JHR Online Mobile Shop
JHR Online Mobile Shop
JHR Online Mobile Shop
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Lab Project Status
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................3
1.1 Introduction...............................................................................................................................................3
1.2 Design Goals/Objective ............................................................................................................................3
Chapter 4 Conclusion................................................................................................................................... 12
4.1 Introduction...............................................................................................................................................12
4.1 Practical Implications..............................................................................................................................12
4.2 Scope of Future Work...............................................................................................................................12
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction
The term “online platform” has been used to describe a range of services available on the Internet
including marketplaces, search engines, social media, creative content outlets, app stores,
communications services, payment systems, services comprising the so-called “collaborative” or “gig”
economy, and much more so we made a online platform shop where people buy phone as he or she want
Chapter 2 Design/Development/Implementation
of the Project
( In our project, First of all people need to create a account for seen the list of mobile or
purchasing )
(Then people need to login his /her account which is created for our online mobile shop)
Sub section 1: List of expect or selected brand all mobiles and Product price and confirmation (In
this potion here is customer choose his/her expected model and then the next is product price and
confirmation )
In subsection 2 when customer confirm his/her product then he/she get discount which is totally depend our
rules and regulations .How much he/she get on expected model
Subsection 3: Discounted price after using Promo code and Final Confirmation of purchase
Chapter 3
Performance Evaluation
and then we insert login portion with if else condition and check with sign up input info.
And we also use display function to display Mobile company list with company name function to show mobile
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For discount ,price calculate according to percentage & this part complete with “pass by value”
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Chapter 4 Conclusion
4.1 Introduction
In this digital world we have to upgrade our-self. So this digital marketing platform is very useful for our
customer basically in this corona pandemic situation.That's why we made this project which is usable and
easiest for consumer .Simple using process with important guidelines to make consumer experience easy
and fast.So, Yes we can say, for modern time this type of online shop or website .
And our project fulfil all the expectation for practical life experience
We will add more add more updated brand list. And also add volunteers for develop the whole project.
[1] https://www.w3schools.com
[2] https://www.programiz.com.
[3] https://youtube.com
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