Ars (AutoRecovered) 5

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 Gears are important machine elements

 They are found in some of the woodworking machines and tools that you use in the workshop.

Gears on a hand drill

 A gear is a component that is found on some machines.

 It is a wheel, shaft or cone with teeth cut around its edges.

 These teeth are equally spaced around the gear's edge.

 The number of teeth determines the size of the gear.

 A gear does not work alone on a machine.

 It is joined to another gear by meshing the teeth to form a gear train.

 In a gear train, a gear which transfers motion to another is called the driver gear while the one
to which the motion is transferred is called the driven gear.

Direction of gear rotation

 When the driver gear and the driven gear are meshed, they rotate in opposite directions.

 This means that if the driver gear rotates in a clockwise direction, the driven gear will rotate in
the anticlockwise direction.

 If you want the driver gear and the driven gear to rotate in the same direction, you should place
a third gear between them.

 This gear is called an idler gear.

Using an idler gear to match the direction of rotation of the driver and driven gear

Uses of gears on a machine

There are many ways in which gears are used on a machine. They may be used for the following


1. To increase the speed of rotation of the driven gear shaft.

2. To decrease the speed of rotation of the driven gear shaft.

3. To reverse the direction of rotation of the driven gear shaft.

4. To change rotary motion to linear motion.

5. To transfer linear motion to rotary motion.

6. To change the orientation of rotation from vertical rotation to horizontal rotation or vice versa


a. The diagrams show gear mechanisms used in some woodworking machines .Name the gears.

b. How do you determine the size of a gear?

2. What is a;

a. Driver gear?

b. idler gear?

3. Use neat, labelled sketches to show the relationship between a driver gear, idler gear and driven gear.
Show the direction of rotation in each gear.

4. Explain how you can increase the speed of a driven gear in a gear mechanism.

5. Describe the following types of gears;

a. Spur gears.

b. Bevel gears.

c. Rack and pinion gears.

Levers are amongst the most common machines that are used in wood workshop

They may be used as single entities or as combination of two or more levers.

A lever

A lever is a beam that is hinged at a fixed point called fulcrum. The fulcrum is also called a pivot.

Parts of a lever system

 A lever is made up of the effort, load and fulcrum.

 The effort is the applied force that is used to move a lever.

 The load is the mass of the object that is to be lifted.

 The fulcrum or pivot is the point at which a lever is supported or hinged.

 This point allows the lever to turn

 The length of the lever from the fulcrum to the effort is called the effort arm.

 The load arm or resistance arm is the length of the lever from fulcrum to the load.


 Levers are used to lift heavy objects with less effort.

 They also help to remove tight objects or to cut items.

 For example, the claw hammer is used as a lever to remove nails from workpieces.

 When using levers to lift, heavy objects gain the mechanical advantage.

 Mechanical advantage is the amount of energy that is saved when levers are used to lift heavy
objects. Mechanical advantage allows one to move objects with an effort that is less than the
weight of the load.

 The formula for calculating the mechanical advantage (MA) is: MA=

For example, when using an effort of 10 Newton to lift an object of mass 3kgs. The mechanical
advantage is calculated as:

First change 3kgs to Newtons by multiplying by 10

3kgs x 10 =30N

MA= =3
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How a machine uses levers

 Machine can use three classes of levers as single entities.

 Sometimes two or more levers are connected to form a lever system called a linkage.

 A linkage is a connection of two or more levers. These levers are connected and pivoted to
transfer motion from one lever another

1. What do you understand by the following parts of a lever?

i. Fulcrum.

ii. Load

iii. Effort.

2 a. What is mechanical advantage?

b. Write the formula for calculating the mechanical advantage of a lever

3. state any three uses of levers

4.explain how machines use levers

5. Give examples of machines that use

a. class one lever

b. class two lever
c. class three lever

 A pulley is a simple machine.

 It is a grooved wheel that rotates on an axle

 A rope or belt wrapped around the wheel to fit in the groove.

 Some simple pulleys consist of simple wheels that are not grooved.

Parts of a pulley

 A pulley is made up of a wheel that is grooved around its circumference and a belt or rope that
is wrapped in the groove to drive the wheel.


1. To lift heavy objects

2. To transmit torque from the drive shaft to the driven shaft in complex machines.

Types of pulleys

 Pulleys that are used to lift heavy objects are classified into fixed pulleys, movable pulleys,
compound pulleys, block and tackle pulleys.

Fixed pulleys

 In a fixed pulley the wheel is attached to a fixed part on a ceiling or any stationary structure that
is located above the load

 The wheel is free to rotate

 A rope or belt is looped on the wheel

 This rope is free to move in the groove.

 A load is attached on one end of the rope

 The other end of the rope is pulled downwards to lift the load.

 This pulley has no mechanical advantage The force used to lift the object is equivalent to the
weight of the object.

 The only advantage that is gained when using this pulley is that it is easier to pull the rope down
than lifting the object upwards.
 To gain mechanical advantage when using a fixed pulley, attach another freely rotating wheel
below the fixed wheel.

 This will increase the number of ropes that is used to lift the object.

 Using two wheels to raise the object, will reduce the effort required to raise the load by two.

Movable pulleys

 In a movable pulley, the rope is fixed and becomes stationary.

 The wheel becomes movable.

 The load is attached to the wheel rather than the rope.

 The wheel will move the load up as the rope is pulled.

 This requires less effort to pull up the load.

 Movable pulleys are used in construction cranes and weight lifting machines.

Compound pulleys

 A compound pulley combines the features of fixed pulley and a movable pulley.

 It consists a movable pulley that is connected to affixed pulley by rope

 The compound pulley is more efficient in lifting heavy loads than both the fixed pulley and the
movable pulley

Block and tackle pulleys

 This type of pulley is made up of a number of Compound pulleys

 The wheels in this type of pulley are called blocks.

 The ropes are called tackles

 When connecting pulleys into blocks, the fixed pulleys are arranged parallel to each other

 Similarly, movable pulleys are also arranged parallel to each other

 Each pair is then connected to the next pair

Belt drive pulleys

 Pulleys that are used to drive machine axles are called belt drive pulleys

 These pulleys are not used to t heavy loads

 They are used to transfer ser torque between pulleys

 A simple belt and pulley system is made up of a driver pulley and a driven pulley

 The driver pulley is connected to a shaft on a motor and rotates about the motor shaft It is
connected to the driven pulley by a belt.

 in smaller pulley Systems like those used on toys and other small machines, the belt can be
made out of a rubber band

 This belt can be square, rectangular or circular in shape

 In larger machines, V section rubber belts are used

 These fit tightly in the wheel’s groove to avoid slipping.

 Some belts are toothed


 Belt pulley drives are used to drive a number of Woodworking machines.

 The belt pulley drives are used to transfer motion between parallel shafts

Direction of rotation

 When the driven pulley wheel is connected to driver pulley wheel by a belt, it will rotate in the
same direction as the rotation of the driver wheel.

 This type of pulley system is called an open drive pulley system.

 If you want the two wheels to rotate in the opposite direction, you should cross the belts
between the wheels

 This creates a cross pulley drive system

Cross pulley drive system

Speed of rotation

 The diameter of the driver pulley wheel will determine the speed of rotation of the belt pulley
drive system.

 If the driver pulley wheel has a bigger diameter than the driven wheel, the driven wheel will turn
faster than the driver wheel.

 Where you want the driven wheel to rotate at a slower speed than the driver wheel, simply
make its diameter greater than that of the driver wheel.
 The ratio of the speeds of the two wheels is called Velocity ratio.

 To calculate velocity ratio, we use the formula:

Velocity Ratio (VR) =

For example, if the diameter of the driven wheel is 100mm and the diameter of the driver wheel

is 300mm the velocity ratio is

VR= =300/100

This means the driven pulley rotates 3 times to every rotation of the driver pulley wheel.

Cone belt pulley wheel

 A cone belt pulley drive is made up of a number of pulleys of different diameters piled on top of
each other to form a cone.

 The cone pulley wheel allows one to vary the speed of the belt pulley system.

 When connecting the belts to the smaller wheels, the speed of rotation is reduced.

 The pillar drill and lathe machine use this type of pulley drive system.

 In a pillar drill, the motor is connected to one cone with the smallest set of wheels at the

 The other cone pulley is connected to the shaft with the largest at the top.


1. What is a pulley?

b. State two uses of a pulley

2. What do you understand by the following terms in relation to pulleys?

a. Tackle

c.Driver pulleys
d.Driven pulleys
3. a. Use neat sketches to show a fixed pulley
b. describe this pulley
c. State one disadvantage of using a fixed pulley
d. How can you can gain mechanical advantage when using a fixed pulley?
4. What is a movable pulley?

b. Use neat sketches to show a movable

c. State one use of a movable pulley

5a. Use sketches to show the difference between an open drive pulley system and a cross drive pulley

b Give one advantage of using a cone belt pulley wheel on a machine


Section A short answer questions

1. State

a. The grinding angle used on a plane blade

b. sharpening angle used on a chisel blade

2. The diagram shows abrasive stones that are used to sharpen a gouge

a. Name the abrasive stone

b. Name the type of gouge that can be sharpened by this stone

3. The picture below shows a special purpose plane

a. Name the tool

b. State two uses of the tool

4. Identify the tool shown below What is the tool sed for?

a. Name………………………………………………………………………….

5. The diagram shows meshed spur gears

a. lf the driver gear rotates in direction, indicate the direction of rotation of the driven gear

6. The diagram below shows a hand drill

a. ldentify the gear system used on this tool

7. The diagram below shows a levee being used to remove a nail from a piece of wood what class of levers does the hammer fall when used in this position?

b. in what class of levers does the claw hammer fall when it is used to drive in nails?

c. state the formula for calculating the mechanical advantage of a lever.

8. the image shows the use of pulleys in a drill press

a. name the type of pulley shown
Section B

Structured questions

Answer all questions

1. Using labelled sketches, show the difference between an in cannel gouge and an out cannel

2. Explain the steps taken when grinding an out cannel gouge.

3. Describe using notes and sketches how you can use a copying saw to cut internal holes on wood

4. Name a plane that you would use for each of the following purposes:

a. trimming the shoulders of a large tenon

b. trimming mitres

c. planing accurate convex curves

d. making the tongue and groove joint

e. making a groove.

5. Explain briefly how the following gears are used in a woodworking machine:

a. spur gear

b. bevel gear

c. Worm gear

d. rack and pinion

6. Briefly explain how you can make the driven and driver gear in a spur gear train, to rotate in the
same direction

7. Using notes and sketches outline the steps followed in sharpening a flat plane blade.

8. Name the four parts of a lever system.

9. Explain FLET 123 and how it is used to remember the different lever classes

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