Decimation of The Dyson-Ising Ferromagnet: Aernout Van Enter and Arnaud Le Ny September 24, 2018

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Decimation of the Dyson-Ising Ferromagnet

Aernout van Enter∗ and Arnaud Le Ny†‡

arXiv:1603.05409v3 [math-ph] 19 Mar 2017

September 24, 2018


We study the decimation to a sublattice of half the sites of the one-dimensional Dyson-Ising
ferromagnet with slowly decaying long-range pair potentials of the form |i−j| α , deep in the

phase transition region (1 < α ≤ 2 and low temperature). We prove non-Gibbsianness of the
decimated measures at low enough temperatures by exhibiting a point of essential discontinuity
for the (finite-volume) conditional probabilities of decimated Gibbs measures. This result
complements previous work proving conservation of Gibbsianness for fastly decaying potentials
(α > 2) and provides an example of a ”standard” non-Gibbsian result in one dimension, in the
vein of similar results in higher dimensions for short-range models. We also discuss how these
measures could fit within a generalized (almost vs. weak) Gibbsian framework. Moreover we
comment on the possibility of similar results for some other transformations.

AMS 2000 subject classification: Primary- 60K35 ; secondary- 82B20

Keywords and phrases: Long-range Ising models, hidden phase transitions, generalized
Gibbs measures.

Johann Bernoulli Institute, University of Groningen, Nijenborgh 9, 9747AG,Groningen, Netherlands

LAMA UMR CNRS 8050, UPEC, Université Paris-Est, 94010 Créteil, France.


1 Introduction
In this paper, we focus on properties of transformed equilibrium measures of one-dimensional
Ising models with long-range, polynomially decaying, pair interactions called Dyson-Ising
models or just Dyson Models. These models display a phase transition at low temperature, for
appropriate values of the decay parameter. Varying this decay parameter plays a similar role
as varying the dimension in short-range models. This can be done in a continuous manner,
so one has analogues of well-defined models in continuously varying non-integer dimensions,
which is a major reason why these models have attracted a lot of attention in the study of phase
transitions and critical behaviour (see e.g. [4] and references therein). Here we show that, at
low enough temperature, under a decimation transformation the low-temperature measures
of the Dyson models are mapped to non-Gibbsian measures, similarly to what happens for
short-range interactions in higher dimensions. We also discuss possible extensions within the
generalized Gibbs framework and some related issues.
The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we describe the standard DLR approach
to Gibbs measures in mathematical statistical mechanics – including ”global specifications”
[21] – and our long-range Dyson-Ising models. In Section 3, we introduce the decimation
transformation – an elementary renormalization transformation that keeps odd or even spins
only – and prove non-Gibbsianness at low temperature for the decimated Dyson-Ising models
whose interactions are so slowly decaying that, conditioned on the even spins to be alternating,
a “hidden phase transition” occurs in the system of odd spins. Eventually, in Section 4, we
extend previous results to show that this decimated measure is included in the class of Almost
Gibbsian measures, and comment on some related issues.

2 Gibbs Measures, Background and Notation

2.1 Specifications and Measures
We will deal with long-range ferromagnetic Ising models with pair interactions in one dimen-
sion. These are part of the more general class of lattice (spin) models with Gibbs measures,
as discussed for example in [16, 28, 30, 11]. The finite-spin state space is the usual Ising
space (E, E, ρ0 ) with E = {−1, +1}, E = P({−1, +1}) and the a priori counting measure
ρ0 = 12 δ−1 + 12 δ+1 . We denote by S the set of the finite subsets of Z and, for any Λ ∈ S,
write (ΩΛ , FΛ , ρΛ ) for the finite-volume configuration space (E Λ , E ⊗Λ , ρ⊗Λ
o ). At infinite vol-
ume, configurations are denoted by σ, ω, etc., lying in an infinite-volume configuration space,
the infinite-product probability space (Ω, F, ρ) = (E Z , E ⊗Z , ρ⊗Z
0 ), equipped with the product
topology of the discrete topology on E. For this topology, continuous functions coincide with
quasilocal functions, that is, uniform limits of local functions, the latter being FΛ -measurable
functions for some Λ ∈ S. A function is said to be right-continuous (resp. left-continuous)
when for every ω ∈ Ω, limΛ↑S f (ωΛ +Λc ) = f (ω) (resp. limΛ↑S f (ωΛ −Λc ) = f (ω)), where one
writes ωΛ for its projection on ΩΛ , and + (resp. −) for the configurations whose value are re-
spectively +1 (resp. −1) everywhere. We also generically consider infinite subsets S ⊂ Z, for
which all the preceding notations defined for finite Λ extend naturally (ΩS , FS , ρS , σS , etc.).
Important events to be considered are the asymptotic events, which are the elements of the
tail σ-algebra F∞ = ∩Λ∈S FΛc . These events typically do not depend on any local behaviour,
that is, they are insensitive to changes of any finite number of spins, and are mostly obtained
by some limiting procedure.

Within the product topology, configurations are close when they coincide on large finite
regions Λ, and the larger the region, the closer they are. For a given configuration ω ∈ Ω, a
neighborhood base is thus provided by the family NΛ (ω) Λ∈S with, for any Λ ∈ S,
n o
NΛ (ω) = σ ∈ Ω : σΛ = ωΛ , σΛc arbitrary .

We also consider particular open subsets of neighborhoods NΛ (ω) on which the configuration
is + (resp. −) on an annulus ∆ \ Λ for ∆ ⊃ Λ, defined for all Λ ∈ S, ω ∈ Ω as
n o
+ −

NΛ,∆ (ω) = σ ∈ NΛ (ω) : σ∆\Λ = +∆\Λ , σ∆c arbitrary resp. NΛ,∆ (ω) .

We denote by C(Ω) the set of continuous functions on Ω. In our finite state-space set-up,
continuity is equivalent to uniform continuity and to quasilocality1 , so that one has

f ∈ C(Ω) ⇐⇒ lim sup | f (ω) − f (σ) |= 0. (2.1)

Λ↑S σ,ω:σΛ =ωΛ

We also will make at various points use of the existence of a partial order (FKG) ≤ on
Ω: σ ≤ ω if and only if σi ≤ ωi for all i ∈ Z. Its maximal and minimal elements are the
configurations + and −, and this order extends to functions: f : Ω −→ R is called monotone
increasing when σ ≤ ω implies f (σ) ≤ f (ω). It induces then a stochastic domination on prob-
ability measures on Ω for which we write µ ≤ ν if and only if µ[f ] ≤ ν[f ] for all f monotone
increasing, where we denote µ[f ] for the expectation Eµ [f ].

States are represented by the set M+ 1 of probability measures on the configuration space
(Ω, F, ρ). To describe such measures on the infinite product space Ω in a way that would not
necessarily lead to uniqueness, and thereby allow to mathematically describe phase transitions,
Dobrushin [6] and Lanford/Ruelle [42] introduced in the late 60’s an approach where a measure
is required to have prescribed conditional probabilities w.r.t. the outside of finite sets. Such
a system of conditional probabilities extended to be defined everywhere, rather than almost
everywhere because one does not have yet a measure to begin with, is called a specification.

Definition 1 (Specification)
A specification γ = γΛ Λ∈S on (Ω, F) is a family of probability kernels γΛ : ΩΛ × FΛc −→
[0, 1]; (ω, A) 7−→ γΛ (A | ω) s.t. for all Λ ∈ S:

1. (Properness) For all ω ∈ Ω, γΛ (B|ω) = 1B (ω) when B ∈ FΛc .

2. (Finite-Volume consistency) For all Λ ⊂ Λ′ ∈ S, γΛ′ γΛ = γΛ′ where

∀A ∈ F, ∀ω ∈ Ω, (γΛ γΛ )(A|ω) =
′ γΛ (A|σ)γΛ′ (dσ|ω). (2.2)

These kernels also act on functions and on measures: for all f ∈ C(Ω) or µ ∈ M+ 1,
γΛ f (ω) := f (σ)γΛ (dσ|ω) = γΛ [f |ω] and µγΛ [f ] := (γΛ f )(ω)dµ(ω) = γΛ [f |ω]µ(dω).
Continuous functions are uniform limits of local functions, explaining the terminology quasilocal [16, 30].

For a given specification, different measures can then have their conditional probabilities
represented by the same specification (and satisfy the DLR equations (2.3)) but live on different
full-measure sets. This leaves the door open to a mathematical description of phase transitions,
which is well known e.g. for the ferromagnetic (n.n.) Ising model on the square lattice Z2
[33], but also for our long-range Ising models on Z, see next section.

Definition 2 (DLR measures) :

A probability measure µ on (Ω, F) is said to be consistent with a specification γ (or specified
by γ) when for all A ∈ F and Λ ∈ S

µ[A|FΛc ](ω) = γΛ (A|ω), µ−a.e. ω. (2.3)

We denote by G(γ) the set of measures consistent with γ.

The extension of the DLR equation to infinite sets is direct in case of uniqueness of the
DLR-measure for a given specification [21, 23, 32], but can be more problematic otherwise: it is
valid for finite sets only and severe measurable problems can arise in case of phase transitions.
Beyond the uniqueness case, such an extension was made possible by Fernández and Pfister
[21] in the case of attractive models. The terminology used is that of global specifications, and
this is in fact a central tool in studying various Gibbs vs. non-Gibbs questions.

Definition 3 (Global specification [21]) :

A global specification Γ on Z is a family of probability kernels Γ = (ΓS )S⊂Z on (ΩS , FS c ) such
that for any S subset of Z:

1. ΓS (B|ω) = 1B (ω) when B ∈ FS c .

2. For all S1 ⊂ S2 ⊂ Z, ΓS2 ΓS1 = ΓS2 where the product of kernels is made as in (2.2).

We write µ ∈ G(Γ), or say that µ ∈ M+

1 is Γ-compatible, if for all A ∈ F and any S ⊂ Z,

µ[A|FS c ](ω) = ΓS (A|ω), µ−a.e. ω. (2.4)

2.2 Gibbs and Quasilocal Measures

A specification is said to be quasilocal when the set of quasilocal functions is conserved
by its kernels. More formally, for any local function, its image by the kernels constituting γ
should be a continuous function of the boundary condition :

γ quasilocal ⇐⇒ γΛ f ∈ C(Ω) for any f local (or any f in C(Ω)). (2.5)

A measure is said to be quasilocal when it is specified by a quasilocal specification.

In fact, such quasilocal measures are very close to Gibbs measures, originally designed to
represent equilibrium states satisfying a variational principle for a (formal) Hamiltonian H.
The latter is defined via a potential Φ, i.e. a family (ΦA )A∈S of local functions ΦA ∈ FA that
provide the contributions of spins in finite sets A to the total energy through the finite-volume
Hamiltonians – or Hamiltonians with free boundary conditions – defined for all Λ ∈ S by
HΛ (ω) = ΦA (ω), ∀ω ∈ Ω. (2.6)

To define
P Gibbs measures, we require Φ to be Uniformly Absolutely Convergent (UAC), i.e.
that A∋i supω |ΦA (ω)| < ∞, ∀i ∈ Z. One can give sense to the Hamiltonian at volume Λ ∈ S
with boundary condition ω defined for all σ ∈ Ω as HΛΦ (σ|ω) := A∩Λ6=∅ ΦA (σΛ ωΛc )(< ∞).

The Gibbs specification at inverse temperature β > 0 is then defined by

1 Φ
γΛβΦ (σ | ω) = e−βHΛ (σ|ω) (ρΛ ⊗ δωΛc )(dσ) (2.7)
ZΛβΦ (ω)

where the normalization ZΛβΦ (ω) – the partition function –is a normalizing constant related
to free energy and pressure. Such a specification is non-null2 and has the property that it
is quasilocal, thanks to the convergence properties of the defining potential (see e.g. [30,
48]). Gibbs measures are those consistent with a Gibbs specification defined in terms of a
UAC potential, but Kozlov [38] and Sullivan [59] established that being Gibbs is in fact also
equivalent to being non-null and quasilocal. We take then the following

Definition 4 (Gibbs measures) :

µ ∈ M+1 is a Gibbs measure iff µ ∈ G(γ), where γ is a non-null and quasilocal specification.

While non-nullness prevents hard-core exclusions and only allows a proper exponential factor
to alter the product structure of the measure – to get correlated random fields –, quasilocality
allows us to interpret Gibbs measures as natural extensions of the class of Markov fields3 .

Indeed, when µ ∈ G(γ) is quasilocal, then for any f local and Λ ∈ S, the conditional
expectations of f w.r.t. the outside of Λ are µ-a.s. given by γΛ f , by (2.2), and this is itself
a continuous function of the boundary condition by (2.1) when the continuous version of the
conditional probability, which exists, is chosen. Thus, for this version, one gets for any ω
1 2
lim sup µ f |FΛc (ω∆ ω∆ c ) − µ f |FΛc (ω∆ ω∆c ) = 0 (2.8)
∆↑Z ω 1 ,ω 2 ∈Ω

which yields an (almost-sure) asymptotically weak dependence on the conditioning. In par-

ticular, for Gibbs measures the conditional probabilities always have continuous versions, or
equivalently there is no point of essential discontinuity:

Definition 5 (Essential discontinuity) :

A configuration ω is said to be a point of essential discontinuity for a conditional probability of
µ ∈ M+ 1 if no version of the conditional probability is continuous at that point. Such a point
is thus a point of discontinuity for each specification compatible with the prescribed conditional

To get such a ”bad” configuration ω, it is sufficient that there exists Λ0 ∈ S, f local, δ > 0,
such that for all Λ with Λ0 ⊂ Λ there exist NΛ1 (ω) and NΛ2 (ω), two open4 neighborhoods of ω
on which all versions the conditional expectations of f differ substantially, by more than δ.

To be a bit more specific, there exists in this case even an everywhere discontinuous
specification γ : one can find a δ > 0 and for any n one can find volumes Λn , increasing in n,
In the sense that ∀Λ ∈ S, ∀A ∈ FΛ , ρ(A) > 0 implies that γΛ (A|ω) > 0 for any ω ∈ Ω. This property
sometimes is also called the “finite-energy” property.
In fact Sullivan used the term of Almost Markovian instead of quasilocal in [59].
or at least positive-measure, compare [16, 10].

and Vn much larger than and dependent on Λn , such that for all ω i ∈ NΛi (ω), i = 1, 2 and all
γ(f |ωΛn ωV1 n \Λn σV′ nc ) − γ(f |ωΛn ωV2 n \Λn σV′ nc ) > δ.
Then any other specification with the same conditional probabilities is necessarily also dis-
continuous. (One can change the above expression only for a measure-zero set of σ ′ ).

Equivalently, one gets in integrated form: For a local function f , µΛ0 [f |·] is µ-essentially
discontinuous at ω, if there exists an ε > 0 such that

lim sup sup |µΛ0 [f |ωΛ\Λ0 ξΛ1 ′ \Λ ] − µΛ0 [f |ωΛ\Λ0 ξΛ2 ′ \Λ ]| > ε. (2.9)
Λ↑∞ ξ1 ,ξ2
Λ′ ⊃Λ
|Λ′ |<∞

In the generalized Gibbsian framework, one also says that such a configuration is a bad con-
figuration for the considered measure, see e.g. [48]. The existence of such bad configurations
implies non-Gibbsianness of the associated measures.

2.3 Dyson-Ising models: Ferromagnets in One Dimension

In our framework5 , for any given µ ∈ M+ 1 , it is always possible to construct a specification
γ such that µ ∈ G(γ) (see e.g. Goldstein [31], Preston [52] or Sokal [58]). Nevertheless, even
in such a framework, there exist specifications γ for which G(γ) = ∅ (see e.g. [30, 48]), others
where G(γ) = {µ} but also – and this is more interesting for us – some for which this set
contains more than one element. In the latter, we say in mathematical statistical mechanics
that there is a phase transition. The set of DLR measures is then known to be a convex set
whose extremal elements are trivial on the tail σ-algebra F∞ . Any other element of G(γ)
admits a unique6 convex combination of the extremal elements and is characterized by its
action on the tail σ-algebra F∞ [11, 30]. We focus here on such a case in dimension one:

Definition 6 (Dyson-Ising model) :

Let β > 0 be the inverse temperature and consider 1 < α ≤ 2. We call Dyson-Ising specifica-
tion with decay parameter α the Gibbs specification (2.7) with (pair-)potential ΦD defined for
all ω ∈ Ω by

A (ω) = − ωi ωj when A = {i, j} ⊂ Z, and ΦD
A ≡ 0 otherwise. (2.10)
|i − j|α
We shall also need to consider Dyson models with non-zero magnetic field h ∈ R∗ for which
one also has a self-interaction part ΦD
A (ω) = −hωi when A = {i} ⊂ Z

The Dyson-Ising specification is monotonicity-preserving (or attractive) in the sense that

for all bounded increasing functions f , and Λ ∈ S, the function γΛD f is increasing.7 Using as
boundary conditions the extremal (maximal and minimal) elements of this order ≤ already
allows to define the extremal elements of G(γ D ). Indeed, one can learn in e.g. [21, 35, 43] that
Or more generally when the configuration space is standard Borel, see [30].
It is a Choquet simplex, see [7, 30].
It a consequence of the FKG property [24, 35]: spins have a tendency to align.

Proposition 1 :
The weak limits
µ− (·) := lim γΛD (·|−) and µ+ (·) := lim γΛD (·|+) (2.11)

are well-defined, translation-invariant and extremal elements of G(γ D ). For any f bounded
increasing, any other measure µ ∈ G(γ D ) satisfies

µ− [f ] ≤ µ[f ] ≤ µ+ [f ]. (2.12)

Moreover, µ− and µ+ are respectively left-continuous and right-continuous.

When the range is long enough (1 < α ≤ 2), it is possible to recover in dimension one
low-temperature behaviours usually associated to higher dimensions for the standard Ising
model, and we quote here those used in this paper.

Proposition 2 :

1. The Dyson-Ising model with potential (2.10), for 1 < α ≤ 2, exhibits a phase transition
at low temperature:

∃βcD > 0, such that β > βcD =⇒ µ− 6= µ+ and G(γ D ) = [µ− , µ+ ]

where the extremal measures µ+ and µ− are translation-invariant8 . They have in par-
ticular opposite magnetisations µ+ [σ0 ] = −µ− [σ0 ] = M0 (β, α) > 0 at low temperature.

2. Uniqueness in non-zero magnetic field : The Dyson Ising model in a homogeneous field
h has a unique Gibbs measure.

The existence of phase transitions at low temperature comes was first proved by Dyson for
1 < α < 2 [9] and Fröhlich/Spencer for α = 2 [26].
Uniqueness in non-zero field follows immediately from a theorem given in the Appendix of
[56] which applies to all ferromagnetic Ising pair interactions, including Dyson models. The
proof uses the Lee-Yang circle theorem to obtain an analyticity property of the pressure, as
well as the FKG stochastic domination. See also [30], Notes to Chapter 16.2, or the detailed
proof of [28] in the standard Ising case.
Remark 1:
The infinite-volume limit of a state in which there is a + (resp. −)-measure or a Dyson model
in a field h > 0 (resp. h < 0) outside is the same +M0 (α, β) (resp. −M0 (α, β)) as that
obtained from + (resp. −)-boundary conditions (independent of the magnitude of h). This
can be e.g. seen by an extension of the arguments of [45], see also [44]. Notice that taking the
+-measure of the zero-field Dyson model outside a finite volume enforces this same measure
inside (even before taking the limit); adding a field makes it it more positive, and taking the
thermodynamic limit then recovers the same measure again.
To express the conditional magnetisations of the decimated measures on different sub-
neighborhoods of the alternating configuration, we need to extend the (local) Dyson-Ising
Furthermore, all Gibbs measures for our Dyson-Ising models are translation-invariant ([30], Theorem 9.5).

specification into a global one, in the low-temperature phase transition region. Note that
both the decimated lattice and its complement are infinite, which is why the existence of
a global specification is very convenient. Following the construction of [21] in the general
monotonicity-preserving case, we get:

Theorem 1 :
Consider any Dyson-Ising model on Z at inverse temperature β > 0, i.e. the specification γ D
with potential (2.10) and its extremal Gibbs measures µ+ and µ− defined by (2.11). Define
+ +

Γ = ΓS S⊂Z to be the family of probability kernels on (Ω, F) as follows:

• For S = Λ finite, for all ω ∈ Ω, Γ+ D

Λ (dσ|ω) := γΛ (dσ|ω).

• For S infinite, for all ω ∈ Ω,

S (dσ|ω) := µS ⊗ δωS c (dσ) (2.13)

where µ+,ω
S is the constrained measure on (ΩS , FS ) (well-)defined as the weak limit

S (dσS ) := lim γID (dσ | +S ωS c ). (2.14)

Then Γ+ is a global specification such that µ+ ∈ G(Γ+ ). It is moreover monotonicity-

preserving and right-continuous. Similarly, one defines a monotonicity-preserving and left-
continuous global specification Γ− such that µ− ∈ G(Γ− ).

Remark that when the set S is infinite, one proceeds in two steps, the order of which is
crucial: Freeze first the configuration into ω on S c and perform afterwards the weak limit with
+-boundary condition in S, to get the constrained measure µ+,ω S on (ΩS , FS ). Note also that
the global specification obtained need not to be quasilocal in general, even when the original
specification is itself quasilocal. This failure of quasilocality, caused by long-range ordering
due to hidden phase transitions, is in fact crucial, as we see now.

3 Decimation of the Dyson Ising Model

3.1 Set-up : Decimation Transformation
We start at low temperature in the phase transition region of the Dyson-Ising model with any
Gibbs measure µ, mainly considering the +-measure µ+ , obtained as the weak limit (2.11)
with +-boundary conditions, and introduce the following decimation transformation:

T : (Ω, F) −→ (Ω′ , F ′ ) = (Ω, F); ω 7−→ ω ′ = (ωi′ )i∈Z , with ωi′ = ω2i (3.15)

This transformation acts on measures in a canonical way and we denote ν + := T µ+ the

decimation of the +-measure. It is formally defined as an image measure via

∀A′ ∈ F ′ , ν + (A′ ) = µ+ (T −1 A′ ) = µ+ (A) where A = T −1 A′ = ω : ω ′ = T (ω) ∈ A′ .

When necessary, we distinguish between original and image sets using primed notation9 .
Notice that by rescaling the configuration spaces Ω (original) and Ω′ (image) are identical.

We want to study the continuity of various conditional expectations under decimated
Dyson measures of the spin at the origin when the outside is fixed in some special configuration
′ . First note that
that we denote10 ωalt

ν + [σ0′ |F{0}c ](ω ′ ) = µ+ [σ0 |FS c ](ω), ν + −a.s. (3.16)

where S c = (2Z) ∩ {0}c , i.e. with S = (2Z)c ∪ {0} is not finite: the conditioning is not on
the complement of a finite set. We need thus to use the global specification Γ+ such that
µ+ ∈ G(Γ+ ), built in Theorem 1, with S = (2Z)c ∪ {0} consisting of the odd integers plus
the origin. Hence S = (2Z)c ∪ {0} and (3.16) yields for all, (using the specification property)
′ ) and ω ∈ T −1 {ω ′ }:
ω ′ ∈ NΛ′ (ωalt

ν + [σ0′ |F{0}c ](ω ′ ) = Γ+ +

S [σ0 |ω] µ −a.e.(ω). (3.17)

Now, by (2.13) we have an expression of the latter in terms of the constrained measure
(2Z)c ∪{0} , with ω ∈ T
−1 {ω ′ } so that we get for any ω ′ ∈ N ′ (ω ′ ),
Λ alt

ν + [σ0′ |F{0}c ](ω ′ ) = µ+,ω

(2Z)c ∪{0} ⊗ δω2Z∩{0}c [σ0 ].

Thanks to monotonicity-preservation, the constrained measure is explicitly built as the weak

limit (2.14) obtained by +-boundary conditions fixed after a freezing ω on the even sites :

∀ω ′ ∈ NΛ′ (ωalt ), ∀ω ∈ T −1 {ω ′ }, µ+,ω
(2Z)c ∪{0} (·) = lim γID (· | +(2Z)c ∪{0}) ω2Z∩{0}c ).
I∈S,I↑(2Z)c ∪{0}
and it is enough to consider this limit on a sequence of intervals In = [−n, +n] ∩ Z in the
original space. Now, one obtains an essential discontinuity if we can get an difference in the
expectation of the spin at the origin of this constrained measure conditioned on two different
open subsets of arbitrary neighborhoods of ωalt ′ . As we shall see, this is indeed the case as

soon as the temperature is low enough in order to get a phase transition for the Dyson-Ising
ferromagnet on the odd sites – the hidden phase transition –.

This type of transformation was also the basic example in [11], where non-quasilocality is
proved in dimension 2 at low enough temperature, as soon as a phase transition is possible
for an Ising model on the decorated lattice, which consists of a version of Z2 where the ”even”
sites have been removed. In our one-dimensional set-up, the role of this decorated lattice
will be played by the set of odd sites, 2Z + 1, which again can be identified with Z itself.
We observe that when a phase transition holds for the Dyson specification – at low enough
temperature for 1 < α ≤ 2 – the same is true for the constrained specification (2.14) with
alternating constraint, albeit one needs even lower temperatures to have a phase transition.
This leads to non-Gibbsianness of ν + . Once the +-measure is shown to be non-Gibbsian
after being subjected to a decimation transformation, the same holds true for all other Gibbs
measures of the model.

3.2 Non-Gibbsianness at Low Temperature

Theorem 2 :
For any 1 < α ≤ 2, at low enough temperature the decimation ν of any Gibbs measure µ of
the Dyson-Ising model, ν = T µ is non-quasilocal, hence non-Gibbs.
It will be used for an alternating configuration in the proof, but here we do not use its particular form.

Sketch of Proof:
We know from Section 2.2 – and basically from [11] – that to get non-Gibbsianness, it suffices
to find an essential discontinuity, i.e. a local function f , a finite subset Λ′ and a configura-
tion ω ′ so that the conditional expectation of f when Λ′c is fixed under ω ′ cannot be made
continuous by changes on zero-measure sets. Such a point of essential discontinuity is also
called a bad configuration. Here, the bad configuration for ν + will be, just as in [11] in the
two-dimensional case, the so called alternating configuration ωalt ′ defined for any i ∈ Z as
(ωalt )i = (−1) . To get the essential discontinuity, the choice of f (σ ′ ) = σ0′ will be enough.
′ i

Because any non-fixed site at all odd distances has a positive and a negative spin whose in-
fluences cancel, conditioning by this alternating configuration yields a constrained model that
is again a model of Dyson-type. Indeed, it is a Dyson model at zero field at a temperature
which is higher by 2α , which again has a low-temperature transition in our range of decays
1 < α ≤ 2. The coupling constants are multiplied by a factor 2−α , due to only even distances
occurring. Thus the argument will only work if the temperature is at least smaller by that
factor than the transition temperature of the original Dyson model.

The non-Gibbsianness proof essentially goes along the lines sketched in [11], with the role
of the “annulus” played by two large intervals [−N, −L − 1] and [L + 1, N ] (with N much
larger than L) to the left and to the right of the central interval [−L, +L]. If we constrain
the spins in these two intervals to be either + or −, within these two intervals the measures
on the unfixed spins are close to those of the Dyson-type model in a positive, c.q. negative,
magnetic field. As those measures are unique (due to FKG and a Yang-Lee argument [46], as
discussed in Proposition 2, see also [37]), no influence from the boundary can be transmitted
via this “annulus”.

Due to the long range of the Dyson interaction, there may be also a direct influence from
the boundary, that is from beyond the annulus, to the central interval, however. But by
choosing N (L) large enough – e.g. N = L α−1 – we can make this direct influence as small
as we want, so the strategy of [11], there worked out for finite-range models, does also work
here. The special configuration chosen is also an alternating one (just as in [11]). Conditioned
on all primed spins being alternating, the conditioned model is a Dyson-like model in zero
field, due to cancellations, so that a phase transition occurs at low temperature, making it
possible to select the phase by boundary conditions arbitrarily far away. On the contrary,
when conditioned on all primed spins to be + (resp. −), there is no phase transition, but
the system of unprimed spins has a unique Gibbs measure. It is a Dyson model, again at
a heightened temperature, but now in a homogeneous external field, with positive (resp.
negative) magnetisation +M0 (β, α) > 0 (resp. −M0 (β, α) < 0), stochastically larger (resp.
smaller) than the zero-field + ( resp. −)-measure. What thus has to be shown is that it is
possible to prescribe + or − spins on a large enough annulus so that they select the above
measures, which then can act similar to “pure” boundary conditions, whatever is put outside,
on the boundary beyond the annulus.

Lemma 1 :
Consider a Dyson-Ising model with decay parameter 1 < α ≤ 2, at sufficiently low temperature.
Let Λ′ ⊂ ∆′ ∈ S and consider two arbitrary configurations ω ′+ ∈ NΛ+′ ,∆′ (ωalt′ ) and ω ′− ∈

NΛ−′ ,∆′ (ωalt
′ ). Then ∃δ > 0, and ∃Λ′ big enough s.t. for some ∆′ ⊃ Λ′ ⊃ Λ′ with ∆′ \ Λ′
0 0
chosen big enough compared to Λ′ , for all ω + ∈ T −1 {ω ′+ } and all ω − ∈ T −1 {ω ′− }
+ −
µ+,ω +,ω
(2Z)c ∪{0} [σ0 ] − µ(2Z)c ∪{0} [σ0 ] > δ. (3.19)

Proof of Lemma 1:
Let us first choose the annulus large enough that we can neglect boundary effects beyond ∆′ ,
i.e. large enough that local expectations are almost insensitive to boundary effects, when the
annulus increases properly. With the notation of the lemma, denote
+ −
M + = µ+,ω − +,ω
(2Z)c ∪{0} [σ0 ] and M = µ(2Z)c ∪{0} [σ0 ].

Write Λ′ = Λ′ (L) = [−L, +L] and ∆′ = ∆′ (N ) = [−N, +N ], with N > L and denote
formally by H the Hamiltonian of both constrained specifications. We prove here that one
can bound uniformly in L the relative Hamiltonians with either ω1+ and ω2+ b.c. to get

HΛ,ω+ (σΛ ) − HΛ,ω+ (σΛ ) ≤ C < ∞. (3.20)

1 2

as soon as one takes N = N (L) = O(L α−1 ). Then one gets by [3] (see also [28]) that all of the
limiting Gibbs states obtained by these boundary conditions have an equivalent decomposition
into extremal Gibbs states11 with the same measure zero sets, and thus yield the same mag-
netisation : M + = M + (ω, N, L) = M + (ω1+ , N, L) = M + (ω2+ , N, L) is indeed independent of
ω as soon as it belongs to the pre-image of the +-neighborhood of the alternating configuration.

To get (3.20), we use the long-range structure of the interaction to get a uniform bound
X X 1 N 1−α
HΛ,ω+ (σΛ ) − HΛ,ω+ (σΛ ) ≤ 2 < 2L
1 2 kα 1−α
x=−L k>N

so that N = N (L) with 2L Nα−1 = 1, or any bigger values of N , will do the job. So choose
N (L) = L α−1 . (3.21)

For example, for α = 23 , one has thus to take some annulus of the order at least N (L) = O(L2 ).

Once we got rid of any possible direct asymptotic effects due to the long range, by choosing
a large enough annulus as above, we now check that changes inside the annulus will on the
contrary substantially change local expectations M − or M + in the central interval. These
configurations are drawn from neighborhoods of the same alternating configuration (which is
still fixed inside the central interval). The main point is that freezing the primed spins to be
”−” in a large enough annulus ( i.e. under the constraint ω − ) can overcome the influence from
the +-boundary condition outside the annulus 12 when the frozen annulus ∆′ \Λ′ is in a −-state
AND the region around the origin is frozen in an alternating configuration, for L (and N (L))
large enough. In the annulus the magnetisation of the -even-distance- Dyson-Ising model
Presumably trivial here, as the Gibbs measure will be unique, as we shall see.
From the initial measure, we decimate the +-state and this is visible in the weak limit with +-b.c. performed
to get the global specification consistent with the decimated measure ν + .

is essentially that of the model with a negative homogeneous external field −h everywhere,
which at low enough temperature and for L large enough is close to (in fact smaller than) the
magnetisation of the Dyson-Ising model under the −-measure, i.e to −M0 (β, α) < 0 (and this
−-measure is also unique, see [37]). Thus the inner interval where the constraint is alternat-
ing feels a −-like condition from outside its boundary. On the other hand, the magnetisation
with the constraint ω + will be close to or bigger than +M0 (β, α) > 0 so that a non-zero
difference is created at low enough temperature. One needs again to adjust the sizes of L and
N to be sure that boundary effects from outside the annulus are negligible in the inner interval.

Let us be a bit more precise now. We use the expression (3.18) with ω ′+ ∈ NΛ+ (ωalt′ ) and

to facilitate the proof we will make use of (3.18), and freely change between regular versions
of conditional probabilities on arbitrarily small neighborhoods of configurations (all +, all −,
′ , all ω + , etc.) with conditioning by the considered configuration itself (to avoid the
all ωalt
problem of conditioning on zero measure sets). Recall that ω ′+ is generic for a configuration
coinciding with the alternating configuration around the origin, and with the ”+” one on the
annulus depending on N and L. To be still able to neglect boundary effects, we take N (L) big
compared to L just as in the previous part of the proof. Then we consider the homogeneous
cases, all + (resp. all −), that yields Dyson models with non-zero positive (resp. negative)
homogeneous field), and to conclude we take L (and hence N (L)) large enough to consider
the ω + (resp. ω − ) as a small perturbation of it.

Conditioning of the primed sites to be all + reduces (3.18) to the magnetisation obtained by
taking a weak limit of a Dyson Ising specification with an everywhere13 homogeneous strictly
positive external field. This magnetic field is finite for 1 < α ≤ 2 and in our case the effect is
even smaller because the +-b.c. is not present inside Λ (but replaced by alternate spins whose
effects cancel), so that one can take in this homogeneous case the non-zero magnetic field

X 1
h =2 := F (α) < ∞.
(2k + 1)α
Thus, for the naive choice of ω′
= +, the constrained magnetisation (the lhs of (3.16)) is
+M0 (β, α) of Proposition 2, strictly positive at low temperature in our range 1 < α ≤ 2.

Now, consider the case of ω ′ = ω ′+ , i.e. work on a neighborhood of ωalt

′ with an annulus

 with +. It reduces again to a Dyson-Ising model with external field, but the latter
hx x∈Z depends on x ∈ Zd and is not homogeneous anymore. Nevertheless, we observe
that the difference with the homogeneous part is negligible on most of the large ”annulus
intervals” I of (3.18), and the field is always non-negative, whether in the annulus or in the
central interval.
Indeed, in the annulus each site feels a strong positive field from all the +-constrained
spins in the annulus, which dominates a possibly non-positive field due to either the spins
outside or from the central interval. In the central interval, however, the spins just feel a
+-field from the annulus, which will be weak when the distance from the site of the spin to
the annulus increases, but still dominates the effects from the outside. The effect from the
− spins inside the interval is canceled, either due to the positive spins from the alternating
configuration in the central interval, or due to positive spins in the annulus.
Modulo an adaptation to fix and unfix the spin at the origin, as in [11].

More quantitatively, inside the central interval, when |x| < L, the field is larger than
O(L1−α ) − O(N 1−α ), which is small but positive, going to zero when L and N diverge. Inside
the annulus, when L < |x| < N the magnetic field is everywhere larger than β 1 − O(N 1−α )
which is strictly positive and uniformly lower-bounded. Deep inside the annulus the field
approaches the homogeneous value, but the above observation already is enough for our proof.
A similar computation holds with the all −’s-constrained specification. Again the effect of
having a −-constraint in the annulus has a similar effect as imposing −-boundary conditions.
Thus for a given δ > 0, e.g. δ = 21 M0 (β, α), for arbitrary L one can find N (L) large enough,
such that the expectation of the spin at the origin differs by more than δ. One can therefore
feel the influence from the decimated spins in the far-away annulus, however large the central
interval of decimated alternating spins is chosen.
Thus, with our notations, it indeed holds M + − M − > δ, uniformly in L.
The essential observation here is that the magnetisations of Dyson models in an external
field are larger in absolute value than those of the + and −-measures in zero field, so taking
them as boundary conditions everywhere produces the + and −-measures. Changing any
spins, primed or not, outside ∆′ makes a negligible change when N (L) is chosen large enough,
and the Lemma follows, as choosing + spins in the annulus produces a magnetisation at the
origin of at least 21 δ and choosing − spins a magnetisation lower than − 21 δ.

Now standard arguments as in [11] provide the non-Gibbsianness.

4 Extensions, related issues and comments

We have shown that the alternating configuration is a point of essential discontinuity for ex-
pectations in the decimation from Z to 2Z, implying that the associated decimated Gibbs
measures are non-Gibbsian. In our choice of decimated lattice we made use of the fact that
the constrained system, due to cancellations, again formed a zero-field Dyson-like model. In
the case of decimations from Z to a more diluted lattice bZ the constrained models could form
ferromagnetic models in a periodically varying external field, with zero mean. Although the
original proofs of Dyson [8] and of Fröhlich and Spencer [26], or the Reflection Positivity proof
of [25] do no longer apply to such periodic-field cases, the contour-like arguments of [4] and
[36] could presumably still be modified to include these cases. Compare also [37].

The analysis of [5] which proves existence of a phase transition for Dyson models in random
magnetic fields for a certain interval of α-values should imply that in that case there are many
more, random, configurations which all are points of discontinuity. We note that choosing
independent spins as a constraint provides a random field which is correlated. However, these
correlations decay enough that this need actually not spoil the argument. Similarly, one
should be able to prove that decimation of Dyson models in a weak external field will result
in a non-Gibbsian measure.
Estimating the measure of the discontinuity points leads one to the question of ”almost
Gibbsian” [50], ”intuitively weakly Gibbsian” [14] and ”weakly Gibbsian” properties [50]. The
analysis of [21] and [49] extends, due to monotonicity and right-continuity properties, to prove
almost Gibbsianness of the transformed measures both with and without a field. This implies
as usual (see e.g. [50]) weak Gibbsianness with an a.s. convergent potential as the telescoping

one given in [53]. The latter possesses extra asymptotic properties such as a uniform poly-
nomial decay that should be weaker here. An interesting question would be to perform the
analysis of [51]) or [49] to get a.s. configuration-dependent correlation decays.

On the other hand, the phase transition results of [5] for the random field Dyson-Ising
model, similar to what happens in dimension 3 for the standard n.n. Ising model, strongly
indicate that an example of almost surely non-quasilocal transformed measure should be given
by the joint measure of this random-field Dyson-Ising model, similarly to the 3-dimensional
nearest-neighbour random-field Ising model, following the lines of analysis of [39]. This joint
measure then would lack the property of being almost Gibbs and presumably also would
violate the variational principle.
We have thus extended results which were known before for nearest-neigbour Ising models
to a class of long-range models of Dyson type. It turns out that the analogy between varying
the dimension and varying the decay parameter of the Dyson models also holds regarding
the non-Gibbsianness of various transformed measures, under decimation transformations. In
particular, it turns out that at sufficiently low temperatures the Gibbs measures of the zero-
field models, as well as the models in a weak magnetic field under decimation are mapped
to non-Gibbsian measures. We expect that, as in the nearest-neighbour case, the nature of
the transformation (decimation, average, majority rule, stochastic evolutions, factor maps...)
should not play that much of a role either but we have not pursued our investigations further in
this direction. The case of stochastic evolutions (in particular subjecting the Dyson measures
to an infinite-temperature evolution) could also be investigated, but may be fairly immediate.
For short times, the results of [47] imply Gibbsianness for a wide class of evolutions starting
from Gibbs measures with finite-range potentials, and the effects of the longer ranges of the
Dyson-Ising models should be be negligible, while non-Gibbsianness should follow from an
analysis more or less along the lines of [12], and the observations made above, that Dyson
models in weak periodic or random fields will have phase transitions at low temperatures,
should imply a Gibbs-non-Gibbs transition.
The fact that long-range models behave analogously to short-range models in higher dimen-
sions as regards their non-Gibbs property is in some sense to be expected. Indeed mean-field
models, which have an infinite-range character, show analogous behaviour, as do Kac models
which display a long range in a somewhat different fashion [40, 13, 41, 15, 18, 19]. In contrast
to the latter, the notion of non-Gibbsianness in the Dyson case is however the same as in the
short-range case, no adaptation in its definition is needed. Our proofs also go mostly along
the lines of the short-range case, with some modifications due the different proofs of Dyson
model phase transitions.
Another class of one-dimensional systems which has attracted a lot of attention over the
last years is the class of g-measures, see e.g. [1, 2, 20, 27]. In the presence of phase transi-
tions, it seems plausible that transforming them also will often map them to non-Gibbsian, cq
”non-g”-measures. In fact, although it is known that g-measures need not be Gibbs measures
[17, 29], it appears at this point not known if the Gibbs measures of the Dyson-Ising models
can be represented as g-measures.

On the other side of the Gibbs-non-Gibbs analysis, when the range of the interaction is
lower, i.e. for α > 2, or the temperature is too high, uniqueness holds, for all possible con-
straints and the transformed measures should be Gibbsian. Some standard high-temperature
results apply, which were already discussed in [11]. About these shorter-range models, (i.e.

long-range models with faster polynomial decay), Redig and Wang [53] have proved that
Gibbsianness was conserved, providing in some cases (α > 3) a decay of correlation for the
transformed potential. In our longer-range models, for intermediate temperatures (below the
transition temperature but above the transition temperature of the alternating-configuration-
constrained model) decimating both +- and −-measures should imply Gibbsianness, essen-
tially due to the arguments as proposed for short-range models in [34].

Acknowledgments: We thank S. Friedli and Y. Velenik for valuable remarks and advices,
and the referees for their criticisms and comments.

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