Bep Standard
Bep Standard
Bep Standard
ISO TC 22/SC 6
Date: 2004-01-20
ISO/DIS 21308-2
Secretariat: AFNOR
This document is not an ISO International Standard. It is distributed for review and comment. It is subject to
change without notice and may not be referred to as an International Standard.
Recipients of this draft are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of
which they are aware and to provide supporting documentation.
2\N34_DIS_21308-2_(E)_.doc STD Version 2.1c
ISO/DIS 21308-2
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This ISO document is a Draft International Standard and is copyright-protected by ISO. Except as permitted
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Contents Page
Foreword ............................................................................................................................................................iv
1 Scope ......................................................................................................................................................1
2 Normative references............................................................................................................................1
3 Terms and definitions ...........................................................................................................................1
4 Coding system .......................................................................................................................................2
4.1 BEP code ................................................................................................................................................2
4.2 Type of dimension.................................................................................................................................2
4.3 Numbering..............................................................................................................................................3
4.4 Definition ................................................................................................................................................3
4.5 Priority ....................................................................................................................................................3
4.6 Loading condition .................................................................................................................................3
4.7 Represented by......................................................................................................................................3
5 General dimensions ..............................................................................................................................4
6 Chassis related dimensions .................................................................................................................8
6.1 Axle and wheel related dimensions.....................................................................................................8
6.2 Chassis frame related dimensions ....................................................................................................22
6.3 Cab related dimensions ......................................................................................................................38
7 Bodywork related dimensions ...........................................................................................................41
7.1 Sub-frame related dimensions ...........................................................................................................41
7.2 Bodywork dimensions ........................................................................................................................47
Annex A (informative) Corresponding codes.................................................................................................52
A.1 Comparison of BEP codes and other coding systems ...................................................................52
A.1.1 Length codes .......................................................................................................................................52
A.1.2 Height codes ........................................................................................................................................53
A.1.3 Width codes .........................................................................................................................................54
Index ..................................................................................................................................................................56
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
ISO 21308-2 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 22, Road vehicles, Subcommittee SC 6, Terms
and definitions of dimensions and masses.
ISO 21308 consists of the following parts, under the general title Road vehicles — Product data exchange
between chassis and bodywork manufacturers (BEP):
The production efficiency of a specific truck chassis and its body combinations can be greatly improved by
achieving the correct technical and commercial information about the specific chassis communicated to the
truck bodybuilder in advance. By the determination of uniform conditions, unambiguous dimensions for trucks
can be established. The dimension codes are useful in various situations, e.g. for the design and manufacture,
technical specifications, technical drawings and leaflets. The information must be reliable and give the truck
body builder confidence to prefabricate the body or the superstructure before the chassis is delivered.
ISO 21308 provides a system to exchange specific data between chassis and bodybuilder manufacturers. The
standard uses the applicable definitions from ISO 612 and ISO 7656. It also adds a large number of new
dimensional codes, as well as general and administrative codes. Annex A gives an overview of the ISO 21308
codes compared to the definitions in ISO 612 and ISO 7656.
The codes provide the basic information level, and are also the basic input parameters for a data exchange
system based on the STEP protocol.
1 Scope
This part of ISO 21308 provides a set of codes for the exchange of dimensional data between truck chassis
manufacturers and bodywork manufacturers. It applies to commercial vehicles as defined in ISO 3833, having
a maximum gross vehicle mass above 3 500 kg.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 612, Road vehicles — Dimensions of motor vehicles and towed vehicles — Terms and definitions
ISO 4130, Road vehicles — Three-dimensional reference system and fiducial marks — Definitions
ISO 21308-32), Road vehicles — Product data exchange between chassis and bodywork manufacturers
(BEP) — Part 3: General and administrative information
code to identify a unique measurement on the truck, to make the information exchange between chassis
manufacturers and body builders easier without any confusion with other systems
1) Under revision
2) To be published
left and right side
left side in the driving direction and right side in the driving direction
driven axle
driven axle marked with an X in the drawings
non-driven axle
axle, such as steered or tag axle, marked with an O in the drawings
front edge
most forward point of the truck as delivered from the chassis manufacturer
Gross Vehicle Mass, GVM
Gross Vehicle Weight, GVW
technical or legal gross vehicle mass (weight) according to the legislation or regulations for the applicable
4 Coding system
Each dimension given in this International Standard is assigned a code, composed of the items given below.
A prefix “BEP” shall be used to avoid confusion with other coding systems.
Dimension codes are used to denote length, width and height measurements along the zero X -, Y - or Z-
planes respectively, as defined in ISO 4130:1978, definition 3.1. They are also used to denote angle
A capital letter, which denotes the type of dimension, shall be given as follows:
L – Length
W – Width
H – Height
NOTE 1 The centre of the first front axle is chosen as a reference zero point for the length measurements. In some
cases where it is convenient to use the rear axle as a reference, the first driven rear axle is used.
NOTE 2 The top of the chassis frame is chosen as the reference zero point for height measurements for objects
connected to the chassis frame.
NOTE 3 The centre-line of the chassis is chosen a the reference zero point for width measurements.
If there is a need to differ between the dimension(s) on the right or left side, the BEP-code should be
supplemented by .R or .L.
4.3 Numbering
Each item is numbered with a specific and unique BEP-code followed by a structuring character and a
sequential number, starting from 001.
The dimension codes for repeated vehicle items of the same kind on one vehicle, e.g. axles, cross-members,
frame-mounted objects etc, are differed by an added sequential number beginning with .1 counted from the
front of the vehicle and rearwards.
The same .n number shall be applied to a specific object in terms of L, H, and W dimensions.
EXAMPLE Frame-mounted objects may be a fuel tank, referred to as BEP-L030.4, BEP-H030.4, and BEP-W.030.4,
and a battery box, referred to as BEP-L030.5, BEP-H030.5, and BEP-W030.5.
For L codes, a positive value indicates that the item is located behind the axle. A negative value indicates that
the item is located in front of the axle.
For H codes, a positive value indicates that the item is located above the top of the chassis frame. A negative
value indicates that the item is located below the top of the chassis frame.
4.4 Definition
4.5 Priority
A – Essential
B – Useful
The column “Loading” shows the load situation of the chassis, as follows:
1 – Unladen
4.7 Represented by
The column “Presented in” describes in which type of document the items can be presented, as follows:
2D – 2D drawing
3D – 3D model
5 General dimensions
BEP-L001 Overall length Distance from front edge of vehicle to rear edge of A - 2D, 3D, TD
vehicle, including accessories in both front and rear
NOTE See also ISO 612.
BEP-L002 Front reference Distance from the centre of the first front axle to the A - 2D, 3D, TD
point for front reference point for measuring.
NOTE 1 Front reference point(s) for measuring is (are)
defined by the chassis manufacturer.
NOTE 2 If the reference points for right and left side member
differ, then mark with .R or .L.
NOTE 3 If the position of the reference point is in the front of
the axle, the value is negative.
BEP-L003 Rear reference Distance from the first driven rear axle to the rear A - 2D, 3D, TD
point for reference point for measuring.
NOTE 1 Rear reference point(s) for measuring is (are)
defined by the chassis manufacturer.
NOTE 2 If the reference points for right and left side member
differ, then mark with .R or .L.
NOTE 3 If the position of the reference point is in the front of
the axle, the value is negative.
BEP-L002 BEP-L003
BEP-H001 Maximum external Distance from ground to top of cab, including cab A 1 2D, 3D,TD
height, unladen mounted parts, with the chassis unladen but in
operating order.
NOTE The roof hatch, if present, should be closed. For
pneumatic suspension, the driving position is assumed.
BEP-H002 Maximum external Distance from ground to top of cab, including cab A 2 2D, 3D, TD
height, laden mounted parts, in laden condition.
NOTE The chassis is laden up to "Technical gross vehicle
mass". The roof hatch, if fitted, is closed. For pneumatic
suspension, the driving position is assumed. Additional tyre
springing must be taken into account.
BEP-H003 Maximum overall Distance from ground to the highest point of the vehicle A 1 2D, 3D, TD
height of vehicle, including bodywork.
BEP-W001 Overall width of Maximum external width of the vehicle chassis. A - 2D, 3D, TD
chassis with cab
NOTE Rear-view mirrors in outermost position, lights,
elastic mud flaps, tyre bulges in the road area and snow chains
are included in the width stated. The bodywork is not taken into
BEP-W003.n Width across External width across the wheels on the n-th axle. A - 2D, 3D, TD
wheels on n-th
NOTE Projecting axle hubs and tyre bulges are
axle disregarded.
BEP-L010 Total wheel base Distance between centre of first front axle to the centre A 2 2D, 3D, TD
of the last axle.
BEP-L011 Configuration Distance between centre of first front axle to the centre A 2 2D, 3D, TD
Wheel base of first driven rear axle.
NOTE If the vehicle is not symmetrical, different values for
right and left hand side apply. Then mark with .R or .L, e.g.
BEP-L012.n Wheel space from Distance between centre of wheels on n-th and (n+1)-th A 2 2D, 3D, TD
n to n+1 axle axles.
BEP-L012.1 BEP-L012.2
BEP-L013 Theoretical wheel Distance between first front axle to calculated mass line A 2 2D, TD
base of front axle of front axle combination.
BEP-L014 Theoretical wheel Distance between first driven rear axle to calculated A 2 2D, TD
base of rear axle mass line of rear axle combination.
BEP-L015 Theoretical wheel Distance between the calculated mass lines of front and A 2 2D, TD
base rear axle combinations.
NOTE 1 For a single axle, either in the front or in the rear,
the calculated mass line is identical to the axle centre line.
NOTE 2 If there is an axle combination either in the front or
rear, the calculated mass line is the calculated line between
the axles where the load from the axles is focused.
NOTE 3 For air suspension systems with electronic control,
the calculated mass line is variable while driving.
EXAMPLE A, B, C, D may have the following
distribution, shown in the figures below:
A = 50 %, B = 50 %, C = 60 %, D = 40 %
BEP-L013 BEP-L015
BEP-L016 Front vehicle Distance between front edge of vehicle and centre of A 2 2D, 3D, TD
overhang wheel on first axle.
BEP-L017 Rear vehicle Distance between centre of last axle and rearmost part A 2 2D, 3D, TD
overhang of vehicle.
BEP-L018 Front frame Distance from foremost edge of front frame to centre of A - 2D, 3D, TD
overhang first front axle.
BEP-L019 Rear frame Distance between the centre of last axle to rearmost A - 2D, 3D, TD
overhang edge of frame side member.
BEP-L020 Rear frame Distance between the centre of first driven rear axle to A - 2D, 3D, TD
overhang from first rearmost edge of frame side member.
driven rear axle
BEP-L021 Technical Distance between calculated mass lines of rear axle B - 2D, 3D, TD
overhang length combination and rearmost edge of vehicle or body.
EXAMPLE A and B may have the following
distribution: A = 60 %, B = 40 %
A B BEP-L019
BEP-H010 Approach angle Angle between the tangent of the rolling radius of the B 2 2D, 3D, TD
tyres and the lowest fixed point of the vehicle in front of
the axle, for technical front axle mass.
NOTE Chassis loaded to permitted axle masses. For
pneumatic suspension, the drive position is assumed.
Additional tyre springing must be taken into account.
BEP-H011 Departure angle Angle between the tangent of the rolling radius of the B 2 2D, 3D, TD
tyres and the lowest fixed point of the vehicle behind
the axle, for technical rear axle mass.
NOTE Chassis loaded to permitted axle masses. For
pneumatic suspension, the drive position is assumed.
Additional tyre springing must be taken into account.
BEP-H012 Ramp angle See ISO 612 and ISO 7656. B 2 2D, 3D, TD
BEP-H012 BEP-H011
BEP-H013 Ground clearance, Distance between the ground and the lowest fixed point A 2 2D, 3D, TD
rear part between the centre of the last front axle and the
rearmost part of the chassis.
NOTE Chassis loaded to permitted axle masses. For
pneumatic suspension, the drive position is assumed.
Additional tyre springing shall be taken into account.
BEP-H014 Ground clearance, Distance between the ground and the lowest fixed point A 2 2D, 3D, TD
front part between the front part of the chassis and the centre of
the last front axle.
NOTE Chassis loaded to permitted axle masses. For
pneumatic suspension, the drive position is assumed.
Additional tyre springing shall be taken into account.
BEP-H015.n Ground clearance, Smallest vertical dimension between vehicle front A 2 2D, 3D, TD
front axle(s) axle(s) and ground level.
NOTE Chassis loaded to permitted axle masses. For
pneumatic suspension, the drive position is assumed.
Additional tyre springing must be taken into account.
BEP-H016.n Ground clearance, Smallest vertical dimension between vehicle rear A 2 2D, 3D, TD
rear axle(s) axle(s) and ground level.
NOTE Chassis loaded to permitted axle masses. For
pneumatic suspension, the drive position is assumed.
Additional tyre springing must be taken into account.
BEP-H017 Front under-run Distance between the ground and the uppermost part of A 1 2D, 3D, TD
protection, upper the front under-run protection.
BEP-H018 Front under-run Distance between the ground and the lowest part of the A 1 2D, 3D, TD
protection, lower front under-run protection.
BEP-H019.n Side under-run Distance between the ground and the uppermost part of A 1 2D, 3D, TD
protection(s), the side under-run protection.
NOTE The distance is measured at the centreline of the
side under-run protection.
BEP-H020.n Side under-run Distance between the ground and the lowest part of the A 1 2D, 3D, TD
protection(s), side under-run protection.
NOTE The distance is measured at the centreline of the
side under-run protection.
BEP-H021 Rear under-run Distance between the ground and the uppermost part of A 1 2D, 3D, TD
protection, upper the rear under-run protection.
BEP-H022 Rear under-run Distance between the ground and the lowest part of the A 1 2D, 3D, TD
protection, lower rear under-run protection.
BEP-W011 Turning circle The diameter of the circle described by the 'centre' of A 2 TD
diameter the tyre of the outer steered wheel at the first front axle
at maximum steering angle.
NOTE If there is a difference between left hand and right
hand turning circle, it is marked with .R or .L - e.g. BEP-
BEP-W012 Clearance circle The diameter of the circle described by the outer edge A 2 TD
diameter of the vehicle at maximum steering angle.
NOTE The outer edge includes external equipment, for
example mirrors. If there is a difference between left hand and
right hand turning circle, it is marked with .R or .L - e.g. BEP-
BEP-W013.n Track Distance between centres of the tyres of the n-th axle. A 1 2D, 3D, TD
NOTE In case of twin tyres, the centre between the two
centres of the tyres on the same side is used.
BEP-W013.1 BEP-W013.2
BEP-W014.n Twin tyre distance Distance between the centres of the two tyres of the n- B 1 2D, 3D, TD
th axle on one side.
BEP-W015.n Spring track Distance between the centreline of springs at the n-th B 1 2D, 3D, TD
distance axle.
BEP-W015.1 BEP-W015.2
BEP-L030.n Start of chassis- Distance between the centre of the first front axle and A - 2D, 3D, TD
mounted object, the foremost part of the n-th object mounted on the
length chassis.
NOTE 1 Add .R or .L (if applicable) to specify the mounting
side, related to the centreline of the chassis.
NOTE 2 It is applicable to objects both inside and outside
the chassis frame.
EXAMPLE Air tank, fuel tank, battery box, exhaust
parts, side under-run protection etc.
BEP-L031.n End of chassis- Distance between the centre of the first front axle and A - 2D, 3D, TD
mounted object, the rearmost end of the n-th object mounted on the
length chassis.
NOTE 1 Add .R or .L (if applicable) to specify the mounting
side, related to the centreline of the chassis.
NOTE 2 It is applicable to objects both inside and outside
the chassis frame.
EXAMPLE Air tank, fuel tank, battery box, exhaust
parts, side under-run protection etc.
BEP-H030.n Start of chassis- Distance from the top of chassis frame to the highest A - 2D, 3D, TD
mounted object, part of the n-th object mounted on the chassis.
NOTE 1 Add .R or .L (if applicable) to specify the mounting
side, related to the centreline of the chassis.
NOTE 2 It is applicable to objects both inside and outside
the chassis frame.
NOTE 3 Positive values indicate above top of chassis, and
negative values indicate below top of chassis.
Example Air tank, fuel tank, battery box, electrical and
electronic interface, pneumatic interface, exhaust parts, side
under-run protection etc.
BEP-H031.n End of chassis- Distance from the top of chassis frame to the lowest A - 2D, 3D, TD
mounted object, part of the n-th object mounted on the chassis.
NOTE 1 Add .R or .L (if applicable) to specify the mounting
side, related to the centreline of the chassis.
NOTE 2 It is applicable to objects both inside and outside
the chassis frame.
NOTE 3 Positive values indicate above top of chassis, and
negative values indicate below top of chassis.
Example Air tank, fuel tank, battery box, electrical and
electronic interface, pneumatic interface, exhaust parts, side
under-run protection etc.
BEP-W030.n Start of chassis- Distance from the centreline of chassis frame to the A - 2D, 3D, TD
mounted object, nearest part of the n-th object mounted on the chassis.
NOTE 1 Add .R or .L (if applicable) to specify the mounting
side, related to the centreline of the chassis.
NOTE 2 It is applicable to objects both inside and outside
the chassis frame.
Example Air tank, fuel tank, battery box, electrical and
electronic interface, pneumatic interface, exhaust parts, side
under-run protection etc.
BEP-W031.n End of chassis- Distance from the centreline of chassis frame to the A - 2D, 3D, TD
mounted object, furthest part of the n-th object mounted on the chassis.
NOTE 1 Add .R or .L (if applicable) to specify the mounting
side, related to the centreline of the chassis.
NOTE 2 It is applicable to objects both inside and outside
the chassis frame.
Example Air tank, fuel tank, battery box electrical and
electronic interface, pneumatic interface, exhaust parts, side
under-run protection etc.
BEP-L032 Length of frame Distance between the centre of the first front axle and B - TD
from centre of first the rear end of the chassis.
front axle
BEP-L033 Minimum length of Minimum distance between the centre of the first front B - TD
frame from centre axle and the rear end of the chassis.
of first front axle
NOTE The shortest possible chassis frame overhang on
the rear end recommended by the chassis manufacturer. This
is to enable body designers to establish the chassis cut off-
point whilst allowing sufficient space for cleating at the rear of
the chassis frame.
EXAMPLE Cutting the overhang behind the spring
hanger bracket.
BEP-L034 Front edge of front Distance from front edge of front cross-member to A - 2D, 3D, TD
cross-member centre of first front axle.
BEP-L035 Rear edge of rear Distance from centre of the first driven rear axle to rear A - 2D, 3D, TD
cross-member edge of rear cross-member for trailer couplings.
NOTE In case of several rear cross-members, they may
be marked BEP-L035.1, BEP-L035.2.
BEP-H032 Frame side Frame side member profile height. A - 2D, 3D, TD
member profile
BEP-H033 Frame side Frame side member profile bottom thickness. A - 2D, 3D, TD
member profile
bottom thickness
BEP-H034 Frame side Frame side member profile top thickness. A - 2D, 3D, TD
member profile top
BEP-W032 Frame side Frame side member profile bottom width. A - 2D, 3D, TD
member profile
bottom width
BEP-W033 Frame side Frame side member profile top width. A - 2D, 3D, TD
member profile top
BEP-W034 Frame side Frame side member profile waist thickness. A - 2D, 3D, TD
member profile
waist thickness
NOTE Some common profiles are shown below. Further profile alternatives may be defined by the chassis and bodywork manufacturers.
BEP-W033 BEP-W033
BEP-W034 BEP-W034
BEP-W032 BEP-W032
BEP-L036.n.t Distance to the Distance from the centre of the first front axle to the A - 2D, 3D, TD
front edge of the n- front edge of the n-th intermediate cross-member on the
th front centre-line of the chassis.
intermediate cross-
NOTE 1 Each cross-member is identified by a number (n).
NOTE 2 When the value is negative, the position of the
cross-member is in the front of the axle. If it is positive, the
position is behind the axle.
NOTE 3 The cross-members are defined in different types
(t), specified with e.g. A, B, C, etc. Each definition of type
includes the description of the exact position and profile of
each cross-member.
EXAMPLE BEP-L036.2.A means second cross-
member, type A.
BEP-L037.n.t Distance to the Distance from the centre of the first driven rear axle to A - 2D, 3D, TD
front edge of the n- the front edge of the n-th intermediate cross-member on
th rear the centre-line of the chassis.
intermediate cross-
NOTE 1 Each cross-member is identified by a number (n).
NOTE 2 When the value is negative, the position of the
cross-member is in the front of the axle. If it is positive, the
position is behind the axle.
NOTE 3 The cross-members are defined in different types
(t), specified with e.g. A, B, C, etc. Each definition of type
includes the description of the exact position and profile of
each cross-member.
EXAMPLE BEP-L037.5.C means fifth cross-member,
type C.
BEP-L036.1.A BEP-
L037.3.B BEP-L037.4.B
BEP-L038.n.t Distance to the Distance from the centre of the first front axle to the A - 2D, 3D, TD
hole pattern in the index point for positioning, of the n-th hole pattern in
front part of frame frame.
NOTE 1 If the values for right and left side member differ,
then mark with .R or .L.
NOTE 2 A negative value indicates that the hole-pattern is
in front of the axle. A positive value indicates that it is behind
the axle.
NOTE 3 A unique number (n) identifies each hole pattern.
NOTE 4 The hole patterns are defined in different types (t),
specified e.g. with A, B, C, etc. Each definition of type includes
the description of
– index point for positioning;
– hole dimension;
– hole shape (cylindrical, oblong, etc.);
– hole type (drilled, punched etc.);
– relative positions including transformation
– x, y, z-position relative to the given value and
their tolerance.
EXAMPLE BEP-038.L.2.A means left side-member,
hole pattern 2, type A.
BEP-L039.n.t Distance to the Distance from the centre of the first driven rear axle to A - 2D, 3D, TD
hole pattern in the the index point for positioning, of the n-th hole pattern in
rear part of frame frame.
NOTE 1 If the frame side members are not symmetrical,
different values for right and left hand side apply, marked with
.R or .L
NOTE 2 If the value is negative, the position of the hole-
pattern is in the front of the axle. If it is positive, the position is
behind the axle.
NOTE 3 A unique number (n) identifies each hole pattern.
NOTE 4 The hole pattern are defined in different types (t),
specified e.g. with A, B, C, etc. Each definition of type includes
the description of
– index point for positioning;
– hole dimension;
– hole shape (cylindrical, oblong, etc.);
– hole type (drilled, punched etc.);
– relative positions including transformation
– x, y, z-position relative to the given value and
their tolerance.
EXAMPLE BEP-L039.L.4.C means left side-member,
hole pattern 4 on the rear part of the frame, type C.
BEP-L038.L.1.A BEP-L039.L.4.D
BEP-L038.L.2.C BEP-L039.L.5.A
BEP-L040.n Start of restricted Distance between the centre of the first front axle and A - TD
area within frame the beginning of the n-th restricted area within the
chassis frame.
NOTE To avoid conflict with sensitive equipment.
BEP-L041.n End of restricted Distance between the centre of the first front axle and A - TD
area within frame the end of the n-th restricted area within the chassis
NOTE To avoid conflict with sensitive equipment.
BEP-L042.n First front axle Distance between centre of wheel on first front axle and A - 2D, 3D, TD
centre to n-th bend n-th bend in frame (if behind the cab).
in frame
BEP-W035 Width of frame at External width of frame in front area of the vehicle. A - 2D, 3D, TD
front area
BEP-W036 Width of frame at External width of frame in rear area of the vehicle. A - 2D, 3D, TD
rear area
BEP-H035 Height of frame, Distance from top edge of frame to ground measured at A 1 2D, 3D, TD
unladen, front the first front axle, unladen condition.
NOTE Any sub-frame fitted is disregarded. Loading
corresponds to unladen mass. For pneumatic suspension, the
driving position is assumed.
BEP-H036 Height of frame, Distance from top edge of frame to ground measured at A 2 2D, 3D, TD
laden, front the first front axle, laden condition.
NOTE Any sub-frame fitted is disregarded. The chassis is
loaded up to "technical gross vehicle mass". For pneumatic
suspension, the driving position is assumed. Additional tyre
springing from the nearest axle must be taken into account.
BEP-H037 Height of frame Distance from top edge of frame to ground measured at A 1 2D, 3D, TD
over first driven the first driven axle, unladen conditions.
rear axle, unladen
NOTE Any sub-frame fitted is disregarded. Loading
corresponds to unladen mass. For pneumatic suspension, the
driving position is assumed.
BEP-H038 Height of frame Distance from top edge of frame to ground measured at A 2 2D, 3D, TD
over first driven the first driven axle, laden conditions.
rear axle, laden
NOTE Any sub-frame fitted is disregarded. The chassis is
loaded up to "technical gross vehicle mass". For pneumatic
suspension, the driving position is assumed. Additional tyre
springing must be taken into account.
BEP-H039 Height of frame at Distance from top edge of frame to ground measured at A 1 2D, 3D, TD
theoretical rear the theoretical wheelbase, unladen conditions.
wheel base,
NOTE Any sub-frame fitted is disregarded. Loading
unladen corresponds to unladen mass. For pneumatic suspension, the
driving position is assumed.
BEP-H040 Height of frame at Distance from top edge of frame to ground measured at A 2 2D, 3D, TD
theoretical rear the theoretical wheel base, laden conditions.
wheel base, laden
NOTE Any sub-frame fitted is disregarded. The chassis is
loaded up to "technical gross vehicle mass". For pneumatic
suspension, the driving position is assumed. Additional tyre
springing must be taken into account.
BEP-H038 BEP-L014 BEP-H039
BEP-H041.n Wheel centre to Height of wheel centre to top of chassis frame for the n- A 2 2D, 3D, TD
top of frame th axle.
NOTE The chassis is loaded up to "technical gross vehicle
mass". For pneumatic suspension, the driving position is
assumed. Additional tyre springing from the nearest axle must
be taken into account.
BEP-H042.n Top of wheel to Highest wheel position relative to top of chassis frame A - 2D, 3D, TD
top of frame for the n-th axle, taking into account maximum jounce.
NOTE 1 This code is used to specify the clearance needed
in a worst case condition.
NOTE 2 Positive values indicate above top of chassis, and
negative values indicate below top of chassis.
NOTE 3 If different for right and left side, then mark with .R
or .L.
BEP-L043.n PTO longitudinal Distance between the centre of the first front axle and A - 2D, 3D, TD
position the reference point of the n-th Power Take-Off.
NOTE The reference point is depending of the PTO type.
BEP-H043.n PTO vertical Distance between the top of the chassis frame and the A - 2D, 3D, TD
position reference point of the n-th Power Take-Off.
NOTE 1 The reference point is depending of the PTO type.
NOTE 2 Positive values indicate above top of chassis, and
negative values indicate below top of chassis.
BEP-W043.n PTO lateral Distance between the centreline of chassis frame and A - 2D, 3D, TD
position the reference point of the n-th Power Take-Off.
NOTE 1 The reference point is depending of the PTO type.
NOTE 2 Add .R or .L (if applicable) to specify the mounting
side, related to the centreline of the chassis.
BEP-L044 Centre of gravity of Theoretically calculated centre of gravity of chassis A - 2D, 3D, TD
chassis, measured from the centre of the first front axle.
BEP-H044 Centre of gravity of Theoretically calculated centre of gravity of chassis, A - 2D, 3D, TD
chassis, vertical measured from the ground surface.
BEP-L045.n Length to coupling Distance from the centre of the first front axle of vehicle A - 2D, 3D, TD
pin centre to centre axis of the trailer coupling pin.
NOTE In case of several couplings, the distances may be
marked BEP-L045.1, BEP-L045.2.
BEP-H045.n Height to coupling Distance from top chassis frame to centre axis of the A - 2D, 3D, TD
pin centre trailer coupling pin.
NOTE In case of several couplings, the distances may be
marked BEP-H045.1, BEP-H045.2.
BEP-H046 Raising from Height change between driving position and topmost A - 2D, 3D, TD
driving position, raised position, measured at the first front axle
front centreline.
BEP-H047 Lowering from Height change between driving position and lowest A - 2D, 3D, TD
driving position, lowered position, measured at the first front axle
front centreline.
BEP-H048 Raising from Height change between driving position and topmost A - 2D, 3D, TD
driving position, raised position, measured at the first rear axle
rear centreline.
BEP-H049 Lowering from Height change between driving position and lowest A - 2D, 3D, TD
driving position, lowered position, measured at the first rear axle
rear centreline.
BEP-L046.n Start of available Start of a zone of at least 500 mm length available A - 2D, 3D, TD
space zone, length space on the outside of the chassis frame for use by the
bodybuilder, measured from the centre of the first front
BEP-L047.n End of available End of a zone of at least 500 mm length available space A - 2D, 3D, TD
space zone, length on the outside of the chassis frame for use by the
bodybuilder, measured from the centre of the first front
BEP-L060 Cab tilt angle Maximum tilt angle from driving position. A - 2D, 3D, TD
NOTE Applies only to hinged driver's cab.
BEP-L061 Front axle to cab Distance from the centre of the front axle to an x-plane B - 2D, 3D, TD
tilt into servicing touching the foremost point of the cab in the servicing
position maximum tilt position.
BEP-L062 Driver's cab hinge Distance measured from centre of the first front axle to A - 2D, 3D, TD
point, longitudinal hinge point.
BEP-H060 Driver's cab hinge Distance measured from upper edge of frame to hinge A - 2D, 3D, TD
point, vertical point.
NOTE Positive values indicate above top of chassis, and
negative values indicate below top of chassis.
BEP-H061 Maximum overall Vertical distance between the ground and the topmost B 1 2D, 3D, TD
height, tilt cab point of the cab during tilting.
NOTE The roof hatch, if present, should be closed. For
pneumatic suspension, the driving position is assumed.
BEP-H062 Cab tilt radius Radius described by the outer cab contour during the A - 2D, 3D, TD
tilting process. The dimension relates to the measured
cab hinge point.
BEP-H063 Cab height from Distance from top of frame to top of cab roof. A - 2D, 3D, TD
BEP-L063 End of cab Distance between the centre of the first front axle and A - 2D, 3D, TD
the rear end of the cab.
BEP-L064.n End of cab- Distance between the centre of the first front axle and A - 2D, 3D, TD
mounted object the rearmost end of the n-th object mounted on the cab.
NOTE If the values for right and left side member differ,
then mark with .R or .L.
EXAMPLE Lights, deflectors, air intake.
BEP-L064.1 BEP-L064.2
BEP-L070.n.t Distance to the n- Distance from the centre of the first front axle to the n-th B - 2D, 3D, TD
th cross-member cross-member front edge in sub-frame.
in sub-frame, front
NOTE 1 Each cross-member is identified by a number (n).
NOTE 2 A negative value indicates that the cross-member
is in front of the axle. A positive value indicates that it is behind
the axle.
NOTE 3 The cross-members are defined in different types
(t), specified with e.g. A, B, C, etc. Each definition of type
includes the description of the exact position and profile of
each cross-member, shown in generic document.
EXAMPLE BEP-L070.2.A means second cross-
member, type A.
BEP-L071.n.t Distance to the n- Distance from the centre of the first driven rear axle to B - 2D, 3D, TD
th cross-member the n-th cross member front edge in sub-frame.
in sub-frame, rear
NOTE 1 Each cross-member is identified by a number (n).
NOTE 2 A negative value indicates that the cross-member
is in front of the axle. A positive value indicates that it is behind
the axle.
NOTE 3 The cross-members are defined in different types
(t), specified with e.g. A, B, C, etc. Each definition of type
includes the description of the exact position and profile of
each cross-member, shown in generic document.
EXAMPLE BEP-L071.5.A means fifth cross-member
behind the rear axle, type A.
BEP-L070.1.A BEP-L071.4.A
BEP-L072 Distance to fifth- Distance from centre of the first front axle of vehicle to A - 2D, 3D, TD
wheel kingpin from centre of fifth-wheel kingpin coupling, foremost position.
front axle,
BEP-L073 Distance to fifth- Distance from centre of the first front axle of vehicle to A - 2D, 3D, TD
wheel kingpin from centre of fifth-wheel kingpin coupling, nominal position.
front axle, nominal
BEP-L074 Distance to fifth- Distance from centre of the first front axle of vehicle to A - 2D, 3D, TD
wheel kingpin from centre of fifth-wheel kingpin coupling, rearmost position.
front axle,
BEP-L075 Distance to fifth- Distance from centre of the first driven rear axle of A - 2D, 3D, TD
wheel kingpin from vehicle to centre of fifth-wheel kingpin coupling,
rear axle, foremost foremost position.
BEP-L076 Distance to fifth- Distance from centre of the first driven rear axle of A - 2D, 3D, TD
wheel kingpin from vehicle to centre of fifth-wheel kingpin coupling, nominal
rear axle, nominal position.
BEP-L077 Distance to fifth- Distance from centre of the first driven rear axle of A - 2D, 3D, TD
wheel kingpin from vehicle to centre of fifth-wheel kingpin coupling,
rear axle, rearmost rearmost position.
BEP-H071 Fifth wheel sub- Height of fifth wheel sub-frame measured from top edge A - 2D, 3D, TD
frame of frame to top edge of sub-frame.
BEP-H072 Fifth wheel sub- Height from ground to top edge of fifth-wheel coupling A 1 2D, 3D, TD
frame top height sub-frame with the vehicle unladen.
without coupling,
BEP-H073 Fifth wheel sub- Height from ground to top edge of fifth wheel coupling A 2 2D, 3D, TD
frame top height sub-frame with the vehicle laden.
without coupling,
BEP-H074 Height of fifth- Height of fifth-wheel coupling above sub-frame, A - 2D, 3D, TD
wheel coupling, uppermost position.
uppermost position
BEP-H075 Height of fifth- Height of fifth-wheel coupling above sub-frame, lowest A - 2D, 3D, TD
wheel coupling, position.
lowest position
BEP-L078 Fifth wheel Distance between the centre of the fifth wheel coupling A - TD
coupling pin to cab pin and the nearest object behind the cab.
NOTE In case of adjustable position, the foremost
position (BEP-L072) is used.
BEP-L079 Fifth wheel Distance between the centre of the fifth wheel coupling A - TD
coupling pin to the pin and the furthest obstacle at rear of the towing
furthest obstacle vehicle, taken as a radial dimension.
on the towing
NOTE 1 This is the necessary free space on a trailer.
NOTE 2 In case of adjustable position, the foremost position
(BEP-L072) is used.
BEP-L100 Length of Distance between the front and rear outermost points of A - 2D, 3D, TD
bodywork a bodywork.
BEP-L101 Interior length of Interior distance between the front and rear boards. A - 2D, 3D, TD
BEP-L102 Distance from first Minimum distance from the centre of the first front axle A - 2D, 3D, TD
front axle to to the front edge of the bodywork.
NOTE Longitudinal movements to be taken into account.
BEP-H100 Load deck height Distance from top of chassis frame to body floor. B - TD
from top of chassis
BEP-W100.n Exterior width of Distance between the left and right outermost points of A - 2D, 3D, TD
bodywork(s) bodywork(s).
EXAMPLE Crane, tipper, box(es) in any combination.
BEP-W101 Interior width of Interior distance between the left and right side boards. B - TD
BEP-W102.n Body access Interior width of the access opening to the body. B - TD
opening width
NOTE 1 In case of several access openings, mark as BEP-
W102.1, BEP-W102.2 etc.
NOTE 2 Applies also to side and roof openings.
BEP-H101 Interior height of Interior distance between the floor and ceiling of the B - TD
bodywork bodywork.
BEP-H102.n Body access Interior height of the access opening to the body. B - TD
opening height
NOTE 1 In case of several access openings, mark as BEP-
H102.1, BEP-H102.2 etc.
NOTE 2 Applies also to side openings.
BEP-L105 Maximum body Maximum body length referring to the centre of gravity, B - TD
length referring to in ideal circumstances, with an even load distribution.
the centre of
gravity, rearmost
= =
BEP-L106.n Centre of gravity Distance between the centre of the first front axle and B - 2D, 3D, TD
of bodywork the centre of gravity of major bodywork components.
objects EXAMPLE Cranes, hydraulic tanks, tail lifts, tipping
gear, cooling and heating systems, fifth wheel.
Annex A
Corresponding codes
According to ISO 7656, the letter "A" represents the maximum authorized total mass and the letter "K" means
complete vehicle kerb mass.
BEP Code ISO 7656 code ISO 612 code Comments
BEP-H001 ISO-H100 K
BEP-H002 ISO-H113 A
BEP-H003 ISO-6.3
BEP-H010 ISO-H117 A ISO-6.10
BEP-H011 ISO-H118 A ISO-6.11
BEP-H012 ISO-H147 A ISO-6.9
BEP-H013 ISO-H157 A ISO-6.8
BEP-H014 ISO-H157 A ISO-6.8 The ISO "ground clearance" definition is only one
and is not divided into front/rear/between axles.
BEP-H015 ISO-H157 A ISO-6.8
BEP-H016 ISO-H157 A ISO-6.8
BEP-H035 ISO-H420 K ISO-6.12
BEP-H036 ISO-H419 A ISO-6.12
BEP-H037 ISO-H422 K ISO-6.12
BEP-H038 ISO-H421 A ISO-6.12
BEP-H045 ISO-H425 A ISO 6.18.2 BEP-H045 considers the distance from the top of
chassis frame, while in ISO the distance is measured
ISO-H426 K
from the supporting plane.
BEP-H061 ISO-H404 K
BEP-H076 ISO-H424 K ISO-6.20
BEP-H077 ISO-H424 K ISO-6.20 ISO does not consider a rising fifth wheel while BEP
codes do.
BEP-H078 ISO-H423 A ISO-6.20
BEP-H079 ISO-H423 A ISO-6.20
BEP-H100 ISO-H502 K BEP-H080 refers to the distance from top of chassis
frame, while ISO-H502 considers the distance from
the supporting surface.
BEP-H102.n ISO-H511
[2] ISO 3832:1991, Passenger cars — Luggage compartments — Method of measuring reference volume
[3] ISO 4131:1979, Road vehicles — Dimensional codes for passenger cars
[6] Swedish Standard SS 3642 Road vehicles — Interface between truck chassis and superstructure