7QC Tools Training
7QC Tools Training
7QC Tools Training
The 7tools of quality are generally used by quality control and quality
assurance engineers to solve product or process related quality issues on a
daily/weekly/monthly basis and to reduce/eliminate non-value-added activities like
product rework, repair, and rejection.
7 QC Tools List | Quality Tools
The list of 7 QC tools are:
1. Check Sheet
2. Fishbone Diagram
3. Histogram
4. Pareto Chart
5. Control Chart
6. Scatter Diagram
7. Stratification Diagram
Click on the above links to Explore QC tools.
7 Tools of quality | Brief Explanation
Check Sheet
The check sheet is used for collecting, recording, and analyzing the data. Data
collection is an important activity in the problem-solving process as it provides a basis
for further action. Data may be numerical, observations and opinions, etc.
Fishbone Diagram
Fishbone diagram is also called as Cause and Effect
diagram and Ishikawa diagram. It helps to Identify all possible potential
causes and select the real/best potential cause which contributes to the problem/effect.
The brainstorming technique is used for potential cause identification.
Pareto Chart
The Pareto chart helps to Narrow the problem area or prioritize the significant
problems for corrective measures. Pareto principle based on the 80-20 rule. It
means that 80 percent of the problems/failures are caused by 20 percent of the few
major causes/factors which are often referred to as Vital Few.
And the remaining 20 percent of the problems are caused by 80 percent of many
minor causes which are referred to as Trivial Many. Hence, it gives us information
about Vital few from Trivial many.
Control Chart
A control chart is also known as the SPC chart or Shewhart chart. It is a graphical
representation of the collected information/data and it helps to monitor the process
centering or process behavior against the specified/set control limits.
Independent variable data and dependent Variable data are customarily plotted
along the horizontal X-axis and Vertical Y-axis respectively. Independent variable is
also called controlled parameters.
Stratification Diagram
A technique used to analyze and divide a universe of data into homogeneous groups
called -Strata. Stratification tools are used when the data come from different
sources or conditions, such as data collected from different shifts, machines, people,
days, suppliers and population groups, etc.
Some lists replace stratification with Flowchart.
Kaoru Ishikawa
“95% of quality related problems in the organization can be solved by using seven
fundamental quantitative tools.”
The advantages of the tree diagram are that it facilitates agreement among the team
and is extremely convincing with strategies.
This is used in various fields like process analysis, new product planning and market
surveys etc.