Chapter 3 Oxidation Reduction
Chapter 3 Oxidation Reduction
Chapter 3 Oxidation Reduction
Oxidation – reduction reaction (abbreviated
“redox” reaction ) is a chemical reaction, in
which electrons are transferred between
reactants and the oxidation states of atoms are
Redox reaction involves:
o Oxidation: loss of electrons
Ox1 + e → Red1 ( S +2e → S2-)
Reducing agents: Substance that cause oxidation
by being oxidized
o Reduction: Gain of electrons
Red2 – e → Ox2 ( Fe –2e → Fe2+)
Oxidizing agents: Substance that cause oxidation
by being oxidized
Reduction and oxidation
• Oxidation and reduction always
occur simultaneously
• Redox couple is the pair of oxidizing
and reducing agents that are involved
in a particular reaction.
Reduction and oxidation potential of
substances depend on:
1. Electron configuration and oxidation state of
elements and ions. (Periodic table)
2 – Periodic trend of non- metal and metal
elements (Periodic trend of electronegativity)
3- Steady properties of substances.
4- Environment properties (acidic, basic or
Balancing Oxidation Reduction Equation
Rule 1:
• The total electrons gained in reduction equals
the total lost in oxidation.
− Step 1: assign oxidation numbers to all atoms
and identify which are oxidized/reduced.
− Step 2: write unbalanced equation in ionic form
and use coefficients to equalize.
− Step 3: add the balanced half reactions to show
an ionic overall equation.
− Step 4: balance the equation.
Al + CuSO4 → Al2(SO4)3 + Cu
Al -3e → Al+3 X2
Cu+2 + 2e → Cu X3
→2Al + 3Cu+2 = 2Al+3 + 3Cu
MnO4− + 5e + 8 H + → Mn +2 + 4 H 2O X2
NO2− − 2e + H 2O → NO3− + 2 H + X5
ClO 3− + 6e + 3H 2 O = Cl − + 6OH − X1
+3 −2
ClO + 2Cr + 10OH = Cl + 2CrO + 5 H 2O
− −
NO −2 − 2e + H 2 O = NO 3− + 2H + X3
-50 P As Sb Bi
Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn
+3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +6 +5 +5 +5 +2
Example 2:
Electron configuration of Cr3+ in Cr2O3 compound is (n-1)d3
↑ ↑ ↑
7/ d-block elements:
In a periodic, from left to right, the highest
oxidation state of elements become unstable
− Example 1: Investigate periodic 4: Ti(4), V(5),
Cr(6), Mn(7), Fe(8), Co(9), Ni(10), Cu(11) (the
number of electrons distributed on 3d and 4s
subshells are shown in ()).
TiO2++ 2H++e = Ti3+ +H2O, ϕo=0.1V,pH=0
VO43-+ 6H++2e = VO+ +3H2O, ϕo=1.26V,pH=0
Cr2O72-+ 14H++6e = 2Cr3++7H2O, ϕo=1.33V,pH=0
MnO4-+ 8H++5e = Mn2++4H2O, ϕo=1.51V,pH=0
− Compound of Fe+8 does not exist currently.
FeO4-+ 8H++3e = Fe3++4H2O, ϕo>1.9V,pH=0
− Compound of Co+8 does not exist, the highest
oxidation state of Co currently is +6. Compound of
Co3+ is the unique compounds of Co exist in
aqueous solution and can oxidize water.
Co3+ +e = Co2+, ϕo=1.84V,pH=0.
Similarly with Ni and Cu, Ni3+ ion cannot exist in
aqueous solution and stable oxidation state of Ni is
always +2.
Likewise, in normal conditions, the stable
oxidation states of Cu are +1, +2.
− Example 2: Investigate group IVB, based on redox
potential, Hf(+4) and Zr(+4) are more stable than
TiO2++ 2H++e = Ti3+ +H2O, ϕo=0.1V,pH=0
ZrO2++ 2H++4e = Zr↓ +H2O, ϕo=-1.5V,pH=0
HfO2++ 2H++4e = Hf↓ +H2O, ϕo=-1.7V,pH=0
− Example 3: Investigate group VIB, based on redox
potential, Mo(+6) and W(+6) are more stable than
Cr2O72-+ 14H++6e = 2Cr3+ +7H2O, ϕo=1.33V,pH=0
MoO22++e = MoO2+ ϕo=+0.48V
WO3(r)+ 2H++2e = W2O5(r) +H2O, ϕo=-0.03V,pH=0
8/ General rule:
− Elements, having intermediate oxidation states can play
roles as oxidizing agents to react with reducing agents
or reducing agents to react with oxidizing agents.
However, the specific properties of elements depend on
the stability of contiguous oxidation states.
− Example: The specific properties of Cl(+5)’s
compounds are oxidization because specific properties
of Cl(+7)’s compounds and Cl(0)’s compounds are
Investigate properties of S(+4): The specific properties
of S(+4) is reduction because of specific properties of
S(+6) (play role as reducing agent). Moreover, S(+4) is
a weak oxidizing agent because S(0) is a weak reducing
Specific oxidization’s properties comparing rule
Elements, having unstable oxidization state tend to stable
oxidization state. If higher oxidation state is stable than this
compound, it has reduction property. If lower oxidation state
is stable than this compound, it has oxidization property. If
both of higher and lower oxidation states are stable than this
compound, it has both reduction and oxidization property.
Example : Specific properties of H2S is reduction because
zero oxidation of Sulfur is more stable than –2 oxidization
Specific properties of HClO is oxidization because -1
oxidation state of Cl is stable.
Specific properties of Na2SO3 is oxidization and reduction
because stable oxidation states of S are +6 and +4.
Stability of compounds
o o o 2E1o + 4E o2
n1FE1 + n 2 FE 2 = n 3 FE 3 o
= E3
In Latimer Diagram
• The most highly oxidized form of the element is on the
left, with successively lower oxidation states to the right.
• The sign of the redox potential refers to the reaction as it
proceeds from left to right (clarified by arrows). The
numbers as written on the corresponding arrows are
standard redox potentials.
• In principle, the redox potentials decrease from left to
• Disproportionation occurs when the E0 value on right
side is more positive than that on left. (An intermediate
oxidation state will DISPROPORTIONATE, convert
to the more oxidized species to its right and the more
reduced species to its left)
Ex 1: Iron’s Latimer Diagram.
Reducing agent
• In non-standard condition, redox potential of 2H+/H2 at 25oC can be
calculated by using Nernst equation:
ϕ = ϕ° + 0,059/2.lg(pH2/[H+]2) = 0,0295lgpH2 – 0,059pH
Oxidizing property of water in different pH conditions are shown by
redox potential:
Acidic environment : (pH = 0)
2H+ + 2e H2 ϕ° = ± 0,000V
Basic environment: (pH =14)
2H2O + 2e H2 + 2OH- ϕ° = -0,83V
Neutral environment: (pH = 7)
2H2O + 2e H2 + 2OH- ϕ° = - 0,41V
Thus, compounds, having higher redox potential than that of water at
defined pH conditions is stable in aqueous solution.
Oxidizing agents
• In non-standard condition, redox potential of O2/H2O at 25oC
can be calculated by using Nernst equation:
ϕ = ϕ° + 0,059/4(lg[H+]4.po2/[H2O]2)
Reducing property of water in different pH conditions are
shown by redox potential:
Acidic environement: (pH = 0)
O2(k) + 4H+ + 4e 2H2O ϕ° = 1,23V
Basic environment: (pH = 14)
O2 (k) + 2H2O + 4e 4OH- ϕ° = 0,401V
Neutral environment (pH = 7):
O2(k) + 4H+ + 4e 2H2O ϕ° = 0,815V
So, compounds, having lower redox potential than that of
water at defined pH conditions is stable in aqueous solution.
(xem ví duï veà phaûn öùng vôùi nöôùc)
Comparing reacting ability of recovery phosphorus from
phosphorite mineral using sand SiO2 and without using
List of enthalpy and entropy of substances at 25 0C
C P4
Ca3(PO4)2 SiO2 CaSiO3 CO CaO
-4105 0 -912 -1635 -110 0 -635
+241 +6 +41 +82 +198 +164 +43
Reaction (without using sand) :
2Ca3(PO4)2 + 10C = 6CaO + 10CO + P4
∆Η0,298 (kJ/) = (-3810 – 1100 + 0) – (0 – 8210) = 3300 kJ
∆S0298 (J/K) = (258 + 1980 + 164 ) – ( 60 + 482) = 1860J/K
∆G0, 1773 = ∆Η0298 - 1773 x ∆S0298 = 2,22 kJ
Reaction (using sand):
2Ca3(PO4)2 + 10C + 6SiO2 = 6CaSiO3 + 10CO + P4
∆Η0298 (kJ/) = (-9810 – 1100 + 0) – ( -5472 + 0 – 8210) =
2772 kJ
∆S0298 (J/K) = (492 + 1980 + 164 ) – ( 246 + 60 + 482) =
1848 J/K
∆G01773 = ∆Η0298 - 1773 x ∆S0298 = -504,5 kJ
Note: Recovery reaction occurs more easily when using
sand because, sand plays a role as acid, which increases
oxidizing ability of phosphorite (back)
Ex: Which substances are stable in aqueous solution
(without air) :
CoCl3, CrSO4, FeCl3 , KMnO4, Na2SO3.
These substances solute easily in water.
Standard redox potential of these substances in
acidic environment: