Engine Retrofit Guide v8
Engine Retrofit Guide v8
Engine Retrofit Guide v8
Applying alternative
fuels to existing ships
4 9
Technology and Investment case
Foreword 3 compliance 30 and economic 60
considerations feasibility
Current engine
4 retrofit 37 Appendix 1 66
Fleet and
1 technology
6 Fuel system
47 Appendix 2 68
2 7
19 capacity and 51
fuel readiness
8 and Human
Amid efforts to decarbonise shipping before 2050, ship This guide charts the current status of engine retrofit
technology developments often focus on newbuild vessels. technology, integration capability and related compliance
But given the long working life of vessels, it is clear that requirements. Using methanol and ammonia as examples,
many ships originally designed and arranged to be powered it highlights the technical, regulatory and commercial issues
by fossil fuels are likely to remain in service by 2050, that will need to be addressed for engine retrofits to play
representing around 20% of the global fleet according to a significant role in the decarbonisation of the global
some forecasts. Decarbonising these vessels is therefore a maritime fleet.
crucial element of the maritime energy transition.
As one of the world’s leading class societies and with deep
One solution is to retrofit vessels to use carbon-neutral expertise in alternative fuels and decarbonisation projects
or zero-carbon fuels. This may require changes to engine, – including the world’s first methanol engine retrofit project
tank, pipework, systems and structure. Engine designers on the Stena Germanica in 2015 - Lloyd’s Register is well
have already prepared conversion packages for some fuels placed to help ship operators select, plan and navigate
and are developing solutions for others. Projects to retrofit a fleet decarbonisation pathway that ensures safety and
engines for methanol, for example, have begun for cruise and compliance while deploying retrofit technologies on
containerships, while interest in ammonia as a carbon-free existing vessels.
fuel means that engine technologies are being developed
with a view to application on existing vessels.
This report examines the application of alternative fuel
The decision to retrofit engines must be weighed against technology solutions to vessel conversions. For in-
several other options, including drop-in net-zero, near-zero depth information on the properties of alternative fuels
or absolute zero fuels, non-engine power technologies, themselves – including their safety characteristics and
or building new zero- or near-zero emissions tonnage. emissions profiles – explore Lloyd’s Register’s Fuel For
That decision will depend on the cost and feasibility of Thought series here:
technologies, system integration and fuels, as well as the
impact of new solutions on operating profile and costs, www.lr.org/fuelforthought
charter rates and carbon pricing exposure.
3 EX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Foreword
Executive Summary
While fuel cost/availability and regulatory drivers remain stakeholders can better manage the risks of the energy 5 Testing prototype in user environment
uncertain, projecting demand is challenging. A maximum transition across existing fleets.
6 Pre-production product
addressable market of 9,000-12,900 large merchant vessels
was identified up to 2030, after which it is anticipated that
all vessels will be built with net-zero or near-zero carbon
Technology readiness Low scale pilot production demonstrated
5 EX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Executive Summary
System integration challenges 4 Safety arrangements: Venting, purging, ventilation Lloyd’s Register have developed a Risk Based Certification
and fire/gas leak detection and prevention all add to (RBC) process which is consistent with and based on MSC.1/
While conversions for alternative fuels depend on engine the complexity of applying alternative fuel systems to Circ.1455, and other related IMO guidelines, yet equally
technology readiness, the bigger challenge is integrating existing ship designs. applies to non-SOLAS projects. RBC is used where risk
the wider fuel system on existing vessels. The key issues assessment is required to inform certification and provide
can be summarised as: Across all these areas, designers need to maintain a focus confidence in new, novel and alternative designs.
on safety and minimising the exposure of crew to toxic and
1 Tanks: Larger tank volume requirements for fuels with flammable fuels. For an alternative fuel project, the risk-based process needs
lower energy density mean that finding the appropriate to meet the mandatory requirements in SOLAS Reg.II-1/55
place for tanks, meeting safety requirements with (including the IGF Code), the guidance in MSC.1/Circ.1455,
minimal impact on structural integrity and cargo Regulatory issues and be undertaken in accordance with the LR RBC process.
capacity, is challenging. Refer to Section 5 Classification Rules for further information
Current IMO requirements for the use of methanol as fuel
2 Fuel preparation: Some existing vessels designs may are given under the interim guidelines MSC.1/Circ.1621, on the application of RBC.
make it difficult to find a contained space for the fuel which includes goals, functional requirements, detailed
A further regulatory issue for engine retrofits is NOx
pumps and valve train that is close to the engine room. prescriptive requirements together with a requirement to
certification required under MARPOL after a major
undertake a risk assessment. Currently there are no IMO
3 Piping: The added cost and bigger dimensions of conversion. The regulations require a converted engine to be
requirements in place for ammonia as fuel and therefore
double-walled fuel piping means that ship conversion recertified for NOx emissions. If an identical certified engine
approvals are risk-based rather than prescriptive, meaning
pipe routings should be planned to minimise the does not exist, as will be the case for many early retrofits,
that in addition to the normal rigours of design appraisal
disruption to ship structures (such as bulkhead recertification means testing at sea or testing
a robust risk management process needs to be applied.
penetrations). a suitable engine at testbed, which can be challenging.
The approval process is outlined in the IMO Guidelines for
This issue is under discussion at IMO’s Pollution Prevention
Approval of Alternatives and Equivalents (MSC.1/Circ.1455).
and Control Committee.
6 EX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Executive Summary
Human Factor elements • Occupational health: Consideration of risks inherent
with fuels and new systems, and how these can
Electrical engineering: Enhanced monitoring (leak and fire
detection), automated mitigation systems (including purging,
The impact on crew working with new fuels needs careful be mitigated via design, procedure and personal firefighting, venting and ventilation), as well as more complex
consideration and must not be overlooked when equipping protection equipment. regulation of the fuel chain place new demands on vessel
an existing vessel for alternative fuels. Working on a vessel electrical and automation infrastructure. This will require
• Process safety hazards: How to manage, and promote
with these fuels, as well as operating and maintaining new greater electrical engineering skills from yards in order to
early recognition and response to, new circumstances
equipment, entail new risks. Assessment of human factors adapt or where necessary install entirely new systems.
where human activities may contribute to, exacerbate
(Section 8) goes beyond working conditions and schedules
or prevent recovery from a hazard.
to examine design and safety procedures to ensure that Fuel handling: Especially during the commissioning and
these risks are minimised. This should include: testing stages of the retrofit project, yards will need to have
7 EX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Executive Summary
Techno-economic analysis The results demonstrate that although some sectors –
notably cruise and container ships - are close to adopting
The results of techno-economic modelling (Section 9) methanol fuel retrofits, the investment case across all
indicate that using renewable methanol or ammonia today segments is still very immature. For ammonia, the business
would more than double the fuel costs for vessels in all case for retrofitting remains hypothetical only until initial use
segments, at a global carbon price of US$100 per tonne. cases are observed.
For vessels with greater fuel consumption – notably the
large cruise and container ships - the additional fuel
costs in a year approach the price of a conventional Conclusion
newbuild vessel.
This report outlines the challenges that lie ahead for the
The low-cost scenario, in which both ammonia and industry if alternative fuel engine retrofits are to play an
methanol decrease in price by close to 50% and the carbon important role in the decarbonisation of shipping. The
price reaches an extremely high US$350, is just beyond the technologies and capabilities for retrofits are emerging.
tipping point at which alternative fuels become cheaper than While the business case for most vessels remains to be seen,
continued use of conventional fuels. that could change very quickly as more clarity emerges
on fuel costs, availability and regulatory drivers including
The cost of retrofitting is currently uncertain and will have carbon pricing.
a significant impact on the business case for both owner
and operator. As an example, the owner of a Newcastlemax Alternative fuels use as a whole is in its early stages, the
Vessel who wished to amortise the cost of a US$10 million application of these fuels to existing vessels even more so.
retrofit over ten years would need to charge an 11% premium As with any new use of technology, managing risks to
on current charter rates (at time of publication), representing crew, assets and operations is a fundamental first step.
a US$2,907 increase. This amounts to an extra US$1 million a The challenges identified in this report – and the progress
year on the charter cost for the operator, on top of the cost of tracked in future editions – highlight the work that remains
the new fuel. to be done in ensuring that those risks are mitigated.
Investment readiness
Current projects and market interest in engine retrofits
indicate differing levels of appetite across vessel segments.
Combined with the insights above on technology
development, retrofit capabilities and cost, Lloyd’s Register
formulated an Investment Readiness Level indicator for four
segments – cruise, containers, tankers and bulk carriers.
8 EX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Executive Summary
Methanol retrofit One example is tanking arrangements. On Germanica, the
methanol tanks were built inside ballast water tanks and
9 EX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Executive Summary
1 Fleet and technology readiness
Ammonia and methanol ready vessels, in service and on order Methonol Ammonia and methanol capable vessels, in service and on order Methonol
Source: LR, IHS, Clarksons Renewable Intelligence Network Source: LR, IHS, Clarksons Renewable Intelligence Network
Ammonia Ammonia
135 76
61 76
23 44 33
34 87
18 16 11 30 4 4 8
30 38 29
18 13 2 1 1 22 3 3 1 3 7
Bulk Tanker Container Gas ship Gen / spec PCC / Passenger Passenger Misc. Other Bulk Tanker Container Gas ship Gen / spec PCC / Passenger Passenger Misc. Other
carrier ship cargo Ro-Ro - cruise - other carrier ship cargo Ro-Ro - cruise - other
Vessel conversion is technically complex and involves
Near net zero Capable of bunkering All required Capabilities apply to -
significant costs. It may involve changes in layout, structural
GHG vessel and operating for equipment all energy sources
modifications to the vessel and replacement of pipework
and systems. Class readiness notations certify that the all onboard energy installed and onboard.
required level of safety can be achieved, subject to the work usage in all operating commissioned.
being carried out correctly and other specific requirements modes. Cannot be powered
being met, but do not include detailed design, costs and by fossil fuels.
conversion plans.
2 Low GHG
Capable of bunkering
and operating for
All required equip-
ment installed and
Capabilities apply to
primary propulsion.
Fossil pilot fuels
Retrofit costs will be significantly influenced by the level of
primary propulsion commissioned.
readiness, the scope of the conversion and the rules to be
in the mandatory of Dual/multi-fuels
applied. For this reason, the LR Maritime Decarbonisation
operating modes. acceptable.
Hub has developed the Zero Ready Framework, which aims
to provide the clarity needed to support strategic planning
and investment in assets. The framework as described in
3 Conversion
Primary propulsion
capable of using fuels
Capabilities apply to
primary propulsion.
the table, enables a better understanding of the state of preparation in scope. Some key • Engine retrofitted
readiness of vessels for conversion and the costs involved in components already for fuel in scope.
delivering a zero-emissions vessel. installed but not yet
• Fuel storage tank
By using this framework in development of strategies and in place.
plans – as well as committing to only financing, building and
ordering vessels that meet a clearly defined readiness level 4 Designed for
Fossil fuel vessel with -
high level of detailed
Capabilities apply to
primary propulsion.
Detailed design is
preferred to high level.
by specified dates – business can manage the risks faced in design for conversion. Ideally costings for
the energy transition and demonstrate climate commitments conversion provided.
to customers, business partners and end consumers.
Potential for Fossil fuel vessel with - Retrofit pack availa- Will become the norm
conversion main engine that ble for main engine. as dual or multi-fuel
could fuel in scope, engines become
if retrofitted. the default.
Fossil fuel Has no possibility None None -
only of retrofit.
1,000 226
710 144
500 108 640 692
94 97
90 85
82 424
285 290 274 243
254 204
283 167 189
183 167 151 93
73 90 106 72 97
88 77 97
2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045
Under Scenario 2, the same population of retrofit candidates is identified as in Scenario 1 because the starting date from
which zero-emission newbuilds are built is the same. However, two factors affect the time period over which retrofits could
potentially be taken up.
First, a five-year delay is assumed before the criteria for retrofit candidates can be extended so that smaller vessels are viable.
This models a slower advance in the maturity of retrofitting technology and capability. The result is a gentler initial uptake
followed by a dramatic increase in retrofitting activity from 2030, when smaller vessels become viable retrofit candidates.
Second, vessels are retrofit candidates up to 15 years of age, rather than a maximum of 10 years in Scenario 2. This means that
the last retrofits, on vessels built for conventional fuels in 2031, take place in 2045. There are no retrofits in 2046 because all
non-zero-emission vessels built in 2031 were in vessel types where retrofits are only viable at ten years or below.
The result of the delay in zero-emissions newbuilding is that a further 3,300 retrofit-candidate vessels built for conventional
fuels remain in service by 2050, taking the total potential market for engine retrofits to 12,270. Of these, around 7,300 could
retrofit methanol-fuelled engines, while 2,500 could opt for ammonia.
Given the late adoption of zero-emission newbuilds, that last conventionally fuelled vessels are built in 2034. This means that,
considering the maximum age of 15 years at the point of retrofitting, the last vessels could be converted for methanol and
ammonia in 2049. But as the vessels built in 2034 were only deemed viable retrofit candidates at ten years or younger, the
actual final year of the retrofitting phase is 2047.
Technology TRL In some cases, the lack of regulatory guidance, for example The IRLs can be found in Section 9, along with
on venting and requirements, is also slowing development techno-economic analysis of the retrofit case for sample
Methanol fuel handling and storage 5 of solutions. Requirements for emissions abatement vessel types.
Ammonia fuel handling and storage 3 also depend on greater understanding of combustion
LR used the same process to determine a Community
performance, which will only come as engine testing
Readiness Level (CRL) for methanol and ammonia
advances. Significant development work remaining
retrofits. This indicates the maturity of safety frameworks
places ammonia fuel handling and storage at TRL 3.
and public acceptance. This can be found in Section 4,
alongside technical and compliance considerations for
alternative fuel retrofits.
20 EX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Regulatory drivers
Market-based measures
Given the high cost of net-zero fuels compared to In addition the UK and US are contemplating their own
conventional ship fuels, a key role of regulation is to make market based measures. The UK is consulting upon a scheme
new fuels more cost competitive. This can be achieved by that would introduce an ETS for domestic voyages – those
both encouraging the scale up of new fuel production and emissions from voyages between one UK port and another,
distribution to reduce their cost, and by placing restrictions or within a port, or at berth - for vessels of 5,000GT and
or levies on fossil fuels to make them more expensive. IMO’s over. This is planned for 2026. By keeping its application to
ambition levels and future measures to regulate emissions domestic voyages, it avoids double counting with the EU
may act as a signal to spur investment in marine fuels, but scheme.
it has yet to adopt any market-based measures that would
deter owners from buying fossil fuels. The US has two proposals for consideration, a Bill for a Clean
Shipping Act which is broadly similar to FuelEU Maritime, and
The European Union has introduced both demand- and a Bill for an International Maritime Pollution Accountability
supply-side measures, through its Emissions Trading Scheme Act, which is broadly similar to the EU ETS. Both are intended
(ETS) and FuelEU Maritime Regulation. Passenger and cargo to commence in 2024, although neither has yet been passed
vessels of over 5,000GT sailing to, from or between EU ports and may take longer than to do so, if at all.
will be included in the ETS, which starts in 2024. Under a two-
year phase-in period, owners or operators will be required Harmonising regulatory
to pay for 40%, then 70% of their voyage emissions, or half of
that if vessels are arriving from or departing to a non-EU port. regimes
Some smaller vessels could be included from 2027.
The EU regimes mean that a considerable proportion of
The EU ETS could quickly make low-carbon fuels more global shipping will be subject to market-based measures
attractive. In February 2023 the ETS carbon price breached from 2024 and will need to decarbonise at a faster pace
€100 per tonne of CO2 equivalents for the first time, adding than demanded by current IMO legislation. The EU has
more than €300 to the cost of a tonne of HFO. committed to update its requirements if IMO measures,
when introduced, are in line with its own objectives.
The FuelEU Maritime Regulation imposes a direct
requirement on vessels to limit the greenhouse gas intensity But the EU is not the only region to be considering an
of energy used onboard. It is applied similarly to the ETS, ETS or a fuel carbon intensity requirement. In the UK, for
covering 100% of an intra-EU voyages or 50% if travelling to example, the Department of Transport’s Clean Maritime Plan
or from a non-EU port, and all energy used at berth in an EU envisions a trading scheme and has already announced a
port. The requirement for carbon intensity reduction of fuels UK Monitoring, Reporting and Verification requirement as
used scales from 2% in 2025 to 6% in 2030, and then to 80% a first step. The challenge for regulators, and potentially for
in five-yearly increments by 2050. From 2030 for container ship owners, will be to ensure that emerging regimes do not
and passenger vessels, and 2035 for other vessel types, there overlap, contradict or add to the burden of complying with a
is a further requirement to use on-shore power, with limited global framework.
21 EX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Regulatory drivers
EU carbon A penalty or reward is then calculated based on the extent of
under or over performance against the vessel or fleet’s target
VLSFO 19K TEU Boxship Fleet
wait & see scenario
pricing and the for the year, and the cost of low-carbon fuel that would have
been needed to meet the target.
retrofit case For a large handy bulk carrier emitting 9,725 tonnes of CO2
equivalents (CO2e) on voyages to and from the EU, and 1,399
Analysis from LR highlights how EU’s carbon pricing 2030: 3.8 mil.€ x 10 = 38 mil.€
CO2e tonnes on intra-EU voyages or at berth in EU ports, the
initiatives, the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) 2031: 3.8 mil.€ x 10 x 1.1 = 42 mil.€
cost of EUAs in 2026 would be €0.58 million, while the FuelEU
and FuelEU Maritime, could drive ship owners and 2032: 3.8 mil.€ x 10 x 1.2 = 45 mil.€
Maritime penalty would be €0.20 million if the ship keeps
operators to adopt alternative fuels. 2033: 3.8 mil.€ x 10 x 1.3 = 49 mil.€
using the same fossil fuel. But by 2035, the FuelEU Maritime
2034: 3.8 mil.€ x 10 x 1.4 = 52 mil.€
From 2024, carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from ships penalty would be €0.71 million, while the EUA price would
≥5000GT in 2024 reported under the EU’s Monitoring, stay similar assuming the carbon market is stable. Looking to
Council of EU proposed a multiplier of:
Reporting and Verification (MRV) system will also be 2050, the FuelEU Maritime penalty reaches €3.60 million, six
included in the regional ETS. Those vessels in scope of times the EUA spend needed to cover emissions. 1 + (n -1)/10
the ETS will need to buy EU Allowances (EUA) to cover half These additional costs are likely to drive owners to consider Where n is the number of consecutive reporting
of their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to and from EU, whether switching to alternative fuels is a more cost-effective periods for which the company is subject to a remedial
Norwegian and Icelandic (EEA) ports, and all emissions for option. The EU rules offer the potential to offset an entire penalty for this ship
intra-EEA voyages and while at berth at EEA ports. In 2025, fleet penalties with just a few over-performing vessels. For
40% of the CO2 emissions from voyages and at berth stays example, a fleet of ten boxships could avoid around €277 e-methanol Transition
x10 + x1
in 2024 will be subject to the ETS, ramping up to 100% in million in FuelEU Maritime penalties in five years (2030-2034) green fuel scenario
2027. Just as the ETS phase-in ends there is a financial if they are joined by a single vessel fuelled with e-methanol.
double-hit for shipowners. In 2026, the MRV will also require That saving far outweighs the likely cost of building or
the reporting of CH4 (Methane) and N2O (Nitrous Oxide) retrofitting the methanol-fuelled containership.
emissions from ships, with EUAs to be paid on 100% of the
CO2 equivalent of those emissions, in addition to CO2, 2030 one ship running on
within the ETS from 2027.
7.09 / e-methanol
22 EX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Regulatory drivers
3 Alternative fuel readiness
9 9 9
8 8 8
7 7 7
6 6 6
5 5 5
4 4 4
Propulsion 3 Production Propulsion 3 Production Propulsion 3 Production
2 2 2
1 1 1
0 0 0
CRL summary 8
4 4 4
Propulsion 3
Production Propulsion 3 Production Propulsion 3 Production
2 2
1 1 1
0 0 0
Explore readiness levels: Technology Readiness Levels (1-9) Investment and Community Readiness Levels (1-6)
Note: Lloyd’s Register Zero-Carbon Fuel Monitor Dashboard, updated June 2023.
Zero carbon fuels are defined as energy systems that have the potential to deliver ship power with net-zero carbon dioxide emissions, inclusive of production and use.
To do this, experts had to consider not only the transition of the fuel supply, but also the transition of the fleet to which the
fuels would be applied. The figure below illustrates how these two elements influence each other, with fleet fuel demand
forecasts helping to justify fuel production plans, and fuel price projections helping to model fleet costs. The combined
analysis, termed the First Movers Framework, can be used as a tool for collaboration between shipping and marine fuel
stakeholders to identify pathways to decarbonisation for specific fleets.
Maritime challenges and trends Input Output Output Input Global challenges and trends
Fleet decarbonisation
goals projections projections
(1) First Movers in Shipping’s Decarbonisation, Lloyd’s Register, December 2021: https://www.lr.org/en/marine-shipping/maritime-decarbonisation-hub/about/our-story/research-library/first-movers-in-shippings-decarbonisation/
Importantly for the current study, the First Movers Framework analysis of the East Asian container feeder fleet identified that,
in all fuel scenarios, approximately 26% of the transition (by number of ships up to 2050) is achieved through retrofitting.
While the case study is for a specific fleet, the high demand for retrofits in each scenario indicates that converting vessels for
alternative fuels will play a crucial role in a successful transition regardless of the fuels selected.
First Movers Framework Case Study – East Asian container feeder fleet newbuild and retrofit share by transition scenario
50 50 50
30% 27% 27%
0 0 0
2020 2030 2040 2050 2020 2030 2040 2050 2020 2030 2040 2050
from LNG equivalent that could be used in existing LNG engines. consider the full range of greenhouse gas contributors. In
the case of ammonia for example, N2O is one potential new
The biggest emissions challenge for LNG is methane, a emission source. Even hydrogen when released unburned
Retrofit solutions for converting merchant vessels to use potent greenhouse gas that is emitted at many stages of the
liquefied natural gas (LNG) have existed for nearly a decade, contributes to global warming.
LNG fuel supply chain, from production to use in engines.
since Nakilat’s LNG carrier Rasheeda had its main MAN Though relatively low compared to CO2 emissions, fugitive Retrofit challenges
engines adapted in 2015. Since then, uptake of LNG has methane has an outsized impact; it contributes 80 times
grown rapidly, while retrofits have remained uncommon. more than CO2 to global warming per tonne over a 20-year Installing LNG fuel systems on existing merchant vessels has
Looking at some of the factors around LNG retrofitting time frame, and 28 times more across a hundred-year span. proven to be not straightforward, as illustrated by the case
is valuable for identifying issues that are also relevant to While methane emissions from ships are not yet regulated, of the first retrofit on a large container vessel, Hapag-Lloyd’s
conversions for other fuels. they will be included in future IMO regulation with the Brussels Express (formerly Sajir). The project was carried out
Guidelines on lifecycle GHG intensity of marine fuels. As such, on a vessel that had already been classed as ‘LNG-ready’ but
Fuel cost took around nine months to complete at an estimated cost
methane slip from ship engines casts doubts on the GHG
One reason why LNG retrofits are relatively rare today is emissions reduction impact, as CO2e including CO2, CH4 and of US$35 million – highlighting that class ‘ready’ recognitions
the rising cost of the fuel compared to fuel oil. With many N2O, of LNG fuel. such as notations or descriptive notes, should not in isolation
newbuild dual-fuelled vessels choosing to operate on VLSFO be taken to indicate that a conversion will be simple; it
while gas prices are high, there is little business case for Initiatives are underway to minimise methane emissions depends on the scope and level of the recognition.
converting to dual-fuel LNG engines only to be forced into from both upstream production and downstream use.
High-pressure injection engines already offer very low The retrofit cost and time off-hire are considerable obstacles
diesel operation. Adopters of other alternative fuels will also to all alternative fuel retrofits, as are the space requirements
face cost hurdles, as even with significant carbon pricing methane slip, while OEMs of low-pressure injection engines
are working to optimise combustion to reduce unburned for fuel systems. On Sajir, the equivalent of 350 TEU was lost
these fuels are unlikely to be competitive with fuel oil, either to install LNG tanks and pipework. For fuels like methanol
in price or availability, in the next few years. methane, as well as considering new methane abatement
technologies including catalytic reduction. and ammonia, which require even more tank volume than
Emissions profile LNG, careful design will be needed to avoid even greater
One important industry project to maximise the greenhouse sacrifices in cargo capacity.
Another reason for the low market interest in LNG retrofits gas reduction potential of LNG fuel is the Methane
is the fuel’s emissions profile. LNG was originally adopted Abatement in Maritime Innovation Initiative (MAMII), Since Sajir there has been development in fuel system design
as a marine fuel to meet sulphur emissions limits and also established in 2022 by Lloyd’s Register’s Safetytech and integration capability, with the potential to dramatically
offers NOx Tier III compliance without aftertreatment for Accelerator. Supported by several ship operators and fuel reduce installation time and cargo compromises. However,
certain engine types. When it comes to greenhouse gases, suppliers (including Maran Gas Maritime, MSC, Carnival partly due to the challenges of the high-profile project as well
LNG offers reduced tank-to-wake emissions of CO2 (up to Corporation, Seaspan, Shell and Knutsen Group), the as other market dynamics, few poster cases have emerged
23% compared to fuel oil). This taken alone is a significant project aims to propose novel methane reduction methods for the viable retrofitting of large merchant vessels.
step towards intermediate decarbonisation targets, albeit to industry, drawing on the expertise of academics, civil
relatively small compared to green methanol or zero-carbon society, and other stakeholders including the UK’s National
green ammonia. Physical Laboratory.
As LNG use has increased, formal frameworks for crew Lloyd’s Register is a member of the World LPG Association (WLPGA) and chairs its Marine Working Group. Together
training and safe handling while bunkering in port have with WLPGA, Lloyd’s Register is developing a guide to using LPG as a marine fuel, supported by a feasibility study for a
emerged across the world. These frameworks, which retrofit case of an LPG dual-fuel main engine onboard a container ship in service. The initiative aims to further inform
provide guidance for handling a cryogenic, pressurised, stakeholders on the opportunities of LPG as a marine fuel, highlighting its characteristics, while exploring environmental
low flashpoint, gaseous fuel, can also be used as a starting sustainability and commercial potential.
point from which regulators including port authorities can
develop rules around other alternative fuels.
The ship design and systems needed to use methanol IGF Code functional requirements for all fuels
and ammonia as fuel are regulated by IMO under both
safety (SOLAS) and environmental (MARPOL) conventions. SOLAS requirements Part A Functional requirement
Section 6 details the systems involved and how they can IGF Code The safety, reliability and dependability of the
be integrated in vessel conversions. This section provides
systems shall be equivalent to that achieved
an overview of the status of regulations governing use of The IMO requirements for vessels using methanol and 3.2.1
with new and comparable conventional oil-
methanol and ammonia, as well as areas that will require ammonia fall under the mandatory International Code of
fuelled main and auxiliary machinery.
particular consideration for vessel retrofits. Safety for Ship Using Gases or Other Low-flashpoint Fuels
(IGF Code5). The probability and consequences of fuel-
At present, operators planning both newbuild and retrofitted
related hazards shall be limited to a minimum
ships using these fuels must follow an ‘alternative design’ While the IGF Code currently contains detailed requirements
through arrangement and system design, such
approach, based on risk assessments and approval by flag for the use of only natural gas as fuel it does contain goals
3.2.2 as ventilation, detection and safety actions. In
and class. More well-established rules will eventually improve and corresponding functional requirements, as well as
the event of gas leakage or failure of the risk
the ease and cost of designing these vessels. training requirements, which are generic to all gaseous and
reducing measures, necessary safety actions
low flashpoint fuels. The detailed prescriptive requirements
While IMO statutory instruments and class rulesets are shall be initiated.
under Part A-1 of the IGF Code have been developed to meet
under development, Lloyd’s Register has issued full rules these goals and functional requirements for natural gas
and guidance for vessels using methanol, ammonia and The design philosophy shall ensure that risk
(methane). reducing measures and safety actions for
hydrogen, and applies the established ShipRight Risk 3.2.3
Based Certification (RBC) process. To use gases or low-flashpoint fuels other than methane, the the gas fuel installation do not lead to an
alternative design provisions from Part A, 2.3 of the IGF Code unacceptable loss of power.
A joint study into ammonia safety onboard ships undertaken need to be applied, requiring an engineering analysis to be
by the Lloyd’s Register (LR) Maritime Decarbonisation Hub submitted to the Flag administration, in accordance with For newbuild projects and also for retrofits - where new
and the Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon SOLAS regulation II-1/55 and associated guidelines6. This machinery, fuel processing and storage, piping and safety
Shipping (MMMCZCS) provides recommendations for design process follows a risk-based approach for approval of the measures must be tailored to an individual vessel’s layout -
and operation of ammonia-fuelled vessels. (Reference to design to ensure the goals and functional requirements of proving these functional requirements are met demands a
report.) The study identifies a range of mitigation methods, the IGF Code have been met. rigorous design assessment process.
from ship design to crew training and operations, that are
Supply to Consumers To ensure safe and reliable distribution of fuel to LFP Appendix LR1 A-19 LFP Appendix LR2 A-1 9; LFP A-19.3 9.9; Rules and
the consumers Regulations for the Classification of Ships
Pt S Ch 11
Power Generation To provide safe and reliable delivery of LFP Appendix LR1 A-1 10; Rules and Regulations LFP Appendix LR2 A-110; LFP A-1 10.3; Rules and
Including Propulsion and mechanical, electrical or thermal energy for the Classification of Ships Pt 5, Pt 6 Regulations for the Classification of Ships Pt 5
Other Gas Consumers
Explosion (and Toxic To provide for the prevention of explosions LFP Appendix LR1 A-112; Rules and Regulations LFP Appendix LR2 A-111; LFP A-1 11. 7, 12.3-12.5, 15
Injury) Prevention and for the limitation of their effects, and for the Classification of Ships, Pt 6
(for ammonia) to provide for the prevention
of toxic injury
Ventilation To provide for the ventilation required for safe LFP Appendix LR1 A-1 13 LFP Appendix LR2 A-113; LFP A-1 13.3-13.8, 15.8
working conditions for personnel and the safe
operation of machinery and equipment
Electrical Installations To provide for electrical installations that LFP Appendix LR1 A-1 14; Rules and Regulations LFP Appendix LR2 A-1 A-14; LFP A-1 14.3
minimizes the risk of ignition in the presence of a for the Classification of Ships, Pt 6
flammable atmosphere
Control, Monitoring and To provide for the arrangement of control, LFP Appendix LR1 A-1 15; Rules and Regulations LFP Appendix A-1 LR2; LFP A-1 9.3J 15.3-15. 10;
Safety Systems monitoring and safety systems that support for the Classification of Ships Pt 5, Pt 6 Rules and Regulations
an efficient: and safe operation of the fuel For the Classification of Ships, Pt 6
Drills and Emergency To ensure that seafarers on board ships to which LFP Appendix LRl A-1 16, Not drafted
Exercises these guidelines apply, are adequately qualified,
trained and experienced
Operation To ensure that operational procedures for the LFP Appendix LR1 A-1 16 Not drafted
loading, storage, operation, maintenance and
inspection of systems for fuels minimize the risk to
personnel, the ship and the environment and that
are consistent with practices for a conventional oil
fuelled ship whilst taking into account the nature
of these fuels
The actions documented in the Risk Assessment Study for appraisal.
Report could require supporting studies, for example: to
help address details that were unknown at RBC-2 stage The purpose of RBC-5b is to develop and deliver the in-
To help owners navigate the certification process needed or uncertainties in risk assessment inputs, to confirm the service documentation, including Operation Manuals,
for both methanol and ammonia-fuelled vessels, LR uses suitability of design options or changes, or to help inform Maintenance Programme, Survey Requirements and
the ShipRight Risk Based Certification (RBC) to demonstrate construction and in-service requirements, inspection, testing through-life process for Change Management. The output
equivalence with SOLAS Alternative Designs and and analysis requirements. of RBC-5b needs to be a written ToR and the in-service
Arrangements (II-1 Reg. 55, II-2 Reg.17 and III, Reg. 38). The documentation, both of which need to be documented by
five-stage process is described in the ‘Process for Risk Based The output of each RBC-3 study needs to be a written the submitter and submitted to LR for appraisal.
Design’ flow diagram below. ToR and a Supporting Study Report documented by the
Submitter and submitted to LR for appraisal.
RBC-1: Design & Safety Statement
RBC-4: Final Design Assessment
The output of RBC-1 needs to be a Design and Safety
Statement Report prepared by the submitter and submitted The Final Design Assessment (RBC-4) needs to be a study of
to LR for appraisal. This report should identify stakeholders the ‘completed’ design that has been informed and revised
and their principal roles, describe the design and its intended by all RBC stages. Its purpose is to determine if further
use, list the rules and instruments under which the design modification or refinement is required for ‘acceptance’ of
is to be appraised, and provide an outline plan for RBC the risks presented by the design, to summarise why the
completion. design should be accepted by LR and/or the regulator,
and to provide input to design appraisal and third-party
To assist in design understanding and development, certification.
there may be a requirement or a request for a Preliminary
Appraisal of Rules (PAR, sometimes referred to as ‘Design The output of RBC-4 needs to be a written ToR, a Final Design
Screening’). Essentially, PAR is a screening of the design Assessment Study Report and all in-service documentation
against applicable rules, instruments and goals. required in RBC-5, below.
The output of RBC-2 needs to be a written ToR and a RBC-5a is a study of the requirements for construction,
Risk Assessment Study Report, both of which need to be installation and commissioning of the design that has been
documented by the Submitter and submitted to LR for informed and revised by the previous stages. The output
appraisal. of RBC-5a needs to be a written TOR and procedures
Source: ShipRight Design & Construction, Risk Management, Risk Based Certification, September 2021
LR Gas Technology Specialist Sobhith Hariharan explains how the RBC process can be applied to a retrofitted
ammonia-fuelled vessel.
If you are adding ammonia as a fuel, you are adding a number of different components
and elements to a standard design. So, the first exercise is to find out what these
essential additional components are. And then by adding all these, what additional
risks are you adding on to the vessel's design and operation? If you’re adding the risk,
how do you manage that?”
This process is iterated until the safety criteria are satisfied. As the process continues and the design evolves, more
granular risk assessments and HAZOP workshops focus on minimising each individual risk. Once all revisions and
supporting studies have been completed, and mitigating measures have been shown to be effective, the final design
assessment report is completed.
“This is essentially how we address all the risks,” says Hariharan. “It’s a very stringent process,
but for the right reasons.”
3,800 engines Typical qualified vessel types • 10-15 shipyards to carry out conversions: engineering/
commercially viable naval architect competences at repair yards are low
at newbuilding price • Tankers >50,000 DWT
≥ 50M$ for LNG; • Owners' ability to make solid retrofit budgets having
35M$ Menthanol • Bulkers >160,000 DWT repair yards as subcontractors - too high risk of budget
• Containers >7,000 TEU overshoot
To support the development of a two-stroke fuel retrofit package, there needs to be either a similar newbuild engine in
service using the same fuel, or exceptionally high market demand. This is in part due to the NOx recertification implications
under MARPOL, which may require that after conversion the engine or an identical engine is tested at steady state either in
service – a costly and often impractical exercise – or on a testbed.
With high market demand, a parent test engine could be developed specifically for validating NOx requirements, and MAN is
already starting this process for its 90-bore engines. Otherwise, two-stroke retrofit package availability will likely follow the
delivery of similar newbuild engines.
Q2 Q4 Q2 Q3 Q1
2022 2022 2023 2023 2025
Under preparation
WinGD X-DF-M methanol engine development timeframe
Q3 Q2 Q4 Q4 Q1
2022 2023 2023 2024 2025
control and safety features - venting, ventilation and fire prevention and control need to
be applied.
holds particular challenges Finding space for this new equipment in line with the
for retrofit projects. stipulations of the IGF Code and class rules is particularly
challenging for vessels originally designed for use with other
Fuel system
Fuel consumer
Bunkering station
Fuel valve
L/P Fuel train Main
transfer pumps engine
Vapour line Liquid line NH3 fuel return system Machinery space
NH3 fuel
service tank Master Double
fuel walled
valve piping
H/E unit
NH3 fuel NH3 fuel FVT
storage tk. storage tk. Filter unit Main
conversions means that only will require greater electrical engineering skills from yards Ship designers and OEMs indicate that a retrofit project
is likely to take around two months, depending on size of
in order to adapt or where necessary install entirely new
limited numbers of repair yards systems. the vessel, the scope of changes required and the level of
preparation (such as prefabrication of equipment) that can
may initially be able to carry Fuel handling: Especially during the commissioning and be achieved. This can be broken down into several stages:
out such projects. Scaling up testing stages of the retrofit project, yards will need to have
• Removal of existing fuel system components –
the capacity to handle alternative fuels. Given the limited
expertise will be crucial to number of existing alternative fuelled vessels in operation including installing new tanks or modifying
existing tanks
meeting demand. and their relative recent introduction – limiting repair yards’
exposure to these vessels – this places a constraint on • Modification of retained elements such as welding
Fuel retrofits are more complex than most projects the number of repair yards currently capable of handling and drilling for pipe support
undertaken by repair yards. Converting the engine itself is a these projects.
• Assembling and installing new components
relatively straightforward process of installing prefabricated
These requirements mean that several OEMs and designers including engine package and fuel supply
engine components.
expect only a very limited pool of repair yards initially • Electrical wiring
Introducing these elements to an existing ship, designed capable of fuel conversions. One key indicator of capability
with an entirely different fuel use in mind, requires skills that is the type of work the repair yard has previously conducted. • Commissioning and testing
cannot always be taken for granted at repair yards, where the Those with experience in complex offshore projects, • Sea trial
focus has traditionally been on restoring vessels based on an for example, would likely have the design and electrical
original design. engineering skills needed. Those that have undertaken
conversions of vessels to floating production and storage However, ship owners planning a retrofit project will need
Required capabilities
facilities including FSRUs and FPSOs would have similar to factor in much longer lead times to account for yard
The need for specialist skills in fuel retrofits places an capabilities. availability. A full retrofit project plan – from feasibility to
inherent restraint on the industry’s ability to meet the adoption – is described in the chart below. Following an
Another limiting factor is the availability of a skilled
emerging demand for applying alternative fuels to existing initial feasibility process, including initial design, a detailed
workforce. While some designers suggested that yards that
vessels. Ship designers interviewed by Lloyd’s Register design and engineering process could reasonably be
lacked expertise in certain areas – welding stainless steel
highlighted three essential areas: expected to take up to five months before beginning the
for example – could simply hire in new teams, this could be
difficult. One designer noted: conversion at the yard.
Naval architecture: The design and location of system
elements including tanks, fuel preparation rooms and The project timeframe below indicates the major milestones
“The green transition is happening everywhere,
piping needs careful consideration to comply with safety in terms of design approval that need to be achieved at
not just in maritime. Everybody wants our
requirements, particularly the need for venting and each stage.
mechanical engineers.”
hazardous zones. Assessing the impact of each part on the
vessel’s structural strength and stability is also critical.
Conversion (2 months)
Adoption (1 week)
potential demand as interest in conversions increases. capable only
40 (No. Repairs x No. Days)
Another factor for consideration in understanding capacity
for retrofit projects is slot availability in repair yards. Repair 20
capacity is already constrained and adding fuel retrofits will Max. utilisation per
year, fuel-handling
place further pressure on slots, potentially resulting in longer
0 capable only
lead times and/or higher conversion costs. 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 (No. Repairs x No. Days)
will be a key challenge for • Ergonomics: Ensuring the design of a vessel and its
components address the intended users’ capabilities
owners and operators. and limitations given the operating circumstances and
At the early stage of alternative fuel use, the industry needs
to ensure that the right frameworks are in place for crew • Roles and responsibilities: Demonstrating that
skills and other factors affecting their health, safety and responsibilities of crew are clearly defined and that
working conditions. personnel can safely perform activities with the
resources provided.
While design of alternatively fuelled vessels aims to
minimise risk to crew, there are many other elements that • Competency and training: Crew have appropriate
ship operators will need to consider. Crew will need to be training for the relevant fuel, any new technologies
adequately trained in new systems, fuel handling and safety and existing skills with heightened relevance, such
precautions. A wide range of factors will also need to be as maintaining situation awareness and recognizing
assessed to ensure that new working environments and potential hazards.
practices do not adversely impact crew, for example by • Resourcing: Enough crew are available to safely
increasing risk of stress, fatigue or physical injury. perform activities such as navigating, mooring, ship
integrity and emergency response.
Unless processes are well established and crew already
available prior to switching a vessel to new fuels, this • Procedures and processes: How should control
will add cost and time to a conversion and will need to be processes be developed to address the criticality of the
factored into planning. risk, and how is delivery managed to promote adherence
from the crew.
Human Factors
• Occupational health: Consideration of risks inherent
According to the UK Health & Safety Executive, “human with fuels and new systems, and how these can be
factors refer to environmental, organisational and job mitigated via design, procedure and personal protection
factors, and human and individual characteristics, which equipment.
influence behaviour at work in a way which can affect health
• Process safety hazards: How to manage, and promote
and safety”. Due to the novel properties that alternative
early recognition and response to, new circumstances
fuels present and the changes to environment, organisation
where human activities may contribute to, exacerbate or
and job roles that their use will demand, it is critical that
prevent recovery from a hazard.
the various risks including those associated with human
factors are understood so that appropriate operational and
and carbon pricing will play key engines installed and then converted to methanol engines Interest in methanol retrofitting is emerging rapidly in the
cruise sector; in one notable example, Norwegian Cruise
before the vessels enter service.
roles in determining the viability Lines announced to investors that it has added US$1.2 billion
Beyond these initial orders, there are a substantial number to the contract cost of building four vessels due for delivery
of engine conversions. In some of owners seeking quotes from OEMs on up to 100 potential in 2027 and 2028 in order to add methanol capability. The
segments they are already retrofit candidates, at time of publication. One large tonnage first modern methanol-fuelled cruise vessels will feature
owner confirmed that methanol – both from newbuild and as engines modified for the fuel, evidencing the capability for
becoming a feasible prospect. retrofit – was likely to be among a menu of decarbonisation future retrofits. This places methanol retrofits for cruise
options offered to its charter customers. The same owner vessels at IRL 2.
Assessing investment readiness noted that ammonia retrofits, at this time, were unlikely to be
(to view summary table go to Appendix) on the same menu.
Cruise retrofit type IRL
To assess the current business attractiveness of fuel
Methanol 2
conversions across selected deep-sea vessel segments
– cruise, container, bulk carrier and tanker – LR analysed Container retrofit type IRL Ammonia 1
market structure and orderbook developments to derive the
Methanol 2
Investment Readiness Level (IRL). This grades investment
readiness on a six-point scale as detailed below. Ammonia The case for ammonia retrofitting of cruise vessels is
challenging due to the toxic nature of the fuel and the risk of
While a retrofitted methanol-fuelled container ship has public exposure both onboard and at city-centre ports. With
IRL Level description
yet to enter service, the considerable volume of interest no confirmed orders and very little market interest to date,
1 Hypothetical commercial proposition at a commercial stage indicates that the business case the low investment attractiveness of ammonia conversions
for methanol retrofits has gone beyond a hypothetical for cruise vessels is represented in a rating of IRL 1.
2 Commercial trial, small scale proposition, placing it at IRL 2.
Bulk carriers
3 Commercial scale up The case for an ammonia retrofit market in the container
sector has yet to emerge. Although there are 87 ammonia- The bulk carrier market faces some structural challenges
4 Multiple commercial applications in uptake of alternative fuels that narrow the business case
ready vessels in service and on order – primarily LNG-fuelled
vessels where cryogenic fuel handling makes conversion compared to other segments. As the majority of vessels
Market competition; Driving widespread are relatively simple ships, any additional capex must
5 to ammonia technically feasible in principle – there are no
development be considered carefully. Traditionally uptake of energy
vessels yet confirmed as entering service using ammonia,
6 Bankable asset class or with ammonia conversions planned. This places the efficiency solutions has been very low as a result, and a cast-
ammonia retrofit proposition at IRL 1. iron justification (such as a definitive regulatory driver or
Container vessels market-based measure) will be needed for extra expenditure.
The container segment is the first part of the merchant fleet Bulkers’ exposure to the ad hoc, tramp shipping market, as
beyond methanol tankers to welcome methanol-fuelled well as the range of ports that the ships need to be able to
vessels, driven by orders from Maersk, COSCO and CMA CGM. reach in order to work in these markets, also means that
A total of 76 vessels are on order as of May 2023. The first flexibility is critical. Owners are therefore unlikely to be
The cost of renewable fuels would also need to drop (or the Total cost (USD) 52,158,400.00 143,053,829.15 150,296,774.19 Total cost (USD) 95,754,400.00 88,618,452.26 82,036,989.25
cost VLSFO increase) dramatically. The low-cost scenario, Premium v VLSFO (USD) 90,895,429.15 98,138,374.19 Premium v VLSFO (USD) (7,135,947.74) (13,717,410.75)
sort have already been announced for both methanol and Fuel consumption (mt) 21,120.00 44,150.35 47,236.13 Fuel consumption (mt) 21,120.00 44,150.35 47,236.13
ammonia, while initiatives such as Green Corridors could also Fuel cost (USD) 13,094,400.00 53,951,729.85 56,683,354.84 Fuel cost (USD) 13,094,400.00 33,421,816.28 30,939,664.52
help secure sustainable fuel supply between partner ship Emitted CO2 (mt) 65,767.68 Emitted CO2 (mt) 65,767.68
operators and fuel producers. Carbon tax (USD) 6,576,768.00 Carbon tax (USD) 23,018,688.00
Total cost (USD) 19,671,168.00 53,951,729.85 56,683,354.84 Total cost (USD) 36,113,088.00 33,421,816.28 30,939,664.52
Premium v VLSFO (USD) 34,280,561.85 37,012,186.84 Premium v VLSFO (USD) (2,691,271.72) (2,482,151.77)
See NASA definition, https://www.nasa.gov/directorates/ Alternative fuel volumes: The different volumetric energy
heo/scan/engineering/technology/technology_readiness_ densities of VLSFO, ammonia and methanol need to be
level considered when making comparisons, as lower energy
density means greater bunker volumes are needed. More
https://www.lr.org/en/marine-shipping/maritime- than twice as much fuel will need to be bunkered for
decarbonisation-hub/zcfm/ methanol and ammonia as for VLSFO to bring the same
MSC.391(95), International Code of Safety for Ships using amount of energy onboard. The following lower calorific
Gases or other Low-flashpoint Fuels values (LCV) were used:
MSC.1/Circ.1212, Guidelines on Alternative Design and VLSFO: 0.0416 MJ/g
Arrangements for SOLAS Chapters II-1 and III (2006)
Methanol: 0.0199 MJ/g
MSC.1/Circ.1621, Interim guidelines for the safety of ships
using methyl/ethyl alcohol as fuel
Ammonia: 0.0186 MJ/g
Lloyd’s Register Rules and Regulations for the Classification
of Ships using Gases or other Low-flashpoint Fuels, July Greenhouse gas intensity: Under the FuelEU Maritime
2022 Directive and the EU ETS, renewable fuels are allocated
an emissions intensity factor that indicates the amount of
https://www.hse.gov.uk/humanfactors/introduction.htm carbon for which emitters will be charged. For ammonia,
which contains no carbon, this is zero. For methanol, the
Operational Management to Accelerate Safe Maritime
value is calculated based on a methodology that includes
Decarbonization, Maritime Technologies Forum, April 2023
considering production process, feedstocks and supply
Notes on fuel cost model assumptions:
11 chain emissions. These are close to zero for fully renewable
e-methanol and are considered zero here. For VLSFO, a
Alternative fuel costs: The fuel cost for renewable methanol standard GHG intensity factor of 3.114 gCO2/gFuel is used.
and ammonia were taken from the LR/UMAS Techno-
European Maritime Safety Agency (2022), Update
economic assessment of zero carbon fuels, March 2020.
on potential of biofuels in shipping, EMSA, Lisbon:
Carbon pricing: Under EU’s ETS scheme the carbon price
reached €100 per tonne of CO2 emitted in early 2023 and is
expected to continue to rise. This will be supplemented by
further carbon pricing exposure including FuelEU Maritime
penalties and any other market-based measures that may
65 EX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Appendix 1
67 EX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Appendix 2
As an example, while ammonia contains no carbon, there The use of coal as a feedstock, considered to the production pathway with highest
Black -
are GHG emissions associated with its production, which emissions.
currently mainly using natural gas. Even ammonia produced
Produced from fossil sources (usually coal or gas), but by utilising carbon capture and
through renewable electricity would likely have GHG Blue ng-methanol
storage (CCS) the overall CO2 emissions are greatly reduced.
emissions associated with its production and supply.
Brown - The same as 'black' above - terms used interchangeably.
Net-zero emissions are achieved when anthropogenic
emissions of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere are Sustainable electricity (usually wind or solar) is utilised in its producton, emitting the
balanced by anthropogenic removals over a specified period. lowest possible CO2. To be consiered truly green, the production should be carbon-
Where multiple greenhouse gas emissions are involved, the negative either by using biomass or direct air captire (DAC) technology. The most
common method for producing renewable methanol is using hydrogen (produced
quantification of net-zero emissions depends on the climate Re-methanol, biomethanol from water electrolysis) ad CO2 (from DAC) which are then combined using Methanol
metric chosen to compare emissions of different gases (such and e-methanol Synthesis. Biomenthanol is typically produced from lignocellulosic feedstocks
as global warming potential, global temperature change (biomass) such as agricultural waste and by-products. E-methanol is typically
potential, and others, as well as the chosen time horizon). produced from carbon dioxide (extracted from ambient air using direct air capture
(DAC) and green hydrogen.
As an example, methanol contains carbon and so will always
Has uncontrolled release of CO2. This production is often based on fossil fuels as raw
have GHG emissions associated with its use, but these can be
Grey - materials. Usually refers to the use of natural gas which is used to produce syngas,
balanced out by the use of captured carbon in its production. then made into methanol using the Fischer-Tropsch process.
Yellow - The same as green methanol but using electricity from the national grid.
69 EX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
For more information
go to lr.org
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