FCF PWS Mar 2021
FCF PWS Mar 2021
FCF PWS Mar 2021
1.1.1 The 56th Rescue Squadron (56 RQS) provides a rapidly-deployable, combat rescue and
reaction force response utilizing HH-60G Pave Hawk helicopters. The squadron offers long-
range rescue, humanitarian assistance, non-combatant evacuation, and disaster relief
1.1.2 The purpose of this contract is to provide one pilot and one Special Mission Aviator (SMA,
formerly known as Flight Engineer) to perform HH-60G Functional Check Flights (FCFs),
Maintenance Test Flights (MTFs), Operational Check Flights (OCFs), Acceptance Test
Profiles (ATPs), and Instructional Training. Functional Check Flights (FCF): An FCF is required after certain repairs have been
completed to ensure the aircraft is airworthy and mission capable. FCFs are performed in
accordance with Air Force Technical Order (AFTO) 1H-60(H) G-6CF-1 and TO 1H-
60(H) G-6CL-1. FCFs do include ground runs which may or may not culminate with
actual flight. Maintenance Test Flights (MTF)/Operational Check Flights (OCF): In addition to FCFs,
various components require in-flight operational checks after repair or replacement. While
flight tests are often performed on operational line aircraft by available aircrews,
Contractor may be required to assist or perform maintenance flights as required. These
maintenance flights are necessary to ensure the required component is working properly
and in unison with other systems and are performed in accordance with AFTO 1H-
60(H)G-1 and TO 1H-60(H)G-1-CL-1. MTFs/OCFs do include ground runs which may or
may not culminate with actual flight. Acceptance Test Profiles (ATPs): Similar to FCFs, ATPs are governed by AFTO 1H-
60(H) G-6CF-1 and TO 1H-60(H) G-6CL-1. While an FCF is checking one or a few
components on the aircraft, ATPs are checking every component on the aircraft prior to
releasing the helicopter from depot. Basic aircraft flight currency (i.e. contact maneuvers, instrument approaches and
emergency procedure training),
1.2.1 Performance shall take place mainly at Aviano Air Base (AB), Italy 56th RQS facility. The
contractor will be responsible of performing no more than 40 hours per week. In addition, the
Contractor may be required to travel commercially to other locations in support of FCF
requirements and may qualify for travel reimbursements. The Contractor shall be required to
relocate to Aviano AB, Italy.
1.2.2 The contractor shall furnish all management, personnel, and services necessary to achieve full
performance under the contract. The contractor shall immediately start mobilization and
integration activities upon contract award. The contractor will respond to all DOCPERS
requests within 3 business days in order to expedite arrival of contract aircrew.
1.2.3 The contractor ensures professional services are performed in compliance the PWS, FAA,
USAF Instructions, Italian law and any laws and/or regulation specific to TDY locations.
1.3.1 Government Contract Management: The 56 RQS shall provide the Mission Owner (MO) for
this contract. Only the MO and the Contract Officer (CO) have authority to review and
approve contract deliverables. Responsibility for contracting activities rests solely with the
CO. No conversation, recommendations, or direction, whether given directly by, or implied
by Government personnel, that affects the scope, schedule, or price of the program covered by
this Performance Work Statement (PWS), shall be acted upon by the Contractor unless
specifically approved by the CO.
1.3.2 Government’s Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan: The Government reserves the right to
perform additional inspections as necessary, utilizing the Government’s Quality Assurance
Surveillance Plan (QASP) and the inspection/acceptance provisions in the clause FAR 52.212-
4 Contract Terms and Conditions -- Commercial Items. If contractor fails to perform IAW the
PWS, the MO shall complete a Corrective Action Report (CAR) and submit it to the CO.
1.3.3 Contractor Key Personnel: Contractor shall provide the names and contact information of key
personnel before start of contract. In the event of a key personnel change the Contractor shall
provide a written notification to the CO and MO within five calendar days. The Contractor’s
key personnel shall be available to discuss all aspects of performance during the life of the
contract and have the authority to resolve issues and problems as they arise. Problems or
issues regarding performance of the contract that cannot be resolved between the MO and the
Contractor, will be referred to the CO.
1.4.1 The contractor shall participate in military specific training (i.e., safety training, information
assurance, et cetera) and other training as directed by the MO. Some of the training may be
computer based training on systems or on-site and during normal duty hours.
1.4.2 The contract aircrew members may occasionally need to receive instruction from active duty
(AD) aircrew members (i.e. AD instructor pilot may need to get contract pilot recurrent on
instrument approaches). These flights will be on an as required basis and in accordance with
the applicable documents in paragraph 2.4.
1.5.1 The Government will provide weather briefings and flight clearances to contractor personnel
as determined by the Operations Supervisor.
1.5.2 Personal flight clothing (flight suits, flight jackets, boots, gloves, squadron patch, et cetera)
and their maintenance will be provided by the Government for the contractor’s use during the
period of this contract.
1.5.3 Personal and life support equipment (helmet, survival vest, and life preservers) will be
provided to the contractor personnel and maintained by the Government in accordance with
the appropriate regulations.
1.6.1 The Government anticipates on-site support for this contract. The Government will provide
all equipment and materials, and access to necessary networks and systems required to
support the activities required under this contract. The Government will provide an office,
desktop computer with access to internet, telephone access, desks, chairs, and filing cabinets
for the contractor to perform the tasks.
1.7.1 Contractor personnel performing flight duties (i.e. the pilot and SMA) on this contract shall
possess a security clearance of at least U.S SECRET.
1.7.2 Other Contractor personnel and/or Contractor representative’s requesting base access and/or
security clearance requests shall be filed with the base Facility Security Officer (FSO), as
required, in coordination with the MO.
1.7.3 The contractor may access Communications Security (COMSEC) Information and For Official
Use Only (FOUO) information and shall adhere to AF policies and procedures for safe
guarding DoD systems and information.
1.7.4 The contractor shall obtain a Personnel Security Clearance from the requiring organization’s
security manager.
1.7.5 The Government will provide Restricted Area (Flight Line) badges for contractor personnel,
as required. As stated in paragraph 1.5.2, the AF will provide flight suits and a form of
identification to identify the aircrew as contractors (i.e., the contractor will wear the squadron
patch, but the MAJCOM patch should be replaced with a company logo).
1.7.6 In the event that the contractor has access to classified information/material, outside the U.S.,
Puerto Rico, U.S. possessions and trust territories, the Contractor will be authorized to use the
services of Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) or other secondary distribution
centers. Contractor must have knowledge of Operations Security (OPSEC) requirements and
must comply with all AF policies and procedures for safe guarding such material.
1.7.8 The contractor shall be responsible for safeguarding all government property and controlled
forms provided for contractor use. At the end of each work period, all government facilities,
equipment, and materials shall be secured.
1.7.9 The contractor shall comply with local base procedures for entry to Air Force
controlled/restricted areas where contractor personnel shall work. An AF Form 2586,
Unescorted Entry Authorization Certificate, shall be completed and signed by the sponsoring
agencies Security Manager before a Restricted Area Badge will be issued. Contractor
employees shall have a favorably completed National Agency Check, Local Agency Check,
and Credit Check (NACLC) investigation before receiving a Restricted Area Badge.
1.7.10 The contractor shall comply with local base procedures or methods of ensuring all issued
Government keys are not lost or stolen. The contractor shall not duplicate any keys issued by
the Government. The contractor shall control access to all Government provided lock
combinations to preclude unauthorized entry. The contractor is not authorized to record lock
combinations without written approval by the MO. Records with written combinations to
authorized secure storage containers, secure storage rooms, or certified vaults, shall be
marked and safeguarded at the highest classification level as the classified material
maintained inside the approved containers.
1.7.11 All contract personnel that drive onto the installation must have a valid driver’s license,
current vehicle registration and current proof of insurance. Contract personnel must obtain an
Armed Forces Italy (AFI) driver’s license upon arrival at Aviano AB, Italy. This is provided
by the AF at no cost. The contract personnel shall obey current base traffic laws and
regulations, local policies and any updates to base traffic regulations. All personnel riding
motorcycles, scooters, or otherwise motored wheeled vehicles on-base must possess a valid
driver’s license endorsement (if applicable) and a Motorcycle Safety Foundation safety class
completion card indicating class attendance.
1.8.1 Contract aircrew will be authorized 15 days of paid leave per 12 month period after their
arrival at Aviano Air Base. Weekends, US federal holidays, and USAFE family days will not
count as chargeable leave. Contract aircrew will not be allowed to take leave during scheduled
post-phase FCFs and scheduled post-depot ATPs. Contract aircrew will coordinate leave
requests with the MO at least one week before the requested leave begins.
2.1.1 Flight Test Operations shall be established and maintained in accordance with applicable
sections of documents specifically listed in paragraph 2.4 and other applicable documents
referenced therein.
2.1.2 The contractor shall perform FCFs on all HH-60G helicopters assigned to the 56 RQS after
certain repairs have been completed to ensure the aircraft is airworthy and mission capable.
The contractor shall have systems knowledge and expertise to correctly perform FCFs in
accordance with Air Force Technical Order (AFTO) 1H-60(H) G-6CF-1 and TO 1H-60(H)G-
2.1.3 The contractor shall assist in performing all system ground and flight checkout activities
associated with the processing of HH-60G aircraft IAW AFTOs listed in paragraph 2.4. The
activities to be accomplished shall include MTFs, OCFs and ATPs.
2.1.4 The contractor shall record all flights on the applicable documents in accordance with AFIs
listed paragraph 2.4.
2.1.5 Test operations shall be established, approved, and conducted in accordance with the
provisions in AFI 10-220, Contractor’s Flight Operations, the contractors flight operations
procedures manual, HH-60G aircraft operating technical orders and local base operating
procedures. The GFR will be responsible for the day-to-day oversight and enforcement of
contractor compliance for flight operations.
2.1.6 Contractor aircrews personnel shall perform previously defined flight profiles during daylight
visual conditions with a minimum three man crew (one contract pilot, one active duty pilot
(provided by 56th RQS) and one contract SMA) that shall permit the evaluation of aircraft
systems such as infrared sensors and the enhanced navigation system.
2.1.7 The contractor will ensure that there is minimal turnover of positions. No more than 1
replacement of the positions will be permitted during the life of the contract for reasons other
than unforeseeable circumstances. Payment will not be made to the contractor when services
are not being performed.
2.1.8 The contractor is not required to staff back-up crew members, however, the Government may
request résumés for a new candidate at any time. When a request for résumés is made, at least
1 candidate shall be provided within 30 calendar days of request, including all information
specified in section 2.3 of this PWS.
2.2.1 It has been determined that all services performed under this PWS are mission essential.
2.2.2 In the event of a national emergency or crisis and the Department of Defense has activated
instructions contained in Department of Defense Instruction (DODI) 1100.22 and the Air
Force implementation thereof, it is determined that the Contractor may be required to perform
during crisis. The hours of operation and services required in this contract may change in a
crisis situation. The Contracting Officer shall notify the Contractor of any and all crisis
response implementations. Any resultant deviations to current contract services due to a crisis
can be negotiated if and when such a crisis occurs.
2.2.3 The Government will follow procedures established in DODI Number 3020.37, “Continuation
of Essential DOD Contractor Services During Crises.”
2.3.1 Contractor aircrew qualifications and currencies shall be sustained by the contractor as part of
the flight operations required herein. In the event aircraft flow rate drops to a level that
precludes sustainment of qualifications and/or currencies, the Contractor shall immediately
notify the MO and provide in writing, a recommended course of action.
2.3.2 Class II FAA Flight Physical: All contractors aircrew personnel shall have and maintain a
current Class II FAA Flight Physical for the duration of the contract. The US Air Force will
not be able to provide this service and it is ultimately the responsibility of the Contractor.
2.3.3 Rating in a HH-60G: All aircrew personnel should be HH-60G qualified as indicated by
successful completion of a formal USAF aircrew qualification training course and possess a
current USAF Form 8, certificate of aircrew qualification.
2.3.4 Currently Unqualified in HH-60G: If only available contract aircrew have never been
qualified in the HH-60G or if their HH-60G qualification has expired IAW AFMAN11-2HH-
60GV2, contract aircrew must obtain qualification in the HH-60G IAW AFMAN11-2HH-
60GV1 and AFMAN11-2HH-60GV2. The 56 RQS will coordinate with Air Combat
Command (ACC) and Air Education and Training Command (AETC) to schedule class dates
at Kirtland AFB, NM. Contract personnel will be reimbursed travel and per diem costs IAW
the Joint Travel Regulation (JTR). Contractor will receive partial payment (40%) while
aircrew are in a student status at Kirtland AFB, NM. Contractor will receive full payment
once personnel arrive at Aviano Air Base, Italy.
2.3.5 USAF Functional Check Flight Certification: All aircrew personnel shall be previously
USAF FCF certified in the HH-60G. In the event that such personnel are unavailable,
contractor may substitute a US Army UH/MH/HH/EH-60 Maintenance Test Pilot or US Navy
SH/MH/HH-60 Functional Check Pilot or US Marine Corps VH-60 Functional Check Pilot.
US Army, Navy, and Marine Corps Pilots will be scheduled class dates as stated in section
2.3.4 to meet Air Force regulations.
2.3.6 Flight Instructor Qualification: All aircrew will be USAF instructor qualified and will
maintain Instructor status IAW AFI 10-220. If the only available contract aircrew have never
been a USAF instructor, the pilot must earn qualification as a first pilot and the SMA must
earn a basic qualification. Once the contractors have enough experience in the USAF, they
will be entered into an instructor upgrade, complete the syllabus of instruction, and
accomplish the appropriate flight evaluations to become a USAF HH-60G instructor. Once
the contractors are instructors, they will teach the USAF FCF certification syllabus of
instruction and systems classes to active duty Air Force members of the 56 RQS. The
contractor shall assist in performing instruction/training duties to support USAF personnel.
Instruction/training includes, but is not limited to: Basic aircraft flight currency (i.e. contact maneuvers, instrument approaches and
emergency procedure training),
2.3.7 Flight Hours: Per DCMA Inst 8210 Series aircrew shall at a minimum meet the following
flight hours: Pilot: 1,000 hours as Pilot-in-Command (PIC) 300 hours as PIC of a HH-60G or other UH/MH/SH/HH-60 Variant Special Mission Aviator (SMA) or Flight Engineer is acceptable as legacy term 500 hours as SMA or flight engineer is acceptable as legacy term 100 hours in a HH-60G or other UH-60 Variant
2.4.1 Regulations, manuals, technical orders, and drawings listed below apply to aircraft operations
associated with the processing of aircraft subsequent to their completion of depot
modification. The following documents are referenced for the performance of this effort and
will be issued to contracted personnel in the form of an Electronic Flight Bag (EFB). These
documents are revised and/or replaced from time to time. The contractor shall acquire and
operate under the latest version of the documents in accordance with 56 RQS guidance.
AFI 10-220 Contractor’s Flight and Ground Operations
AFMAN 11-218 Aircraft Operation and Movement on the Ground
AFI 13-207 Preventing and Resisting Piracy (Hijacking) of Aircraft
AFMAN 11-202 Vol 1 Aircrew Training
AFI 11-202 Vol 2 Aircrew Standardization/Evaluation Program
AFMAN 11-202 Vol 3 General Flight Rules
AFMAN 11-2HH-60G Vol 1 HH-60 Aircrew Training
AFMAN 11-2HH-60G Vol 2 HH-60 Aircrew Evaluation Criteria
AFMAN 11-2HH-60G Vol 3 HH-60 Operations Procedures
AFI 21-101 Aerospace Equipment Maintenance Management
AFI 91-202 USAF Mishap Prevention Program
AFMAN 91-203 Air Force Occupational Safety, Fire, Health Standards
3.1 The following Service Summary (SS) items outline key requirements/deliverables in performance of
this contract. Overall performance assessments will be provided to the CO by the MO. The
Government may perform customer surveys as part of the Government’s performance evaluation; all
reported non-conformances will be validated by the MO. Meeting or not meeting the below thresholds
shall be the basis of that performance evaluation.
4.1 The contractor may be required to travel to the following locations to accomplish the tasks contained in
this PWS.
4.1.1 Corpus Christi, Texas
4.1.2 Elizabeth City, North Carolina
4.1.3 Lexington, Kentucky
4.1.4 RAF Lakenheath, United Kingdom
4.1.5 Kimhae Korea Depot Facility, Pusan South Korea
4.1.6 Kirtland AFB, New Mexico
4.1.7 Other locations as approved by the MO
4.2 When travel is required, the Contractor shall submit a request to the MO identifying the purpose,
location, dates, personnel (name(s) and title(s)), and cost. This request must be approved before any
travel occurs. The reimbursement of these costs is contingent upon approval from the MO or CO.
4.3 The travel request shall provide the detailed daily travel costs in support of this contract to include the
cost of travel and per diem (lodging, car rental and meal rates). Travel in support of this contract shall
follow the DOD Joint Travel Regulations (JTR). The Contractor shall use the per diem rates published
in the Defense Travel Management Office. (https://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/site/perdiemCalc.cfm).
4.4 Local travel to attend meetings within the local city or base of assignment commuting vicinity shall be
considered a cost of doing business and shall not be separately reimbursed.
5.1 Environmental, Health, And Safety. The contractor shall ensure all employees receive the necessary
environmental, health, and safety training to ensure compliance with all Occupational Safety and
Health Acts (OSHA), federal and local laws. The contractor shall protect the health and safety of
employees and the community, minimizing the risk of environmental pollution.
5.2 Pollution Prevention. "Pollution Prevention" and "Source Reduction" are defined in the Pollution
Prevention Act of 1990, 42 U.S.C. §§ 13101-13109. Contractor's obligation under this section is
limited to identifying pollution prevention opportunities and shall not be construed to require the
contractor to conduct activities not otherwise required by the program.
5.3 The contractor shall comply with energy saving conservation practices as deemed necessary by the
facility manager.
5.4 Ionizing and Non-Ionizing Radiation: Contractors must obtain authorization from BE prior to bringing
on site ionizing or non-ionizing sources/equipment onto the installation. Contractors shall provide list
of items and description of how they will be used to Bioenvironmental Engineering (BE) at 0434-30-
5532 or 31amds.sgpb@us.af.mil at least 10 days prior to the date required to bring them on base.
5.4.1 Non-Ionizing Radiation: Electromagnetic Frequency (EMF) Radiation and LASERS: Contact
BE/Installation Laser Safety Officer (31amds.sgpb@us.af.mil ) at least 10 days prior to
bringing on site. (Example: LASER Classes: 1M, 2M, 3R, 3B, or 4; Transmitting antennas,
radars etc.) Reference: AFI 48-139, LASER and Optical Radiation Protection Program,
Paragraph 2.21)
5.4.2 Ionizing sources: Contact BE (31amds.sgpb@us.af.mil ) at least 10 days prior to bringing on
site ionizing sources/equipment. For regulated sources, provide copies of permits or sealed
source certifications. (Example: Troxler density gauges, sealed sources in various
gauges/devices). Reference: AFI 48 -148, Ionizing Radiation Protection.
5.6 Controls of other hazards: Contractors shall coordinate with Bioenvironmental Engineering (BE) at
0434-30-5532 or 31amds.sgpb@us.af.mil at least 10 days prior to start of project, regarding all
contracts with potential health impact to personnel (Example: Noise above 85 dBA, activities with
potential airborne contaminants or particulates). Hazardous work areas/perimeters shall be established
to control exposures and limit access to nearby facilities and personnel. Work shall be performed IAW
all applicable occupational health and safety regulations.
5.7 Contractors shall coordinate with the MO and receive a safety brief of hazards present within work
6.1 Mobilization: The contractor shall furnish all management, personnel, equipment and services
necessary to support this contract; to include, mobilization to Aviano AB, Italy.
6.2 Italy Logistic Support: The U.S. Government will provide individual logistical support for contractor
to the extent available and as authorized by current applicable Air Force and foreign regulations; by
current applicable international agreements, arrangements, policies; and the local installation
Commander. The duration of the initial individual logistic support authorization may be subject to a
time limitation. Prior to expiration of the initial logistical support authorization (if and as applicable),
the MO and Contractor shall expedite/process the individual Renewal/Authorization in sufficient
advance to insure continuation of logistical support. Logistical support is provided only for those
contractors that are providing services solely for U.S. Forces. Logistical support, if granted, shall only
be provided to authorized, full-time (40 hours per week) Contractor Personnel and authorized
1) Commissary
2) Air Force Exchange Service
3) Armed Forces Recreation Facilities
4) Military dining facilities
5) Class VI (alcoholic beverages, including rationed items)
6) Military Banking facilities
7) Military postal services
8) Officer and NCO Club memberships
9) Mortuary services
10) Privately Owned Vehicle (POV) authorization
11) Petroleum, Oils, and Lubricants (POL) purchases
12) Transient billets on space available basis
13) Air Force Continuing Education Courses
14) Credit union facilities
15) Dependent schools, on space-available, tuition paying basis
16) Medical/Dental on a reimbursable basis. Dental on emergency basis only
17) Pet registration and control
18) NATO status of Forces Agreement stamp (subject to approval of Host nation Customs Authority)
19) Customs exemptions
20) Housing Office assistance
6.4 At the time of preparation of this contract, applicable information and forms for placement of contract
may be accessed at the following internet addresses:
Applicable information and forms for placement of contract in other Host Nation countries may be
accessed at the internet address:
6.5 This contract presumes the utilization of technical representative personnel to be employed by the
contractor, United States authorities and Italian authorities are involved in the accreditation of
contractor employees who are intended to fill such contract positions. To expedite accreditation, the
contractor agrees to promptly complete in accurate detail and return to the Contracting Officer or
Contracting Officer's Representative information on the contract and contract positions for which
technical representative accreditation is requested, and the individual information on each employee
designated to fill a technical representative position. Positions accredited as technical representatives
will be documented by an individual letter of accreditation.
6.6 Contractor shall promptly notify the Contracting Officer's Representative if a technical representative
employee once accredited as a technical representative is no longer performing duties requiring
6.7 The contractor shall require all contractor employees accredited as technical representative personnel
to apply for mission visas prior to travel to Italy. Contractors may not send personnel that have not
received Italian mission visas to fill technical representative positions. The Government shall not be
responsible for the costs incurred by the contractor who sends personnel without visas or who are
otherwise ineligible for entry and presence in Italy.
6.8 VISA REQUIREMENTS FOR ITALY. The Italian Government requires all incoming civilians to
obtain a visa prior to arriving in Italy. Civilian contractors and family members shall have a visa in
their tourist passports. Dependents who are citizens of European Union countries do not require a visa.
The visa for civilian employees shall be FOR WORK PURPOSES. The visa for dependents (including
all children) whether or not they plan to work shall be FOR FAMILY REASONS, not a tourist or other
type of visa.
6.9 SOFA IDENTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS FOR ITALY. Civilian contractor employees and their
family members shall obtain a SOFA stamp from the Staff Judge Advocate (SJA) office within eight
(8) days of arrival in Italy.
6.10 An authorized Contractor employee is defined as an employee who has been hired as a consequence of
this contract and is employed at least 40 hours per week on this contract. For Italy, procedures shall be
in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding Between the Ministry of Defense of the
Republic of Italy and The Department of Defense of the United States of America Concerning Use of
Installations/Infrastructure by U.S. Forces in Italy, signed 2 February 1995. To qualify for Civilian
Personnel status in Italy, the employee shall
(i) not be a stateless person;
(ii) not be a national of any State which is not a Party to the North Atlantic Treaty;
(iii) not to be a national of Italy:
(iv) not be ordinarily resident in Italy; and
(v) be certified as a technical representative and issued a NATO SOFA Identification by the United
States Sending State Office (USSSO) for Italy or by a base legal office with delegated authority. The
final authority to determine whether an employee qualifies for Civilian Personnel status is USSSO.