IAM Strategy
IAM Strategy
IAM Strategy
net | 800-966-6090
Project Goals:
• Identify relevant, business-driven opportunities for IAM to enhance your service levels
• Facilitate the identification of specific next steps as related to the pursuit of IaM initiatives
• Develop IAM Roadmap
• Provide knowledge and insight related to IAM trends and best practices
salesinfo@pdsit.net | PDSIT.net | 800-966-6090
Global Brand Succeeds with Identity Management Strategy
Stakeholder Initiative
Data Gap
Ownership Analysis
• Identified gaps in provisioning processes • Recommendations to address issues
• Identified gaps in security policies • IAM Roadmap to phase out the work
• Identified gaps in IAM Architecture
salesinfo@pdsit.net | PDSIT.net | 800-966-6090
Finalize IAM
Project Plan Assess Current State
Arhitecture & Architecture &
& Objective IAM Environment State
Standards Strategy
Strategy Deliverables:
We know that each business is different and unique,
here are the starting points we’ve found most common
• Current state IAM business and technology assessment, • A high-level IAM support strategy including planning
including strengths, gaps, and opportunities for education & training and program management
• Agreed-upon IAM vision and goals linked to • IAM awareness and education, including key concepts,
organization’s strategic business objectives benefits, and best practices
• Business and technical assessment of IAM capabilities • Preliminary scoping of first-step or quick win
and requirements opportunity, including high level estimates of business
benefits and resource requirements
• An analysis of IAM technology gaps and future state
requirements • A visual road map showing the phases required to
implement future state IAM technical and business
• A future state Directory Services Architecture for IAM,
including prioritized architectural requirements
• A 30-60-90 day action plan for short-term next steps
• A prioritized set of future state IAM capabilities,
opportunities, and initiatives • Summary slide presentation and executive readout
• An analysis of IAM governance and business processes
salesinfo@pdsit.net | PDSIT.net | 800-966-6090
There are a number of details that organizations must consider when evaluating products
and vendors for their identity management solution, including the following:
As part of our overarching approach outlined in the figure below, Idenhaus Consulting has a
phased methodology that facilitates an effective collaboration while at the same time driving
consensus and managing risk. A typical product evaluation engagement proceeds through
a series of activities designed to drive out key requirements and maintains the appropriate
focus on the evaluation criteria. Idenhaus Consulting conducts product evaluations along
three dimensions: Business Fit, Product Functionality, and Technology Platform.
salesinfo@pdsit.net | PDSIT.net | 800-966-6090
The process:
Global Brand Succeeds with Identity Management Strategy
• Identify key decision criteria
• Determine component weighting
Pew timeline:
• Refine tool and/or functionality
• Conduct on-site vendor demos (time Conduct Kickoff Meeting
• Complete PEW score cards
• Perform due diligence in product
• Refine business case (optional) Collect and Review
Existing Documentation
The deliverables:
• Interactive, facilitated sessions with Conduct Interviews
key stakeholders with Personnel
• PEW Documentation
– Key decision criteria
– Process & Functional Overview
– Product Evaluation Summary with Identify Vendors and
top ranked products Evaluate Products
– Documented Issues
– A presentation highlighting the
findings and recommendations
– Completed decision model
Develop Business Case
Recommendation for
Vendor Selection