Application of Jute Fiber in Soil Stabilization
Application of Jute Fiber in Soil Stabilization
Application of Jute Fiber in Soil Stabilization
Soft soil suffered from different aspects for example high compressibility and low shear strength; in which
cannot provide satisfactory support to any structure. In order to support such type of soil, the synthetic/natural
fiber reinforcement has been recently suggested to ensure the stability of buildings and infrastructures. This
technique involves the randomly mixing of soil with small discrete materials like fibers or meshes to get a
homogeneous material. The Kaolin (K) and jute fiber (JF) were used to prepare unreinforced and reinforced
specimens for the experimental work. The JF was chosen as a reinforcement material with different contents
namely (0.5%, 1%, 2%, and 3%). The fibers were cut into two different lengths (2 cm and 4 cm). A total of 27
laboratory tests including standard Proctor compaction test, one dimensional consolidation test, and unconfined
compression test were conducted on the prepared mixture to investigate the effect of jute fibers on the behavior
of clay. The maximum dry density decreases and optimum moisture content increases with the inclusion of JF.
Mixing the clay with JF of 0.5% decreases the maximum dry density MDD by 5% less than the unreinforced
clay. The JF greatly influenced the unconfined compressive strength (UCS) for all that fiber’s content and length.
UCS of the JF specimen is 4.26 times that for the natural clay. Moreover, JF increases the failure strain especially
for fiber length L= 4 cm. The reinforced clay specimens show almost a strain softening behavior.
Keywords: Kaolinite, Random reinforcement, Jute fiber, Compressibility, Strength index, Strain softening
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been recently proposed by many researchers in geotech- that the CBR value of subgrade soil has direct relations
nical applications. This technique involves the randomly with jute fiber content, fiber length, and fiber diameter. The
mixing of soil with small discrete fibers or meshes to get a greater value of CBR was achieved at fiber content of 1%.
homogeneous material. The additive material like metal, In the same outcomes, Sen and Reddy [16] preferred to use
nylon, polyester and other materials have variable physi- jute over the other types of natural fibers due to its high
cal properties. Consequently, the discrete fibers are added properties to resist tensile strength, rotting, and heat.
and mixed easily with the soil. In addition, randomly dis-
tributed fibers offer strength isotropy as well as offer an 3. Materials properties and preparation
inadequate potential planes, that developing an oriented The Kaolin (K) and jute fiber (JF) are commercially-
reinforcement. In contrast, some of the fiber takes less time available from the local distributors were used to prepare
therefore, it can be implemented in shallow depths. Subse- reinforced and unreinforced specimens for the experimen-
quently, the soil reinforcement method is applied in large tal work.
areas [2, 4] The Atterberg limits of the used Kaolin were found
The use of natural materials like jute, bamboo, coir, etc., as LL= 60% and 28%, and according to the unified soil
as an earth reinforcement were presented in the early of classification system (USCS), the clay can be classified as a
1990. Typically, these materials would be used in areas high plasticity clay (CH).
where they are available are that they are cost effective, Table 1 identifies the physical and mechanical properties
lightweight, requiring low amounts of energy, biodegrad- of the Kaolin. The chemical composition of Kaolin is shown
able and hence the environmental would benefit a great in Table 2.
deal (echo–friendly) [5–11]. Table 3 summarizes the chemical, mechanical and phys-
The main objective of this experimental study is to inves- ical properties of the jute. The fibers of a diameter (0.7 –
tigate the effect of jute fiber on the geotechnical properties 0.8) mm were cut into two segments of a length L=2 cm
of clay under several tests. The results of the compaction, and L=4 cm to use them as reinforcing materials.
compressibility, and strength of the reinforced and unrein- In this study, nine specimens were prepared for each
forced specimens are presented and discussed. test including two types; unreinforced specimen and JF
reinforced specimen. The Kaolin clay was first oven dried
2. Review of literature at 105 °C for 24 hours mixed with JF in a dry state. Both the
Five rates (0.2–1%) of jute fiber were proposed by Aggarwal JF and the soil were mixed based on the total dry weight as
and Sharma [12] with various lengths of (5–20mm) for follows:
soil stabilization. They found that the jute fiber reduces
the maximum dry density of stabilized soil and increases Jute fiber content JF% = WJ /Ws × 100% (1)
its optimum moisture content. It can be illustrated that where W J is the weights of Jute and Ws is the weights of
California bearing ratio (CBR) value increases up to (2.5) dry soil.
times that for the natural soil with jute fiber content of ( The JF was chosen as a reinforcement material with dif-
0.8% ) and fiber length (10 mm) [13]. ferent contents (0.5%, 1%, 2%, and 3%). The fibers were
Gosavi et al. [14] utilized various percentages and types scissored into two different lengths (2 cm and 4 cm) as
of fibers like, nylon fibers, jute fibers, and coconut fibers shown in Fig. 1 and mixed with clay following the experi-
to reinforce the soil. The results showed that the CBR was mental program shown in Table 4.
improved by 50% when the soil mixed with nylon fibers A staged mixing process was adopted by adding the
and jute fibers, and 96% mixed with coconut fibers, when designated JF gradually to the clay in small increments.
compared with the pure soil sample, where the optimal Each increment was mixed manually and thoroughly until
fiber content was 0.75%. the prescribed JF content required for the mixture is added
Neeraja [15] employed jute fiber with lime - stabilized after which the mixing process continued for 5 minutes to
soil. He found that a combination of 5% lime with 0.5% jute ensure that the JF is uniformly distributed within the soil
fiber has a significant effect on the unconfined compressive mass.
strength (UCS) of native soil. The minimum dry density Mirzababaei et al. [18] observed that adding water to a
and the maximum water content were achieved at lime dry fiber-soil mixture was the most suitable mixing method.
content 5% with jute fiber 1%. Such method makes the fibers coated by a clay layer and
The improvement of subgrade soil caused by jute fiber after that mixed with water, which restricts the formation
was investigated by Singh and Bagra [8]. They concluded of fiber lumps.
Journal of Applied Science and Engineering, Vol. 26, No 1, Page 61-68 63
Chemical element Percent % 4.1. Effect of jute fiber JF on the maximum dry density
SiO2 51.3 MDD
Al2 O3 33.1
CaO 1.6 Fig. 2 illustrates the effectiveness of JF on MDD and the
Fe2 O3 1.4 optimum moisture content (OMC) for different contents
MgO 0.6 and lengths of jute. The MDD has an inverse relation with
LOI* (at 1000 °C) 12
the JF which appears in decreasing the MDD of the rein-
forced clay with Increasing the JF. The replacement of clay
by the jute of low density tends to decrease the unit weight
of the reinforced clay within a certain volume. Mixing the
clay with JF of 0.5% decreases the MDD by 5% less than the
unreinforced clay.
According to the standard (ASTM D-698) for Proctor
On the other side, the optimum moisture content shows
compaction test, the required amount of water related to
a direct relation with JF content. This related to the ability
the optimum moisture content (18.4%) was added gradu-
of jute fiber to adsorb water which increase the OMC. The
ally to the soil-fiber mixture in conjunction with the manual
above results are in good agreement with several previous
mixing ensuring a uniform distribution mixture that pre-
study [19].
pared at the determined maximum dry unit weight. The
Although JF of 2% seems to have a low value of MDD for
mixture was kept covered in a plastic container for 24 hours
the fiber contents used in this study but this content shows
at a room temperature in preparation for the laboratory ex-
the greatest value OMM compared to other JF contents as
it appears in Figs. 3 and 4. The results are illustrated in
Table 5.
(a) (b)
Fig. 2. Dry unit weight and water content relationship for different jute fiber contents for jute length of (a) 2 cm and (b) 4 cm.
Journal of Applied Science and Engineering, Vol. 26, No 1, Page 61-68 65
(a) (b)
Fig. 5. Void ratio versus pressure relations at different percentage of jute fiber for the jute length of (a) 2 cm and (b) 4 cm
(a) (b)
Fig. 6. Axial strain versus axial stress relations at different percentage of jute fiber for the jute length of (a) 2 cm and (b) 4 cm
Journal of Applied Science and Engineering, Vol. 26, No 1, Page 61-68 67
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