Python Programming - Operators

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40 Introduction to Python Programming

5. >>> 45/10
6. >>> 45//10.0
7. >>> 2025%10
8. >>> 2025//10

Above code illustrates various arithmetic operations ➀–➇.

2.5.2 Assignment Operators

Assignment operators are used for assigning the values generated after evaluating the
right operand to the left operand. Assignment operation always works from right to left.
Assignment operators are either simple assignment operator or compound assignment
operators. Simple assignment is done with the equal sign (=) and simply assigns the value
of its right operand to the variable on the left. For example,

1. >>> x = 5
2. >>> x = x + 1
3. >>> x

In ➀ you assign an integer value of 5 to variable x. In ➁ an integer value of 1 is added to the

variable x on the right side and the value 6 after the evaluation is assigned to the variable x.
The latest value stored in variable x is displayed in ➂.
Compound assignment operators support shorthand notation for avoiding the repetition
of the left-side variable on the right side. Compound assignment operators combine assign-
ment operator with another operator with = being placed at the end of the original operator.
For example, the statement

>>> x = x + 1

can be written in a compactly form as shown below.

>>> x += 1

If you try to update a variable which doesn’t contain any value, you get an error.

1. >>> z = z + 1
NameError: name 'z' is not defined

Trying to update variable z which doesn’t contain any value results in an error because
Python evaluates the right side before it assigns a value to z ➀.

1. >>> z = 0
2. >>> x = z + 1
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Before you can update a variable ➁, you have to assign a value to it ➀.

The following TABLE 2.3 shows all the assignment operators.
List of Assignment Operators
Operator Operator Name Description Example
= Assignment Assigns values from right side operands to left z = p + q assigns value
side operand. of p + q to z
+= Addition Adds the value of right operand to the left z += p is equivalent to
Assignment operand and assigns the result to left operand. z=z+p
−= Subtraction Subtracts the value of right operand from the left z −= p is equivalent to
Assignment operand and assigns the result to left operand. z=z–p
*= Multiplication Multiplies the value of right operand with the left z *= p is equivalent to
Assignment operand and assigns the result to left operand. z=z*p
/= Division Divides the value of right operand with the left z /= p is equivalent to
Assignment operand and assigns the result to left operand. z=z/p
**= Exponentiation Evaluates to the result of raising the first operand z**= p is equivalent to
Assignment to the power of the second operand. z = z ** p
//= Floor Division Produces the integral part of the quotient of its z //= p is equivalent to
Assignment operands where the left operand is the dividend z = z // p
and the right operand is the divisor.
%= Remainder Computes the remainder after division and z %= p is equivalent to
Assignment assigns the value to the left operand. z=z%p

For example,

1. >>> p = 10
2. >>> q = 12
3. >>> q += p
4. >>> q
5. >>> q *= p
6. >>> q
7. >>> q /= p
8. >>> q
9. >>> q %= p
10. >>> q
11. >>> q **= p
12. >>> q
13. >>> q //= p
14. >>> q
42 Introduction to Python Programming

Above code illustrates various assignment operations ➀– 14 .

Learned readers coming from other languages should note that

Python programming language doesn’t support Autoincrement (++)
and Autodecrement (--) operators.

2.5.3 Comparison Operators

When the values of two operands are to be compared then comparison operators are used.
The output of these comparison operators is always a Boolean value, either True or False.
The operands can be Numbers or Strings or Boolean values. Strings are compared letter
by letter using their ASCII values, thus, “P” is less than “Q”, and “Aston” is greater than
“Asher”. TABLE 2.4 shows all the comparison operators.

List of Comparison Operators
Operator Operator Name Description Example
== Equal to If the values of two operands are equal, then the (p == q) is not
condition becomes True. True.
!= Not Equal to If values of two operands are not equal, then the (p != q) is True
condition becomes True.
> Greater than If the value of left operand is greater than the value of (p > q) is not True.
right operand, then condition becomes True.
< Lesser than If the value of left operand is less than the value of right (p < q) is True.
operand, then condition becomes True.
>= Greater than or If the value of left operand is greater than or equal to the (p >= q) is not
equal to value of right operand, then condition becomes True. True.
<= Lesser than or If the value of left operand is less than or equal to the (p <= q) is True.
equal to value of right operand, then condition becomes True.
Note: The value of p is 10 and q is 20.

For example,

1. >>>10 == 12
2. >>>10 != 12
3. >>>10 < 12
4. >>>10 > 12
5. >>>10 <= 12
Parts of Python Programming Language 43

6. >>>10 >= 12
7. >>> "P" < "Q"
8. >>> "Aston" > "Asher"
9. >>> True == True

Above code illustrates various comparison operations ➀–➈.

Don’t confuse the equality operator == with the assignment opera-

tor =. The expression x==y compares x with y and has the value True
if the values are the same. The expression x=y assigns the value of y
to x.

2.5.4 Logical Operators

The logical operators are used for comparing or negating the logical values of their oper-
ands and to return the resulting logical value. The values of the operands on which the
logical operators operate evaluate to either True or False. The result of the logical operator
is always a Boolean value, True or False. TABLE 2.5 shows all the logical operators.

List of Logical Operators
Operator Operator Name Description Example

and Logical AND Performs AND operation and the result is p and q results in False
True when both operands are True
or Logical OR Performs OR operation and the result is True p or q results in True
when any one of both operand is True
not Logical NOT Reverses the operand state not p results in False
Note: The Boolean value of p is True and q is False.

The Boolean logic Truth table is shown in TABLE 2.6.

Boolean Logic Truth Table
P Q P and Q P or Q Not P

True True True True False

True False False True
False True False True True
False False False False
44 Introduction to Python Programming

For example,

1. >>> True and False

2. >>> True or False
3. >>> not(True) and False
4. >>> not(True and False)
5. >>> (10 < 0) and (10 > 2)
6. >>> (10 < 0) or (10 > 2)
7. >>> not(10 < 0) or (10 > 2)
8. >>> not(10 < 0 or 10 > 2)

Above code illustrates various comparison operations ➀–➇.

As logical expressions are evaluated left to right, they are tested for possible “short-
circuit” valuation using the following rules:

1. False and (some_expression) is short-circuit evaluated to False.

2. True or (some_expression) is short-circuit evaluated to True.

The rules of logic guarantee that these evaluations are always correct. The some_expression
part of the above expressions is not evaluated, so any side effects of doing so do not take
effect. For example,

1. >>> 1 > 2 and 9 > 6

2. >>> 3 > 2 or 8 < 4

In ➀ the expression 1 > 2 is evaluated to False. Since and operator is used in the statement
the expression is evaluated to False and the remaining expression 9 > 6 is not evaluated.
In ➁ the expression 3 > 2 is evaluated to True. As or operator is used in the statement the
expression is evaluated to True while the remaining expression 8 < 4 is ignored.

2.5.5 Bitwise Operators

Bitwise operators treat their operands as a sequence of bits (zeroes and ones) and perform
bit by bit operation. For example, the decimal number ten has a binary representation
Parts of Python Programming Language 45

of 1010. Bitwise operators perform their operations on such binary representations, but
they return standard Python numerical values. TABLE 2.7 shows all the bitwise operators.

List of Bitwise Operators
Operator Operator Name Description Example

& Binary AND Result is one in each bit position for which p & q = 12
the corresponding bits of both operands (means 0000 1100)
are 1s.
| Binary OR Result is one in each bit position for which p | q = 61
the corresponding bits of either or both (means 0011 1101)
operands are 1s.
^ Binary XOR Result is one in each bit position for which (p ^ q) = 49 (means 0011 0001)
the corresponding bits of either but not
both operands are 1s.
~ Binary Ones Inverts the bits of its operand. (~p) = −61 (means 1100 0011 in
Complement 2’s complement form due to
a signed binary number.
<< Binary Left Shift The left operands value is moved left by p << 2 = 240
the number of bits specified by the right (means 1111 0000)
>> Binary Right Shift The left operands value is moved right by p >> 2 = 15
the number of bits specified by the right (means 0000 1111)
Note: The value of p is 60 and q is 13.

The Bitwise Truth table is shown in TABLE 2.8.

Bitwise Truth Table
P Q P&Q P|Q P^Q ~P
0 0 0 0 0 1
0 1 0 1 1
1 0 0 1 1 0
1 1 1 1 0

A sequence consisting of ones and zeroes is known as binary. The

smallest amount of information that you can store in a computer is
known as a bit. A bit is represented as either 0 or 1.

FIGURE 2.1 shows examples for bitwise logical operations. The value of operand a is
60 and value of operand b is 13.

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