F S: A Fast, Configurable Memory-Reliability Simulator For Conventional and 3D-Stacked Systems
F S: A Fast, Configurable Memory-Reliability Simulator For Conventional and 3D-Stacked Systems
F S: A Fast, Configurable Memory-Reliability Simulator For Conventional and 3D-Stacked Systems
As memory systems scale, maintaining their Reliability Availability and Serviceability (RAS) is becoming
more complex. To make matters worse, recent studies of DRAM failures in data centers and supercomputer
environments have highlighted that large-granularity failures are common in DRAM chips. Furthermore,
the move toward 3D-stacked memories can make the system vulnerable to newer failure modes, such as those
occurring from faults in Through-Silicon Vias (TSVs). To architect future systems and to use emerging tech-
nology, system designers will need to employ strong error correction and repair techniques. Unfortunately,
evaluating the relative effectiveness of these reliability mechanisms is often difficult and is traditionally
done with analytical models, which are both error prone and time-consuming to develop. To this end, this
article proposes FAULTSIM, a fast configurable memory-reliability simulation tool for 2D and 3D-stacked
memory systems. FaultSim employs Monte Carlo simulations, which are driven by real-world failure statis-
tics. We discuss the novel algorithms and data structures used in FaultSim to accelerate the evaluation
of different resilience schemes. We implement BCH-1 (SECDED) and ChipKill codes using FaultSim and
validate against an analytical model. FaultSim implements BCH-1 and ChipKill codes with a deviation of
only 0.032% and 8.41% from the analytical model. FaultSim can simulate 1 million Monte Carlo trials (each
for a period of 7 years) of BCH-1 and ChipKill codes in only 34 seconds and 33 seconds, respectively.
CCS Concepts: r
Computing methodologies → Discrete-event simulation; Simulation tools; r
Computer systems organization → Reliability; Processors and memory architectures; Hardware → r
Semiconductor memory; 3D integrated circuits;
Additional Key Words and Phrases: Error correcting codes, monte carlo simulation, stacked memory, relia-
bility, through silicon vias
ACM Reference Format:
Prashant J. Nair, David A. Roberts, and Moinuddin K. Qureshi. 2015. FAULTSIM: A fast, configurable memory-
reliability simulator for conventional and 3D-stacked systems. ACM Trans. Archit. Code Optim. 12, 4,
Article 44 (December 2015), 24 pages.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2831234
Fast and accurate simulation tools are vital for computer architects to analyze a prob-
lem and to compare the effectiveness of different solutions. Such tools become even
more critical when the community is trying to address a new set of constraints in
This work was supported in part by the Center for Future Architectures Research (C-FAR), one of the six
SRC STARnet Centers, sponsored by MARCO and DARPA.
Authors’ addresses: P. J. Nair and M. K. Qureshi, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia
Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332; emails: pnair6@gatech.edu, moin@ece.gatech.edu; D. A. Roberts,
1 AMD Place, Sunnyvale, California 94088; email: David.Roberts@amd.com.
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without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2831234
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization, Vol. 12, No. 4, Article 44, Publication date: December 2015.
44:2 P. J. Nair et al.
designing the system or trying to incorporate an emerging technology that has widely
different properties than traditional technologies. For example, Wattch [Brooks et al.
2000] was instrumental in driving power-related architecture research when power
became the primary constraint in system design. Similarly, CACTI [Muralimanohar
et al. 2007] equipped architects to study the timing and area of different cache organi-
zations without relying on circuit designers. As the era of multicore systems dawned,
McPAT [Li et al. 2009] enabled an integrated power, area, and timing modeling frame-
work for multicore and many-core architectures. The multicore era also saw the advent
of many core performance simulators such as Graphite and Sniper [Miller et al. 2010;
Carlson et al. 2011]. In this article, we assert that memory reliability is becoming a
growing concern, and that there is a pressing need for a toolset that can compare the
effectiveness of different memory reliability solutions quickly and accurately.
Memory reliability has always been a major concern for HPC systems as the large
number of memory components in such systems can lead to frequent errors [Bergman
et al. 2008]. With technology scaling, the error rates of memory modules are likely to
increase significantly [Nair et al. 2013; Son et al. 2015], which makes maintaining re-
liability a concern even for small- and medium-scale systems [Li et al. 2011; Kim et al.
2007; Thomasian and Menon 1997; Chung 2013]. Furthermore, emerging devices such
as 3D-stacked memories present new points of failure such as Through-Silicon Vias
(TSVs) [Jiang et al. 2012]. Reliability estimation is also essential to investigate appli-
cations for new memory technologies such as PCM, ReRAM, and STT-MRAM [Qureshi
2011]. To aid system reliability modeling, several studies have collected failure data
for large systems [Schroeder et al. 2009; Schroeder and Gibson 2010]. They found that
individual DRAM chips exhibit both large-granularity failures (such as bank failures)
and bit failures at different failure rates [Sridharan and Liberty 2012; Sridharan et al.
2013, 2015]. A system designer may provision the memories with one of several mitiga-
tion techniques such as error correction codes, spare memories, RAID, Chipkill, scrub-
bing, and so forth. Given that the interaction between fault models and the mitigation
techniques is quite complex, it is not straightforward to estimate the effectiveness of
any ECC technique even when they are applied alone.
Designers can estimate memory system reliability by applying analytical mod-
els [Jian et al. 2013]. Unfortunately, developing an analytical model is quite time-
consuming and relies on several simplifying assumptions to make the model tractable.
Furthermore, analytical models are often prone to errors, and any changes in the mem-
ory system may require a new model. To make matters worse, modern memory systems
may perform periodic memory scrubbing, which becomes quite complex to incorporate
into an analytical model [Awasthi et al. 2012]. Therefore, the realm of analytical mod-
els has focused on only a few schemes such as SECDED or Chipkill [Jian et al. 2013].
Extending these models to incorporate newer failure modes (such as those arising
from 3D memories) or to an arbitrary mitigation technique is quite challenging and
cumbersome, if not impractical.
An alternative method to assess reliability of the system is via Monte Carlo simula-
tion [Kamat and Riley 1975]. In Monte Carlo simulations, to determine the probability
of a memory device failure at a certain point in time, the device lifetime is divided into
equal-sized intervals and faults are injected with a precomputed probability. Error
correction is then invoked periodically (at the scrubbing interval or on reads) on the
simulated system to determine whether an error can be detected, corrected, or repaired
using the underlying ECC scheme [Silicon Power 2010; Chen and Hsiao 1984; Chien
1964; Fujiwara and Pradhan 1989]. By performing a large number of trials, the out-
come can be expected to converge to the system failure probability. Running repeated
trials for the entire system lifetime tends to be a compute-intensive process, spanning
several hours or days. A recent work, MEMRES, uses motivations from a prior work-
shop version of this article to model application and link effects. However, we are not
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization, Vol. 12, No. 4, Article 44, Publication date: December 2015.
FAULTSIM: A Fast, Configurable Memory-Reliability Simulator 44:3
Fig. 1. FaultSim uses novel data representations and algorithms that provide very high simulation speed
and accuracy.
aware of any existing publications detailing the data structures and algorithms that
help in mitigating the simulation time of this process to a few seconds [Wang et al. 2015;
Roberts and Nair 2014]. The large simulation times of a Monte Carlo simulator pre-
vents quick design space exploration. To this end, this article proposes Fault Simulator
(FAULTSIM), a fast Monte Carlo simulator that uses novel fault representations and
reliability estimation techniques to reduce the simulation time by three to four orders
of magnitude.
The key parameters in memory reliability simulation are the fault rates and fault
granularity for every memory device. Representing and tracking these multigranu-
larity faults in a simulator is quite challenging. FaultSim uses space-efficient repre-
sentations for tracking faults at different granularities and quickly evaluating the
interaction between such faults. These representations also enable new algorithms for
failure detection. These optimizations reduce the simulation time of FaultSim to a few
hours, as shown in Figure 1.
To reduce simulation time even further, we employ the observation that real-world
devices show modest fault rates. At these fault rates, only a few faults occur in the
system lifetime. We leverage this insight and propose a novel Event-Based fault in-
jection framework. Rather than the traditional method of computing faults at every
time interval (which we call Interval-Based simulation) and advancing the time by a
constant value throughout the system lifetime, our Event-Based approach determines
the time between faults and advances time from one fault to the next. This enables
almost 5,000× lower simulation time compared to the interval-based approach.
We discuss the number of Monte Carlo trials required to meet the desired precision
bounds. We validated FaultSim with analytical models and found the accuracy of BCH-
1 and Chipkill codes to be within 0.032% and 8.41% of the analytical model. We discuss
how FaultSim can be used to evaluate different schemes such as ECC, Chipkill, Sparing,
and TSV sparing (for 3D memories) while incorporating memory scrubbing. This article
demonstrates the ability of FaultSim to explore the reliability design space rapidly and
faithfully. Furthermore, for the benefit of the community, FaultSim is open sourced and
is available for download at the developers’ websites.
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization, Vol. 12, No. 4, Article 44, Publication date: December 2015.
44:4 P. J. Nair et al.
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization, Vol. 12, No. 4, Article 44, Publication date: December 2015.
FAULTSIM: A Fast, Configurable Memory-Reliability Simulator 44:5
While single-bit failures can be tolerated with ECC DIMMs, tolerating large-
granularity failures often requires more complex schemes such as Chipkill, sparing,
and RAID. As these schemes typically incur significant area and power overheads, a
system designer would want to know the effectiveness of different schemes at reducing
the system failure rate in order to choose the most efficient schemes that can deliver
the system reliability requirements. Unfortunately, evaluating the efficacy of different
reliability schemes is an arduous task, and there are no publicly available evaluation
tools that can perform such evaluations quickly and accurately.
2.5. Monte Carlo Simulation for Runtime Faults: Overview and Challenges
Monte Carlo simulation is a stochastic technique that uses random sampling to evalu-
ate the failure probability of the system. The various components of the system (such
as rows, banks, and channels) can be modeled and faults can be injected in this system
depending on the failure rate (FIT) of each component. Each trial can be run for a
desired system lifetime (say, 7 years) or until the first uncorrectable or undetectable
error is encountered. These trials can be repeated a large number of times to get an
accurate estimate of the system failure probability. Such an evaluation framework is
general enough to support any arbitrary error mitigation policies and system com-
ponents. Compared to Monte Carlo simulations for design-time faults, Monte Carlo
simulations for runtime faults have the following three key differences:
—Runtime faults occur at different rates in time and at multiple granularities. The
Monte Carlo simulator must iterate over time considering all fault granularities and
—Time-based events such as scrubbing cycles occur periodically. The Monte Carlo
simulator must operate at a time granularity that captures these events in detail.
—At higher fault rates, multigranularity faults will require storing large fault infor-
mation at multiple instances of time. Thus, these time-dependent studies must also
have space-efficient representation of faults.
Subsequently, during a Monte Carlo simulation, the underlying ECC scheme in
the memory system is consulted whenever faults are inserted. If the errors are
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization, Vol. 12, No. 4, Article 44, Publication date: December 2015.
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Fig. 2. Operation of FaultSim. FaultSim divides time into intervals at which faults get injected and ECC
checks are performed.
Figure 2 shows the basic FaultSim operation. The system lifetime (say, 7 years) is
divided into smaller time intervals (say, 3 hours) during which faults are inserted
and ECC checked. This process is repeated over a large number of trials before the
simulation ends.
The time intervals are kept relatively small to increase accuracy. A smaller interval
also allows simulating memory scrubbing. The timing model of FaultSim takes the
memory organization, fault model, ECC, and scrubbing scheme options as parameters.
These blocks provide the core functionalities for a reliability simulator and they form
the FaultSim core, as shown in Figure 3. The FaultSim core determines how the faults
interact with the ECC schemes for a memory organization. We describe each of these
components briefly.
The memory organization and interconnection graph block allow the user to specify
the parameters of the memory system including chips per rank and an option to en-
able 3D-stacked memory. For complex memory systems, FaultSim has a graph option to
1 We do not distinguish between faults and errors in this article. We terminate the simulation as soon as
an uncorrectable or undetectable fault is encountered, and the assumption is that this fault would have
eventually led to an error during the remaining lifetime of the system. If the application is tolerant to data
errors, then the exact timing of a fault being converted into an error can be delayed.
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FAULTSIM: A Fast, Configurable Memory-Reliability Simulator 44:7
Fig. 3. Top-level block of FaultSim has interactions between the memory system, fault model, ECC, and
scrubbing schemes.
represent the interconnect between multiple memory devices and a host processor. Dur-
ing initialization, FaultSim loads the configuration parameters and constructs “Fault
Domains” that represent dies and “Group Domains” that represent channels. Multiple
Group Domains can be instantiated and interconnected as a memory system.
The fault model can be selected from a number of alternatives and specifies the
statistical distributions governing when the various fault granularities occur in the
memory devices. Since devices are composed of banks, rows, columns, words, and bits,
field studies have pointed out that device failures occur at various granularities. Fur-
ther, these device failures can be transient or permanent. For instance, a faulty chip
may have a transient word fault alongside a permanent bank fault. We use “failures per
billion hours” (FIT rates) from field studies to generate fault distributions for known
failures. FaultSim also has an option to consider a uniform FIT rate for all granulari-
ties, making it oblivious of field studies. The fault probabilities may be constants when
considering a fixed failure rate, or they may vary over time, for example, to model the
wear-out of nonvolatile memories [McCool 2012]. The FIT rates for Fault Domains are
specified during initialization.
An ECC and/or repair scheme is selected for each Fault Domain, along with a scrub-
bing interval. It can also support complex parity-based ECC such as RAID and Three-
Dimensional Parity [Nair et al. 2014; Thomasian and Menon 1997]. The scrubbing
operation removes all correctable transient faults at each scrubbing interval. To avoid
repeated permanent errors, repair schemes such as memory page decommissioning can
be modeled. Such schemes are invoked when errors are corrected or during memory
scrubbing. The core Monte Carlo simulator calls the ECC and repair schemes when
any Fault Domain develops a fault.
The simulation of FaultSim consists of three phases. The first phase is the initializa-
tion phase, which sets values for failure rates and also describes the memory system
organization. The second phase is the instantiation phase, which creates the Fault Do-
mains and Group Domains. During the third phase, the timing-interval-based Monte
Carlo simulator operates on the memory system.
FaultSim is written in C++ and simulation parameters can be input at the command
line or using a config file. The components of FaultSim can be classified broadly into
four categories: first, the fault injection framework that determines when a particular
faulty type is injected in the system; second, the data structures and algorithms used
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2 Wear-out failures follow a Weibull distribution [McCool 2012]. A Weibull distribution is characterized by
a change in λ over time. Rather than modeling this complex behavior, we can approximate the Weibull
distribution as piecewise exponential distribution.
3 In the limiting case, if the faults were inserted every 12 hours (43,200 seconds), then there is only a 63.2%
(i.e., [1 − 43200 )
4 ]) confidence that the fault will be inserted before scrubbing. However, if faults are
inserted at 3 hours and scrubbed every 12 hours, then there is a 98.2% (i.e., [1 − 43200 )
4 ]) confidence that
faults are inserted before scrubbing.
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FAULTSIM: A Fast, Configurable Memory-Reliability Simulator 44:9
Fig. 4. A memory block is composed of Fault Domains (physical memory die) and Fault Ranges (faults per
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Fig. 5. A memory die (Fault Domain) can contain column (A) and row (B and C) faults in different memory
bit). Any MASK bit set to 1 indicates that all addresses (with a 0 or 1) in this bit position
are faulty. The ADDR bits in a position in which MASK is 0 specify a fixed part of the
fault address. In this way, MASK acts as a wildcard so that ranges of faulty bits can
be represented in a compact form that can be compared with other FRs. By counting
the number of faulty bits or symbols in an ECC codeword, we can conservatively
determine whether the error count exceeds the capability of the detection or correction
code, determined by the minimum Hamming distance. Restricting the analysis to the
bits in the FRs greatly reduces the search space for the analysis (as contrasted with a
naive method in which faults are recorded as an array of bits that must be scanned).
Due to this, all fault granularities (bit, word, column, bank, rank) are represented by
a single FR for any failure rate model.
Tables II and III illustrate the use of Equation (5) in determining intersection. The
term involving the masks determines that FRs X and Y could intersect because at least
one FR contains all possible addresses determined by that bit position. However, to be
certain of an overlap, the addresses of X and Y must match precisely where MASK is
zero, in case only a specific address bit value is faulty.
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FAULTSIM: A Fast, Configurable Memory-Reliability Simulator 44:11
Fig. 6. A high-bandwidth stacked memory (HBM) with TSVs connecting all dies to the logic layer.
4 TSVs in stacked memories can be envisioned similarly to metal and IO pad connections in 2D DIMMs with
one key difference. In this article, we assume that the TSV technology usually does not discriminate between
address and data TSV lengths and widths and tends to be uniform. Metal connections, on the other hand,
are routed in different layers and can have different characteristics and may result in different fault models.
Furthermore, just changing the layout of TSVs enables various data organizations in the address and data
5 Memory stack may also be organized as per-hybrid memory cube or tezzaron models [Pawlowski 2011;
Tezzaron Corp. 2010]. The fundamental principles for modeling address and data faults will not change with
a change in organization. These organizations only provide different address, data, command, and power
TSV mappings.
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44:12 P. J. Nair et al.
and refresh the memory system. A faulty command TSV usually results in jumbled
DRAM operations and results in functional failures. These are usually catastrophic
failures and can be denoted as channel (multibank) faults.
5.3.4. Power TSV Fault. Power TSVs supply power to the memory channel and contain
voltage and ground lanes. Any failure in power TSVs will result in lower power, possibly
resulting in a system shutdown. Such failures are fatal and can be modeled using
channel (multibank) faults.
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization, Vol. 12, No. 4, Article 44, Publication date: December 2015.
FAULTSIM: A Fast, Configurable Memory-Reliability Simulator 44:13
Fig. 7. Event-Based fault injection estimates the distance in time between faults (faults appearing at
>7 years get ignored).
Since P f ault (t) can have any value between 0 and 1, we compute the distance in time
for faults during a trial as shown in Equation (7):
log(1 − U (0, 1))
t=− . (7)
For each component in the system, we first obtain the timestamp of all the faults (if
any) encountered by that component in the 7-year period, depending on the failure rate
of the component. Then, we merge the timestamps of all the faults of all the components
(as there are fewer than three faults in total in the common case, this step incurs
negligible time). Once the global list of timestamps of all the faults is available, the
simulation time is advanced from 0 to the time of the first fault, to the time of the second
fault, and so on, until the 7-year time limit is reached. Given that most trials have fewer
than three faults, the memory system usually performs fewer than three evaluations for
a 7-year simulation, instead of approximately 20,000 steps in the interval-based fault
injection model, resulting in a significant reduction in simulation time. We validated
that the results obtained from the Event-Based model are virtually identical (within
0.18%) to the results obtained from the Interval-Based model.
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44:14 P. J. Nair et al.
Fig. 8. Number of Monte Carlo trials required to achieve a desired precision for BCH-1 and Chipkill.
depict Bernoulli trials and follow a binomial distribution. Therefore, for n trials, the
mean number of failures (μ) and their deviation (σ ) in FaultSim can be determined by
Equation (8):
μ = n· p
√ (8)
σ = n · p · q.
Since q = 1 − p and since p is very small for real-world failures, Equation (8)
degenerates to Equation (9):
√ √
σ ≈ n · p ≈ μ. (9)
The value of μ can be estimated to obtain a desired level of precision. For example,
for a given value of n, μ is 400 failures. Then, we can conclude that subsequent runs
with the same n will lie between 360 failures and 440 failures with 95% confidence
(i.e., μ ± 2σ ), or between 340 failures and 460 failures with 99.7% confidence (i.e
μ ± 3σ ). Thus, the experiment with 400 total system failures can be deemed to have
90% precision with 95% confidence, or 85% precision with 99.7% confidence. FaultSim
can be simulated either for a fixed number of trials irrespective of the precision or until
a given precision bound is reached.
Figure 8 shows the number of trials required for BCH-1 and Chipkill codes for
providing a given level of precision at different confidence levels. At higher precision,
the number of trials increases rapidly and is influenced by the underlying ECC scheme.
Our analysis enables the user to tailor precision to his or her own compute resources
and application. For example, one can run only 100K trials for BCH-1 but 1 million for
Chipkill for the same precision levels.
The ECC and repair algorithms determine the resilience of the memory system to
faults. We illustrate the algorithms for single-error-correcting BCH-1 [Chen and Hsiao
1984] and Chipkill [Dell 1997] in the following subsections.6 Additional repair schemes
can be added to FaultSim easily by creating a new C++ class.
6 We have also implemented RAID-like schemes and sparing schemes. However, due to space limitations, we
only discuss the two schemes that we validate analytically. Other schemes, or combinations of schemes, can
easily be incorporated in FaultSim as well.
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FAULTSIM: A Fast, Configurable Memory-Reliability Simulator 44:15
Fig. 9. A memory die (Fault Domain) can contain column (A) and row (B) faults in different memory banks.
(shown in the Appendix) considers every FR in each chip as a reference (FR0). The
algorithm then counts faulty bits in codewords covered by the same FR. Additionally,
it also counts FRs in any other chips (FR1) that intersect with codewords covered by
the first FR. Bit counting is achieved by manipulating the mask and addr bits of a tem-
porary FR to test each bit position on the bus individually. To avoid double-counting
intersecting faults within the nested loops, care is taken that the bit intersection count
(n intersections) is reset for each reference FR0.
If the user is interested in error detection capability, the simulation must continue
after finding uncorrectable errors, until the first undetectable error is found.
7.4.2. Chipkill. Symbol-based ECC schemes such as Chipkill can be implemented using
Algorithm 1 (shown in the Appendix). The variant of Chipkill we consider does not count
individual bits and instead counts 8-bit symbols in overlapping address ranges between
chips. Symbol-level comparison is easily achieved by setting the least significant mask
bits to span the symbol size.
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FAULTSIM: A Fast, Configurable Memory-Reliability Simulator 44:17
8.2.1. Influence of Multibank and Multirank Faults. For an n-chip system, let probability
of any faulty chip be P Fail−Any , and multibank or rank faults be P Fail−Multi . Let the
probability of chip failure due to a single-bank fault be P Fail−OneBank. The probability of
chip failure due to nonmultibank or rank faults (i.e., bit, word, column, row, or bank) is
given by P Fail−NonMulti . The probability of precisely one chip with a multibank or rank
fault is given by Equation (11):
POneMultiBank = 1
PFail−Multi × (1 − PFail−Multi )n−1 . (11)
The probability of system failure (PSysFail(1) ) when one multibank or a rank fault
(POneMultiBank ) occurs along with with any other faulty chips is given by Equation (12):
n− 1
PSysFail(1) = POneMultiBank × 1 − 0
PFail−Any × (1 − PFail−Any )n−1 . (12)
8.2.2. Influence of Single-Bank Faults. The probability of failure when one single-bank
fault (POneChipBank) occurs in one chip is given by Equation (13):
POneChipBank = 1
PFail−OneBank × (1 − PFail−OneBank)n−1 . (13)
The probability of system failure (PSysFail(2) ) when one single-bank fault occurs along
with any fault contained within a single bank on another chip (PFail−NonMulti ) is repre-
sented by Equation (14). Note that we divide by eight to account for eight banks in the
n− 1
PSysFail(2) = (1/8) × POneChipBank × 1 − 0
PFail−NonMulti × (1 − PFail−NonMulti )n−1 .
8.2.3. Total System Failure Probability. The probability that the system fails for Chipkill
(P SysFail−Chipkill ) is the sum of Equations (12) and (14) and is given by Equation (15):
PSysFail−Chipkill ≈ PSysFail(1) + PSysFail(2) . (15)
8.3. Validation
FaultSim uses FIT rates for DRAM chips to insert faults into the memory system (from
Table I). The error correction capability of BCH-1 code and Chipkill is compared over
a 7-year lifetime. We simulate an 18-chip one-rank system with a bus width of 4 bits
per chip. To maintain accuracy, we ran these simulations for 2.5 million iterations. The
time-interval-based simulation has a 3-hour time step (interval). Memory scrubbing
was disabled in FaultSim as the analytical model does not model memory scrubbing.
Figure 10 shows that FaultSim reports a system failure probability of 3.45×10−2 and
4.15×10−4 after 7 years for BCH-1 and Chipkill, respectively. The analytical model for
BCH-1 and Chipkill has a difference of only 0.032% and 8.41% versus the simula-
tion results. Note that the analytical model is approximate, so the deviation does not
necessarily indicate an inaccuracy in simulation results. Furthermore, for the Chip-
kill system, the system failure rate is fairly low (415 parts per million), so an 8.41%
deviation results in a very small change in absolute numbers (35 parts per million).
9.1. Sensitivity to Number of Devices
As memory systems scale, they are likely to be interconnected using complex networks
that have multiple devices. Intuitively, a memory system with more devices will exhibit
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization, Vol. 12, No. 4, Article 44, Publication date: December 2015.
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Fig. 10. Probability of memory system failure with elapsed time for BCH-1 code and Chipkill shows that
curves from “Analytical Models” and FaultSim closely follow each other.
Table VII. FIT Rate Versus Sim. Time: 1 Million Systems (7 Years Each)
Simulation Time (Wall Clock)
1× FIT 2× FIT 4× FIT 8× FIT
Interval Based 49.5 hrs 47.9 hrs 47.1 hrs 43.6 hrs
Event Based 34s 33.9s 34.1s 34.1s
Interval Based 49.2 hrs 48.6 hrs 48.5 hrs 48.4 hrs
Event Based 33s 32.9s 33s 33.1s
a larger number of faults. Table VI shows the variation in the probability of faults with
an increase in the number of chips in a memory system. An increase in memory chips
results in a nonlinear scaling in the number of systems with one or two faults. However,
even for a modestly large system, the episode of three or more faults occurring during
the system lifetime remains uncommon (2.15%).
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FAULTSIM: A Fast, Configurable Memory-Reliability Simulator 44:19
Fig. 11. Using FaultSim for analyzing the impact of TSV faults and dynamic TSV sparing in 3D memories.
after the faults in a system lifetime are injected, Event-Based simulation time is almost
insensitive to FIT rates.
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization, Vol. 12, No. 4, Article 44, Publication date: December 2015.
44:20 P. J. Nair et al.
schemes and architectural techniques, they do not talk about how to build an integrated
framework for estimating RAS.
Field studies on supercomputing and server clusters help obtain real-world data.
Some studies on DRAM-based main memory systems have investigated data errors
[Schroeder et al. 2009; Schroeder and Gibson 2010]. However, contrary to reporting
fault rates, these studies report data error rates, which depend on the application that
the system executes and its memory mapping. For instance, a memory system with a
single bit with permanent fault can result in billions of errors if the bit remains un-
corrected and if the application frequently accesses the faulty memory bit. Similarly,
systems can also report billions of errors if the OS naively maps pages into such faulty
locations without decommissioning the region. However, to evaluate reliability, fault
statistics provide a clear metric when compared to error statistics. To address this,
Sridharan and Liberty [2012] and Sridharan et al. [2013] present a clearer distinc-
tion between errors and faults and report memory faults and their positional effects
by studying supercomputer clusters. Although these studies present detailed failure
data, they do not use this data to suggest quick reliability exploration techniques.
Commercial solutions like Chipkill present specific results for certain FIT rates; how-
ever, they do not estimate memory reliability as these systems scale [Dell 1997]. In an
attempt to estimate reliability, recent studies have investigated integrating field data
into analytical models [Jian et al. 2013]. Although this is a significant step forward,
complex analytical models are required to investigate memory reliability. Studies that
use analytical methods for estimating faults use Monte Carlo techniques to verify
their model [Jian et al. 2013; DeBardeleben 2013]. However, none of these studies
present techniques to simplify and reduce the simulation time for Monte Carlo-based
FPGA-based fault-tree analysis has been proposed for circuit-level fault simula-
tions. This analysis constructs a time-to-failure tree for the system based on the failure
times of individual components. FPGAs are used to accelerate the Monte Carlo process
to simulate individual components. We believe that the fundamentals of FaultSim in
accelerating Monte Carlo simulation can enable making this event-based simulation
and reduce the simulation time [Ejlali and Miremadi 2004]. Crashtest tests logic re-
siliency and evaluates how the design reacts to faults [Pellegrini et al. 2008]. Along
similar lines, GangES and Relyzer provide frameworks to evaluate errors in execution
states [Hari et al. 2014; Sastry Hari et al. 2013]. From a different perspective, the
performance of parallel runs in the Monte Carlo simulator can be improved by running
them on GPGPUs [Braun et al. 2012]. FaultSim improves the performance of a single
run and these techniques are orthogonal to the techniques employed by FaultSim.
Memory reliability is a growing concern for all systems, ranging from HPC to servers to
commodity systems. The increase in failure rate with smaller technology nodes, and the
newer failure modes from emerging technologies (such as 3D DRAM) have made the
investigation of efficient solutions to enhance memory reliability a key area of research.
While simple mitigation schemes can be evaluated using analytical models, such mod-
els become quite complex for more advanced schemes and are not easily extendable
to new schemes, or even a combination of schemes. A tool set that can quickly and
accurately estimate the effectiveness of different reliability solutions will accelerate
research in this area. To that end, this article makes the following contributions:
(1) We present FaultSim, a fast and accurate Monte Carlo simulator. We describe
novel data structures for efficient tracking of faults that can occur at multiple
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization, Vol. 12, No. 4, Article 44, Publication date: December 2015.
FAULTSIM: A Fast, Configurable Memory-Reliability Simulator 44:21
(2) We propose an Event-Based Fault Injection framework, which improves the simu-
lation speed by a factor of 5,000× compared to Interval-Based simulation.
(3) We also discuss how to set the number of trials based on precision bounds. The
simulation can be run for a fixed number of iterations to be within bounds.
(4) We show how FaultSim can be used to model a variety of fault mitigation schemes
such as BCH-1, Chipkill, TSV Sparing for 3D Memories, and Scrubbing.
We successfully validate FaultSim using analytical models. As emerging memories
come to market and knowledge of failures is gained through field studies, FaultSim will
aid in rapid evaluation of evolving failure rates and resilience schemes. We continue
to develop this tool via implementation of recently published fault models. This tool
is now available for researchers as an open-source framework using a BSD3 licence
ALGORITHM 1: Chipkill ECC algorithm for a single Monte Carlo run. N is the number of chips
in a rank
for FR0 in FR[0..N-1] do
F Rtemp = FR0
n intersections = 0
SET lower 3 bits of F Rtemp.mask
for FR1 in FR[0..N-1] do
if F Rtemp intersects FR1 then
n intersections++
if n intersections > correctable errors then
terminate simulation;
ALGORITHM 2: BCH ECC algorithm for a single Monte Carlo run. N is the number of chips
in the rank
for FR0 in FR[0..N-1] do
F Rtemp = FR0
n intersections = 0
CLEAR lower 2 bits of F Rtemp.addr
CLEAR lower 2 bits of F Rtemp.mask
for bit addr in (0..3) do
for FR1 in FR[0..N-1] do
if F Rtemp intersects FR1 then
n intersections++
F Rtemp.addr++
if n intersections > correctable errors then
terminate simulation;
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44:22 P. J. Nair et al.
We thank the anonymous reviewers for their valuable feedback. We are grateful to Gabriel Loh of AMD
Research and Prasun Gera of Georgia Tech for their comments on a prior version of this work. We also thank
all members of our research group, CARAT Lab, at Georgia Tech and AMD Research for their insightful
feedback. This work was supported in part by the Center for Future Architectures Research (C-FAR), one of
the six SRC STARnet Centers, sponsored by MARCO and DARPA.
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