Unit 1 Vectors Questions With Answers @moeremedialproject

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Unit -2: Review and Summary of Vector

2.1 Scalar and Vector Quantity

❖ Physical quantity can be classified as basic and derived physical quantity.

❖ Basic (fundamental) physical quantities are mass, length, time, temperature, electric current, amount

substance, and luminous intensity.

❖ Basic -SI units are kilogram, meter, second, kelvin, Ampere, mole, candela.

❖ Physical quantity can also classify as vector and scalar physical quantity.

❖ Vector physical quantity have both magnitude and direction,

Examples: displacement, velocity, acceleration, force, momentum, impulse... it can have a negative

meaning in the opposite direction.

❖ Scalar physical quantity have only magnitude (dimension ),it can't be negative

❖ Vectors can be represented graphically and symbolically.

❖ Types of vectors are position vector, unit vector, collinear vector, coplanar vector, orthogonal vector.

❖ A unit vector is a vector that has a magnitude of one unit, and it is used to show the direction of a

given vector. Example : i , j ,k

❖ Collinear vectors are vectors that exist along the same line, and they may be parallel or opposite to

each other.

❖ Coplanar vectors are vectors that act on the same plan, and they may be parallel, opposite or

perpendicular to each other .

❖ Orthogonal vectors are vectors that are perpendicular to each other.

❖ Resolving a vector is the process of finding the components of a vector.

❖ Component of a vector is the projection of the vector on an axis.

❖ Vector addition is commutative and associative but vector subtraction is not commutative and


❖ Vectors can be added by geographical method and component method.

❖ The unit vector of a given vector can be determined by dividing the vector by itsmagnitude.

❖ The projection of vector-A onto vector -B is given byA.cos ፀ

❖ If two vectors are equal then they must have the same magnitude and the samedirection.

❖ Scalar (dot) product is the product of two vectors that gives a scalar. It is expressed by

A.B =|A||B|.cos ፀ= AxBx +AyBy +AzBz

❖ Properties of scalar product ; A.A=A2

, A.B =B.A , i.i= j.j = k.k=1, and i.j= j.k = k.i=0

❖ Vector (cross) product is the product of two vectors that gives another vector.

AxB =|A||B|sin ፀ.n = (AyBz-AzBy)i - (AxBz -AzBx) j +(AxBy -AyBx)k

❖ Properties of vector product are AxA=0 ,AxB= -BxA , ixi =jxj =kxk=0 , ixj=jxk=kxi=1

❖ The scalar product of two orthogonal vectors is always zero ,and the vector product of two collinear

vectors are always zero.


2.2 Topic Related Questions on Unit 2

I. Choose the best answer from the given alternative

1. Which one of the following is a vector physical quantity?

A) Momentum B) energy C) time D) temperature

Answer: A, momentum is a vector physical quantity

2. Which one is not a fundamental physical quantity?

A) mass B) time C) speed D) temperature

Answer: C , speed is derived physical quantity

3. Let A= mi +2j +k, and B= i +j +3k, what is the value of „m‟ such that A and B are orthogonal to

each other? A) -7 B)7 C)4 D)3

Answer: A, for orthogonal vectors , A.B= m+4+3=0, m= -7

4. At what angle between vector -A and B such that |A.B| =

|AxB|? A) 300 B) 450 C) 600 D) 900

Answer: B, AB cos ፀ = AB sin ፀ ,→ tan ፀ=1 , ፀ=450

5. Which one of the following is not correct?

A) A.A =A2 B) AxA =0 C) AxB =BxA D) A.B =B.A

Answer: C, cross product is not commutative.

6. Let A+2B =i -2j +2k, and 3A-B = 2i +3j -k, what is vector -A?

A) 5i +4j B) 1/7(5i +4j) C) 4i +5j D) 1/7(4i +5j)

Answer: B, since (A+2B) + (3A-B)= 1/7(5i +4j)

7. What is a vector perpendicular to both vector-A = 2i+3j -k, and B= i -2j +2k?

A) 4i +5j+ 7k B) 4i -5j -7k C) -4i -5j -7k D) 4i +4j -k

Answer: B, let C is a vector perpendicular to both vector -A and B then, C

= A x B = 4i-5j -7k

8. The sum and difference of two non- zero vectors -A and B are equal in magnitude .what can you

conclude about those two vectors?

A) A and B have the same direction B) A and B have oppositedirection

C) A and B are perpendicular to each other D) Vector -A greater thanvector-B

Answer: C, since |A+B| =|A-B|

, A2+B2+2ABcos ፀ =A2 +B2 - 2ABcos ፀ ; 4cos ፀ=0 , ፀ=900

9. If A = 8i +j -2k and B = 5i -3j +k ,then what is the value of AxB ?

A)3i +4j -3k B) -3i -4j+ 3k

C) -5i -18j -29k D) 5i +18j +29k

Answer: C, using determinant matrix

10. What is the unit vector of A =2i +2j +k?

A) 1/3(2i +2j+k) B) i+ j+ k C) 1/3( i +j+k) D) i -j-k

Answer: A, since Unit vector of A is given by vector,-A divided by its magnitude

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