value in a pathology laboratory. The third most common approach in histological
slides was the employment of DL-based models for lung ADC histological subtyping. The
studies of Sheikh [67] and DiPalma et al. [65] achieved the highest classification accuracy
performing a 5-class problem (lepidic, acinar, papillary, micropapillary, solid). Albeit
limited in number, eight noteworthy studies utilized cytological slides for lung cancer
diagnosis or classification. Four of them performed a binary classification task for benign
and malignant cell detection [98–101]. All studies showed good classification accuracy;
however, compared to the classification problems performed on histological data, the
dataset was limited in the majority of the studies. In addition, in the cytology section,
the most common classification task for lung cancer (ADC, SCC, and SCLC) resulted in
modest classification accuracies, including state-of-the-art architectures (66–77% and ~71%),
Cancers 2023, 15, 3981 25 of 33
with the main limitation being the small number of images included for training (55 and
76 cytological slides, respectively) [97,102]. Prediction of OS and risk of recurrence as well
as identification of prognostic features, were also the aim of many research papers, in which
the predicted output emerged after nuclei segmentation, TILs quantification, identification
of gene expression, or clinical data. The highest AUC (0.917) for ALK rearrangements
Cancers 2023, 15, 3981 26 of 35
prediction was in the study by Chen et al. [31], while EGFR mutations were predicted
with an AUC of 0.824, 0.84, and 0.83 in the studies by Wang, Yang, and Coudray et al.,
respectively [31,50,56,87]. In the most recent study by Pao et al., the prediction of EGFR
mutational status in 2099 lung ADC tissue specimens reached an AUC of 0.87 [95]. As far
as PD-L1 quantification is concerned, the majority of studies included datasets consisting
of WSIs stained with the 22C3 antibody. The remaining studies included slides stained
with the SP263 antibody or a combination of 22C3 and SP263 antibodies. For quantitative
problems, such as TPS estimation for PD-L1 expression, labeling ground truth must be as
consistent as possible to avoid misclassification concerningconcerning the specific cut-off
cut-off points for
PD-L1 evaluation DL-basedmodels
PD-L1TPS TPSestimation
estimation offer
offer several
several advantages
advantages to
to pathologists
pathologists as TPS
as TPS quantification
quantification is a is a time-consuming
time-consuming process
process prone prone to subjective
to subjective esti-
mation. Despite
Despite the the extensive
extensive research
research andand progress
progress on histological
on histological images,
images, further
further re-
research on cytological material, including a larger dataset, is considered
search on cytological material, including a larger dataset, is considered essential for opti-essential for
mizing classification
classification performance.
According to the technical
According to the technical pointpoint of
of view,
view, summarizing
summarizing the the methods
methods presented
presented in in the
literature, most of them (78 studies) developed supervised learning methodologies,
literature, most of them (78 studies) developed supervised learning methodologies, basi- basi-
cally dealing
cally dealing with
with classification
classification problems
problems of of the
the medical
medical question.
question. Specifically,
Specifically, 11
11 studies
implemented custom CNN architectures, 36 studies employed
implemented custom CNN architectures, 36 studies employed known models with or known models with or
without transfer learning, 11 studies modified known architectures, and, finally,
without transfer learning, 11 studies modified known architectures, and, finally, 14 stud- 14 studies
ies combinedCNNsCNNs either with
either each
with eachother
other ororwith
Apart from
from the
the above
crisp categories of supervised learning, the category named “other methods”
crisp categories of supervised learning, the category named “other methods” contained contained six
supervised, one weakly supervised, and one unsupervised method (eight
six supervised, one weakly supervised, and one unsupervised method (eight studies in studies in total).
Weakly supervised methods are 13 in total, while there are one semi-supervised and one
total). Weakly supervised methods are 13 in total, while there are one semi-supervised
unsupervised method (Figure 2).
and one unsupervised method (Figure 2).
To conclude
conclude about
commonlyused known
used knownarchitectures, thethe
architectures, employed ar-
chitectures have
architectures been
have counted
been countedforfor
Figure 3.
Note that several studies have not used known architectures (for example the studies that
develop custom CNN architectures), while several studies employ more than one.
Cancers 2023, 15, 3981 26 of 33
3% ResNet Inception
3% 31%
VGG EfficientNet
AlexNet MobileNet
U-Net Xception
YOLO DenseNet
5% Other
7% 15%
Figure knownDL
Our reviewshows
shows that
that many
many of of
thethe employed
employed DLDL methods
methods in lung
in lung cancer
cancer are par-
are partic-
ticularly extensive and sophisticated, as well as scalarly evolving into
ularly extensive and sophisticated, as well as scalarly evolving into new techniques fol- new techniques
following the development of AI. According to the comparative studies presented in this
lowing the development of AI. According to the comparative studies presented in this
review, DL methods overall outperform traditional ML techniques. This superiority of DL
review, DL methods overall outperform traditional ML techniques. This superiority of DL
could partially be explained by the quality of the features feeding the fully connected layers.
could partially be explained by the quality of the features feeding the fully connected lay-
The features in CNNs are not selected subjectively by the specialists but are automatically
ers. The features in CNNs are not selected subjectively by the specialists but are automat-
extracted from the convolutional layers, maximizing the carried information.
ically extracted from the convolutional layers, maximizing the carried information.
Comparing the reviewed architectures, it is evident from the results of the review
Comparing the reviewed architectures, it is evident from the results of the review
that ResNet-based and Inception-based architectures have been used in about half of
that ResNet-based and Inception-based architectures have been used in about half of the
the methods presented in the literature, showing high performances compared to other
methods presented in the literature, showing high performances compared to other archi-
architectures. The existence of residual blocks in most of these architectures (all ResNet
tectures. The existence of residual blocks in most of these architectures (all ResNet and
and InceptionV4 models) seems to operate efficiently and effectively in biopsy image
InceptionV4 models) seems to operate efficiently and effectively in biopsy image pro-
processing. Jumping features directly from a convolutional layer to many subsequent
cessing. Jumping like
layers operates features
mergingdirectly from from
features a convolutional layer to
different digital many subsequent
magnifications layers
of scanning.
operates like merging features from different digital magnifications of
Such a procedure seems to make sense for biopsy imaging, where different magnificationsscanning. Such a
of scanning seems to make
provide sense
different for biopsy
knowledge imaging,
about where different magnifications
the microenvironment of the cells. of
scanning provide different knowledge about the microenvironment of the cells.
It is also meaningful to summarize the limitations of the DL techniques in lung cancer.
It 8isemphasizes
Table also meaningful
several tolimitations
summarizeofthe thelimitations
theDL techniques
proposed in lung can-
DL methodologies
cer. Table 8 emphasizes several limitations of the application of the
in lung cancer diagnosis that we were able to identify based on our systematic proposed DL method-
ologies in lung cancer diagnosis that we were able to identify based on
Some of them are generally well-known constraints, while some others are related to the our systematic
imaging Some of them
problem are generally
of lung biopsies.well-known constraints, while some others are related
to the Our
imaging problem
findings of lung biopsies.
demonstrate that the field of Digital Pathology for lung cancer diagnosis
has evolved rapidly in the last 5 years. However, at least for most laboratories, the use of
Deep learning
in limitations for practice
daily clinical lung cancer applications.左对齐
is still in its early stages. Adopting a fully digital
workflow can be challenging,
Limitation and limitations must be overcome for implementation in the
clinical setting. Digital slide generation
Lack of interpretability According to the is the first step
review, onlyinamoving from traditional
few approaches focus on toper-
Pathology. WSI scanners provide high-quality images of histological and cytological slides.
and explainability forming tasks that require common sense reasoning, such as
These images can be uploaded and remotely reviewed by pathologists and cytologists on
understanding the physical characteristics of the cells. More
a computer, while they can be available for review by multiple pathologists. However,
the organization and storageexplainable
of largeartificial
amounts intelligence
of digitizedapproaches could
data require highbecomputing
posed ininfrastructure,
power, storage space, technical the future. and backup capability. Furthermore, as a
Training limitations with Deep learning
consequence of digitized data, ethical issues algorithms require
are arising massivethe
concerning amounts
inadequate samples
personal data. DL modelsdata to achieve
require good performance,
large amounts and thus,
of data for training, thousands
testing, of an-
and validation,
which are retrieved from notations must beTherefore,
hospital archives. performeda by pathologists.
regulatory framework is essential to
Less patient’s
powerful rights and
in prob- ensure
Deep the security
learning of sensitive
algorithms medical
are mainly data and
designed for confidentiality.
lems beyond classifica- tion problems, such as image recognition and natural language
tion processing. They are less effective for other types of problems,
such as regression, clustering, etc.
Cancers 2023, 15, 3981 27 of 33
Limitation Property
Lack of interpretability and According to the review, only a few approaches focus on
explainability performing tasks that require common sense reasoning, such
as understanding the physical characteristics of the cells.
More explainable artificial intelligence approaches could be
proposed in the future.
Training limitations with Deep learning algorithms require massive amounts of labeled
inadequate samples data to achieve good performance, and thus, thousands of
annotations must be performed by pathologists.
Less powerful in problems Deep learning algorithms are mainly designed for
beyond classification classification problems, such as image recognition and natural
language processing. They are less effective for other types of
problems, such as regression, clustering, etc.
Lack of global generalization Deep learning algorithms often overfit the training data and
fail to generalize to new or unlabeled data. For example, a
deep learning model may perform well on images from a
specific microscopic scanner but poorly on images from a
different microscope.
High memory and The training of deep models using extremely large size of
computational cost images, such as biopsies, constitutes a very demanding
requirements process in terms of computational resources and training time
of the supervision.
5. Conclusions
The field of Digital Pathology is evolving rapidly and, in the following years, is ex-
pected to be an inextricable part of a pathology laboratory. As highlighted above, AI-based
approaches in Pathology are accompanied by several advantages, yet many challenges
remain to be considered. Research for lung cancer diagnosis, prognosis, and prediction
using DL methods is constantly improving to provide more accurate and reliable results.
Moreover, for quantitative tasks, such as PD-L1 TPS estimation, the need for AI-based
models is underlined because of their ability to provide reliable and objective assessment,
eliminating subjective estimations that lead to intra- and inter-observer variability. The
ongoing research and the efforts being made are at the forefront of transforming cancer
diagnosis and treatment.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, N.G., A.T.T. and A.B.; data curation, A.D., E.B. and T.K.;
funding acquisition, N.G. and A.T.T.; methodology, G.N. and A.B.; supervision, N.G., A.T.T. and A.B.;
visualization, N.G.; writing—original draft preparation, A.D., E.B., T.K. and N.G.; writing—review
and editing, A.D., E.B., T.K., G.N. and A.B. All authors have read and agreed to the published version
of the manuscript.
Funding: This research has been co-financed by the European Union and Greek national funds
through the Operational Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation, under the call
RESEARCH-CREATE-INNOVATE: T2EDK-03660 (Project: Deep in Biopsies).
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: All data that support the findings of this study are available from the
corresponding author upon reasonable request.
Acknowledgments: Athena Davri is supported by Greece and the European Union—European
Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the Operational Program “Competitiveness Entrepreneur-
ship Innovation” (EPAnEK), NSRF 2014-2020 (MIS 5047236).
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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