An Enzyme Cascade Synthesis of Vanillin
An Enzyme Cascade Synthesis of Vanillin
An Enzyme Cascade Synthesis of Vanillin
An Enzyme Cascade Synthesis of Vanillin
Tobias Klaus, Alexander Seifert, Tim Häbe, Bettina M. Nestl and Bernhard Hauer *
Institute of Biochemistry and Technical Biochemistry, Department of Technical Biochemistry, Universitaet
Stuttgart, Allmandring 31, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany; (T.K.); (A.S.); (T.H.); (B.M.N.)
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +49-711-685-64523
Received: 30 January 2019; Accepted: 21 February 2019; Published: 12 March 2019
Abstract: A novel approach for the synthesis of vanillin employing a three-step two-enzymatic
cascade sequence is reported. Cytochrome P450 monooxygenases are known to catalyse the selective
hydroxylation of aromatic compounds, which is one of the most challenging chemical reactions.
A set of rationally designed variants of CYP102A1 (P450 BM3) from Bacillus megaterium at the amino
acid positions 47, 51, 87, 328 and 437 was screened for conversion of the substrate 3-methylanisole
to vanillyl alcohol via the intermediate product 4-methylguaiacol. Furthermore, a vanillyl alcohol
oxidase (VAO) variant (F454Y) was selected as an alternative enzyme for the transformation of one of
the intermediate compounds via vanillyl alcohol to vanillin. As a proof of concept, the bi-enzymatic
three-step cascade conversion of 3-methylanisole to vanillin was successfully evaluated both in vitro
and in vivo.
Keywords: cytochrome P450; vanillin; enzyme cascade; vanillyl alcohol oxidase; flavor compound
1. Introduction
Vanillin is one of the most widely used flavouring compounds worldwide. Besides being a flavour
ingredient for food and beverages, it is used as a fragrance ingredient in perfumes and cosmetics [1],
as well as an intermediate in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries for the production of
antifoaming agents, herbicides and drugs [2]. However, natural vanillin extracted from vanilla pods is
very expensive, and the chemical synthesis of vanillin has several disadvantages including the lack
of substrate selectivity. Therefore, a variety of biotechnological approaches was developed for the
production of vanillin from eugenol, isoeugenol, ferulic acid, lignin, glucose, phenolic stilbene, vanillic
acid or aromatic amino acid starting materials from renewable feedstocks [3–5].
The biotechnological synthesis of vanillin from ferulic acid has gained increasing attention in
recent years. Artificial cascades combining a decarboxylase with an oxygenase were developed for
the one-pot synthesis of vanillin [6,7]. Aiming at the enzymatic synthesis of vanillin by the selective
hydroxylation of an aromatic substrate, cytochrome P450 monooxygenases (P450s) constitute ideal
candidates [8]. In general, P450s catalyse oxidation reactions introducing a single oxygen-atom from
molecular oxygen into the substrate with the concomitant reduction of the other oxygen atom to water [9].
The electrons necessary for P450-catalysed reactions are usually provided by NAD(P)H and transferred
via flavoprotein and/or iron–sulphur redox partner proteins. Recently, these haem-containing proteins
have been engineered for non-natural chemistries, thus expanding the biocatalytic repertoire [10–12].
One of the most investigated cytochrome P450 monooxygenases is CYP102A1 (P450 BM3) from
Bacillus megaterium. It is a natural self-sufficient fusion protein, consisting of a monooxygenase and
a diflavin reductase domain [13]. Originally, the wild-type enzyme was found to be a medium-
to long-chain fatty-acid hydroxylase, which requires only NADPH and oxygen to function and
hydroxylates exclusively at sub-terminal positions [14]. In the last years, the substrate profile of
CYP102A1 has been extended by directed evolution and rational protein design approaches [15–22].
In previous work, a minimal and highly enriched mutant library of CYP102A1 has been constructed
by the combination of five hydrophobic amino acids (Ala, Leu, Ile, Phe and Val) at the two positions 87
and 328. These amino acid positions have been identified as hotspots of selectivity and specificity [23],
as they are located directly above the haem group and thus are expected to influence the accessibility
of the activated haem oxygen from opposite sides of the haem access channel [24]. Both positions were
already addressed in numerous previous studies [25]. The focused library, consisting of the CYP102A1
wild-type and 24 variants, was screened for conversion of the terpene substrates (4R)-limonene,
nerylacetone, geranylacetone and (+)-valencene. Eleven variants were found, that converted at least
one of the substrates with improved regio- or stereoselectivity [24]. Furthermore, variants of CYP102A1
were successfully applied to screen for hydroxylation of cyclic and acyclic alkanes as well as aromatic
substrates [21,26,27].
The vanillyl alcohol oxidase (VAO) from Penicillium simplicissimum provides an alternative to
CYP102A1 and its variants. Similar to eugenol oxidase that has been reported for the synthesis of
vanillin from vanillyl alcohol [28], VAO is a flavoprotein with a covalently bound FAD cofactor [29].
It is known to be active with a wide range of 4-hydroxybenzylic compounds [30] and for its catalytic
cycle with 4-alkylphenols [31]. Both 4-methylguaiacol and vanillyl alcohol are known to be substrates
for VAO [32]. In 2004, van den Heuvel and coworkers identified several single variants of VAO
in a random mutagenesis approach, aiming at the generation of an enhanced reactivity concerning
the conversion of 4-methylguaiacol to vanillin, showing up to 40-fold increase in catalytic efficiency
(kcat /Km ) compared with the wild-type enzyme [33].
In the present work, we introduce the concept of enzymatic cascade reactions as an effective
means to selectively oxidise aromatic compounds for the synthesis of vanillin from the simple
aromatic phenylalkane 3-methylanisole (Scheme 1). In recent years, a plethora of reviews covering
multi- and chemo-enzymatic cascades for the production of various natural and non-natural
products have been reported [34–43]. By simultaneously screening the minimal and highly enriched
CYP102A1 mutant library and by generating CYP102A1 and VAO variants by rational protein design,
an alternative system for the synthesis of vanillin was formed as demonstrated by first in vitro and
then in vivo transformations.
Catalysts 2019, 9, 252 3 of 17
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Scheme 1. Proposed reaction pathway for the oxidation of 3-methylanisole (1) to vanillin (5) via the
Scheme 1. Proposed reaction pathway for the oxidation of 3‐methylanisole (1) to vanillin (5) via the
intermediate products 3-methoxybenzyl alcohol (2) or 4-methylguaiacol (3) and vanillyl alcohol (4).
intermediate products 3‐methoxybenzyl alcohol (2) or 4‐methylguaiacol (3) and vanillyl alcohol (4).
The reaction steps are intended to be catalysed by a combination of variants of the cytochrome P450
The reaction steps are intended to be catalysed by a combination of variants of the cytochrome P450
monooxygenase CYP102A1
monooxygenase CYP102A1andand
vanillyl alcohol
vanillyl oxidase.
alcohol oxidase.The
The preferred routeisishighlighted
preferred route highlighted in blue.
in blue.
on the variants with the highest conversion results for 3-methylanisole (1), namely the single variants
A328L and F87V and the four double variants F87V/A328F/I/L/V. These variants, including the
wild-type for comparison, were investigated in more detail by GC–FID for the exact determination of
the conversion of substrate 3-methylanisole (1) and the respective product yields (Table 1 and Table S2).
Unfortunately, all of the investigated variants with relatively high activity displayed only low selectivity.
In addition to the desired intermediate products 3-methoxybenzyl alcohol (2) and 4-methylguaiacol (3),
generated by benzylic or aromatic hydroxylation, respectively, four other byproducts could be detected:
4-methoxy-2-methylphenol (6), 2-methoxy-6-methylphenol (8), m-cresol (9) and methylhydroquinone
(10) (Figure 1). Little product formation of 2-methoxy-6-methylphenol (8) (less than 1%) was detected
only using CYP102A1 variants F87V and F87V/A328F (data not shown in Table 1).
Whilst the CYP102A1 wild-type enzyme showed only very low conversion (<1%) of 3-methylanisole
(1) with compound 4-methoxy-2-methylphenol (6) as sole product, all single and double variants
were much more active towards the substrate. The main product for all reactions was 4-methoxy-2-
methylphenol (6), except for the variant F87V/A328I, where a mixture of 3-methoxybenzyl alcohol (2),
4-methoxy-2-methylphenol (6), and m-cresol (9) was produced in comparable amounts. The highest activity
of about 59% was achieved with F87V/A328L, whereas the respective single variants F87V and A328L
displayed only about 15% and 31% total conversion, respectively. Moreover, with F87V/A328L the product
yields of 3-methoxybenzyl alcohol (2) and m-cresol (9) raised to a maximum and methylhydroquinone
(10) came up as a new product. Biotransformations with m-cresol (9) and 4-methoxy-2-methylphenol
(6) demonstrated that the formation of methylhydroquinone (10) resulted from the conversion of
m-cresol (9). No product formation of methylhydroquinone (10) was observed in the transformation
of 4-methoxy-2-methylphenol (6). While F87V/A328L showed the highest conversion of 3-methylanisole
(1) to intermediate product 3-methoxybenzyl alcohol (2) (9.1%), the highest production of 4-methylguaiacol
(3) was achieved with the single variant A328L (2.7%). Formation of byproduct 7 was not detected.
Overoxidation was detected only for F87V/A328L and F87V/A328V. Methylhydroquinone (10) was
identified not to be the product of O-demethylation of 4-methoxy-2-methylphenol (6) but to be the
product of aromatic hydroxylation of m-cresol (9) (data not shown). We assume that the rate-enhancing
effect and the site-directing influence by the methyl and methoxy substituents lead to a preference
for the aromatic hydroxylation in ortho and para position of the methyl group (4-methylguaiacol (3),
4-methoxy-2-methylphenol (6), and 2-methoxy-6-methylphenol (8)) and in para position of the methoxy
group (4-methoxy-2-methylphenol (6)). As a result, 4-methoxy-2-methylphenol (6) was the main product
of the conversion of 3-methylanisole (1). Aromatic hydroxylation in meta position giving intermediate
3-methoxy-2-methylphenol (7) was clearly not the favoured reaction (Figure 1).
Table 1. Selected results of the conversion of 3-methylanisole (1) with variants of CYP102A1. Results
for all investigated variants of CYP102A1 are shown in Table S2.
Figure 1. Products of the conversion of 3-methylanisole (1) with selected CYP102A1 variants. The
Figure 1. Products of the conversion of 3‐methylanisole (1) with selected CYP102A1 variants. The
three potential reaction pathways for vanillin synthesis comprise (indicated with colored arrows;
three potential reaction pathways for vanillin synthesis comprise (indicated with colored arrows;
respective reaction product is framed): benzylic hydroxylation (blue), aromatic hydroxylation (red) and
respective reaction product is framed): benzylic hydroxylation (blue), aromatic hydroxylation (red)
O-demethylation (green). Formation of compound 3-methoxy-2-methylphenol (7) was not detected.
and O‐demethylation (green). Formation of compound 3‐methoxy‐2‐methylphenol (7) was not
Main product 4-methoxy-2-methylphenol (6) is highlighted in bold.
detected. Main product 4‐methoxy‐2‐methylphenol (6) is highlighted in bold.
In this work, we have identified that single and double variants displayed a much higher substrate
In this compared
conversion work, we tohave identified that
the wild-type, singlethose
especially and double
having avariants displayed
valine instead of aaphenylalanine
much higher
substrate conversion compared to the wild‐type, especially those having a valine
at position 87. We assume that this is due to the smaller size of the side-chain of valine comparedinstead of toa
phenylalanine at
phenylalanine, position
thus 87. We
allowing assume
a better that and
access this positioning
is due to theof
smaller size of the
the substrate to side‐chain
the activatedof valine
compared to phenylalanine, thus allowing a better access and positioning of the substrate
oxygen in the active site. This effect of the F87V mutation on the hydroxylation of aromatic compounds, to the
activated haem oxygen in the active site. This effect of the F87V mutation on
resulting in an improved NADPH-consumption rate and coupling efficiency, was described in the hydroxylation of
work [44]. resulting in an improved
Unfortunately, the regio-NADPH‐consumption
and chemoselectivityrate andmost
of the coupling
was described in a previous work [44]. Unfortunately, the regio‐ and chemoselectivity
was rather low as a variety of oxidation and demethylation products could be detected. Oxidation of the mostof
the aromatic ring occurred in three of the four possible positions with a preference for the para position
to the methoxy group, yielding 4-methoxy-2-methylphenol (6) as main product. Meta hydroxylation
did not occur in this work, which is in agreement with the results of a recent study [45].
acid at this position on the orientation of the substrate in the active site [46]. The wild-type leucine was
replaced by alanine, phenylalanine, isoleucine and valine, as substrate-interacting amino acids in P450s
are preferentially hydrophobic [24]. The respective CYP102A1 triple variants were finally investigated
concerning the conversion of the 3-methylanisole (1) (Table 1 and Table S2), as well as the compounds
3-methoxybenzyl alcohol (2), 4-methylguaiacol (3) and vanillyl alcohol (4). While 3-methoxybenzyl
alcohol (2), 4-methylguaiacol (3) and vanillyl alcohol (4) were not converted by any of the triple variants
(data not shown), the mutations of L437 clearly influenced the enzyme activity and selectivity in the
conversion of 3-methylanisole (1). Replacement of leucine at amino acid position 437 by alanine or
phenylalanine dramatically decreased the total conversion of 3-methylanisole (1), whereas isoleucine
and valine at position 437 had no effect on the enzymatic activity. However, in this case, the product
distribution was different. About twice the amount of product 3-methoxybenzyl alcohol (2) was formed;
the concentration of produced compound 4-methylguaiacol (3), 4-methoxy-2-methylphenol (6) and
m-cresol (9) was reduced approximately by half; and the overoxidation product methylhydroquinone
(10), generated via 9, increased slightly. None of the investigated CYP102A1 variants was able to
catalyse the second reaction step of the cascade, accepting either 3-methoxybenzyl alcohol (2) or
Catalysts 2018, 8, x FOR(3)
4-methylguaiacol PEER
substrate. 7 of 18
Figure 2.
Figure Haem access
2. Haem access region
region in
in CYP102A1
ID: 1BU7,
1BU7, chain
chain A).
A). The
The image
image was
was generated
generated by
PyMOL. Active
PyMOL. Activesite
the haem
haem group
group (green),
(green), a section
a section of the
of the I-helix,
I‐helix, B/C with
B/C loop loop
with F87, a section of the substrate recognition site 5 (SRS5) with A328, residue L437 (positioned
F87, a section of the substrate recognition site 5 (SRS5) with A328, residue L437 (positioned at the at
the substrate entrance to the active site cavity) and substrate channel residues R47 and Y51 are shown.
substrate entrance to the active site cavity) and substrate channel residues R47 and Y51 are shown.
The entrance route of the substrate to the active site is indicated by a red arrow.
The entrance route of the substrate to the active site is indicated by a red arrow.
So far many of the variants showed conversion of 3‐methylanisole (1) to intermediate product
3‐methoxybenzyl alcohol (2) and 4‐methylguaiacol (3) in various amounts in our study.
Unfortunately, due to the low selectivity of the enzyme variants, intense byproduct formation was
also detected. The aromatic hydroxylation in para position to the methyl group is less favoured
compared to the benzylic hydroxylation of substrate 3‐methylanisole (1), as intermediate product 3‐
Catalysts 2019, 9, 252 7 of 17
So far many of the variants showed conversion of 3-methylanisole (1) to intermediate product
3-methoxybenzyl alcohol (2) and 4-methylguaiacol (3) in various amounts in our study. Unfortunately,
due to the low selectivity of the enzyme variants, intense byproduct formation was also detected.
The aromatic hydroxylation in para position to the methyl group is less favoured compared to the
benzylic hydroxylation of substrate 3-methylanisole (1), as intermediate product 3-methoxybenzyl
alcohol (2) was detected in higher amounts than intermediate product 4-methylguaiacol (3) (product
formation of about 22% compared to less than 3%, respectively).
achieved with all variants (Table 1 and Table S2). The R47L/Y51F-variant of the CYP102A1 wild-type
showed only little conversion of 3-methylanisole (1). Compared to the respective single, double and triple
variants, variants with the additional mutations R47L and Y51F demonstrated varying performance in
enzyme activity. Only variant R47L/Y51F/F87V/A328V displayed no change in activity and product
distribution compared to the respective double variant (F87V/A328V). The highest total conversion
of 50% was detected for the quintuple variant R47L/Y51F/F87V/A328L/L437I. Furthermore, product
distribution of the conversion of 3-methylanisole (1) with the R47L/Y51F-variants compared to the
variants without these mutations did not change dramatically, except that the overoxidation product
methylhydroquinone (10) was detected for some more variants.
Table 2. Results of the in vitro one-pot conversion of 3-methylanisole (1) with a combination of the
CYP102A1 variants A328L and R47L/Y51F/F87V/A328V and a combination of A328L and the vanillyl
alcohol oxidase (VAO) variant F454Y.
Figure 3. Total
3. Total conversionwithin
conversion within24
reaction time
time (A) and
and product
within 1212 h reaction
h reaction
time (B)(B)
of of
in in vivo
vivo 3‐methylanisole(1)
3-methylanisole (1)cascade
cascade conversion
conversion with
combination of of
CYP102A1_A328L andandVAO_F454Y.
VAO_F454Y.Due Dueto tothe
the fact
fact that
that no
no further
substrate after 12 h
after 12 h
reaction time
time was
was observed,product
observed, productformation
formation within
within this
this time
shown.2, 2,
alcohol; 3, 4‐methylguaiacol;5,5,vanillin;
3, 4-methylguaiacol; vanillin;6,6,4-methoxy-2-methylphenol;
4‐methoxy‐2‐methylphenol; 9,9,m‐cresol.
The high
3. Materials demand for natural flavor has resulted in the development of novel alternative
and Methods
production processes for natural vanillin. Natural vanillin is extracted from the orchids Vanilla
MaterialsVanilla tahitiensis, and Vanilla pompon [3,47]. However, the production of natural vanillin
from vanilla pods is very time consuming and expensive. Moreover, weather conditions as well as
All chemicals were purchased in analytical-reagent grade or higher quality. Tryptone from casein
plant diseases directly influence the market volume and process for vanillin extracted from vanilla
was obtained from Fluka (Buchs, Switzerland), yeast extract and vanillin from Roth (Karlsruhe,
pods. Recently, the conversion of certain raw material to synthesize vanillin through biotechnological
Germany) and β-NADPH tetrasodium salt from Acros Organics (Geel, Belgium). Glucose-6-phosphate
means has been presented. Vanillin produced from alternate natural raw materials can be classified
dehydrogenase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae was purchased from Roche Diagnostics (Mannheim, Germany).
as natural product. Biotechnological approaches for vanillin production are mostly based on
conversion of lignin, phenolic stilbenes, isoeugenol, eugenol, ferulic acid or aromatic amino acids. In
view of the above, it is considered desirable to further explore the raw materials that would lead to a
possible novel vanillin production pathway. In this work, the microbial transformation of the cheap
and readily available substrate 3‐methylanisole to synthesise vanillin has been studied. This substrate
has shown promise due to its production by both chemical and biotechnological processes. In the
Catalysts 2019, 9, 252 11 of 17
3-methoxybenzyl alcohol and vanillyl alcohol, respectively. The reaction was started by the addition of
0.2 mM NADPH. Samples were incubated at 30 ◦ C and 180 rpm for 2 h.
One-pot cascade reactions using CYP102A1 variants A328L and R47L/Y51F/F87V/A328V were
conducted as described in the PhD thesis of Tobias Klaus (University of Stuttgart, Germany) [50] with
CYP102A1 enzyme variants (lysate) and the substrate 3-methylanisole added at a final concentration of
1 µM and 2 mM, respectively. For further evaluation, in some experiments, the second enzyme variant
was added after 1 h (total reaction time was 2 h). One-pot cascade reactions with a combination of the
CYP102A1 variant A328L and the VAO variant F454Y were performed with VAO_F454Y-lysate added
at a final VAO-lysate protein concentration of 1 mg/mL. Lysate of empty vector expression (pET-22b(+)
or pET-28a(+) in E. coli BL21(DE3)) was used as a negative control for the in vitro biotransformations.
Experiments were performed in triplicate.
3.8. GC Analysis
GC analyses were performed as described in the PhD thesis of Tobias Klaus (University of
Stuttgart, Germany) [50]. Biotransformations were analysed on a GC–FID (GC-2010 from Shimadzu
(Kyoto, Japan) with flame ionization detector) equipped with a DB-5 capillary column (length, 30 m;
internal diameter, 0.25 mm; film thickness, 0.25 µm) from Agilent Technologies (Waldbronn, Germany).
Hydrogen was used as carrier gas (flow rate, 0.88 mL/min; linear velocity, 30 cm/s). The injector
and detector temperatures were set at 200 ◦ C and 330 ◦ C, respectively. The temperature program of
Catalysts 2019, 9, 252 13 of 17
the column oven was as follows: 100 ◦ C for 3 min, 10 ◦ C/min to 190 ◦ C, 75 ◦ C/min to 320 ◦ C and
hold for 3 min. Reference materials were used for the determination of substrate conversion and
product distribution. In this case, solutions with 0.01–0.5 mM reference substances in 50 mM Tris-HCl
buffer pH 7.5 were extracted with ethyl acetate containing internal standard, followed by analysis with
GC–FID to obtain straight-line calibration plots (determination of the internal response factor).
In addition to GC–FID, GC–MS measurements were performed on a GC-2010 with GCMS-QP2010
from Shimadzu (Kyoto, Japan) equipped with a DB-5MS capillary column (length, 30 m; internal
diameter, 0.25 mm; film thickness, 0.25 µm) from Agilent Technologies (Waldbronn, Germany). Helium
was used as carrier gas (flow rate, 4.3 mL/min; linear velocity, 30 cm/s). The injector temperature was
set at 250 ◦ C. Mass spectra were collected using electrospray ionisation (70 eV). The temperature
program of the column oven was as follows: 80 ◦ C for 1 min, 60 ◦ C/min to 140 ◦ C, hold for
3 min, 20 ◦ C/min to 160 ◦ C, hold for 5 min, 75 ◦ C/min to 320 ◦ C and hold for 2 min. The use
of reference materials and analysis of respective fragmentation patterns supported the identification of
reaction products.
Water was described by the SPC/E model [68]. Counter-ions were added to neutralise the overall
system charge.
4. Conclusions
This research generated a variety of CYP102A1 single, double and triple variants to oxidise the
starting material 3-methylanisole to vanillyl alcohol, an important precursor of vanillin. Variants were
identified catalysing the conversion of 3-methylanisole (1) to both 3-methoxybenzyl alcohol (2) and
4-methylguaiacol (3). MD simulations have identified two additional mutation sites, and variants
thereof were successfully applied for the conversion of 4-methylguaiacol (3) to vanillyl alcohol (4).
Successful synthesis of vanillin (5) was finally achieved both in an in vitro and an in vivo whole-cell
cascade reaction, starting with 3-methylanisole (1) as a substrate and employing a combination of
variants of two different enzymes (CYP102A1_A328L and VAO_F454Y). The in vivo synthesis of
vanillin (5) reached a maximum of 1.1% after 12 h. Thus, as a proof of principle, a new biotechnological
pathway for the synthesis of vanillin (5) is reported in this work. Further optimisations of this cascade
synthesis need to be addressed in the future.
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